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The aim of this study is to highlight the role of technology-based instructional intervention in enhancing the composing competence of struggling student writers at Majma'ah University (MU) in Saudi Arabia. Such instructional choice... more
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A rubric template for grading beginner Spanish-language learners on oral presentations, based on the Communicative Teaching Approach and Methods.
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      Spanish as a Foreign LanguageTeaching Spanish as a Foreign LanguageRubricsCommunicative Language Teaching
Rúbrica de evaluación de anteproyecto en el área de la educación
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This paper offers an account of a pilot investigation into students' and supervisors' understanding and interpretation of university-wide guidelines and criteria for theses in engineering education. The university-wide criteria present... more
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      Engineering EducationRubrics
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This article outlines and discusses the rationale for and implementation of an integrated approach to assessment designed for 3rd year EFL students of the degree in Translation any and Interpreting at the Universidad Pablo de Olavide. Our... more
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      Teaching English As A Foreign LanguageRubricsIntegrating the four skills in language teaching
Recently in this journal, Linda Farmer explained her use of a "grading grid" to aid in the grading of argumentative philosophy papers. 1 It is interesting to note that there is actually a growing body of literature on the use of both... more
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The aim of this study was to compare the effects of co-creating rubrics against just using rubrics. By co-creating rubrics, the students might have the opportunity to better internalize them and have a voice in the assessment criteria.... more
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      Self-EfficacySelf-regulationRubricsSelf Assessment
This experimental project investigated the reliability and validity of rubrics in assessment of students' written responses to a social science "writing prompt". The participants were asked to grade one of the two samples of writing... more
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      Social SciencesLinguisticsAssessing WritingGrading
We present a new instrument for the evaluation of the reflective narratives of university students. We describe the process of construction of the rubric (elements, indicators and levels). The results of a validation process that used the... more
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      Reflective PracticeHigher EducationReflective practice in educationReflective Teaching
con tecnologías digitales 1 Congreso Iberoamericano de aprendizaje mediado por tecnología Aprendizaje y mediación pedagógica con tecnologías digitales Coordinador: José Antonio Jerónimo Montes [ primera edición 2012 ] [ ISBN... more
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      Quality assurance in Higher EducationCalidad de la Educación y Educación InformalRubrics
This file contains a table that compares five course rubrics that are available to help guide course design. The goal was to identify what the common categories were across these rubrics as well as to document some of the details... more
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      EducationInstructional DesignEducational TechnologyTeacher Education
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      Science EducationAssessmentEvaluationRubrics
Laboratory and practical work are characteristic features of an undergraduate degree program in any engineering discipline. Trying to incorporate practical work successfully in to the engineering curriculum can present a number of... more
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      AssessmentPeer AssessmentPeer learningLearning Management Systems
La investigación en Motivación y Emoción. Contribuciones de jóvenes investigadores en formación -120-Efectos de rúbricas y guiones de autoevaluación en la autorregulación, aprendizaje, auto-eficacia y motivación en estudiantes de... more
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      Self-regulated LearningRubricsRubricas
Teachers often use rubrics with a familiar understanding of generating standardised evidence of learning. With this preconceived notion, teachers restrict the potential of their classrooms in promoting students' problem-solving,... more
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      EducationTeacher EducationAssessmentRubrics
Rúbrica que presenta indicadores de evaluación de una anteproyecto de investigación en el área contable.
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      RubricsContabilidadAnteproyecto De Tesis
A significant proportion of students entering international colleges in Thailand lack both the English language skills and critical thinking skills necessary for them to succeed in higher education. The ability to think critically has... more
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      EducationEnglish for Specific PurposesEnglish for Academic PurposesTeaching English as a Second Language
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      AnthropologyBook ReviewsRubricsStudent Grading and Assessment
Two approaches to self-assessment are optimal, because they include the assessment criteria: rubrics and scripts. The aim of this study is to compare the effect of rubrics and scripts on self-regulation, performance and self-efficacy. A... more
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      Formative AssessmentSelf-EfficacyMetacognitionSelf Regulation
Este artículo es producto de la investigación "Definición de criterios comunes para la evaluación de la competencia comunicativa en programas de inglés como lengua extranjera" inscrito en el Sistema Resumen En este artículo se sustenta la... more
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      Learner AutonomyLanguage Testing and AssessmentRubricsTeacher Autonomy
Habiendo constatado que a los alumnos universitarios les cuesta integrar los conocimientos disciplinarios en el estudio de fenómenos económicos, se ha visto la necesidad de desarrollar, en su currículo formativo, aproximaciones... more
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      Assessment in Higher EducationCooperative LearningRubricsInnovative Teaching and Learning
El uso de e-rúbricas para la evaluación de competencias en estudiantes universitarios. Estudio sobre fiabilidad del instrumento.
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      Assessment in Higher EducationRubrics
This study aims to analyze the reliability of the internal consistency of a rubric proposal to evaluate an undergraduate university course activity. The analysis is carried out within a model of training and competency assessment. The... more
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      Higher EducationFinancial AccountingPerformance Based Assessment (Education)Rubrics
Existen distintos aspectos que se pueden evaluar en la fluidez comunicativa oral. La rúbrica que se propone es una adaptación de los indicadores propuestos por DELE.
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      RubricsOral Fluency
L'évaluation des apprentissages s'impose aux enseignants, sans qu'ils soient préalablement formés pour la réaliser (Vial, 2009). D'ailleurs certains auteurs soulignent que les enseignants ont beaucoup de difficulté pour interpréter la... more
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The completion of a final year project in the Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology, University of Putra Malaysia remarks the accomplishment of a bachelor candidate in his bachelor programme. The impact bore by the... more
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As academic institutions progress towards incorporating various methods of e-learning in their curriculum, one of the primary systems which are being implemented in universities is a Learning Management System (LMS). There are several... more
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      Learning Management SystemsRubricsLikert Scales
Using rubrics in foreign language teaching has become a popular procedure among academics around the world. Rubrics are useful tools to improve educational in-class processes, as well as, to assess students' learning outcomes. This study... more
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      AssessmentAcademic PerformanceEnglish as a Foreign Language (EFL)Rubrics
Rúbrica para evaluar ensayos académicos.
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This presentation gives a general overview of different types of informal and formal assessments that can be used to assess the oral language development, literacy and writing of English language learners. It was intended for an audience... more
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      TESOLOral/ speaking skills in English languageRubricsReading and ELLs
In recent years, teachers at the Bunkyo English Communication Centre (BECC) have been involved in a project basing materials and courses around the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). Working with standardized... more
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      AssessmentFeedback (Education)Teaching English As A Foreign LanguageRubrics
This research paper aims to develop a system for grading textbooks-Q-Skills for Success (Listening and Speaking) (4+5)  according to survey from 2 and 3 years students in Open University.
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      RubricsTextbook AnalysisEvaluation and Analysis of Textbooks
Rubrics are evaluative tools that can increase students' understanding of expectations for an assignment and how it is graded. A rubric contains dimensions that identify levels of performance and criteria on which those dimensions are... more
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Rubrics provides standardization in evaluation by specifying guidelines to assign marks according to predetermined evaluation criteria. Rubrics-based evaluation for final year project in computer science has typically focused on the... more
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Outcome-Based Education (OBE) model is being adopted at a fast pace at Engineering colleges in India at the moment. It is considered as a giant leap forward to improve technical education in India and help Indian Engineers compete with... more
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      GradingRubricsCuadernos de investigación
‘Rubric’ is a term with a variety of meanings. As the use of rubrics has increased both in research and practice, the term has come to represent divergent practices. These range from secret scoring sheets held by teachers to holistic... more
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      Teaching and LearningScholarship of Teaching and LearningAssessmentHigher Education
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      Performance StudiesMotivation (Psychology)Performance MeasurementPerformance
The mainstream research on scoring rubrics has emphasized the summative aspect of assessment. In recent years, the use of rubrics for formative purposes has gained more attention. This research has, however, not been conclusive. The aim... more
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      Self-regulated LearningMeta-Analysis and Systematic ReviewSelf RegulationSelf-Regulated Learning (Education)
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      Research MethodologySupervisionRubricsChecklist
Según el Rodríguez (2010), la Unidad Didáctica es una herramienta clave para promover el desarrollo de las competencias básicas con cada grupo de alumnos/as, de acuerdo a lo establecido en los documentos de mayor generalidad contenidos en... more
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      RubricsDiseño De Unidades DidácticasRúbricas
This graduate thesis deals with designing criteria to assess speaking skills. The first section, serving as a theoretical basis for the subsequent research, presents readers with the reasons for selecting this topic and explains the... more
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      AssessmentRubricsSpeakingCreating rubrics
This action research Project aims to describe the effects of implementing a rubric as a self- assessment tool for Error Analysis on EFL A1-A2 Students’ Written Compositions. Likewise, it describes what the most common errors in students’... more
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      Teaching English as a Second LanguageAssessmentFormative AssessmentSelf-Efficacy
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      AssessmentLiteratureMethodologyElementary Education
Getting Eucharistic Bread at Holy Liturgy: between dignity and humbleness. Defending the proper understanding of the theological meaning of a liturgical gesture. Starting from some changings of rubrics in the last edition of the... more
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Assessing the quality of student efforts and products is a continual necessity for academics and practitioners in technical communication; however, the process of constructing valid and reliable rubrics remains an underexplored topic in... more
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      AssessmentMethods (Technical Communication)Rubrics
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      WritingK-12 writing instructionWriting AssessmentRubrics
Rubrics are assessment instruments designed to assist in identifying and evaluating qualitative differences in student performance. Research into scoring rubrics has shown that they can serve two purposes: (1) aid assessors in achieving... more
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      Formative AssessmentRubricsAssessment for learningSelf Assessment