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This study examines the rediscovery of M. F. L. Macadam’s unpublished notes on Egyptian funerary cones, stored in the Sudan Library. By analyzing 958 pages of handwritten materials, it identifies new funerary cones, corrects errors in the... more
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      EgyptologyEgyptian ArchaeologyFunerary conesUnpublished Manuscript
Horus (/hɔːrəs/), [c] also known as Heru, Har, Her, or Hor (/hɔːr/) [d][6] in Ancient Egyptian, is one of the most significant ancient Egyptian deities who served many functions, most notably as the god of kingship, healing, protection,... more
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Cet article a été élaboré dans le cadre du Jubilé de l’Ordre des Pères Mékhitaristes, 1717-2017, cf. Maxime K. Yevadian avec Mgr Zekiyan Levon et Outtier Bernard, Jubilé de l’Ordre des Pères Mékhitaristes, Tricentenaire de la Maison mère,... more
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      Armenian StudiesArmenian HistoryClassical ArmenianArmenian Culture
“In this notebook I am recalling what I have been told and what I remember from my childhood. I am recalling political and religious events, from the time that I started remembering events until now. My name is Anthony Boinodiris and... more
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    • Historical Research
This volume, the fourth in the series, was prepared by Sven Rubenson with Amsalu Aklilu and myself as co-editors, but owing to health issues publication was delayed, and when Sven Rubenson passed away in 2013 the material was left in an... more
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    • Colonialism
The last quarter of the 19 th century was a period of dramatic political and historical importance took place in Ethiopian historiography; the process of the making modern Ethiopian empire and an attempt of external aggression. Thus, this... more
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Abun -‗bishop', the highest ecclesiastical title of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church; Abuna, used as a proper noun, as Abuna Pawulos etc Afä negus -‗mouth of the king', the supreme judge under the king Agafari -superintendent of banquets... more
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      GeographySocioeconomicsLand tenureImpoverishment
The decipherment of the hieroglyphic script in 1822 marked a fundamental change in the views on ancient Egypt and due to the scientific research the knowledge on the subject substantially increased ever since. Despite the wide... more
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      Literary TraditionEthiopian HistoryJim Crow
Lisovskaya T.V. Dichotomy "Friend-Foe" in interfaith relationsВ статье анализируются межконфессиональные отношения в посредством матрицы «Свой - Чужой», факторы и особенности межконфессионального диалога на примере... more
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The background and aim of the series Acta Aethiopica was explained by Sven Rubenson, the editor of the series, in the pre face and introduc tion to the first volume, Correspondence and Treaties 1800-1854, published by Addis Ababa... more
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    • Colonialism
The background and aim of the series Acta Aethiopica was explained by Sven Rubenson, the editor of the series, in the pre face and introduc tion to the first volume, Correspondence and Treaties 1800-1854, published by Addis Ababa... more
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    • Colonialism
The abstracts (in two languages) can be found in the pdf file of the article. Original author name(s) and title in Russian and Lithuanian: В. Мацкявичюс. Об оптимальной остановке марковской цепи с переоценкой V. Mackevičius. Apie Markovo... more
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      Pure MathematicsOptimal StoppingDiscountingMarkov chain
1. Einleitung ………………………………………..….............................… 1 2. Der königliche und himmlische Charakter der Kronen . 2 3. Das Auge des Horus ……………………………..…....................…. 2 4. Die Gleichheit von Auge und weißer Krone... more
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      Middle Kingdom necropoleis (Egyptology)New Kingdom (Egyptology)Pyramid Texts, Coffin Texts, Book of the DeadAmun-Re
1. Introduction ……………………………………… 1 2. The royal and celestial character of the crowns …. 2 3. The Eye of Horus ………………………………… 2 4. The equation of Eye and White Crown ………….. 3 5. The knife and the moon god ……………………... 4 6. Celestial... more
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      Middle Kingdom necropoleis (Egyptology)New Kingdom (Egyptology)Pyramid Texts, Coffin Texts, Book of the DeadAmun-Re
Daniel Alt, "Sanctus episcopus". Das Bischofsideal von früh-und hochmittelalterlichen Bischofsviten im Spannungsfeld von Anspruch und Wirklichkeit, Herne 2013, Gabriele Schäfer Verlag, ss. 454, Studien zur Kirchengeschichte und Theologie,... more
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      HistoryInformationAcademic HistoryAcademic News
It is shown by meticulous pattern analysis that there are, theoretically, good reasons for the assumption that the receptacular bracts in Carlina can be taken as residuals of a more complex inflorescence (syncephalium) which has been... more
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      Plant BiologyBiologyFlora
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Die fürstliche Grablege unter dem Chor des Stephansdoms ist heute fixer Bestandteil jeder Führung durch die sogenannten Katakomben von St. Stephan. Doch das entspricht in keiner Weise den ursprünglichen Intentionen, denn der ansehnlich... more
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    • Historical Studies
Distribution électronique pour Association d'études sur la Renaissance, l'Humanisme et la Réforme. Distribution électronique pour Association d'études sur la Renaissance, l'Humanisme et la Réforme. La reproduction ou... more
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      Relics (Religion)French KingshipCrownsRoyal Crowns
Historical relations between Turkey and Ethiopia have received very little attention from the 1920's to 1991, because Turkey was moving away from its Ottoman heritage in this period. During this period, there is not enough literature on... more
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      RhetoricOvid Metamorphoses
“Liturgy and Kingship at the Sainte Chapelle.” In Political Liturgies in the European Middle Ages: Beyond the legacy of Ernst H. Kantorowicz. Edited by Joanna Dale, Pawel Figurski, and Pieter Byttebier. Turhout: Brepols, 2022, 277-295.
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      LiturgyKingship (Medieval History)Relics (Religion)Medieval Paris
Helena war beinahe 80 Jahre alt, als sie sich zu einer Pilgerreise nach Jerusalem aufmachte. Die Geschichte der Heiligen Helena und ihres Sohnes Konstantin steckt voller Dramatik und Spannung. Beide prägten das Christentum in Europa – bis... more
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      ConstantineAncient RomeJesus ChristSt Helena
A középkori esztergomi székesegyház romjai nagy részének lebontása után, 1768–1771 között kisebb barokk templom épült az esztergomi Várhegyen. A Szent István király-templomot Mária Terézia királynő építtette Franz Anton Hillebrandt tervei... more
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      Art HistoryBaroque art and architectureIconography and IconologyDistillation Towers
En el siglo XVII, las insignias de poder asociadas al monarca adquirieron una gran importancia al ser consideradas por los tratadistas como figuras retóricas y visuales para exponer complejos conceptos políticos, sociales y religiosos,... more
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      RitualMonarchySpanish MonarchyFelipe IV
According to Ammianus Marcellinus, the battle headgear of Šāpūr II was decorated with ram's horns. This information corresponds to original Persian iconographic sources. Ram's horns as sacral royal regalia first appeared in Iran... more
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Religiös, fundamentalistisch begründete Gewalt hat es in verschiedenen Kulturkreisen, auch im christlichen Abendland, und nicht nur vereinzelt gegeben. In meinem heutigen Bericht über ein mittelalterliches Beispiel geht es um... more
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      PhilosophyPolitical ScienceDe Gruyter
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esame delle ricorrenze testuali e delle iconografie sugli emblemi del potere (corona, diadema, tiara, ghirlanda) negli imperi achemenide, partico e sassanide
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      Iranian StudiesSassanian PersiaAchaemenid Art and ArchaeologyArchaeology of Central Asia in Parthian, Kushan and Sasanian times
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      MedievalismContemporary MedievalismPoliticsCentral Europe
Egyptian crowns and headdresses have been essential in composing royal imagery throughout history. Egyptian pharaohs used various crowns for different purposes; some were used to show authority, while others were used for religious or... more
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      Ancient Egyptian IconographyAncient Egyptian Art and ArchaeologyCrownsRoyal Crowns
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As part of any history of lines, in which a concern with architecture and the art works, come to be pulled through the relationship of geometry and philosophy that predominates in any discussion of the line. The question of appearance can... more
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who gave us the opportunity to discover and publish these documents.
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El artículo aborda el tema del mecenazgo civil en el ámbito de la platería en Extremadura a través de obras como la arqueta de las reliquias de finales del siglo XVI de la iglesia de Berzocana, el Lignum Crucis de la I Duquesa de Feria... more
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      HumanitiesPatronage and ClientageCoronaRoyal Crowns
The Hungarian estates led by Stephen Bocskai wanted to justify their revolt against the AntiProtestant measures and the centralizing policy of Emperor Rudolf II's government in several documents addressing international audiences.... more
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scheiden einflossen. Methodisch überaus interessant ist der Beitrag von Felix K. Maier, der die Entscheidung Kaiser Julians, 362 gegen die Perser zu ziehen, mit Hilfe der prospect theory erklärt und dabei die Grenzen der rationalen... more
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      Late AntiquityVisigothic SpainMedieval SpainAncient History of the Iberian Peninsula/Hispania
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Seit längerem stellt sich mir die Frage, ob die in ihren wesentlichen Teilen bis weit ins Mittelalter hinein wirksame Herrscherauffassung Isidors von Sevilla, die natürlich mit anderen frühen "Fürstenspiegeln" zusammenhängt, neben... more
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    • Visigodos
Based on available written and local oral sources, this article revisits the political and socioeconomic scene of the city of Dessie, South Wollo, Ethiopia, after the Battle of Segelle. The main objective of this historical study is thus... more
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The main purpose of this paper is to reconstruct the political biography of Kibur i Ato ii Haddis Alemayehu who was one of the senior officials of Ethiopia during the reign of Emperor Haile Selassie I and the author of the most... more
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This presentation provides a comprehensive synopsis of Parthian military architecture from the early establishment of the Arsacids in c. 250 BCE to the latter days of the dynasty in the early 3rd century CE. The historical background of... more
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      25th Dynasty (Egyptology)Egyptian KingshipTaharqaRoyal Crowns
Warburgs Geltung -Mehr noch als frühere Jahrhunderte scheint das jetzt zu Ende gehende mit einer merkwürdigen Ehrfurcht auf die beiden Jahrzehnte seines Beginns zurückzublicken, als seien in den Umbrüchen der Jahrhundertwende... more
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    • Art
he e s sh hr ri in ne e o of f N Na aǧ ǧā āš šī ī 1 1 A Aṣ ṣḥ ḥa am m b b.. A Ab bǧ ǧa ar r a an nd d t th he e t to om mb bs s o of f t th he e c co om mp pa an ni io on ns s o of f M Mu uḥ ḥa am mm ma ad d ((N Nä äg ga aš š, , E Et th... more
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