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A brand new guidebook to the Crown Jewels at the Tower of London
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      GoldsmitheryQueen VictoriaCoronationsRoyal Crowns
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      Early modern Ottoman HistoryEarly Modern Hungarian HistoryRoyal CrownsBocskai
in: Coppens, Filip; Janák, Jiří; Vymazalová, Hana (eds), 7th Symposium on Egyptian Royal Ideology: Royal versus Divine Authority, Acquisition, Legitimization and Renewal of Power. Prague, June 26-28, 2013 (KSG 4.4), WIesbaden (2015),... more
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      Cultural SemioticsKingship (Egyptology)Ancient Egyptian IconographyOstrich
According to Ammianus Marcellinus, the battle headgear of Šāpūr II was decorated with ram’s horns. This information corresponds to original Persian iconographic sources. Ram’s horns as sacral royal regalia first appeared in Iran after the... more
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      Military HistoryIranian StudiesIranian HistorySasanian History
This paper is a summary of new research results on the obscure period of government under the uncrowned Emperor of Ethiopia, lij Iyasu, who was acting head of the state from late 1909 to 1916 (not from 1913 to 1916 as modern history books... more
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      Ethiopian StudiesAfrican HistoryOromo historyWorld War I
A summary of types, uses and geographical distribution of, as well as sources for, Egyptian royal and divine crowns, for the forthcoming publication: Chr Uehliger (et al.) (eds), Iconography of Deities and Demons in the Biblical World... more
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      IconographyKingship and systems of ruleKingship (Egyptology)Ancient Egyptian Iconography
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      Medieval StudiesMedieval HungaryArpadian AgeCoronations
This paper presents a hitherto unknown photograph of the newly crowned nigus Mikael, the father of the then young ruler of Ethiopia, lij Iyasu. It shows the new king in the moment when he became the ruler of the most important northern... more
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      HistoryDiplomatic HistoryEthiopian StudiesIslam
The program including title of paper and power point slides presented during the "23rd International Congress of Byzantine Studies" on 28th of August 2016, p.37. The Congress was organised by Organized by The Serbian National Committee of... more
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      IconographyByzantine ArchaeologyKingship and systems of ruleRitual Theory
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      Nubian-Egyptian RelationsMeroitic StudiesNubian studiesMeroitic Language
Le couronnement du negus Mika'él en mai 1914, devenant roi du Wàllo et du Tegray, marque un transfert dramatique de pouvoir du centre choan vers le Wällo, ancienne périphérie, et d'autres régions comme le Tegray. Répondant à un débat sur... more
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      Ethiopian StudiesAfrican HistoryHistory of photographySeals
This article re-examines József Deér’s claim that the crown uncovered in the tomb of Constance of Aragon (d. 1222) was originally her husband’s. His argument is based entirely on the shape of the crown itself, and ignores the context of... more
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      Gender StudiesMedieval HistoryWomen's HistoryMedieval Studies
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      Egyptian Art and ArchaeologyAncient NubiaEgypt and NubiaTemples
ISBN 978 1 905739 97 4 ISBN 978 1 905739 98 1 (ePdf) © Archaeopress and A Torno Ginnasi 2014 Cover image: Mosca, Museo Statale Puškin, tavoletta in avorio: incoronazione di Costantino VII da parte di Cristo.
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      Late Antique and Byzantine StudiesByzantine StudiesByzantine HistoryByzantine Iconography
Most previous studies about the atef-crown (Atf) relate it with the Egyptian god Osiris. They also identify its central part with the White Crown or with the headdress of the mww-dancers. A new analysis of the available evidence for the... more
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      Ancient Egyptian ReligionEgyptologyReOld Kingdom (Egyptology)
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval StudiesRitualKingship (Medieval History)
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      25th Dynasty (Egyptology)Egyptian KingshipTaharqaRoyal Crowns
Ever since David Stuart's decipherment of the hand-holding-celt sign as K’AL in the 1990s, epigraphers have grappled with the semantics of the /k’al/ verb. Coupled with Stuart and Houston's demonstrations that the BAAH ‘gopher’ sign often... more
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      Writing Systems & DeciphermentEpigraphy (Archaeology)Classic Maya (Archaeology)Writing systems
Royal Crown, sword and scabbard belonging to Sancho IV of Castile (1258-1295) [Catalogue entries. Exhibition: La lección del Tiempo. Museo Santa Cruz. Toledo]
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      Arms and Armor StudiesMedieval jewellerySancho IVRoyal Crowns
The aim of this paper is to turn the reader’s attention on the problem of Nubian kings’ regalia, especially the sceptres topped by the figures of Christ. The images of such sceptres were discovered in Chapels II and III of the Upper... more
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      ArchaeologyIconographyLate Antique and Byzantine StudiesKingship (Medieval History)
Статья посвящена выявлению культурно-исторических и политико-идеологических истоков традиции использования в сасанидском Иране рогов барана в качестве сакрального атрибута царской власти. Впервые рога барана в этом качестве появляются в... more
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      Sociology of CultureIranian StudiesAlexander the GreatSymbolism (Religion)
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      IconographyEgyptian Art and ArchaeologyTextilesNubia
Determining what the psalter illustrations of medieval Ethiopia—especially the David and Solomon portraits in the Juel-Jensen Psalter—have in common with other traditions helps to single out what makes them unique and shows that they were... more
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      PaintingEthiopiaMedieval ArtIndian Art
Das goldene Zeitalter der Stadt Ödenburg fällt auf das 17. Jahrhundert. Von den überregionalen und aus europäischer Sicht wichtigen Ereignissen der Po¬¬litikgeschichte dieses Jahrhunderts wissen wir aber noch immer nur wenig. Dieser Band... more
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      HistoryEastern European historyPolitical HistorySocial History
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      Relics (Religion)ConstantinopleConstantineAmbrose of Milan
In: International Conference: Alfaro, C.; Ortiz, J.; Antón, M. (eds.): Tiarae, diadems and headdresses in the Ancient Mediterranean Cultures: Symbolism and Technology, 11-13 November 2011, Valencia, Spain. Monografías del SEMA de Valencia... more
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      Byzantine ArchaeologyInterdisciplinary StudiesRoyal Crowns
In twentieth-century research on Nubian painting, a crown with horns was recognized as an attribute of eparchs. However, the new discoveries in Banganarti seem to prove, that a crown with horns was an attribute of Nubian kings, rather... more
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      NubiaIconography and IconologyByzantine artSacred and divine kingship
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      Art HistoryJewellery (Craft Knowledge)GoldsmitheryGoldsmiths
When Paul and Frederica, the royal couple of Greece, announced in Switzerland theengagement of their eldest daughter, princess Sophia, with Juan Carlos, prince ofAsturias of Spain (September 12, 1961), no one could imagine the political... more
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      Parliamentary StudiesRoyal Crowns
This paper examines the material culture of Queen Gertrude of Meran (d. 1213), wife of Andrew II of Hungary (r. 1205-1235) for a volume published 800 years after her brutal murder.
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      Material Culture StudiesMedieval WomenNumismaticsQueenship (Medieval History)
Revision of 2010 guidebook, following the re-presentation of the Crown Jewels at the Tower of London, which I curated, in 2012 for the Diamond Jubilee.
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      CoronationsRoyal CrownsThe Tower of LondonCrown Jewels
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      Friedrich Christian, Crown Prince of Saxony (1722-63)Royal CrownsQueen Elizabeth IIKate Middleton
Hungarian Historical Review 10, no. 2 (2021): 395–397.
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      Medieval HistoryEarly Modern HistoryPower (social)Central European history
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      Egyptian Ritual TextsAncient Egyptian IconographyRoyal CrownsEgyptian Crowns
Il volume, curato da Sara Paci Piccolo e Alessio Francesco Palmieri Marinoni, esplora i molti significati delle corone delle castellane del Palio di Legnano. Solo le castellane indossano una corona nel corteo - con più di mille figuranti,... more
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      Theatre StudiesHistory of CostumeCostume and Identity in FIlmHistory of Art
recording of public evening lecture on 27/4/2012 HRP Curator Sally Dixon-Smith explores the significance of the Koh-i-Nûr diamond. Harbinder Singh discusses the diamond’s place in Indian history, specifically focusing on the Sikh... more
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      JewelleryQueen VictoriaDiamondsCoronations
Nach über einem Jahrzehnt akribischer Forschungsarbeit durch die Autorinnen und Autoren -allen voran Christine Ochsner -, der umsichtigen Betreuung durch die Herausgeber und der mit grossem Sachverstand ausgeführten Fertigstellung durch... more
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      Medieval Art HistoryBaselHabsburgHabsburg Monarchy
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      Byzantine StudiesRomanesque ArtMedieval ArtRomanesque Wall Painting
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      Russian StudiesRussian HistoryMedieval HungaryCrowns
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      Late Antique and Byzantine StudiesByzantine StudiesByzantine HistoryMedieval illuminated manuscripts
Felieton przypomina mało znany fakt historyczny, że jeszcze przed rozbiorem Polski wojska pruskie, zwalczające powstańców dowodzonych przez Tadeusza Kościuszkę, zajęły Kraków i okradły skarbiec królewski na Wawelu, zabierając między... more
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      Historyhistory of PolandRoyal CrownsHistory of Krakow
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      Cypriot ArchaeologyArchaeology of CyprusRoyal Crowns
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      European HistoryModern HistoryHuman EvolutionEarly Modern History
A conquest of a kingdom often ends with capture of regalia. This was the fate of Welsh regalia after it was finally annexed by Edward I in 1284. However the crown of Llywelyn on getting into Edwards possession got a new history and new... more
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      Arthurian StudiesWelsh HistoryEdward I of England (1272-1307)King Arthur Pendragon
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      Ptolemaic Egyptian HistoryPtolemaic (Egyptology)Ptolemaic EgyptIconicity
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      ArtNubian-Egyptian RelationsMeroitic StudiesNubian studies
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      European HistoryEarly Modern HistoryPortuguese HistoryEarly Modern Portuguese History