Rosi Braidotti
Recent papers in Rosi Braidotti
This practice-based doctoral research explores the nature of the feral, as manifested in an object-based installation practice of contemporary art that scavenges - physically, socially and metaphorically - in the gap between defined... more
This paper examines a variety of cyborg figures in science fiction and art, and investigates how these posthuman subject’s perceptual capacities are altered through their “cyborging,” how this might lead to greater intersubjective... more
Thinking posthumanly – from a post-Enlightenment, critical, new materialist perspective – things, including concepts, become more permeable and topological – they leak and stretch. Freed from limiting notions of agency, things behave.... more
La tesi presenta inizialmente il pensiero di Jacques Derrida sull'animalità. Il tema affrontato è la sovranità dell'uomo sul resto dei viventi, in particolare nei riguardi della discriminazione dell'animalità. Nei capitoli a seguire si... more
I call the living I mourn the dead I break the lightning A transposition indicates an intertextual, cross-boundary, or transversal transfer, in the sense of a leap from onecode, field or axis into another, not merely in the quantitative... more
Political responses to 9/11 have bolstered an approach to ethics that gives priority to the translation of abstract principles into concrete dilemmas, rather than one that sees ethics as a transient encounter. Yet both politics and ethics... more
Ein Brückenschlag zwischen Posthumanismus und Philosophischer Anthropologie Oh Voltaire! Oh Humanität! Oh Blödsinn! (Nietzsche 1999 [1886], 54) Seit ihrer umfassenden Neubestimmung in der Philosophischen Anthropolo gie der... more
ENGLISH: The recent triumph of Conchita Wurst –a transgender artist who, acting as Austria’s representative, won the 2014 edition of the singing contest Eurovision –allows us to test Deleuze and Guattari’s concepts of desire as a... more
How does the human experience generate posthuman forms of existence, and how do human, non-human and posthuman coexist? When does the intra-action between human behaviour,
Most contemporary scholarly work on posthumanism and transhumanism rests on the idea that both perspectives are part of an ontological continuum. This article, however, acknowledges and explores the differences between them. In order to... more
The ideas embedded in Enlightenment concepts of subjectivity, understood as a coherent and rational identity, have established a universal perspective for a long time. Today, this outlook is being questioned by the experience of... more
This thesis is a result of the one-year master programme in Photography at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts in Antwerp. I chose my research subject deeply inspired by the work of Geert Goiris, my professor of photography, and the... more
This article shows how Elena Ferrante, in the second part of Storia della bambina perduta, deconstructs the traditionally author/reader dichotomy, where the two opposite entities interact according to a «narrative pact» based on the... more
Let us imagine how we might begin to react when we live in a world where consciousnesses spring into existence fully formed and greet us with a bounding "Hello, I'm here!" This is the stage of the film Her (2013). More than that, let us... more
Z zainteresowaniem przeczytałam w „Widoku” recenzję Andrzeja Marca "Nekros. ONtologia martwego (męskiego) ciała". Wzbudziła je nie tyle jej wartość merytoryczna, ile światopoglądowy charakter. Recenzent, zarzucając mi postawę zachowawczą... more
The study analyses the changing construction of femininities and feminine sexuality in interpretations of the goddess Babalon, a central deity in Aleister Crowley’s (1875–1947) esoteric religion Thelema. Femininity has occupied a... more
Slides di presentazione presso la Scuola Superiore di Catania. Talk dedicata allo Human Enhancement in relazione alle teorie Post e Transumaniste.
Introduction Uncompromising and undaunted, Regina José Galindo fights for her and others’ freedom through art. She exposes her fragile, female body, its psychophysical condition, to threat and humiliation so as to shake up the... more
Lei parla a più riprese di «amore per zoe» e della necessità di andare oltre i confini di specie. Quindi, se intendiamo bene, dovremmo guardare alla "specie" come a una sorta di costrutto artificiale? Dobbiamo sottoporre la "specie" alla... more
Jak myśleć o życiu i śmierci, o utracie i nadziei w postapokaliptycznym i posttraumatycznym świecie? Jak nie tracąc z oczu globalnych i planetarnych wyzwań „naszego dzisiaj”, móc myśleć także o materialnych, konkretnych, usytuowanych,... more
Reseña/ Review: FERRANDO, FRANCESCA Philosophical Post-humanism, Londres: Bloomsbury, 2019, 272 pp.
Jesienią tego roku na polskim rynku, za sprawą Wydawnictwa Naukowego PWN oraz intensywnych prac tłumaczek Joanny Bednarek i Agnieszki Kowalczyk, pojawiła się książka Po człowieku autorstwa Rosi Braidotti. Feministyczna filozofka-badaczka... more
This article seeks to offer a critical assessment of the conception of ethics underlying the growing constellation of 'new materialist' social theories. It argues that such theories offer little if any purchase in understanding the... more
Rozprawa stanowi próbę ukazania w jaki sposób splątane konceptualizacje i praktyki ciała przenikają się w procesie samoorganizacji materii. Tak sformułowane rozważania zostały usytuowane w obrębie dwóch współczesnych nurtów... more
Though most neomaterialists share a commitment to the Copernican decentring of humans from the world stage, there is disagreement on the purposes of such an endeavour. The polemic stems from a fundamental discrepancy about what the return... more
It has been said that in this technologically inundated era, we are all cyborgs. Such a radical redefinition of the human being is but one manifested example of how the category ‘human’ and its multifaceted sub-categories have undergone a... more
Today, more than any other historical period, the movement of products, people, and capital in combination with cyberspace transforms radically our perception of space and time, therefore the relationship with ourselves and our bodies. In... more
The book addresses a present-day crisis, evidenced in both praxis and theory - the question of individual agency in a postmodern world. Invoking individuality, self-becoming, desire and well-being, Creating Oneself offers a rethinking of... more
Sicilian writer Goliarda Sapienza (1924–1996) is increasingly regarded as a central figure in modern Italian literature, especially with the international success of her masterpiece L’arte della gioia [The Art of Joy]. This book offers an... more
Książka stanowi oryginalną propozycję filozoficznego spojrzenia na epokę antropocenu oraz kryzysu klimatycznego. Nawiązuje do takich współczesnych nurtów filozoficznych, jak nowy materializm (Karen Barad, Anna Tsing, Donna Haraway),... more
The ontology of animality, starting from Derrida's writings, determines the reconsideration of the human being and his ontological condition within an environment (Umwelt) in which the anthropocentric point of view has hitherto been... more
Introduzione I CAPITOLO PRIMO Il postumanesimo di Roberto Marchesini: dall'ontologia riflessiva all'ontologia relazionale 1 1.1. L'essenza umana tra i paradigmi umanistici dell'incompletezza e della purezza 3 1.2. I limiti del dualismo e... more
Fashioning a new materialist agenda, this essay calls for sensitivity to subtly moving matters present in the processes of making and encountering art. Otherwise, it claims, we will end up with seriously restricted understandings of art’s... more
The world is due for a resurgence of original speculative metaphysics. The New Metaphysics series aims to provide a safe house for such thinking amidst the demoralizing caution and prudence of professional academic philosophy. We do not... more
This dissertation uses the theories of posthumanism, cyborg feminism, Deleuzian concepts of the body and the monstrous. Through these ideas, I argue for a reconceptualisation of women’s bodies alongside technology. This... more
J'ai réfléchi aux mécanismes de résistance élaborés dans l’écriture de Monique Wittig à partir de Virgile, non. L’écrivaine transpose le mythe dantesque de la traversée de l’enfer au temps contemporain en plaçant l’action dans la ville... more
RESEARCH MA THESIS: The main research question this thesis investigates is: "how is the notion of the Anthropocene challenged, refined and reimagined in contemporary feminist theory and fiction and in what ways does an approach via... more
Feminist theorists have long been concerned with, in Peta Hinton and Pat Treusch’s (2015) words, “revealing and negotiating inequalities conceived along the break-line of a binary logic that has characterized and sedimented Western... more