Root Cause Analysis
Recent papers in Root Cause Analysis
Nowadays, tail lights using Two-Colour (2K) Molding Process with the material of PMMA is facing crack defects in automotive production plant. Furthermore, the cost of replacement of this component is expensive. Therefore, for this... more
Background: National, regional and local activities to improve patient safety in Sweden have increased over the last decade. There are high ambitions for improved patient safety in Sweden. This study surveyed health care professionals who... more
... for that taking selected ordering parameters as input is much efficient for modeling. ... Taleb-Bendiab, Performance Evaluation for Self-Healing Distributed Services and Fault Detection Mechanisms, Journal ... 4].M. Steinder and AS... more
Recent developments of new technologies are aimed at opening the contents of data sources to the wider area of the Internet. These data sources are to be found on the lower es
Whilst healthcare has increased its awareness of the retrospective safety assessment techniques, such as root cause analysis, adoption of the corresponding predictive safety assessment techniques has been slow and sporadic. Reasons for... more
The goal of this study was to examine the efficiency and feasibility of a specifically designed tool that could help novice bakers gain confidence in decorating cakes. The tool known as "ShapeSweetie" was designed in order to overcome the... more
Root cause analysis (RCA) is often used in proactive management to identify the root cause of a problem -- the factor that is the main cause of a problem. Learn all about it in a Root Cause Analysis Training course by Tonex.
Article Title: Policy and practice in the use of root cause analysis to investigate clinical adverse events : mind the gap Year of publication: 2011 Link to published article:
An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure." In software, these expressions translate into the common observation that the longer a defect stays in process, the more expensive it is to fix . Moreover software defects are expensive... more
The purpose of this paper is to present a technique, called Knowledge FMEA, for distilling textual raw data which is useful for requirements collection and knowledge elicitation. The authors first give some insights into the diverse... more
The Islamic sect generally dubbed Boko Haram has led a campaign of terror on the Nigeria state for years and without end in sight. Following their set objective of an Islamizing mission, it has generally been considered a strictly... more
The current case study is carried out at Tyre manufacturing plant by a Quality Circle (QC) team. The main focus of the work is to reduce the waste in Extruder Department. The QC team identified 52 problems after multiple brainstorming... more
Knowledge of the up-to-date network topology (i.e. Layer 2 & Layer 3) is crucial for efficient network management. Issues like congestion avoidance, resource management, resource discovery, root-cause analysis and event correlation... more
City of Izmir as the third largest city of Turkey, is the opening gate of Anatolia to the world through Aegean Sea. The city with its great volume of cargo capacity plays crucial role both in international and domestic sea trade. The Port... more
As the complexity of commercial cellular networks grows, there is an increasing need for automated methods detecting and diagnosing cells not only in complete outage but with degraded performance as well. Root cause analysis of the... more
When confronted with a problem, have you ever stopped and asked “why” five times? If you do not ask the right question, you will not get the right answer. The Five Whys is a simple question-asking technique that explores the... more
Problem-solving ability is a much sought-after trait in executives, especially if it includes the ability to solve human performance problems. This paper proposes a systematic root cause analysis process that effectively and consistently... more
La punta del iceberg es... sólo la punta de una gran masa de hielo" Palabras clave: Análisis de causas origen. Suceso centinela. Efectos adversos.
Debugging large-scale parallel applications is challenging. In most HPC applications, parallel tasks progress in a coordinated fashion, and thus a fault in one task can quickly propagate to other tasks, making it difficult to debug.... more
Which Software Reliability Engineering (SRE) methods should be applied during the various phases of the lifecycle of a product? The answer given here centres on learning from errors. The classification and evaluation of methods is... more
The aim of this study was to examine the reasons on why some students frequently missed school. Chronic absenteeism is a prevalent problem across schools and it requires comprehensive analysis in order to be properly resolved. Six... more
Reliability centered maintenance (RCM) has a key role in the quality system of thermal power plants. Electricity production is definitely not only production of a product, but also becomes a customer service. Reliability is the top... more
In the design of chemical/energy production systems, a major challenge is to identify the bottleneck issues and improve its sustainability effectively. Due to the multi-dimensional feature of sustainability, how to account for the impacts... more
In a competitive world most desirable goal is best quality, shortest lead time and lowest cost. For all three aspects burning issue is reducing rework and improving quality. Lack of proper methodology and scientific solution every sector... more
El presente artículo tiene como objetivo ser un aporte para organizar, analizar, y determinar el verdadero origen de las fallas en el proceso productivo de una pieza fundida, utili-zando para ello, herramientas y metodologías de análisis... more
BACKGROUND: Fishbone diagrams have been widely promoted as a systems-focused hazard analysis tool for use in root cause analysis, but they suffer from a number of structural weaknesses, including a unidirectional structure that only takes... more
Purpose -This paper seeks to document an approach to reduce scrap losses using the root cause analysis technique in a lean manufacturing environment. Design/methodology/approach -The study uses lean manufacturing root cause problem... more
This final year paper report is about the design and Fabrication of jigs and fixtures for manufacturing process. For this project, it is focus on the perspective of the job handling to produce the part. Improvement that is trying to do is... more
Root cause analysis Problem prevention Software process improvement Industrial field study Design science research Cause-effect diagram a b s t r a c t
Excerpts: "The ‘5 whys’ technique is one of the most widely taught approaches to root-cause analysis (RCA) in healthcare. Its use is promoted by the WHO,1 the English National Health Service, [2] the Institute for Healthcare Improvement,... more
Salah satu sentra pengembangan industri biofarmaka (tanaman obat) di propinsi Jawa Tengah terdapat di Kabupaten Karanganyar, yaitu Klaster Biofarmaka Karanganyar. Klaster ini adalah salah satu pemasok bahan baku perusahaan jamu PT. Sido... more
Solving problems effectively is part of being an effective organization. Beneath every problem is a cause for that problem. In order to solve a problem one must identify the cause of the problem and take steps to eliminate the cause. Root... more
El reto ABP Cubos es el primer capítulo de "El legado de Robert. Novela de ingeniería para el mejoramiento empresarial". Este capítulo está siendo utilizado como estudio de caso en cursos relacionados con gestión de la calidad, de... more
Reliability centered maintenance (RCM) has a key role in the quality system of thermal power plants. Electricity production is definitely not only production of a product, but also becomes a customer service. Reliability is the top... more
Purpose -This case seeks to illustrate the specific problem of excessive defects in radial tyres produced in a renowned tyre manufacturing company in India. This paper aims to show how lean Six-Sigma methodology can be used to tackle the... more
Invented by Italian economist Vilfredo Pareto, the Pareto Analysis is a root cause analysis (RCA) tool that can help sort out multiple problems and prioritize their importance. Tonex offers Root Cause Analysis Training that covers the... more
The paper deals with the licensing nuclear power plants; it focuses primarily on the licensing process implications into the international nuclear market. Nowadays there are twenty-six countries that are planning to build new nuclear... more
Susceptibility scanning is an increasingly adopted method for root cause analysis of system-level immunity sensitivities. It allows localizing affected nets and integrated circuits (ICs). Further, it can be used to compare the immunity of... more
Purpose -This paper seeks to document an approach to reduce scrap losses using the root cause analysis technique in a lean manufacturing environment. Design/methodology/approach -The study uses lean manufacturing root cause problem... more