Most downloaded papers in Rome
One of the best-documented non-indigenous cults making its way into pre-Christian Europe was the cult of Isis, whose existence in Egypt can be documented from around the middle of the third millennium bce. In ancient Egypt she was closely... more
Abstract This article examines the longstanding rivalry of Rome and Parthia, which began as an unintended consequence of Crassus’ decisive defeat at Carrhae in 53 BCE. It synthesizes the accounts and opinions of numerous Graeco-Roman... more
Agrippina the Younger was a unique woman by Ancient Rome's standards, dominating Roman imperial politics in a way that no woman before her had ever done. She had an insatiable lust for power, which was unequivocally evident throughout her... more
This dissertation argues that martial virtues and images of the soldier’s life represented an essential aspect of early Byzantine masculine ideology. It contends that in many of the visual and literary sources from the fourth to the... more
""Book abstract: Despite the crucial role played by both law and architecture in Roman culture, the Romans never developed a type of building that was specifically and exclusively reserved for the administration of justice: courthouses... more
Una storia di contadini, soldati, mercanti, aristocratici, vescovi e qualche re Dispensa per il corso di "Storia d'Italia 1" (Università d'Islanda) Versione 0.0 Forlagið Snorri Sturluson Reykjavík AD 2012
Having gained control of almost the entire circuit of the Black Sea including the Bosporan Kingdom, Mithradates VI Eupator strove for a fundamental strengthening of his kingdom. The rising power of Pontos led inevitably to a conflict of... more
Italian filmmaker Federico Fellini (1920-1993) is one of the most renowned figures in world cinema. Director of a long list of critically acclaimed motion pictures, including La strada, La dolce vita, 8½, and Amarcord, Fellini's success... more
This examination of C. Duilius (consul in 260 BCE) and his achievements consists of a series of linked hypotheses, each suggested by direct evidence for Duilius' activities and contextualized by near-contemporary precedents (wherever... more
Nel periodo compreso fra la fine del XVIII secolo e gli inizi del XIX secolo si è lentamente compiuto il processo di industrializzazione di Roma. Basandosi sull’analisi di documenti d’archivio e cartografia storica, unitamente ad una... more
The conflict between the Greeks and the Romans in the Hellenistic period brought in conflict not only two people but also two different approaches to warfare. To understand the nature of this conflict, we must study the military system of... more
Our Lady, the “Pensive One”: Marian iconography critically revisited, with special reference to Rome and Italy, from the Early Christian to the Renaissance art.
∞ Gedruckt auf säurefreiem Papier, das die US-ANSI-Norm über Haltbarkeit erfüllt.
Testi di Emanuele Brienza (E.
Some 140 rooms remain of the reception pavilion on the Oppian hill in Rome, which once belonged to Nero's Golden House. It was built and decorated between AD 64 and 68. The study of the paintings reveals that these were made by three... more
Nel tratto dell’Appia compreso fra porta San Sebastiano e il sepolcro di Cecilia Metella, l’antica pavimentazione stradale in basoli di leucitite è sparita ormai da tempo, sostituita prima da battuti e selciatelle, poi dal lastricato in... more
L’indagine svolta ha permesso di fare apparire come meglio condivisibile, tra le varie prospettive in tema di origine della compravendita consensuale romana, quella secondo cui essa sorse come istituto sganciato dalle radici del ius... more
Tomás Luis de Victoria’s and Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina’s motets are surprisingly understudied. On the other hand, recent analytical comparisons have clearly (and intriguingly) demonstrated that Victoria knew Palestrina’s music,... more
"In March 2005, the Edinburgh auction house, Lyon and Turnbull, consulted the authors about an album of drawings of ancient Roman buildings. Within days, it was established that, in the eighteenth century, the drawings had belonged to... more
This course presents a broad survey of historical forces at work over the past 6,000 years, examining the manners in which human societies have organized themselves along categories of race, ethnicity, class, and gender to meet the... more
In 75 B.C.E., two events affecting the tribuni plebis occurred: their right to stand for further office, previously interdicted by Sulla, was restored; and the praetor’s tribunal was moved away from the Comitium and the Rostra, a main area... more
Treatises, reports and iconographic documents testify to the great variety of violin techniques coexisting in Corelli’s lifetime. Cristofor Schor’s famous engraving of Corelli leading an orchestra at the Piazza di Spagna in 1687 shows... more
En este trabajo nos proponemos analizar las recientes investigaciones arqueológicas relativas al transporte marítimo de grano en época romana, tratando de indicar a su vez las limitaciones de estas fuentes de información. Los resultados... more
Quali istituzioni politiche hanno accompagnato - e in parte determinato - la straordinaria vicenda storica di Roma antica? Cosa conosciamo del loro funzionamento e della loro evoluzione? Quali sono stati i principali interrogativi della... more
Analisi del ritrovamento di iscrizioni dipinte con il pennello rosso sulle murature in laterizio delle Terme di Traiano, che riportano date espresse con il sistema romano. Si tratta della registrazione delle giornate di lavoro, eseguite... more
The Rome of the Arabs is, in part, the result of a literary misunderstanding, a city imagined as real but in fact imaginary; such a representation did not come from the “wilder imaginations” of the Arabs, nor from a philological... more