Recent papers in Romanticism
About nail care and the ethics of "comme il faut" (Lev Tolstoj's polemic with Puškin) is article focuses on the polemics between Lev Tolstoj and Aleksandr Puškin on questions relating to self-conduct and self-fashioning as expressed in... more
El artículo investiga dos aspectos poco conocidos con relación al pensamiento filosófico de John Henry Newman. Por un lado, Newman anticipa varias intuiciones del pragmatismo, sobre todo en la versión peirceana del mismo. Por el otro,... more
➢ A fost poet, jurnalist și membru post-mortem al Academiei Române, fiind recunoscut drept cel mai important poet romantic al literaturii române. ❖ Debut literar: ➢ Debutează cu poezia "La mormântul lui Aron Pumnul", inclusă în broșura... more
Oneiric expressions in Maria Grossek-Korycka’s “Sonaty Mol” The article focuses on the literary aspect of dream in Maria Grossek-Korycka's Sonaty mol. The poetics of dream is realized within selected works in the series through the... more
The Present paper is an effort to investigate the response of readers (students taught by the contributor of the present article) of a translated work, prescribed in the MA course as a part of curriculum in the form of elective paper... more
Wind rattling at the window, fire in the grate, and a poet dozing in his chair are images in William Cowperʼs "A Winterʼs Evening: Brown Study." The presence of an aesthetics of a brown study is an issue I invite my classes to study in... more
O presente artigo apresenta uma tradução da Vida de Terêncio, de Suetônio, discute os critérios utilizados para a versão das passagens em verso contidas no texto e apresenta os principais problemas de interpretação que a vita suscita.
Abstract: Examining Ecclesial Identity: A Critical Review of Whose Community? Which Interpretation? by Merold Westphal This paper provides a critical review of Merold Westphal's Whose Community? Which Interpretation? by exploring his... more
Examples from Charles Darwin, especially his tacking between different forms of temporality that enabled an integration of human experience and geological immensity, and John Tyndall, with his all-encompassing vision of a mechanical and... more
Uma cidade deve ser considerada tendo em conta as particularidades que certificam a sua singularidade e a conduzem para além do comum. No caso de Aveiro, essa característica provém-lhe inequivocamente do sal, da água e da luz. O... more
El papel utilizado para la impresión de este libro es cien por cien libre de cloro y está calificado como papel ecológico. No se permite la reproducción total o parcial de este libro, ni su incorporación a un sistema informático, ni su... more
En 1964, Heidegger postuló que la función histórica de la filosofía de proporcionar una explicación unificada del mundo estaba quedando obsoleta. La cibernética la había vencido, como disciplina capaz de dar cuenta tanto de la interacción... more
Józef Jawurek (Josef Javurek) was a Czech pianist, conductor, and organizer of musical life. According to the discovered baptismal record, he was born on October 2,1757, in Benesov. He likely received his education in monastery schools in... more
Si se trata de entender la naturaleza del realismo político en el fondo no podemos obviar el rol que ha jugado la teología política así como también el voluntarismo en su configuración. La explicación del realismo político descansa... more
Reeditado en: Teorías del Arte desde el siglo XXI, de Ilia Galán, Madrid: Ibersaf, 2005 y Oviedo: Sapere Aude, 2017, pp. 63-76.Hoy tenemos un público masivamente educado, pero mayoritariamente alejado del arte contermporáneo. Las... more
This article argues that certain works by John Clare constitute what I term the lyric of withdrawn revelation, in which the lyric subject attempts to inscribe a nonhuman natural object in its discourse, both for mimetic and expressive... more
Uploaded March 4th, 2025. This short book offers itself as a third installment in John O’Meara’s series of memoirs, which began with Defending Her Son, 2000 and continued with The Bereaved Writer, 2008/2017. Here the author brings... more
We consider the possibility to formalize the semantics of text through the apparatus of modal semantics, esp. using S. Kripke's notions of a model and model structure. As a demonstration of the abovementioned stands, we consider... more
Nel 2024, il filosofo francese Phillipe Crevoisier invitò Emanuel Dimas de Melo Pimenta a scrivere un'introduzione per il suo nuovo libro DEVENEZ QUI VOUS ÊTES : Une odyssée vers l'accomplissement personnel (Diventa ciò che sei:... more
Analisi del contesto storico e dei fattori esterni che hanno influenzato la Nona sinfonia di Beethoven. Analisi armonica e strutturale della Sinfonia. Contesto storico e vita di Beethoven.
Diese Arbeit untersucht den Einfluss von Friedrich Nietzsches Triebphilosophie auf Thomas Manns Der Zauberberg. Im Zentrum steht die Analyse des Protagonisten Hans Castorp und seiner Entwicklung im Spannungsfeld zwischen dem apollinischen... more
U radu se analiziraju tri kolekcije rukopisnog gradiva Odsjeka za etnologiju Hrvatske akademije: Zbirka Matice hrvatske, Stara zbirka i Nova zbirka te se upućuje na malobrojne rukopise iz Srijema i Bačke koje se u njima nalaze. Budući da... more
Einleitung ›Alterität‹ und ›Fremdheit‹ zählen fraglos zu den Grundbegriffen der interkulturellen Literaturwissenschaft. Die Koevolution des Begriffspaars fällt in die Gründungsphase des Forschungsfeldes Mitte der 1970er Jahre und markiert... more
Bien qu'il ait été peu étudié, le Laocoön de William Blake constitue une uvre fondamentale en ce qu'il laisse entrevoir, de façon condensée mais exemplaire, un art poétique qui sous-tend l'ensemble de la production de... more
Con la prima sistemazione della filosofia dell'arte inizia la maturità filosofica del pensiero crociano e, potremmo dire, si compie la svolta decisiva per la filosofia italiana verso un pensiero critico che, pur ricollegandosi alle grandi... more
Pt: Ainda que recorrentes, as referências a magia na obra camiliana são notadas como pouco influentes nos enredos gerais das suas obras. Todavia, tais referências nunca foram ignoradas pela comunidade camiliana. A listagem (incompleta)... more
In Pictures of Music Education, Estelle Jorgensen extends her analysis of the pilgrimage metaphor and its associated model of quest in music education. The purpose of the present chapter is not to refute or critique Jorgensen's work with... more
Artykuł dotyczy procesu twórczego Mickiewicza - poety lirycznego
Compte-rendu de : Paul KOMPANIETZ, Les Romans de la Terreur. L’Invention d’un imaginaire (1793-1874), Paris, Classiques Garnier, coll. « Études romantiques et dix-neuviémistes », 2021, 560 p.
Wenn es so ist, daß wir nur einen kleinen Teil von dem leben können, was in uns ist -was geschieht mit dem Rest ?
During the Shelley-Byron circle’s intertextual summer of 1816in Geneva, Lord Byron’s physician, John William Polidori, kept a journal in which he described the group’s activities. Polidori’s autobiograph-ical narrative as well as... more
Sometimes we hear music (when we play it or hear it, whether live or recorded) and experience is felt as a singular event. In those moments we find ourselves in an existential situation that, because it is singular (rare, unique,... more
Español: El presente texto busca analizar el problema de la (no)definición de lo romántico en los primeros diarios de Kierkegaard. Así las cosas, el texto está dividido en dos partes. En la primera se desarrollan unas reflexiones... more
The relationship between psychology and the study of literature seems paradoxical. On the one hand, these fields do not have much in common, neither in terms of the subject of research, nor in terms of methodological or theoretical... more
For Poles living in exile during the nineteenth century, letters became not just a means of communicating with their loved ones back in Poland and scattered around the world; they also formed genuine ‘networks of correspondence’ or - as... more
The present research aims to focus a research field still not adequately investigated, the Sicilian Philhellenism, examining firstly two paintings inspired by the Greek insurrection: La morte di Marco Botzaris (1837-1840) and... more
The document is an excerpt from a proposed thesis that examines the overlooked 'Atlantic Facade' Culture and its portrayal in the "Ossian" poems. • Thesis Overview: The author seeks to comprehend the cultural niche of the 'Atlantic... more
This study examines fourteen excommunications issued by Parthenios Makris, Bishop of Cephalonia, during the 19th century. Through the analysis of ecclesiastical records, cases of crimes such as theft, murder, and sacrilege are revealed,... more
são algumas das figuras do Modernismo existente no Ceará gui achar muita coisa no O POVO, no Ceará, no Jandaia. Quando articula-se produção literária e produção na imprensa, vê que, aqui, o Modernismo foi frutífero, polêmico. Para dar um... more
Στο κεφάλαιο εξετάζεται η συμβολή του σπουδαίου μελετητή της βυζαντινής και μεταβυζαντινής φιλοσοφίας Λίνου Μπενάκη (1928-2022) στην μελέτη της πνευματικής ιστορίας της Κέρκυρας, με έμφαση στον 19ο αιώνα και επικέντρωση στην εποχή... more
Mario Bosincu's book "Stranieri in terra straniera. Dal Romanticismo a Nietzsche" classed among the best essays published between September 2024 and February 2025 by the review "L'Indiscreto"
This book addresses three individual, separately specialist dissertations written by the Russian linguist and comparative Slavist Alexander Vasilyevich Issatchenko during his stay in Ljubljana immediately before the Second World War, i.e.... more