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Lord Byron’s association with the Iberian Peninsula, both in historical and literary terms, plays a pivotal role in his early ideological development and subsequent poetical composition. The renowned romantic poet departed on the Grand... more
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      RomanticismSpanish HistoryEnglish RomanticismModern Spanish History
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      Russian StudiesRussian LiteratureTranslation StudiesRomanticism
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      Political PhilosophyRomanticismJusticeTheories of Justice
El pazo de San Lourenzo de Trasouto aparece entre las ramas de una antigua robleda donde la ciudad de Santiago de Compostela queda suspendida, en el confín del barrio al que da nombre. Antiguo convento franciscano, retiene aún muchos de... more
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      RomanticismGalician StudiesGarden HistorySantiago de Compostela
La Barcarolle op. 60 de Chopin fait partie de la dernière période créatrice du compositeur, également appelée « dernier style ». Cette œuvre a suscité de très nombreuses interprétations dans la littérature musicologique, mais l’objet de... more
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      Discourse AnalysisSemioticsMusicMusicology
A selection of some of Novalis’s most important reflections on mathematics from the years 1798-1800. Introduced and translated into English by David W. Wood. In: Symphilosophie: International Journal of Philosophical Romanticism 3... more
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      MathematicsGerman StudiesGerman LiteratureRomanticism
Thèse de littérature générale et comparée, sous la direction du Professeur Guy Ducrey Université de Strasbourg École doctorale des humanités (ED 520) Configurations littéraires (EA 1337) Soutenue le 28 novembre 2014 à l'Université de... more
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      Comparative LiteratureFrench LiteratureRomanticismDance Studies
This is my masters’ thesis – it examines the various intellectual forces at work in the years leading up to Schleiermacher, and the Enlightenment’s challenge to orthodox Christianity. This provides a proper context for understanding... more
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      RomanticismTheologyHistory of ChristianityPostmodernism
JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and... more
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      American StudiesArt HistoryRomanticismArchitecture
According to Ian Bent, “musical analysis is the reduction of a musical structure in several components […] and the research of functions of these components inside the structure”. It is in this wide analytical context that my research... more
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Jean-Luc Nancy, a Romantic Philosopher? On Romance, Love, and Literature Open access via: This paper will, in its successive steps and movements, revolve around one... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsRomanticismLiteratureJean-Luc Nancy
This thesis focuses on a particular stylistic period of Frederic Chopin. The 1840s show an important evolution of Chopin’s musical language and correspond to an aesthetic turning point, characterized by a difficult historical and... more
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      SemioticsMusicMusic HistoryMusicology
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      MusicologyRomanticismContextFrederic Chopin
According to the Bible, Eve was the first to heed Satan’s advice to eat of the forbidden fruit. The notion of woman as the Devil’s accomplice is prominent throughout the history of Christianity. During the nineteenth century, rebellious... more
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      RomanticismGay And Lesbian StudiesLesbian StudiesAnarchism
Peter BURKE ( popular culture in early modern europe) Pursuant to his interest to European culture history, Peter Burke is a representer of Annales School ( Ecole des Annales). They orientate the vision of history to a more sociological... more
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      European HistoryCultural StudiesFrench LiteratureRomanticism
“Frankenstein and Ecocriticism,” in Andrew Smith, ed., The Cambridge Companion to Frankenstein (Cambridge UP, 2016), 143–57.
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      RomanticismNarrativeLiterary CriticismLiterary Theory
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This paper is about a methodology which wants to represent in an innovative way the musical work’s narrativity and expression according to the moments of tension and detente created by the relations between the different topics. These... more
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      RomanticismNarrativeMusical SemioticsNarrative Analysis
Today I finished the Fantasy – and the sky is beautiful, there’s a sadness in my heart – but that’s alright. If it were otherwise, perhaps my existence would be worth nothing to anyone. (Letter to J. Fontana, 20th October 1841) Musical... more
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The last style of Chopin is a new notion in musicology in France. In spite of the fact that the authors admit its existence, very less researches concern this subject, particularly in France. All along our researches, the analysis of the... more
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Let us begin at the end-the end of the world as we know it. Or to be more precise, with a vision of that end. In the year 3978 an astronaut who has escaped from his simian captors encounters a familiar structure in an unexpected... more
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      Intellectual HistoryComparative LiteratureAestheticsArt History
This essay is an introduction to a special issue on 'Liberalism in the Early Nineteenthcentury Iberian World'. The essay reviews why Iberian intellectual history, particularly liberal political thought, has been neglected in... more
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      Intellectual HistoryRomanticismPortuguese HistoryAtlantic World
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      Intellectual HistorySpanish LiteratureRomanticismPortuguese Studies
The most unusual part of Byron’s European travels in 1809–10 was probably his visit to Albania, where he roughed it for a bit and then lived and travelled luxuriously as the guest of Ali Pasha. He wrote about his Albanian travels in his... more
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      Travel WritingRomanticismBritish RomanticismWorld War II
Cet article propose une étude approfondie de la Polonaise en la bémol majeur op. 53 de Chopin afin de mettre en avant des caractéristiques essentielles du dernier style de Chopin, qui s'exprime dans les années 1840, période difficile... more
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Le présent article propose une analyse musicale de la Ballade op. 52 en fa mineur de Frédéric Chopin. De nombreuses méthodologies existent pour investir l'oeuvre musicale, mais l'auteure défend l'importance et la complémentarité de deux... more
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This paper has been published in a somewhat different form in Meg Harris Williams' "Aesthetic Conflict and its Clinical Relevance." - Karnac, 2018. It outlines the various "knife-edge" defenses the infant mind must struggle with... more
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      SociologyPsychologyClinical PsychologyCognitive Psychology
In the 19th century, a unique combination of scientific, social, political and cultural factors attracted crowds of visitors from all over the world to the Dolomite Mountains. This phenomenon had its epicenter in Fiemme Valley and in the... more
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      European HistoryEarth SciencesGeologyRomanticism
This article explores the role of literature and romantic nationalism in the creation of nations as this applies to the Faroese nation, in particular the case of the poet Nólsoyar Páll. It is the ambition to discuss how literature can be... more
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      RomanticismHistory and MemoryNational HeroesCultural Nationalism
Among the myths revived and rewritten by the romantics Prometheus, Orpheus, Psyche, Apollo, and so on the myth of Faust would provide one of the most congenial ways of textualization of the romantic rise of individualism, in general, and... more
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      Comparative LiteratureEnglish LiteratureArtRomanticism
Es una colección de diez ensayos que pretenden definir, explicar e interpretar el período conocido como Frühromantik a través de su epistemología, metafísica y política, como también reconstruir la relevancia que tuvo la estética... more
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      Aesthetics17th Century & Early Modern PhilosophyRomanticismPoststructuralism
The paper argues that Beckford's travelogue about his journey to Italy delineates the double landscape of his Orientalist experience and dreams, which are both continued and externalized in the Gothic Novel Vathek as a descent into... more
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      English LiteratureRomanticismGothic LiteratureOrientalism
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      RomanticismLimnologyRenaissance HumanismUnderwater Archaeology
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      ReligionRomanticismModernityPolish Literature
Vladimir Odoïevski Les Contes bigarrés et autres nouvelles Édition de Victoire Feuillebois Vladimir Odoïevski (1804-1869) était considéré à son époque comme l’un des principaux prosateurs romantiques. Cet ouvrage présente un panorama de... more
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      Russian StudiesRussian LiteratureRomanticismIdealism
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      German StudiesRomanticismGerman HistoryPolish History
Lo scopo del saggio è proporre un'interpretazione di due opere di Joseph von Eichendorff: Ahnung und Gegenwart (1815) e Aus dem Leben eines Taugenichts (1826). La concezione della letteratura elaborata da Francesco Orlando è... more
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      PsychoanalysisRomanticismAnalytical PsychologyJoseph von Eichendorff
ABSTRACTUnderstanding Coleridge's classic work On the Constitution of Church and State requires paying close attention to the system of distinctions and relations he sets up between the state, the ‘national church’, and the ‘Christian... more
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      RomanticismAnglican Studies
The Use of Stimmung in the Sciences and Humanities. Looking at the History of the Division between the "Two Cultures" from the Perspective of a Figure of Thought This article questions the existence of a schism between the 'two cultures'... more
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Literatura romantyzmu, zdominowana przez wielkie indywidualności artystyczne (Mickiewicza, Słowackiego, Krasińskiego), została ufundowana na kategorii „ludowości”, rozumianej jako mityczny, duchowy fundament polskiej tożsamości. Obok... more
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      RomanticismLiteratureFolklore (Literature)Peasant revolts
Рок-поэзия последней четверти XX века интересна как источник культурных и психологических открытий. Одним из наиболее “глубоких”, эпатажных и многоплановых поэтов той эпохи является Егор (Игорь) Фёдорович Летов (1964 – 2008) – советский и... more
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      RomanticismModern PoetryRussian PoetryRock Music
Contents list for book forthcoming from Liverpool University Press
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      RomanticismHistory of MedicineTextual Criticism and EditingJohn Keats
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      American LiteratureReligionAnthropologyPhilosophy
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      RomanticismSpiritualityAncient PhilosophyPhilosophy of Nature
Objet de représentations idéalisées tout autant que réalité socio-politique à géométrie variable, le peuple est une pierre de touche de la théorie et de la pratique du théâtre en temps de démocratie. Les trente contributions originales... more
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      Cultural HistoryFrench LiteratureTheatre StudiesRomanticism
Atti del Convegno su Leopardi tenuto all'Istituto Italiano di Cultura di New York nel 1998, con interventi di Edoardo Sanguineti, Alessandro Carrera, Franco Ferrucci, Giorgio Ficara, Sergio Givone, Thomas J. Harrison, Gioacchino Lanza... more
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      RomanticismItalian LiteratureGiacomo LeopardiLiterature and Philosophy
The article reflects in a personal/biographical fashion on the issues addressed in the Nida Art Colony Conference on Artistic Tourism and the Post Romantic Condition. It was published in Tourists like us Critical Tourism and... more
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      RomanticismSpace and PlaceActor Network TheoryHeritage Tourism
Member of the organizing committee of the conference "Mary Shelley's Frankenstein 1818-2018: Circuits and Circulation" that took place in Bologna from the 19th to the 21st of September, 2018.
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      RomanticismFrankensteinRomantic LiteratureMary Shelley
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      RomanticismGerman RomanticismMedieval ArchitecturePoland