Romanesque architecture
Recent papers in Romanesque architecture
RÉSUMÉ Les études récentes consacrées à l’architecture de l’abbatiale Sainte-Foy de Conques montrent que l’approche archéologique du bâti permet de largement renouveler notre vision de la marche du chantier. Ainsi une étude... more
Eine große Zahl herausragender Denkmäler der mittelalterlichen Baukunst befindet sich auf dem Gebiet des heutigen Polen. Zwischen Oder und Weichsel liegen sowohl Kernlandschaften Polens als auch Territorien, die vormals dem deutschen... more
Real, Manuel Luís; Sá, Pedro – O mosteiro de Roriz na arte românica do Douro Litoral, sep. de “Actas do Colóquio de História Local e Regional”, Santo Tirso, s.e., 1982.
Only recently have the connecting-openings and viewing-ducts in the vaults of crypts received attention in research. They can be found dating from the 10th to the 13th century in Germany, France, and Italy, and can be classified within... more
La croce di Santa Maria Maggiore, di pietra aurisina, restaurata e ricomposta nei suoi frammenti da Giovanni Giannelli, direttore tecnico del Laboratorio di Restauro Ottorino Nonfarmale S.r.l., e collocata su una colonna di pietra gialla... more
On the Isle of Texel (NL) in the central village of Den Burg (the Burgh) in medieval times a church was erected, dedicated to Saint Sixtus, the Sixth Pope of Rome. The paper describes the slow transformation of the Frisian islanders from... more
published in Antichità tardoromane e medievali nel territorio di Bracciano, Atti della giornata di studi, Bracciano, Castello Odescalchi 15 giugno 1991, Viterbo 1994, pp. 97-124. The analysis of three medieval churches in the area... more
Сучасні проблеми архітектури та містобудування: Наук.-техн. збірник / Відпов. ред. М.М. Дьомін. -K., КНУБА, 2013. -Вип. 34. -592 с. Українською та російською мовами.
Auteur : Pierre MARTIN (UNI) N° site : 45 234 025 AH N° d’OA : 0612082 Responsable de l’opération : Pierre MARTIN (UNI) Nature de l’opération : Projet collectif de recherche pluriannuel (PCRP), janvier à décembre 2018 Couverture... more
2 ème volet d'un cycle de journées doctorales internationales organisées par l'UR Transitions-Moyen Âge
A Bishop of Two Peoples: William of St. Calais and the Hybridization of Architecture in Eleventh-Century Durham complicates the study of Durham Cathedral by considering it in the context of the Norman Chapel in the bishop’s palace,... more
Diffusion : Éditions A. & J. Picard, 18 rue Séguier, 75006 Paris Tél. librairie 01 43 26 96 73 -Fax 01 43 26 42 64 [email protected] Toute reproduction de cet ouvrage, autre que celles prévues à l'article L. 122-5 du Code de la... more
In my dissertation I describe the building history of the church of the Saviour in Utrecht, Holland. The church was founded in the remains of a Roman castellum that merovingian 'maiordomus' Pippin had transferred to the Anglo-Saxon... more
The use of arcades was the most outstanding decoration that was used in the Romanesque church. Arcading can occur in a variety of forms such as a row of small arches that appear to support a roofline or shallow blind arcading. Arcading... more
In the end of XI – XII centuries Irish monks Scotti or otherwise Gaels went on pilgrimage to Germany and founded Benedictine monasteries during the Hiberno-Scottish mission which started in 563 by the Irish monk Columbanus (540 – 615).... more
Sul fronte principale di Santa Maria Matricolare a Verona fu previsto, nella fase di XII secolo, un imponente protiro a due piani che, ancora pressoché integro in ogni sua parte, attira da molto tempo l'attenzione degli studi' (ill. 1).... more
Bár az egri vár ásatásai több, mint 150 éve folynak, történetének első évszázadairól eddig nagyon keveset tudtunk. A várban 2016-ban végzett próbaásatások és a 2017-ben, az egri Dobó István vármúzeumnak a Magyar Nemzeti Múzeum visegrádi... more
Architecture is the most important element in human history. The real subject of architecture is human. The things that people need, design and create are architectural elements. The architectural structures existing all over the world... more
Resende, N. (2014). Ponte de Fundo de Rua: Amarante. In R. C. Machado, coord. geral & L. M. C. Rosas, coord. cient. (Eds.), Rota do Românico (Vol. vol. 2 - tomo 1, pp. 73-81). [s.l.]: Centro de Estudos do Românico e do Território.
Medieval village churches in East Bohemia were researched and documented as part of the research project of the Czech Ministry of Culture (NAKI II, Gothic and Renaissance Art in East Bohemia: Research, Interpretation, Presentation) that... more
O interesse na Ermida do Paiva foi espoletado pelos trabalhos que lhe consagrou Aarão de Lacerda em 1919. Desde então a obra não foi, todavia, objeto de outro estudo monográfico, havendo novas questões a explorar pela historiografia da... more
l tratar de los "edificios más notables de la ciudad", Pascual Madoz afirma entre 1845-1850: "Carece Zamora de edificios antiguos y modernos que puedan llamar la atención de los viageros" 158 . Justo por esas fechas, el viajero Mellado... more
Con la fusione dei due capitoli in una et eadem matrix ecclesia Pergamensis, nel 1189 si concludeva la controversia de matricitate che da tempo opponeva a Bergamo le canoniche di San Vincenzo (in regime di chiesa doppia con Santa Maria) e... more
Nell’effervescente contesto culturale del secondo XIX secolo, la coscienza nazionale dell’Italia unifi cata riscopriva la propria identità storica e le radici artistiche; si incrementavano i cantieri di scavo archeologico e di... more
Eel libro se plantea como un estudio iconográfico de los capiteles del interior de la catedral románica de Santiago decorados con representaciones de animales. No se trata únicamente de la compilación de un corpus de las representaciones... more
Tra il 1097 e il 1098 la comunità benedettina di Farfa, guidata dall'abate Berardo II, decide di trasferire il cenobio sulla cima del Monte Acuziano, sito più difendibile ed isolato. Il progetto si arresta però pochi anni dopo, lasciando... more
Il volume è il risultato di un progetto di ricerca interdisciplinare che ha visto coinvolti due dipartimenti dell’Università di Cagliari (Dip. di Scienze Chimiche e Geologiche e il Dip. di Storia, Beni Culturali e Territorio) e l’Istituto... more