Roman brick and tile
Recent papers in Roman brick and tile
Most remarkable in Roman brickwork – opus testaceum – are the shapes of the bricks as they were laid triangularly or polygonally with their longest edge to the face. These shapes were used to achieve the best bonding between the brick... more
In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird aufgrund von intensivem Quellenstudium des lokalhistorisch relevanten Archivmaterials und Geländebeobachtungen, die Existenz der - nunmehr bereits durch erste Untersuchungen durch das BDA bestätigte -... more
Poster presented at the International Conference on Roman Brick and Tile : Past, present and future of the study of Roman ceramic building materials; Ghent, Friday 4th to Sunday 6th December 2015
Nachfolgend sollen die Funde aus der schon aufgefundenen Ziegelei im Bereich der Parzellen 441, 442 und 443 zusammengefasst werden. Eine umfangreichere Arbeit bezüglich des Ziegeleigewerbes im Umland des Kastells Locus Felicis ist in... more
In this work the author would like to describe the latest findings in the enviroment of the roman castell "Locus Felicis" near Wallsee-Sindelburg (Lower-Austria). The findings suggest that there had been at least one (maybe more) unknown... more
In der nachfolgenden Arbeit soll die neu aufgefundene römische Baukeramik, welche um St. Pantaleon-Erla und Wallsee-Sindelburg zu Tage trat bearbeitet und der Forschung zugänglich gemacht werden.Weiters wird am Ende der Abhandlung... more
Onderzoek naar de vormontwikkeling van de tegulae in het Romeinse militaire (grof)keramische productiecentrum op de Holdeurn bij Nijmegen. Daarbij is inzicht verkregen in de ontwikkeling van de baksels, vorm van de onderuitsnijdingen,... more
Overzicht van de stand van zaken van een langlopend onderzoek naar de productie en het gebruik van Romeinse grofkeramiek in het Maasdal tussen Roermond in Venlo (Nederlands-Limburg).
La production tégulaire est un élément important dans la structure économique de la province de Dacie. Les produits tégulaires ont été réalisé dans des of¿ cines civiles ou particuliers. En Dacie ont été identi¿ é 24 des fours et plus du... more
Atti del I workshop "Laterizio" (Roma, 27-28 novembre 2014)
The roof tiles found at the fortified establishment of Kastraki, in Agathonisi belong to plain undecorated tiled roofs of the so- called corinthian type. From the data which have been so far revealed in the course of the excavation, the... more
This study analyses the types and use contexts of ceramic roof tiles in the eastern part of the Roman Empire. Despite ceramic roof tiles being one of the most frequent finds from archaeological excavations and surveys of this period from... more
con antefisse), da costruzione (mattoni di varie forme), da rivestimento strutturale (mattoni da pavimentazione, lastre per intonaco) e decorativo (terrecotte architettoniche). La certezza della produzione in loco è data dalla generale... more
This paper describes the extensive roof tile and brick material recovered from the excavations of the Early Christian basilica of Paliambela in N Greece. It makes a comprehensive analysis of the typology of the material as well as aspects... more
Roman roof tiles: issues of shape, installation and use The ancient roof tile has received less scholarly attention than pottery. In some parts of the Roman world tiles were so common that they go almost unnoticed by most modern... more
The study of lime mortars and architectural terracotta not only enables a better definition of construction techniques and of different building stages, but also makes it possible to characterize the original construction site. The... more
The paper examines the epigraphic dossier regarding Annia Arescusa, a domina involved in the manufacture of different kinds of construction material, architectural terracottas (“Lastre campana”), bricks and tiles. The terracotta plaques... more
This paper examines a unusual method of vault construction that was confined to a series of Roman bath buildings (over 150 examples) in France, Morocco, the Iberian peninsula, and Britain. The vaults were built with ribs composed of... more
Brigetio (Komárom-Szony, Hungary), the garrison of the legio I adiutrix, was one of the major towns of Roman Pannonia. Research excavations in the civil town beginning in 1992, uncovered large quantities of ceramic building material,... more
La lunga vita e l'eredità del laterizio romano nella storia dell'architettura ATTI DEL III CONVEGNO INTERNAZIONALE "LATERIZIO"
Dozens of Roman tile kilns have come to light in Pannonia during the last one hundred years. This paper summarizes the published tile manufacturing workshops of Pannonia in present-day Hungary, Austria, Slovenia, Croatia, and Serbia. In... more
Ein Großbetrieb des Obergermanischen Heeres
Si considerano in questa sede alcuni bolli su laterizio, rinvenuti a Montegrotto Terme negli scavi della Scuola di Specializzazione in Archeologia dell'Università di Padova durante le campagne 2001 e 20021, i quali costituiscono un quadro... more
Tra le attestazioni della presenza, nell'Etruria settentrionale costiera, di importanti famiglie senatorie sono da annoverare numerosi bolli doliari 1 . Ad essi sono probabilmente da aggiungere alcuni bolli su tegole dal testo spesso... more
The province of Thrace was established in ca. AD 45-46 on the territory of the last Thracian Kingdom. In the course of more than two hundred years, between the second half of the First and the late Third century, ceramic production was... more
The authors examine one large two-chambered kiln with rectangular plan, discovered on the south side of St. Atanas bay. On the basis of many parallels of similar structures from nowadays Bulgaria and Romania the kiln was dated to the 6th... more
In 2010 and 2012 archeao-geophysical prospection on parts of the Roman Fort Ad Militare were conducted. Those were the first surveys in what is today Croatia in which precise Roman Limes military architecture layouts were defined. The... more
In Lower Germany archaeological evidence of brick- and tile-production on a significant scale is missing in the first half of the 1st century AD; only at a few sites along the rivers Rhine and Lippe can first attempts be recognized. Based... more
Stadt Frankfurt a. M.: großflächige Untersuchung einer militärischen Produktionsstätte der Römischen Kaiserzeit
Nick VAN LIEFFERINGE Tijdens een archeologische terreinverkenning op 21 december 2013 werd een dense concentratie dakpanfragmenten (tegulae en imbrices) aangetroffen ter hoogte van de Lastberg in Pellenberg. Op de nabijgelegen Tichelberg... more
In the archaeological excavations of a brick kiln, belonging to a large rustic building of the Roman period, discovered in 2009 in Villandro-Villanders (Bolzano), three inscribed bricks were found. One of them has a writing exercise, that... more
This article presents a preliminary typology of the bricks and tubuli found during the excavation of the late Roman bath at ‘Ayn Gharandal, Jordan. It also provides a brief discussion of their use within the heating system. The typologies... more
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