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More than 20 years after presenting his first interpretation of the mosaic from the House of Aion in a paper entitled “Uwagi na temat mozaiki z Domu Aiona w Nea Paphos (Cypr)” (Meander 9/10, 1987, p. 421-438, in Polish, and translated to... more
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      ChristianityHistoryAncient HistoryIntellectual History
This paper deals with some questions concerning the iconography, iconology and date of execution of the famous mosaic pavement from Sheikh Zoueide in Sinai, now exibited in the Ismailiya Museum. The author analyses both the mythological... more
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      Latin American StudiesArchaeologyClassical ArchaeologyNear Eastern Archaeology
More than 20 years after presenting his first interpretation of the mosaic from the House of Aion in a paper entitled “Uwagi na temat mozaiki z Domu Aiona w Nea Paphos (Cypr)” (Meander 9/10, 1987, p. 421-438, in Polish, and translated to... more
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      Creative WritingChristianityHistoryAncient History
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      Roman VillaeRoman EpigraphyRoman EmpireRoman Economy
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      Roman VillaeRoman Archaeology
In attesa di organizzare una redazione definitiva e trovare una veste editoriale per pubblicare il mio lavoro di ricerca di Dottorato, svolto presso la Sorbonne Université, École doctorale VI - Histoire de l’Art et archéologie e presso La... more
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      Roman VillaeSTORIA DELL'ARTEArcheologia ClassicaArcheologia Romana
This paper addresses the specificities of the appearance of villas as well as the significance of villa culture in Roman Greece and tackles the notion of the villa as a ‘Romanisation’ marker in this region. The spread of the villa in the... more
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      Classical ArchaeologyRoman VillaeRoman GreeceGreek and Roman Art and Architecture
This monographic essay analyses the transformations taking place in the rural landscape in northern Puglia (southern Italy) and a part of north-western Basilicata during the centuries of Romanization, that is to say, in the period between... more
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      Landscape ArchaeologyRoman VillaeArchaeology of pre-Roman ItalyRepublican Rome
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      Roman VillaeVillae RusticaeRoman Archaeology
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      Roman VillaeRoman rural settlementsVillae RusticaeRoman Archaeology
BotteGa epiGrafica o atelier pittorico? la scrittura neGli affreschi romani colgo l'occasione di queste giornate di studio dedicate alla memoria del maestro Giancarlo susini, a dieci anni dalla sua scomparsa, per presentare alcune... more
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      HistoryAncient HistoryIntellectual HistoryCultural History
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      Roman VillaeRoman ArchitecturePrima PortaVilla of Livia
Vorwort Programm Beiträge Arnold, F., Licht als architektonisches Gestaltungsmittel in den ägyptischen Pyramidentempeln Bachmann, M., Fenster zum Hof. Zur Belichtungsfrage pergamenischer Peristylhäuser Beste, H.-J., Licht und Lichtführung... more
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      Classical ArchaeologyRoman VillaeGreek and Roman Art and ArchitectureRoman Architecture
Mots-clés. Villa, artisanat, cuve, bassin, ensemble funéraire, pratique funéraire, dépôt, céramique, fusaïole, macrorestes, végétaux, faune, dendrochronologie, Divodurum, Médiomatriques. Résumé. Une opération archéologique (2011) a... more
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      ArchaeologyFunerary ArchaeologyDendrochronologyWood Anatomy
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      Digital HumanitiesVirtual ArchaeologyRoman VillaeRoman Architecture
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      Roman HistoryLate Antique ArchaeologySettlement PatternsEarly Christianity
Questo volume, che raccoglie gli Atti del LII Convegno di Studi sulla Magna Grecia, svoltosi a Taranto dal 27 al 30 settembre 2012, è pubblicato dall'Istituto per la Storia e l'Archeologia della Magna Grecia, con il contributo della... more
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      Landscape ArchaeologyRoman VillaeRomanisationDaunia
in P. Pensabene, C. Sfameni (eds.), La Villa restaurata e i nuovi studi sull’edilizia residenziale tardo antica, Convegno internazionale (Piazza Armerina, 7-10 novembre 2012), Bari 2014, pp. 267-276.
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      Rome, City ofLate Antique ArchaeologySuburbsTopography of Ancient Rome (Archaeology)
Dankesworte Mein Dank gilt an erster Stelle meinem Betreuer und Lehrer, Herrn ao.Univ.-Prof.i.R. Dr.phil. Erwin Pochmarski, für das Überlassen des Fundmateriales und das damit verbundene Vertrauen, sowie meinem Zweitbegutachter, Herrn... more
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      Pottery (Archaeology)Roman VillaeRoman PotteryRoman Provincial Archaeology
This book derives from the doctoral thesis of the author. The Molise was a small region of central Italy that has been little studied by archaeologists. This study has attempted to fill the gaps in our knowledge with the collection and... more
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      Roman HistoryLate Antique and Byzantine StudiesLate Antique ArchaeologyLate Antiquity
The scenes tell the story of the founding of Pella/Apamea and further development of this city on the Orontes river. Three main groups of scenes can be distinguished: (1) the foundation of Pella-on-the-Orontes by the legendary Archippos,... more
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      HistoryArchaeologyClassical ArchaeologyNear Eastern Archaeology
13 MAURIZIO ODDO La Villa del Casale. Un contributo contemporaneo 15 FRANCESCO PAOLO RIZZO Introduzione 23 ERNESTO DE MIRO Piazza Armerina. La Villa romana del Casale e la Sicilia tra Tardoantico e Medioevo (a cura di Patrizio Pensabene)... more
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      Early Medieval ArchaeologyLate AntiquityRoman VillaeApulian Archaeology
Un decennio di ricerche archeologiche nel territorio di Paola (CS). Le Calabrie romane fra II a.C. e VI d.C.
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      ArchaeologyClassical ArchaeologyClassicsPottery (Archaeology)
The South Etruria survey results indicated a much denser concentration of settlement in the southern part of the survey area, closer to Rome. It seems clear that the proximity of Rome encouraged settlement here, and it is frequently... more
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      Ancient HistoryEconomic HistoryRoman HistoryLandscape Archaeology
The main goal of this Thesis is to proove that the Roman villa of Freiria (S. Domingos de Rana parish, municipality of Cascais, Portugal) is one of the standing points, that confirms how the modus vivendi of the Roman world, brought by... more
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      Roman VillaeStructural AnalysisArtifacts
The aim of this study was to find the connections between the Lanciani’s project for a detailed archaeological map of the Roman Campagna (never completed) with a series of drawings from his collection in the Library of Palazzo Venezia. On... more
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      Landscape ArchaeologyTopography of Ancient Rome (Archaeology)Roman VillaeAncient Topography (Archaeology)
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      ArchaeologyRoman VillaeRoman cities in Tarraconensis
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      ArchaeologyRoman HistoryFood HistoryRoman Villae
Villa und burgus von Obermendig »Im Winkel« (Lkr. Mayen-Koblenz) im Kontext der römischen Besiedlung des Segbachtals Im Bereich des Hauptgebäudes der villa »Im Winkel« konnten mehrere Besiedlungsphasen von der Mittellatènezeit bis hin... more
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      ArchaeologyLate Antique ArchaeologyRoman ReligionLate Antiquity
The small Romano-Gallic cemetery ›Auf der Höll‹ in Kalt (Mayen-Koblenz County, Rhineland-Palatinate), excavated in 1926, gives an insight into the burial customs of the rural Maifeld population. Due to its loess deposits, this region in... more
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      Roman HistoryRoman VillaeDeath and Burial (Archaeology)Burial Practices (Archaeology)
Storia di Russi. Dalla villa alla città, a cura di E. Baldini, D. Bolognesi, Longo editore, Ravenna 2014, pp. 335-347
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      ArchaeologyRomani StudiesRoman VillaeArcheologia
I l semplice gesto di portarci alle labbra un bicchiere di vino potrebbe, qualche volta, ricordarci che stiamo bevendo un estratto di storia, oltre che di uva. Stiamo bevendo una parte del nostro passato, una parte della nostra storia del... more
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      HistoryAncient HistoryArchaeologyClassics
L'autore ha il diritto di stampare o diffondere copie di questo PDF esclusivamente per uso scientifico o didattico. Edipuglia si riserva di mettere in vendita il PDF, oltre alla versione cartacea. L'autore ha diritto di pubblicare in... more
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      ArchaeologyRoman VillaeArcheologiaGreek Colonization (Magna Graecia and Sicily)
Casi dos décadas después de la celebración de las primeras “Jornadas sobre poblamiento rural romano en el sureste de Hispania”, las intervenciones arqueológicas que desde esa fecha se han ido sucediendo, han añadido nuevos datos a la... more
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      Roman VillaeLate Roman EmpireLate Roman ArchaeologyArchaeology of Roman Hispania
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      Roman VillaeImperial ideology and representationRoman EmpireArchitecture and power, Roman imperial villas, Hadrianic architecture
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    • Roman Villae
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      Roman VillaeRoman Baths (Archaeology)Roman Archaeology
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      ArchaeologyLate Antique ArchaeologySettlement PatternsEarly Medieval Archaeology
This is a more elaboret and developped version of the first paper published in Polish : M.T. Olszewski, Uwagi na temat mosaiki z Domu Aiona w Nea Paphos (Cypr), Menander XLII, 9-10, 1987, pp. 421-438 (translated to English : The... more
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      ReligionClassical ArchaeologyNear Eastern ArchaeologyMusic
Catalogue de l’exposition tenue du 28 novembre 2012 au 24 juin 2013 au Centre d’Études et de Ressources Archéologiques du Maine Pierre Térouanne à Allonnes (Sarthe)
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      ArchaeologyRoman Villae
Sundials in Roman and Byzantine Mosaics (1st – 9th Century AD). A scientific monograph. The sundials on ancient mosaics have not been the subject of scientific studies so far. The author has gathered together in this publication the... more
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      Classical ArchaeologyNear Eastern ArchaeologyMaterials ScienceClassics
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      Local HistoryArchivesRoman VillaeLiteratura
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      Roman VillaeRoman Baths (Archaeology)Ancient Greek and Roman TheatreFayum Mummy portraits
Nell'area archeologica di Colle Plinio di San Giustino, a pochi chilometri a nord di Città di Castello, l'antica Tifernum Tiberinum, si era da tempo riconosciuta la villa in Tuscis di Plinio il Giovane (figg. 1-2) 1 . Colonne, marmi,... more
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      Roman VillaePliny the ElderPliny the YoungerVille romane
The aim is to study ancient fountains in their architectural context, in the belief that the context will reveal their function in the dwelling. This article first analyzes the fountain structures and examines the relationship between... more
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      ArchaeologyClassical ArchaeologyMythologyRoman History
The mosaic from Sheikh Zuweid on the western coast of North Sinai, discovered in 1913, as well as the mosaic brought to light in 1919 at Vinon near Aix-en-Provence in southern France had to wait until the end of the 20th century for... more
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      SemioticsReligionMythology And FolkloreAncient History
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      ArchaeologyRoman VillaeRoman Baths (Archaeology)Late Roman Archaeology
The aim of this article is to propose a new approach to a ‘traditional’ archaeological theme, such as the end of the Roman villas and the transformations that occurred between the 3rd and the 8th century. This work has been set in a... more
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      Applied StatisticsLate Antique ArchaeologyEarly Medieval ArchaeologyLate Antiquity
Beyond the devastation and tragedy of human lives precipitated by the conflict in Syria, priceless representations of ancient culture and history have likewise fallen victim to a seemingly never-ending maelstrom of destruction. Ancient... more
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      HistoryAncient HistoryArchaeologyClassical Archaeology
The mosaic pavements in the House of Leukaktios in Ptolemais (Cyrenaica, Libya), newly discovered - by a Polish team from the University of Warsaw under the direction of T. Mikocki (1954-2007), have shed new light on the decoration of... more
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      HistoryArchaeologyClassical ArchaeologyMythology