Fémkeresős kutatások és tervásatás során tizenhárom darab köztársaság-és kora császárkori érme került elő Kőszegfalva mellett, a Borostyánkőút közelében. A denariusok már a római hódítást megelőzően is jelentős szerepet játszottak... more
Archaeological research has traditionally focused on the centres of urban development in the ancient world, across the Loess plains, along the Indus, and throughout the Fertile Crescent and adjacent foothills. Urban development in... more
A través del análisis de las fuentes textuales, epigráficas e iconográficas, la antropología histórica resulta una aproximación válida para estudiar motivos y fenómenos del mundo antiguo, como pretendemos exponer en este trabajo.... more
The perusal of a history seems a calm entertainment; but would be no entertainment at all, did not our hearts beat with correspondent movements to those which are described by the historian. -David Hume, An Enquiry Concerning the... more
Version as of April 2024
Communication lors de la journée d’étude du projet Eurykleia "Une autre histoire est possible. Éléments pour une histoire mixte des sociétés grecque et romaine", organisée par Sandra Boehringer, à l’université de Strasbourg, le 8 décembre... more
1978 tavaszán negyedéves régész–történész szakos egyetemi hallgatóként három hónapos részképzésen vettem részt a Moszkvai Lomonoszov Egyetem Régészeti Tanszékén. A tanszékvezető professzor, G. A. Fedorov-Davydov jóvoltából egy hétig a... more
Texts and Studies in Eastern Christianity is intended to advance the field of Eastern Christian Studies by publishing translations of ancient texts, individual monographs, thematic collections, and translations into English of significant... more
Despite the habitual lack of interest in the use of water in the workshops of antiquity, some of the artisanal activities identified in well-preserved Roman towns such as Pompeii show that water was essential for a wide range of... more
Multidisciplinary approach to Underwater Cultural Heritage: case study from the Venice Lagoon , 2023
The 24th annual meeting of the Symposium on Mediterranean Archaeology - SOMA was held in Udine, Italy from 2 to 4 February 2023. The Symposium was organized by the University of Udine with the support of GAMA, and the theme “Ideas that... more
Bibliography of all J P Wilds's publications up to January 2024. The most significant of the works listed have already been uploaded individually to Academia
Flohr, M. (2023). ‘Manufacturing in the Roman World’, in K. Ruffing and S. Von Reden (eds), Handbuch Antike Wirtschaft. Oldenbourg: De Gruyter, 719–742.
Did a Roman imperial economy exist under the Late Republic, the Roman Principate and the Later Roman Empire? And if so, what type of economy was it? Another equally important question is: did the Roman Empire, by specific actions, the... more
The unique grave from Poprad-Matejovce, excavated in 2006 and dated to the late 4th century AD, is already well known to the NESAT audience. Preliminary results from the laboratory research of the in situ blocks with organic material... more
Survey of the re-use and re-cycling of textiles across the Roman Empire, based on archaeological and documentary (papyrological) sources.
Chronique des activités archéologiques de l'École française de Rome Les cités vésuviennes | 2019 Les ateliers au sud-est de la Casa degli amorini dorati à Pompéi
López. "Territorios campesinos. Una lectura del paisaje agrícola andalusí de Níjar y Huebro, en el distrito de Arš al-Yaman (Almería)". En Agricultura y regadío en al-Andalus, síntesis y problemas, editado por Lorenzo Cara Barrionuevo y... more
Die Forschung an organischen Überresten aus der Ur- und Frühgeschichte sieht sich mit der Herausforderung konfrontiert, dass Materialien wie Textilien, Leder oder Ähnliches durch die in Mitteleuropa vorherrschenden klimatischen... more
Esta publicación no puede ser reproducida, ni total ni parcialmente, ni registrada en, o transmitida por, un sistema de recuperación de información, en ninguna forma ni por ningún medio, ya sea fotomecánico, fotoquímico, electrónico, por... more
This book benefited from a contribution of the Association Professeur Marcel Hoc, the Centre d'étude des mondes antiques (CEMA), and the Institut des civilisations, arts et lettres (INCAL). All rights reserved. No part of this publication... more
La collana è dotata di un sistema di peer review Presentazione di Giuseppe Parello La città che produce: alcuni spunti di riflessione di Giuliano Volpe I SESSIONE: SPAZI URBANI E PRODUZIONI La lavorazione dei tessuti e la dislocazione... more
Seven sets of gold threads located in Augusta Emerita from the 1970's to the present are presented in this paper. They are addressed in a contextual key from the data offered by the Consorcio de Mérida and the Museo Nacional de Arte... more
One recent development in the study of Roman crafts and retail is that there seems to be a slight shift away from studying the actual work installations towards studying the architectural environments within which these were situated. 1... more
The Roman textile and clothing industry was organised into a public and a private sector, however, the division was not on a contract basis. Instead, 'private' denoted the manufacture of cloth and articles of clothing undertaken... more
Archaeological research has traditionally focused on the centres of urban development in the ancient world, across the Loess plains, along the Indus, and throughout the Fertile Crescent and adjacent foothills. Urban development in... more
The Sine Sepulchro cultural complex, also known as “Handmade Painted Ware cultures”, developed over the larger part of the territory of southern Central Asia during the Iron Age (in the second half of the second millennium BCE), where it... more
Chronique des activités archéologiques de l'École française de Rome Les cités vésuviennes | 2019 Les ateliers au sud-est de la Casa degli amorini dorati à Pompéi
In the late fourth century, the Church Father John Chrysostom (c.349-407) laid out what he saw as the natural difference between men and women in marriage: When God divided these two He assigned the management of the household to the... more
Newcastle University ePrints-eprint.ncl.ac.uk Turkmendag I. When sperm cannot travel: Experiences of UK would-be parents seeking treatment abroad.
Cette campagne de fouilles s'inscrit dans un projet plus large (« DELPO : Espaces urbains de production et histoire des techniques à Délos et à Pompéi ») faisant partie des programmes de recherche quinquennaux de l'École française de Rome... more
Layout del testo: Matteo Annibaletto Nella collana Antenor Quaderni sono pubblicate opere sottoposte a revisione valutativa con il procedimento in «doppio cieco» (double blind peer review process), nel rispetto dell'anonimato dell'autore... more
During their usage, garments get dirty and damaged. Every information concerning their cleansing, darning, mending or in one word: their refurbishing is extremely helpful in sheding light to their individual (hi)story or biography. Two... more
Excavations (2003 -2006) along via di Passolombardo, in southeastern limit of Rome municipality, allowed to identify an articulated and unpublished archaeological complex, mainly based on three structures: a large concrete basin, a... more
Thanks to favourable preservation conditions, thousands of textile fragments dating from the medieval and modern era have been found in Tartu cesspits. These fragments mostly originate from fabrics made of wool; silk finds are rare (0.6%... more
Professeur de droit public a l'Universite de Thessalonique Professeur invite a l'Universite de Montpellier Le syste me grcc du contr61ej uI'idiclionl1eI cΙ s Iois ρnιιi ηυ~ depLIi s υπ iecle • • c distingLIc dc cc lui de Ι Έ υΓΟΡΟ. Ι13 ιί... more
This paper aims to provide a first glimpse into the genomic characterization of individuals buried in Casal Bertone (Rome, first–third centuries AD) to gain preliminary insight into the genetic makeup of people who lived near a tannery... more