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Critiques the Finley thesis that slaveholding social formations can be broken into the simple binary - "Slave Societies" and "Societies with Slaves".
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      History of SlaveryCarthage (History)Pacific Northwest Coast archaeologyRoman Slavery
This paper examines the references to slavery within Pliny's Letters. Examining so called 'invisible' Romans can be challenging yet within a single text a wide variety of information can be extracted. What is revealed is a complex social... more
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      Roman HistoryPliny the YoungerRoman Slavery
Explains the historiographical evolution of Finley's thesis that slaveholding societies can be broken into two categories: 'Slave Societies" and "societies with slaves." Demonstrates its rootedness in mid-twentieth-century debates between... more
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      Roman SlaveryMoses I. FinleyAncient Greek Slavery
While describing the Greco-roman world or what is called classical antiquity (from 8th-5th cent BC), one will never miss out on the deep-rooted institution of slavery. The dominant mode of production in classical Greece, which governed... more
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      Roman HistoriographyHistory of SlaveryAntiquityGreco-Roman World
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      Roman LawLate AntiquityLate Roman EmpireRoman agriculture
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      PetroniusImperial FreedmenRoman Slavery
The neo-republican conception of freedom as non-domination has emerged as a powerful framework for conceptualizing the dynamic relationship between power, democracy, and constitutionalism in modernity. Despite this, I argue that... more
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      Political TheoryRepublicanismCritical Race TheoryHistory of Slavery
John Byron is professor of New Testament at Ashland Theological Seminary in Ashland, Ohio and is well-known for his publications on slavery in the Roman world. His Slavery Metaphors in Early Judaism and Pauline Christianity: A... more
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      New TestamentBiblical StudiesPhilemonRoman Slavery
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      HistoryEuropean HistoryEarly Modern HistoryHistory of Education
Reviews: Hermathena 191 (2011 [2014]) 130–33 [U. Roth]; European Review of History 21.1 (2014) 114–16 [T. Sandon]; Sehepunkte 14.2 (2014) [A. Lepke]; Greece & Rome 60.1 (2013) 175 [B. Levick]; Journal of Roman Archaeology 26 (2013)... more
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      Classical ArchaeologyRoman HistoryMaterial Culture StudiesSlavery
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      Roman social historyRoman EconomyAncient Roman Social HistoryRoman agriculture
There are four inscriptions from Lusitania in which freedpersons appear to manumit their own children: (1) Camira Sunuae lib(erta) / an(norum) XXV h(ic) s(ita) e(st) / Docquirus Catueni / et Sunua Docquiri / lib(erta) fil(iae) f(aciendum)... more
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      Latin EpigraphyRoman social historyRoman LusitaniaRoman Slavery
Christianity emerged within the Roman empire, during a time in which the worst forms of slavery were common. Unlike the Hebrews of ancient Israel, early Christians were living in a society over which they had virtually no influence, and... more
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      SlaveryHistory of SlaveryAbolition of SlaveryAnti-slavery
Constantine usually opposes, by means of his legislation, the sexual relationship between a free woman and a slave. The paper analyzes CTh. 4.12.3 which constitutes an exception. The emperor’s chancery modifies the senatus consultum... more
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      Roman LawLate AntiquityFamily historyConstantine
The point of departure of this paper is two burial grounds excavated by A.-L. Delattre near the amphitheatre at Carthage in the late 19th century. In total, Delattre found more than 900 funerary inscriptions mentioning almost 1,300... more
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      Roman EpigraphyRoman social historyCarthage (Archaeology)Roman North Africa (Archaeology)
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      Ancient HistoryRoman HistoryHistoria AntigaAncient Slavery
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      ChristianityHistoryAncient HistoryRoman History
Slaves were allowed to obtain freedom in the Roman world through manumission. This brief contribution describes this particular procedure and its historical evolution, focusing at the same time on the status of freedmen in Roman society.
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      Roman HistoryHistory of SlaverySocial HistoryRoman Slavery
A paucity of identifiable archaeological material makes it difficult to locate slavery in the archaeological record, but the figurines of slave characters in Roman comedy represent a rich, untapped resource. One character in particular,... more
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      Roman ComedyAncient Greek and Roman TheatreArchaeology of slaveryAncient Slavery
DER LEX PORTORII ASIAE 1 § 51 der lex portorii Asiae, eines ursprünglich auf Latein verfassten Rechtstexts, der uns nur in griechischer Wiedergabe erhalten ist, beschäftigt sich mit der Verzollung von Sklaven bei der Einfuhr nach und der... more
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      Roman LawRoman EmpireAncient TattooingEphesos
In this book, Sarah Levin-Richardson offers the first authoritative examination of Pompeii's purpose-built brothel, the only verifiable brothel from Greco-Roman antiquity. Taking readers on a tour of all of the structure's evidence,... more
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      Classical ArchaeologyRoman HistoryPompeii (Archaeology)Women in the ancient world
This paper is an attempt to understand some of the implications the legal complexities of ius patronatus had for a historic analysis of Roman society. Since its main importance lay on the rights over the inheritance of freedmen, we must... more
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      Roman LawHerculaneumPompeii and HerculaneumRoman Slavery
Recants my previously held position that pederasty was limited to the love of boys aged 12-18; presents evidence to show that there was no downward limit in the use of child slaves for sex, and indeed that freeborn children were... more
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      Latin LiteratureHistory of SexualityRoman Slavery
Quaderno n. 8 –– Conferenze 2003-2004, stampato per conto del Circolo da Legatoria Manna, Rende (CS), 2005 –– Sommario: (1) GUSSO Massimo, Aspetti della schiavitù in Roma imperiale. Un tragico racconto di Tacito pp. 1-15; (2) CADEDDU... more
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      Roman SlaveryProdigial LitteratureSchiavitùAndrea Previtali
Fortune has equal rights over slaves and free men alike. That is why I smile at those who think it degrading for a man to dine with his slave. But why should they think it degrading? It is only because purse-proud etiquette surrounds a... more
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      Roman HistoryRoman LawAncient RomeRoman Slavery
Formación online en esclavitud romana impartida a través del Centro de Estudios de la Universidad de Murcia. La esclavitud es uno de los elementos que define la sociedad romana antigua. Su estudio adquirió una gran importancia a... more
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      Roman SlaveryEsclavitud romana
RESUMEN: En el caso de una cognitio imperial, reportado por el jurista Marcelo, el testador había anulado los herederos de su testamento. Había anulado también la disposición de libertad de un esclavo (manumisión testamentaria). Surgió... more
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      Roman HistoryRoman LawSlaveryHistory of Slavery
En este artículo se realiza un análisis de las fuentes epigráficas disponibles para estudiar el papel de los esclavos públicos e imperiales como cultores en Hispania. A través de estas fuentes se analiza el estatus de los esclavos que en... more
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      Roman ReligionHistory of SlaveryLatin EpigraphyEpigrafia
Introduction p. 3 -Modern child prostitution p. 5 -Child prostitution in ancient Rome p. 7 -Determining Roman maturity p. 9 -Conclusion p. 12 -Notes p. 13
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      Human TraffickingRoman SlaveryChild Prostitution
Il testo contiene alcune considerazioni sulla figura di Spartaco e, in generale, sulla condizione degli schiavi nelle campagne e nelle città romane, scaturite in particolare dalla lettura dell'epistola 47 di Seneca a Lucilio.
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      HistoryAncient HistoryCultural HistorySociology
Legal and other texts insist that slaves (servi) are not permitted to join the Roman army. The evidence suggests, however, that slaves might serve if they were owned by the army itself. After demonstrating the presence of public slaves... more
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      Roman LawAncient economies (Archaeology)Roman ArmyRoman Slavery
Although Onesimus is the reason for Paul’s Letter to Philemon, he is only mentioned by name for the first time nearly halfway through the letter (v. 10). He also remains voiceless throughout the letter. This contribution focuses on the... more
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      SlaveryAbolition of SlaveryApostle Paul and the Pauline LettersBiblical Interpretation
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      Gender HistoryHistory of SlaveryAncient SlaveryRoman Slavery
This chapter explores slavery’s often unseen contributions to imperial Roman literary representations of elite men’s voluntary solitude at their villas, chiefly examining the villa-tours of Pollius Felix (Stat. Silv. 2.2) and Pliny the... more
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      Latin LiteratureHistory of SlaveryStatius (Classics)Roman Villae
This chapter investigates the relation between gender and slavery among the Greeks and Romans. It considers the gendered division of labour for enslaved people with a special emphasis on enslaved females and female enslavers in the... more
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      Gender HistoryHistory of SlaveryGender studies in ancient GreeceAncient Greek History
PhD thesis investigating the process of enslaving war captives by the Romans and the extent and significance of this as a means of acquiring slaves within the growing slave economy in Italy and in the context of the changing geo-political... more
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    • Roman Slavery
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      Ancient HistoryRoman HistoryHistory of SlaveryAncient Greek History
This book is a life story of noble companion - Khabbab Ibn Al-Arat who was a slave worker of a cruel lady in Makkah. Khabbab, a master blacksmith, was not paid for the hardwork he did and was subject to all forms of torture and hardships.... more
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      Comparative ReligionHistory of SlaveryAbolition of SlaveryAnti-slavery
RE: Facades, illusions & ideological concepts created & promoted by ancient royalty out of necessity; effective creation of an alternate version of reality. It is only by knowing this information that the true nature of ancient texts may... more
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      ReligionChristianityGnosticismAncient Egyptian Religion
In his Epitaphium Sanctae Paulae, Jerome describes the journey which he and Paula undertook from Rome to their eventual place of settlement in Bethlehem. The passage has often been studied in context of pilgrimage, and I recently analysed... more
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      PilgrimageRoman Trade NetworksPilgrimage and travel to the Holy LandSt Jerome
Slavery was foundational to Greek and Roman societies, affecting nearly all of their economic, social, political, and cultural practices. Greek and Roman Slaveries offers a rich collection of literary, epigraphic, papyrological, and... more
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      Ancient HistoryClassicsRoman HistoryHistory of Slavery
This project examines the epigraphic, archaeological and literary evidence for slavery in first century CE Palestine. Detailed knowledge of slavery practices in this period is critical for the understanding of historical and religious... more
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      JosephusAncient SlaveryRoman SlaveryNew Testament and Archaeology
En este trabajo argumento a favor de la conveniencia de abandonar el concepto de modo de producción esclavista para la historia de Roma, tanto en la república como en el imperio. Esto no implica desconocer la presencia de los esclavos, la... more
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      Roman VillaeRoman Slavery
The relationship between ‘blackness’ and ‘race’ in Greco-Roman antiquity is an important issue that has received far too little attention in recent discussions on race and ethnicity. This issue, though often marginalized, is of great... more
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      HistoryAncient HistoryAncient HistoryAncient History
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      Roman EgyptGreek PapyriOxyrhynchusRoman Slavery
There are so many areas which need to be studied when it comes to the First and Second Centuries of the Common Era, and so much more to learn about that time in history. If you read this paper and still wonder about various parts of it,... more
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      ReligionChristianityComparative ReligionHistory