Roman Rota
Recent papers in Roman Rota
Breve relazione sui principali contenuti delle allocuzioni alla Rota Romana di Giovanni Paolo II (1987 e 1988) e di Benedetto XVI (2009), tutte incentrate sull'approfondimento dell'incapacità come vizio del consenso matrimoniale (can.... more
The Rota archives offer the scholars more than 1700 linear meters of archival materials from the 13th to the 20th century and represent an extensive source for general history and socio-legal research. The paper presents a short history... more
This article studies two causes of nullity of marriage for vim et metus (constraint and fear) judged by the Roman Rota in the 1580’s – 1600’s, to show how the protagonists tried to save face and mitigate the humiliation which accompanied... more
Gli inventari dell'Archivio Vaticano sono consultabili ESCLUSIVAMENTE in quella sede, pertanto è inutile farne richiesta online.
This article presents the progress review of a research on individual consent after the Concil of Trent. After an exploration of legal doctrine, the research focuses on the sources of the Roman Rota, the highest papal civil court, which... more
Si les séparations devant les cours ecclésiastiques ont déjà suscité des travaux pour la période moderne, l’intervention des juridictions romaines est moins connue, sinon par quelques travaux (Gabriella Zarri, « Le mariage tridentin. Les... more
Full version: Abstract: In Roman Catholic canon law, moral certitude describes the ecclesiastical judge’s full conviction that a defendant is guilty or that a statement of claim made by a civil... more
The case of Elena Cervera, a Hieronymite nun of Barcelona who claims against her vows before the court of the Roman Rota in 1616, being opposed to her brother don Rafael Cervera, son of the merchant Pere Cervera, presents a familial... more
Un juif peut-il être témoin contre un chrétien ? La question a occupé de nombreux juristes médiévaux et modernes dans les États où les juifs étaient tolérés, notamment en Italie. La doctrine juridique penchait pour la négative et... more
Gli inventari dell'Archivio Vaticano sono consultabili ESCLUSIVAMENTE in quella sede, pertanto è inutile farne richiesta online.