Roman Pottery
Recent papers in Roman Pottery
This is a revised and supplemented edition of a dissertation, defended in 2015 at the Department of Archaeology of the Historical Faculty in Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”. The two-chambered updraught kiln is the most... more
Ninina Cuomo di Caprio Series: Studia Archaeologica, 144 Format: 17 x 24 cm Binding: Hardcover with dustjacket Pages and Illustrations: 720, 200 b/w ill Publication Year: 2007 PDF ISBN 9788891317490 ISBN:... more
This is a published doctoral thesis in Turkish language at the Dokuz Eylül University, submitted by Gülseren Kan Şahin in 2015. In this dissertation pottery finds from Hadrianopolis and its chora in southwestern Paphlagonia (northwestern... more
progress". So say those in the know about this unique Swiss watch company, where each and every moment moves forward to create the future at breathtaking speed. Hublot's reputation dates back three decades: during this era, it was the... more
Perhaps more than any other ceramic container, lamps have the greatest potential to bear very rich iconographic depictions. The central surface and the band around the perimeter were useful panels on which to illustrate either individual... more
Recent evidence of Roman times in Alcover (Catalonia, Spain): Camí del Molí and Vila-sec.
La difusión y puesta en valor son pilares básicos en la gestión del patrimonio cultural en todas sus vertientes. Su puesta en marcha merece una continua revisión a la luz de nuevas herramientas, disciplinas y estrategias de comunicación... more
Cualquier forma de reproducción, distribución, comunicación pública o transformación de esta obra sólo puede ser realizada con la autorización de sus titulares, salvo excepción prevista por la ley.
Nella definizione generica «ceramica ad ingobbio rosso», adottata per semplificare la distinzione delle classi ceramiche, sono comprese produzioni di epoca e tipologia piuttosto diversa, in quanto talora imitazioni o manifatture affini a... more
This study discusses the changing trends in the supply of wine, olive oil, fish sauce and domestic pottery in Pompeii over a period of more than two centuries through the examination of a pottery assemblage excavated recently in the House... more
The article presents some of the preliminary results of the project Carta Archeologica del Comune di Nettuno, conducted by the Groningen Instituut of Archaeology (GIA). Surveys within the borders of the community of Nettuno show the... more
Full volume of the Proceedings available for download from the Archeopress website under Open Access publications.
In the summer of 2006, during the digging of geotechnical test pits on the site of a former sports field, workmen heard a sound ‘like breaking glass’ as hundreds of copper-alloy coins fell out of the JCB bucket. This dramatic discovery of... more
The second Aguntum workshop focused on the location of the Municipium Claudium Aguntum on the upper reaches of the Drava. The contributions published in volume 3 of the series Ager Aguntinus investigate to what extent the Roman... more
Deze brochure werd uitgegeven door de provincie Vlaams-Brabant in opdracht van de deputatie in het kader van de infodag archeologie 2008. Redactie: Hadewijch Degryse, dienst cultuur, provincie Vlaams-Brabant Lay-out: grafische cel,... more
THE ABSOLUTE CHRONOLOGY OF THE ROMAN PERIOD PHASE C1 IN THE LIGHT OF SAMIAN WARE FINDS ON THE TERRITORY OF THE PRZEWORSK CULTURE. SUMMARY Samian ware belong to the group of important sources enabling to attempt reconstruction of contacts... more
A summary of over a decade of surveys and excavations at the site of a previously unknown Roman period settlement at the southern end of Margary's RR14 road from London at Bridge Farm, Nr. Barcombe Mills, Lewes, East Sussex, England.... more
Dear Colleague, We would like to thank you very sincerely for your presentation at the international symposium, entitled “Unguentarium. A terracotta vessel form and other related vessels in the Hellenistic, Roman and early Byzantine... more
Das Marschgebiet, das sich entlang der ganzen Wattenmeer-Küste der Niederlande und Deutschlands erstreckt, ist gekennzeichnet durch tausende Wohnhügel, die ab ca. 600 vor Christus als Schutz vor dem Meer aufgeworfen wurden. In Friesland... more
Análisis del material cerámico de carácter arqueológico que ha recopilado el pintor granaidno Brazam a lo largo de casi cinco décadas, muchas de ellas de origen ibérico y algunas rarezas entre las que se encunetran incluso algunos falsos... more
Nomen latin + cognomen celtique: Octauius Silo Nomen latin recouvrant une réalité celtique: C. Frontonius Nomen latin recouvrant une réalité celtique + cognomen latin: Attius Flaccus, Attius Pr(imus), P. Attius Octauianus Nomen latin... more
Resumen: La presente contribución ofrece nuevos datos so-bre el alfar romano de Cartuja (Granada), obtenidos durante el seguimiento arqueológico preventivo desarrollado en el Campus de Cartuja de la Universidad de Granada con motivo de su... more
This study investigates African Red Slip Ware (ARS), kitchen ware and lamps from Augusta Vindelicum (Augsburg/Bavaria). The aim is to better understand both the settlement and economic history of the provincial capital of Raetia via its... more
Se presenta un nuevo ejemplar de lucerna de la tipología conocida como “de rana” o “frog lamp”, también llamadas “egipcias” por su lugar de producción.
A little cartographic experiment in the footsteps of Greg Woolf's Becoming Roman, trying to identify the influence of increasing mobility on cultural change in early Roman Gaul.
South Gaulish terra sigillata of La Graufesenque was produced on a large scale and exceptionally widely exported in the western provinces and beyond in the 1st century AD; and other South Gaulish and the later Gaulish production centres... more