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This is review of the speech delivered by Professor Antonio Fernández de Buján on the occasion of his joining the Spanish Royal Academy of Jurisprudence and Legislation. The speech was given on the 20th of January, 2014, and was replied... more
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      ArbitrationRoman LawArbitration LawInternational Commercial Arbitration
Greek gynecological and pediatric standards created ideal types. One was the woman fit to breastfeed, another the newborn fit to be breastfed. This study examines the consequences of these standards on human lives. Mothers and... more
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      Roman LawGalenLate AntiquityHuman Pregnancy, Birth And Breastfeeding
This was very hard work, cos I studied very carefully military- and social structures of Rome. And of course, as usual, laws from codex Theodosianus. I was amazed at how different my view begins to be compared to common views of this... more
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      Roman HistoryRoman LawLate Roman ArmyRoman law, ancient legal history, ancient history, documentary papyri, Latin legal documents
Giovedì 19 maggio - h. 9.00
Teatro Ruzzante
Riviera Tito Livio, 45 - Padova
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      Roman LawRes Communes Omnium
MILANO 2017 INCONTRO DI STUDIO N. 70 QUANTE EQUITÀ? A cura di Dario Mantovani e Salvatore Veca Milano, 28 febbraio 2013
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      ClassicsRoman HistoryLegal HistoryRoman Law
RESUMEN: Este estudio se centra en la figura de Acilia Plecusa, una esclava que fue manumitida y contrajo un matrimonio legítimo con su propietario, Manius Acilius Fronto. Ellos eran originarios de la ciudad de Singilia Barba (Baetica) y... more
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      Ancient HistoryWomen's HistoryRoman LawWomen
It is a common misconception that fides and bona fides are ethical principles with changeable content, shaped by the development of social and moral values. They belong instead, since time immemorial, to the tradition of the ius civile,... more
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      HistoryAncient HistoryCultural HistoryLaw
Praefectus e praefectura sono lemmi polisemici in alcuni casi riconducibili all’ambito dell’amministrazione della giustizia su delega pretoria tra IV e I secolo a.C. La nozione di prafectura, in principio adoperata per indicare un... more
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      Roman HistoryRoman LawStoria RomanaRoman law and history
A proposito del mito di Leda, si introduce la discussione sulla violenza sessuale, spesso velata dietro un racconto di seduzione. Si focalizzano, nella parte centrale, i modelli comportamentali nella cultura medico-giuridica di lingua... more
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    • Roman Law
This paper is a brief introduction into the Graeco‐Roman Marriage Contract material, and translation of P.OXY. X.1273. The text itself is interesting because it is dated later than the other marriage documents at Oxyrrhynchus. It belongs... more
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      Roman LawGreek PapyriStipulations in MarriageMarriage Contract
La «diligentia quam suis» del depositario dal diritto romano alle codificazioni nazionali Casi e questioni di diritto civile nella prospettiva storico-comparatistica (*) Introduzione-1. La diligentia quam suis del depositario nella... more
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      Roman LawResponsabilità Contrattuale E ExtracontrattualeContrattiDiritto romano
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      Artificial IntelligenceCivil LawRoman LawAnimal Law
n the middle of the second century AD, 1 Lucius Apuleius, standing trial before the proconsul of Africa Claudius Maximus on the charge of sorcery, began his defense speech by an address to «Claudius Maximus and members of the council». 2... more
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      Roman LawRoman provincial administrationRoman law and Civil Procedure
Parricidium zawsze stanowiło jedno z najcięższych przestępstw w starożytnym Rzymie. W zależności od etapu rozwoju, na jakim znajdowało się prawo rzymskie, termin parricidium w sensie prawniczym oznaczał morderstwo członka tego samego... more
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      Roman LawPrawo RzymskieRoman Criminal Law
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      Roman LawEuropean Legal History
The book strives to provide a historical, comparative, and multidisciplinary introduction to the study of private law. Against the backdrop of the predominant position enjoyed by legal positivism, private law is thus understood as a... more
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      JurisprudenceComparative LawEuropean LawRoman Law
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      Roman LawHermeneuticsHans-Georg GadamerLegal interpretation
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      Ancient HistoryComparative LawRoman HistoryLegal History
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      Ancient HistoryArchaeologyDivinationRoman Law
I membri del collegio di Nemesiaci oggetti di richiamo imperiale in un provvedimento del 412 nel Codice Teodosiano sono figure di controversa interpretazione nella storia degli studi. Per comprendere le attività da essi svolte e come... more
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      Classical ArchaeologyClassicsRoman HistoryRoman Law
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      Legal HistoryRoman LawLate AntiquityLate Roman Empire
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      Roman HistoryRoman LawUrbanismRoman Empire
My aim in this essay is to elucidate the meaning of the phrase collegia sodalicia, which occurs only in Digests 47.22.1 pr. (= Marcian F 73a Lenel), the introductory section of the Digests’ title De collegiis et corporibus (47.22). In... more
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      Roman LawVoluntary AssociationsImperial RomeRoman provincial administration
The discussion on the spread of convivial luxury involving key figures of late Republican Rome reported in a passage of the 3rd book of the Saturnalia gives the opportunity to notice that around the end of the 4th century CE and the... more
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      Ancient HistoryRoman HistoryRoman LawLate Antiquity
Wywiad z prof. Markiem Kuryłowiczem
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    • Roman Law
Focusing on a digression included in Dionysius of Halicarnassus’ Roman Antiquities concerning the practice of manumission in Rome during the reign of the king Servius Tullius, this contribution aims to clarify the meaning of the... more
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      Roman HistoryRoman HistoriographyRoman LawAugustan Principate
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      Ancient HistoryCultural HistoryRoman HistoryRoman Law
The paper examines the upsurge of piracy in the last century of the Roman Republic, to underline its impact on politics. Analysing the testimonials about the period after 105 BC, we can appreciate that as well as interfering in the wars... more
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      Ancient HistoryClassicsRoman HistoryRoman Law
The references to the cult of Vesta included in numerous excerpts of Seneca the Elder’s collection of Controversiae offer a proof of the technical competence of declaimers in recalling the conditions prescribed by pontifical law for being... more
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      Roman HistoryRoman LawRoman ReligionAugustan Principate
Collection of contributions on the phenomenon of Piracy in the ancient Mediterranean World, with special reference to its development in the Roman Period as well as to some aspects of its evolution from the Middle Ages to the Present, in... more
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      Ancient HistoryRoman HistoryInternational LawRoman Law
Translative Property Transfer in Roman Law.
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      Roman LawRoman Private LawTransfer of Property Law
in P. DESIDERI - M. MOGGI - M. PANI (éd.), Antidoron. Studi in onore di Barbara Scardigli Forster, Pisa 2007, 281-304
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      Ancient HistoryRoman HistoryRoman LawCassius Dio
A detailed analysis of CIL XIV 2112 = ILS 7212, an inscription detailing the status and life of an association (collegium) of worshipers of Diana and Antinous in Lanuvium. A new edition of the text with English translation is also... more
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      Roman LawRoman ReligionVoluntary AssociationsFunerary Archaeology
Carlo Pelloso Le origini aristoteLiChe deL SUNALLAGMA di aristone sommario: 1. introduzione: alle origini del concetto di sun£llagma. -2. La dottrina della giustizia universale nell'etica nicomachea. -3. giustizia correttiva e... more
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      Roman LawAncient Greek Philosophy
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      Roman LawLate Roman EmpireTetrarchy
The transfer of ownership by an authorized non-owner is a common situation in everyday commercial practice. However, the dogmatic framework surrounding it has often led to controversy when studying both Roman and modern private law. Key... more
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      Roman LawOwnershipVoluntasDCFR
The chapter offers an historical overview of Roman law as an object of legal historical research. The forms of contemporary research on Roman law are more diverse than they have ever been. This is true regarding its varied national... more
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      Legal HistoryRoman Law
Borkowski's Textbook on Roman Law has been written with undergraduate students firmly in mind. The book provides a clear and highly readable account of Roman private law and civil procedure, with coverage of all key topics, including the... more
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    • Roman Law
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      Roman LawRoman law, ancient legal history, ancient history, documentary papyri, Latin legal documents
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      Ancient HistoryRoman HistoryRome, City ofRoman Law
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      Roman LawReception of Roman law
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      Legal HistoryRoman LawLate AntiquityJustinian I, Emperor
La querela inofficiosi testamenti no conocía del litisconsorcio. Cuando había más de un coheredero forzoso, cada uno de ellos interponía su acción independientemente de los otros, con el objetivo de conseguir la cuota hereditaria que le... more
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      PhilologyHistoryAncient HistoryCivil Law
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      Roman LawRoman ReligionArchaeology of Roman ReligionAncient Rome
Poetry was a “frequent guest” in Roman jurists' writings. Sometimes they were using inspirations of ancient poets to illustrate some legal problems. In one of these examples there is a quotation from “Iliad” concerning Patroklos, who had... more
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      Criminal LawRoman LawPrawo RzymskiePrawo Karne
Prolusione al Dottorato di "Teoria del diritto e ordine giuridico ed economico europeo" dell'Università della Magna Grecia
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      Medieval HistoryEarly Modern HistoryMedieval StudiesHistoriography
Abstract: I intend to show in this artile a systematic analysis about the Municipal Legislation of the Emperor Julian: Curias and Decurions. I will also explain some laws of the imperial administration which are articular with the laws... more
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      Ancient HistoryRoman HistoryRoman LawEmperor Julian
Protéger la possession des biens meubles et immeubles d’une personne étrangère à Rome, à l’Époque classique romaine constitue, de notre perspective, une noble conception juridique qu’une cité puisse en exprimer dans sa politique vis-à-vis... more
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      European LawRoman LawPhilosophy Of LawComparative Private Law
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      Roman LawLate AntiquityLate Roman EmpireRoman agriculture