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      Legal HistoryEuropean Legal HistoryRoman InquisitionHistory of the Order of Preachers (Dominicans)
Intervista a tre voci ad Alberto Fasulo, regista del film "Menocchio" (2018), opera ispirata alla vicenda del mugnaio friulano Domenico Scandella, che nel tardo Cinquecento fu sottoposto ad Inquisizione e a condanna.
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      Film StudiesFilm AnalysisHistorical FilmsFilm and History
Il 67° codice della collezione Manoscritti della Biblioteca Civica di Alessandria conserva l’unico esemplare noto della Tabula chronologica inquisitorum Italiae et insularum adiacentium (1730). L’autore, un frate domenicano vissuto a... more
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      Criminal LawEarly Modern HistoryLegal HistoryProsopography
This article analyses the debates about mixed marriages held within the Roman Curia (and especially the Roman Inquisition) between the sixteenth and the eighteenth centuries, integrating these debates with the normative and prescriptive... more
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      HistoryEuropean HistoryCultural HistoryCanon Law
Seminarski rad iz predmeta "Komparativna pravna historija", Pravni fakultet Univerziteta u Sarajevu, I godina studija
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      InquisitionThe Spanish InquisitionRoman Inquisitionisabella of Castile
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      JurisdictionEarly Modern ItalyRoman Inquisition
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      Military HistoryHistory of ReligionInquisitionInquisition (Law)
GIGLIOLA FRAGNITO, Rinascimento perduto. La letteratura italiana sotto gli occhi dei censori (secoli XV-XVII), Bologna, Il Mulino, 2019, 325 pp.
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      CensorshipBook HistoryInquisitionHistory of Literature as a Discipline
The author analyzes how Medieval culture and civilization in Europe was able to manage cultural, social and religious plurality and diversity without posing a threat to solidarity, openness, dynamism and the actual functioning of society... more
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      ReligionHistoryEuropean HistoryCultural History
Projekat za predmet "Komparativna pravna historija", Pravni fakultet Univerziteta u Sarajevu, 1. godina studija
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      InquisitionThe Spanish InquisitionReformationRoman Inquisition
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      InquisitionHistory of Roman CatholicismHeresyReligious History
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      ReligionComparative ReligionHistoryEuropean History
In Living under the Evil Pope, Martina Mampieri presents the Hebrew Chronicle of Pope Paul IV, written in the second half of the sixteenth century by the Italian Jewish moneylender Benjamin Neḥemiah ben Elnathan (alias Guglielmo di... more
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      Cultural HistoryCultural StudiesJewish StudiesEarly Modern History
in Jaqueline Vassallo, Miguel Rodrigues Lourenço and Susana Bastos Mateus (org.), Inquisiciones. Dimensiones comparadas (siglos XVI-XIX). Córdoba, Editorial Brujas, 2017, pp. 93-112.
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      Early Modern HistoryHistoriographyLegal HistoryInquisition Sin caer en ataques ni en justificaciones anacrónicas, este libro sintetiza las investigaciones recientes sobre el oficio inquisitorial desde su origen medieval hasta el... more
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      Modern HistoryInquisitionThe Spanish InquisitionPortuguese Inquisition
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      Witch Hunt StudiesEuropean Witch TrialsEarly Modern European WitchcraftRoman Inquisition
An ethno-historical perspective on the popular magic in Sardinia.
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      ReligionComparative ReligionMythology And FolkloreEthnohistory
Lo scritto pone l’attenzione nell'individuare nel testo di Prosperi i fattori di persuasione grazie ai quali la Chiesa ha potuto superare vittoriosa la crisi protestante (almeno in Italia) ed esercitare un potere di guida sulle coscienze... more
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      Roman InquisitionCounter-ReformationStoria Dei SacramentiControriforma cattolica
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      ExorcismRoman InquisitionDemonic Possession
Historians have portrayed the papal bull Coeli et terrae (1586) as a significant turning point in the history of the Catholic Church's censorship of astrology. They argue that this bull was intended to prohibit the idea that the stars... more
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      InquisitionHistory of Roman CatholicismCensorship (History)Heresy and Inquisition
1. «Volendo Vostra Altezza dar forma alla giustitia, deve prima provedere de buoni ministri, et poi de buoni ordini» 1 . Così fu risposto a Emanuele Filiberto che, tornato a governare su gran parte degli antichi domini piemontesi dei... more
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      Early Modern European WitchcraftRoman InquisitionPiedmontHistory of the Order of Preachers (Dominicans)
The studies on the Roman Inquisition devoted little attention to the Marca of Ancona. However, the history of the Holy Office in this area of the Papal States is of great importance, also for the presence of the shrine of Loreto (where... more
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      Jesuit historyHeresy and InquisitionRoman Inquisition
Questo lavoro nasce dalla riscoperta del fascicolo processuale relativo all’indagine condotta dal Sant’Offizio di Todi nel 1710 contro una suora che confezionava e distribuiva amuleti capaci di proteggere le persone che li indossavano dai... more
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      MagicInquisitionHeresy and InquisitionPunishment and Prisons
Il presente contributo intende sviluppare alcune riflessioni storiografiche riguardanti il modo in cui il rapporto tra predicazione e Inquisizione è stato affrontato negli ultimi decenni dagli storici italiani e stranieri in riferimento... more
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      Book HistoryHistory of the BookRenaissance StudiesHistoriography
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      Galileo GalileiJohannes KeplerTelescope MakingAstronomy
Shakespeare adopted and allegorized ideas from Bruno, especially Bruno's pantheism and thermodynamic heliocentrism in his early comedies and tragedies. However, as Bruno's execution, on Feb. 17, 1600, neared and then passed, Shakespeare's... more
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      ShakespeareGiordano BrunoRoman Inquisition
באחד מימי הקיץ של שנת 1580, בסמוך לכנסיית סן ג'יובאני שבונציה, באחד מחדרי ביתה של הקורטיזנה ורוניקה פרנקו (Veronica Franco, 1546-1591) בוצע טקס כישוף, שמטרתו חשיפת זהות האדם שגנב ממנה כמה חפצים יקרי ערך. פרט לפרנקו, בחדר נכחו שלושה... more
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      Italian (European History)Italian StudiesItaly (History)Venetian History
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      Gender StudiesWomen's HistoryRoman InquisitionReligious Dissent
Throughout the nineteenth century, the Roman Inquisition was able to create a centralisation process with a progressive isolation of the pontifical tribunals. One of the fundamental issues that led to a confrontation between the... more
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      History of the JewsRoman InquisitionInfant BaptismHistory of Italian Risorgimento
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      InquisitionEarly Modern Church HistoryHistory of the JewsHeresy and Inquisition
Nel 1942, Angelo Mercati, in una celebre Appendice al Sommario del processo di Giordano Bruno (p. 134n29), menzionando Giovanni Morone lo diceva «nome troppo noto perche" occorra darne notizia» ma costatava che «una monografia esauriente... more
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      Early Modern HistoryReformation StudiesHeresy and InquisitionRoman Inquisition
La diaspora morisca in Italia: storie di mediatori, schiavitù e battesimi Estratto da:
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      Early Modern HistoryDiasporasInquisitionSlavery
While inquisitorial control over Protestants, Jews and conversos, and even renegades and moriscos, has been thoroughly examined by many scholars, no studies of this kind have examined the representatives of the other half of Christianity,... more
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      Armenian StudiesCatholic Missionary HistoryEastern ChristianityOttoman Empire
Il sole spuntava sulla terra e Lot era arrivato a Zoar, quand'ecco il Signore fece piovere dal cielo sopra Sodoma e sopra Gomorra zolfo e fuoco proveniente dal Signore. Distrusse queste città e tutta la valle con tutti gli abitanti delle... more
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      Gender StudiesReproductionFeminismAbortion
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      CensorshipReformation HistoryReformation StudiesInquisition
State, Church and Inquisition in the Kingdom of Naples in an unpublished report by Bartolommeo Capasso for Pasquale Stanislao Mancini... more
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      HistoryModern HistoryEarly Modern HistoryItalian Studies
La costruzione di questa sezione trasversale di Ereticopedia parte dall'assunto che le categorie sociali e culturali associate agli individui accusati di stregoneria in età moderna siano soggette a importanti variabili e che gli... more
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      Witch Hunt StudiesEuropean Witch TrialsWitchcraft (Magic)Witchcraft (Anthropology Of Religion)
La libertà di coscienza è il criterio principale per valutare la risposta delle società alle domande di spazi di autonomia degli individui. Il volume analizza le forme di repressione della dissidenza religiosa dall’Impero romano–cristiano... more
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      ProtestantismAugustine of HippoMedieval Canon & Roman LawHoly Roman Empire
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      Early Modern HistoryHeresy and InquisitionRoman InquisitionCounter Reformation Italy
The article tries to highlight the points of contact between the three principal controversies which have torn apart Catholic missions in the East in early modern times : the question of the Confucian rites practiced by Chinese neophytes,... more
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      Catholic Missionary HistoryBiblical StudiesEastern ChristianityMiddle Eastern Christianity
Il contributo, che costituisce il terzo capitolo (pp. 63-99) del volume miscellaneo "Giuseppe Campagna (a cura di), Società, potere e libertà. Studi storici dal Medioevo all'età contemporanea, Aracne, Roma 2016", si propone di analizzare... more
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      Modern HistoryEarly Modern HistoryHistory of ReligionInquisition
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      ReligionHistoryCultural HistoryMedieval History
1. Racconta il figliastro Stefano Stampa che Alessandro Manzoni, dopo avere completato la stesura de I promessi sposi, progettò di scrivere «un romanzo fantastico», obbedendo forse all'impulso che l'aveva spinto, almeno in gioventù,... more
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      History and literatureAlessandro ManzoniAnn RadcliffeRoman Inquisition
""""By the systematic use of the decrees of the Roman Holy Office, the article aims to show the way in which deported groups of morisco refugees flee to the Italian mainland – a special attention is turned to the Pontifical States – and... more
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      Modern HistoryEarly Modern HistoryRefugee StudiesMaritime History
Universa universis Patavina libertas: così recita il celebre motto dell’Università di Padova, una delle più antiche e prestigiose d’Europa, di cui nel 2022 ricorrono gli 800 anni della sua fondazione. Nessun altro aspetto ha... more
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      Humanities Computing (Digital Humanities)AristotleAcademic FreedomHuman Rights
The aim of this paper is to retrace one of the most significant episodes of the history of the moriscos, Christians descendants of the Spanish Muslims, expelled from Spain from 1609: their arrival and settlement in Rome. In this paper... more
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      HistoryRoman HistoryEarly Modern HistoryRefugee Studies
Historians have often argued that from the midsixteenth century onward Italian science began to decline. This development is often attributed to the actions of the so-called CounterReformation Church, which had grown increasingly... more
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      HistoriographyScience and ReligionBenedetto CroceRoman Inquisition
What has become known as the Roman Inquisition was the product of the 1542 centralisation of the Church's inquisitorial systems to seek out and eradicate heresy.
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      Early Modern HistoryJewsRoman InquisitionInquisizione
La complessa vicenda della censura ecclesiastica all’atomismo rappresenta una questione fondamentale per ricostruire la storia politica e culturale dell’inquisizione romana nel Sei-Settecento, e per indagare la relazione tra scienza,... more
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      History of ScienceHistory of AtomismScience and ReligionJesuit history
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      InquisitionItaly (Early Modern History)Criminal Justice (History)Early Modern Italy