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Hispania and the Mediterranean: 3rd to mid 6th centuries 3.1. The 3rd century: a world in transition 3.2. The 4th century: Hispania, north Africa and the East 3.3. 5th century deposits in the West and exports from the East 3.3.1. The late... more
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      Late Antique and Byzantine StudiesPost-Roman BritainRoman PotteryLate Roman Empire
Teléfono 977 24 91 33 -fax 977 22 44 01 [email protected]
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      Roman AmphoraeTituli PictiRoman Fish Sauce Trade
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      Classical ArchaeologyAncient economies (Archaeology)Ceramic Analysis (Archaeology)Archaeological Fieldwork
Teléfono 977 24 91 33 -fax 977 22 44 01 [email protected]
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      Roman HistoryRoman EmpireRoman EconomyArchaeology of Roman Hispania
"This paper examines a group of workshops revealed by clearance excavations in the 1920s-1940s at the Roman city of Sabratha in Libya. The excavations of the domestic and commercial quarters around the forum were never published, but... more
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      Classical ArchaeologyClassicsFood HistoryAncient economies (Archaeology)
commentatio Vicipaedica Latina ab Andrea Dalby aliisque auctoribus conscripta (vide indicem auctorum)
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      Roman Trade NetworksGarum and salsamentaFish SauceRoman Fish Sauce Trade
This text consists in the study of the Roman amphorae recovered in the archaeological excavations accomplished in the Roman theatre of Lisbon in the 2001, 2005 and 2006 campaigns. It is a relatively wide and typologically diversified set,... more
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      Roman EconomyTradeRoman Trade NetworksMediterranean archaeology
Az úgynevezett "mediterrán hármasság" (búza, olíva, szőlő) mellett -- a régészeti leletek tanúsága szerint -- negyedikként a halszósz volt a leggyakrabban fogyasztott táplálék a Római Birodalom Földközi-tenger melléki tartományaiban. A... more
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      Roman EconomyFishingFish SauceRoman Fish Sauce Trade
The development of the studies about the production and commerce of fish-sauces in Portugal took place, essentially, in the 1990s, a consequence of the large number of archaeological interventions in coastal areas resulted of the... more
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      Cetárias Salga De PeixeCetariaeRoman LusitaniaRoman Archaeology
O espaço da antiga Alcáçova Islâmica do Castelo de Lisboa tem fornecido dados de extrema importância para o conhecimento dos momentos mais recuados da presença romana no Vale do Tejo. Nesse âmbito, têm‑se destacado os estudos sobre os... more
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      Roman RepublicRoman EconomyRoman Trade NetworksAmphorae (Archaeology)
En este trabajo presentamos de manera sucinta los hallazgos arqueológicos documentados en el control arqueológico realizado durante el año 2003 en la calle San Nicolás 1, que ha permitido la exhumación de una parte muy significativa de la... more
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      Roman fishing and fish processingCetárias Salga De PeixeCetariaeEstrecho de Gibraltar en la Antiguedad
Patrocinio Angela Pontrandolfo, Michele Scafuro (a cura di), Atti del I Convegno Internazionale di Studi ISBN 978-88-87744-76-7 (cinque tomi indivisibili) © Copyright 2017 -Fondazione Paestum -Pandemos s.r.l. Proprietà letteraria... more
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      Roman HistoryImperial RomeAmphorae (Archaeology)Roman Amphora
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      Ancient economies (Archaeology)Ancient Trade & Commerce (Archaeology)Garum and salsamentaAncient Ports and Shipping
En este trabajo presentamos, de manera resumida y en forma de noticia, el hallazgo de un nuevo sector de las factorías de salazones romanas de Septem Fratres. Este descubrimiento tuvo lugar en fechas muy recientes, durante las labores de... more
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      Roman fishing and fish processingCeuta ArchaeologyChristian Archaeological Data in CeutaCeuta Archeology, Urban Archaeology
espanolLa costa suratlantica de la Peninsula Iberica posee un importante legado romano que incluye numerosos talleres halieuticos, con una actividad que se desarrollo durante casi un milenio (siglo I a.C.-siglo VII d.C.). Sin embargo, se... more
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Dear colleagues, We are glad to invite you the attend the “Second International Congress on the Anthropology of Salt”, organized between the 12th and 16th of October 2017 in Los Cabos, Mexico — Themes —... more
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      Mythology And FolkloreEconomic HistoryPharmacologyBotany
The Roman city of Olisipo (Lisbon) was one of the main harbours on the Atlantic façade, with a major role in the circulation of Mediterranean products to the northern provinces. In the Julio-Claudian period it emerged as a major producer... more
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      Roman EconomyTradeRoman Trade NetworksMediterranean archaeology
commentatio Vicipaedica Latina ab Andrea Dalby aliisque auctoribus conscripta (vide indicem auctorum)
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      Fish SauceRoman Fish Sauce Trade
El objetivo de este trabajo es realizar un estado de la cuestión de las cetariae de Gades, procediendo a la revisión de los contextos ya excavados vinculados a factorías de salazón romanas en esta ciudad que hasta ahora se encontraban... more
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      Roman fishing and fish processingCetárias Salga De PeixeCetariaeArqueología romana / Roman archeology
In an Empire as big as that of Rome, one of the elements that speaks most strongly about its relatively high level of integration was the commerce that took place along its different shores. However, merchants faced the experience of... more
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      Roman LawRoman PotteryRoman trade, commerce and the economyRoman trade
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En este trabajo se presentan los resultados del estudio arqueomalacológico de una intervención arqueológica realizada en el Parque de las Acacias de Algeciras (provincia de Cádiz, España) durante el año 2015, la cual permitió exhumar... more
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      Fish-SaltingArqueomalacologiaRoman ArchaeologyRoman Fish Sauce Trade
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      Late Roman ArchaeologyLate Roman PotteryAmphorae (Archaeology)Roman Amphora
The southwestern Atlantic coast of the Iberian Peninsula presents an important Roman heritage that includes numerous fish-salting workshops, with an industrial activity that went on for almost a millennium (1st century BC-7th century... more
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      GeomorphologyGeoarchaeologyMidden analysisRoman Economy
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      Roman Trade NetworksRoman Fish Sauce TradeAncient Roman Trade RoutesRoman Ships
Florian Hermann (Philipps-Universität Marburg) - Felix Teichner (Philipps-Universität Marburg) - Joao Pedro Bernardes (Universidade do Algarve) - Ricardo Soares (Câmara Municipal de Vila do Bispo), Boca do Rio (Algarve, Portugal) – A... more
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      GeoarchaeologyGarum and salsamentaGeoarchaeology and Paleoenvironmental ReconstructionsRoman Lusitania
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      Classical ArchaeologyMaterial Culture StudiesAncient economies (Archaeology)Roman Economy
O sítio da Boca do Rio é bem conhecido desde que o tsunami de 1755 colocou à vista, até hoje, as suas ruínas romanas. Cento e vinte anos depois iniciam-se um conjunto de campanhas arqueo-lógicas, suscitadas, em grande parte, pela... more
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      Roman VillaeLate Roman ArchaeologyLusitania (Archaeology)Garum and salsamenta
The analysis of the presence of fish amphorae in the territory of Mutina provides a picture revealing, especially for the late Augustan Age and the 1st century AD, a generalized consumption of fish-based products, with importation from... more
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      Roman AmphoraeTituli PictiRoman Fish Sauce Trade
ABSTRACT The present work publishes for the first time the results of an experimental process carried out in cooperation between the Universities of Cádiz and Seville. This process, involving the participation of archaeologists and... more
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      Experimental ArchaeologyRoman HistoryArchaeology of saltFood Science and Technology
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      ArtRoman EconomyLusitania (Archaeology)Roma
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      Garum and salsamentaRoman fishing and fish processingRoman ArchaeologyRoman Fish Sauce Trade
Nuevas evidencias de la ocupación en época republicana (ss. II-I a.C.)", en A. Arévalo y D. Bernal (eds.): Las cetariae de Baelo Claudia. Avance de las investigaciones arqueológicas en el barrio meridional
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      Coastal and Island ArchaeologyRoman PotteryRoman EconomyLate Roman Pottery
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      Ancient Trade & Commerce (Archaeology)Ceramic StampsRoman AmphoraeAncient Roman economy, trade and commerce
Sobre la pesca y la recolección de moluscos así como su consumo en la protohistoria menorquina con algunas consideraciones sobre representaciones náuticas, fabricación de tejidos y cuerdas, telares y pesas de telar e importación de... more
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      FisheriesMenorca / MinorcaAmphorae (Archaeology)Illes Balears / Balearic Islands
Darío Bernal Casasola, Enrique García Vargas, José Manuel Vargas Girón, María Ángeles Pascual Sánchez, Alejandro González Blas (2019), en : D. Bernal Casasola, José Manuel Vargas Girón y Macarena Lara Medina, eds. (2019): 7 metros de la... more
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      ArchaeologyClassical ArchaeologyRoman EconomyGarum and salsamenta
Taking Manilius’ description of the processing of fish in Astronomica 5.656–81 as its starting point this paper examines the relationship of fish salting to other aspects of the exploitation of the marine ecosystems in particular the... more
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      Ancient economies (Archaeology)Roman EconomyGarum and salsamentaRoman Spain
Resume in Portuguese and English of the Lecture that Ismael Estevens Medeiros and João Pedro Bernardes will do to Algarve Archaelogical Association on next December 1st. This talk is part of the activity of the association. Local and... more
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      Survey (Archaeological Method & Theory)Portuguese ArchaeologyRoman ArchaeologyRoman Fish Sauce Trade
Excavaciones arqueológicas realizadas en el istmo de Ceuta a partir de 1990.
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      Roman fishing and fish processingCeuta history, Ceuta ArchaeologyArchaeology of fishingRoman Archaeology
Recent archaeological works conducted in 2015 at ancient Iulia Traducta (Algeciras), have unearthed new Roman fish salting plants active from the I to probably the V century B.C. After, we discovered two cemeteries: a Late Roman (7th... more
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      Roman EconomyArchaeology of Roman HispaniaRoman Fish Sauce Trade
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      Roman EconomyLusitania (Archaeology)Roman LusitaniaRoman Archaeology
This article presents two large commercial amphorae from the ancient city of Limyra unearthed during the renewed excavations of the so-called Theater Baths in 2007-2010, a building located southwest of the ancient theater.
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      Ancient LyciaBosporan KingdomLyciaRoman Amphorae
Publicación que analiza los contextos salazoneros de la ciudad romana de Carteia, una de las más significativas en el Estrecho de Gibraltar en relación a sus producciones pesqueras. En este trabajo se recopilan y estudian 14 talleres... more
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      Roman fishing and fish processingCarteiaRoman trade, commerce and the ancient economyCetariae
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      Roman North Africa (Archaeology)Traditional Heritage in MoroccoGarum and salsamentaAncient Fishing
En este trabajo se presentan los resultados de la campaña arqueológica desarrollada en 2015 en el sector oriental del barrio industrial de Baelo Claudia, que ha permitido descubrir importantes evidencias de producciones salazoneras y... more
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      Archaeology of Roman HispaniaGarum and salsamentaConjunto Arqueológico Baelo ClaudiaRoman Archaeology
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      Roman PotteryCeuta ArchaeologyRoman Fish Sauce Trade
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      GeomorphologyGeoArcheologyCoastal GeomorphologyArchaeology of Roman Hispania
This paper discusses the popularity of fish in the Roman diet, focusing in particular on salted and fermented fish products Garum and Salsamenta.
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      Ancient HistoryAncient dietsGarum and salsamentaAncient Fishing
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      Roman EconomyGarum and salsamentaAncient Roman economy, trade and commerceRoman Archaeology
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      Ancient economies (Archaeology)Pompeii (Archaeology)Roman EconomyAncient economy