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The agouti (Dasyprocta leporina) and paca (Agouti paca) are among the largest extant rodent species. Although these species have considerable economic potential, there are few reports in the literature concerning male reproductive biology... more
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Approximately 3% of infants born have at least one serious congenital malformation. In the U.S., an average of 10 infants per thousand die before 1 y of life; about half of these deaths can be attributed to birth defects, low birth weight... more
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      Nutrition and DieteticsNutritionReproductionAging
Wenker, C J; Hatt, J M (2009). Occurrence of cataract and fatty liver in captive plains viscachas (Lagostomus maximus) in relation to diet. Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine, 40(4):652-658.
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The presence of Salmonella and Campylobacter spp. in rodents and insectivores (n ‫؍‬ 282) was investigated on organic farms. Infections were encountered in house mice (8 of 83 Campylobacter positive and 1 of 83 Salmonella sp. strain... more
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      MultidisciplinaryRodentiaAnimal HusbandryOrganic Farming
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) presents special challenges for drug development. Current treatment with psychostimulants and nonstimulants is effective, but their mechanism of action beyond the cellular level is... more
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The study investigated the role of odor cues from two nism requiring direct contact with the breeding female. naked mole-rat colonies, in conjunction with behavioral ᭧ 1997 Academic Press cues from nonbreeding colony members, in... more
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      RodentiaBiological SciencesProgesteroneAggression
Effective small interfering RNA (siRNA)-mediated therapeutics require the siRNA to be delivered into the cellular RNA-induced silencing complex (RISC). Quantitative information of this essential delivery step is currently inferred from... more
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      RNAGene SilencingRodentiaAntibodies
Among rodents, the lineage from Progonomys hispanicus to Stephanomys documents a case of increasing size and dental specialization during an approximately 9 Myr time-interval. On the contrary, some contemporaneous generalist lineages like... more
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      Climate ChangeMorphological evolutionDietClimate
The structural organization of the spermatozoon from the Eurasian beaver, Castor fiber (Family: Castoridae), was determined and compared to that of other sciuromorph rodents. The beaver spermatozoon has a head, which is variable in form... more
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      PhysiologyZoologyScanning Electron MicroscopyMorphology
The pineal of viscacha (Lagostomus maximus maximus) is formed by two main cellular populations of pinealocytes and interstitial cells. A connective capsule surrounds the gland sending numerous septa containing blood vessels and nerves. In... more
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      Electron MicroscopyRodentiaBiological SciencesLight
A meta-analysis approach was used to test for chromosomal speciation in rodents. Forty-one pairs of sister species, identified in the two most species-rich rodent families (Cricetidae and Muridae), were used as phylogenetically... more
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      Evolutionary BiologySpeciationCytogeneticEvolution
The prevalence of orthopoxviruses (OPXV) among wildlife, including monkeypox virus (MPXV), remains largely unknown. Outbreaks of human monkeypox in central Africa have been associated with hunting, butchering, and consuming infected... more
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      ZoologyUgandaPublic HealthZoonoses
The objective was to compare the use of powdered coconut water (ACP-109c; ACP Biotecnologia, Fortaleza, CE, Brazil) and Tris extenders for recovery and cryopreservation of epididymal sperm from agouti. The caudae epididymus and proximal... more
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      CryopreservationRodentiaTheriogenologyBiological Sciences
Habitat fragmentation and diversity loss due to increased conversion of natural habitats to agricultural uses influence the distribution and abundance of wildlife species and thus may change the ecology of pathogen transmission. We used... more
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      MultidisciplinaryRodentiaPanamaSpecies Diversity
Scrub typhus is an acute infectious disease caused by an obligate intracellular bacterium Orientia tsutsugamushi following the bite of infected trombiculid mites of the genus Leptotrombidium. This zoonotic disease is a major cause of... more
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      GeneticsCambodiaMedical MicrobiologyChina
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Harmful non-indigenous species (NIS) impose great economic and environmental impacts globally, but little is known about their impacts in Southeast Asia. Lack of knowledge of the magnitude of the problem hinders the allocation of... more
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      Developing CountriesAgricultureMultidisciplinaryRodentia
The conditioned place preference procedure is widely used in rodents for assessing drug effects on motivational processes (Schechter and Calcagnetti, 1993). In this paradigm, the positive reinforcing properties of a test substance are... more
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      PsychologyBehavioral SciencesMedicineRodentia
The use of plant protection products on agricultural crops can result in exposure of birds and mammals to toxic chemicals. In the European Union, the risks from such exposures are assessed under the current (2009) guidance document from... more
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      Food SafetyReproductionEuropean UnionEnvironmental Monitoring
Different host species harbour parasite faunas that are anywhere from very similar to very different in species composition. A priori, the similarity in the parasite faunas of any two host species should decrease with increases in either... more
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We report Akodon serrensis Thomas, 1902 from three localities in the state of Santa Catarina, in southern Brazil. The specimens were identified based on cytogenetic and craniometric analyses. These are the first records of A. serrensis... more
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      RodentiaNeotropical mammals
Although researchers have examined many aspects of fire modification, the rate and pattern of decomposition in charred remains have not been studied previously. This study utilized 48 domestic pigs, divided into 24 charred (head, neck,... more
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      Forensic AnthropologyForensic ScienceTaphonomyForensic Pathology
Yersinia pestis invaded the continental United States in 1900 and subsequently became established in wild rodent populations in several western states, traversing 2,250 km in approximately 40 years. However, the specific path of the... more
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      EpidemiologyTropical MedicineLinear modelsRodentia
A major cost of social behavior is the increased risk of exposure to parasites and infection. Animals utilize social information, including chemical signals, to recognize and avoid conspecifics infected with either endoparasites or... more
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      GenomicsMate ChoiceSocial InteractionFace recognition (Psychology)
Kyungpook National University School Background The tropical rat mite, Ornithonyssus bacoti (O. bacoti), is an ectoparasite on of Medicine, Taegu, and Department many rodents, but when the rodent is not available, humans may become the... more
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      DermatologyRodentiaDisease OutbreaksMedical Students
The bank vole, Myodes glareolus, lives in deciduous forests in Northern Anatolia. Eighty-four individuals collected from 17 localities in Turkey were studied to reveal the differentiation of M. glareolus by RAPD markers. Fifteen RAPD... more
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      RodentiaRAPDPhylogenetic Systematics
Hantaviruses are causative agents of some severe human illnesses, including hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome (HFRS) and hantavirus pulmonary syndrome (HPS). The viruses are maintained by rodent hosts, and humans acquire infection by... more
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In a n attempt to investigate the relationships between allometry and locomotory adaptations, we studied the long limb bones of 45 species of insectivores and rodents. Animals ranged from a few grams to about 50 kilograms. Diameter and... more
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This article reviews the main events of embryo-implantation and decidualization in rodents. In common laboratory rodents the embryo attaches to the uterine epithelial lining, usually on days 4 to 6 of pregnancy. A progressive degree of... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyGeneticsZoologyExtracellular Matrix
In the past decade, epidemiological findings and data from experimental studies in animals have shown that the structure and function of the organism can be programmed during critical periods of development which can lead to detrimental... more
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      Cognitive ScienceObesityRodentiaMolecular Mechanics
В учебное пособие входят практические рекомендации по проведению отловов, учетов, коллектированию и содержанию в не-воле мелких млекопитающих. Пособие включает подробные методики по изучению поведения, питания, гельминтов грызунов и... more
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      RodentiaShrewsVertebrate ZoologyMicromammals
S 0 3 7 8 -4 3 2 0 ( 0 0 ) 0 0 2 2 3 -2 P.I. Rekwot et al. / Animal Reproduction Science 65 (2001) 157-170 to developing the concept of "control systems technologies", aimed at controlling reproductive performance. The knowledge acquired... more
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      ReproductionPheromonesAnimal reproductionRodentia
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      RodentiaSouth America
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      Conservation BiologyTaxonomyPhilippinesMammalogy
The present work covered the study of monthly variations of Atlas Goundi recorded in the southern Aures (Algeria). A total of 117 individuals of caught C. gundi, females (Individuals Number: Ni = 64) are the most captured than males (Ni =... more
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      RodentiaAlgeriaCtenodactylidaeAures massif
Human encroachment on wildlife habitats has contributed to the emergence of several zoonoses. Pathogenic hantaviruses are hosted by rodents and cause severe diseases in the Americas and Eurasia. We reviewed several factors that... more
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This paper presents circumstantial evidence that the mating system of the North American pocket gophers (Rodentia: Geomyidae) is a promiscuous one, with female choice at its base. A molecular marker (a length variant in the mitochondria1... more
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      RodentiaMolecular EcologyBiological SciencesmtDNA
Beavers (Castor spp.) tend not to be a commonly held species and little published material exists relating to their captive care. We review published material and discuss husbandry issues taking into account the requirements of wild... more
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      ZoologyAnimal WelfareRodentiaAnimal Husbandry
Recently, in an examination of the phylogenetic relationships among the mole-rats of the family Bathyergidae (Mammalia: Rodentia), documented molecular evidence for the recognition of the Cryptomys mechowii species group at the generic... more
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Patagonian cavies (Dolichotis patagonum) are large South American rodents well adapted for cursorial life (well adapted for running). They are monogamous but can live in groups of up to 70 individuals who maintain communal burrows. They... more
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Behavioural and trapping studies of the social organization of coypus have suggested the occurrence of kin groups and a polygynous mating system. We used 16 microsatellite markers to analyse parentage and relatedness relationships in two... more
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      Population GeneticsReproductionArgentinaRodentia
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      Evolutionary BiologySystematics (Taxonomy)ZoologyConservation Biology
We study the micromammals from the sites of Valdocarros and HAT, located in the lithostratigraphic unit of Arganda II and IV respectively, within the Arganda Complex Terrace, in the Jarama Valley (Madrid, Spain). The micromammal... more
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      RodentiaSpainLate PleistoceneMadrid
Introduction. Data concerning the physiology of female sexual functioning are still obtained from animal studies, but an increasing amount of novel evidence comes from human studies. Aim. To gain knowledge of psychological and biologic... more
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      PhysiologyMagnetic Resonance ImagingBiologyPositron Emission Tomography
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      RodentiaArthropodaKesehatan Masyarakat
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      ZoologyEnvironmental EducationScience CommunicationConservation Biology
Pain is present with many diseases as well as in association with surgical and traumatic conditions. The demonstration of pain is not always obvious; therefore, an animal should be assumed to be experiencing pain in any condition expected... more
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      PainRodentiaSmall MammalsBirds
Fullest available information about mammals in Bulgaria is synthesized in the representation of individual species, and generalizations concerning the entire fauna, including some traditional aspects of this type of monographs -... more
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      TaxonomyMammalogyMarine MammalsBats (Mammalogy)
agents of use in animal health -practical applications. J. vet. Pharmacol. Therap. 26, 31-53.
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