Robust control systems

125 papers
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Robust control systems refer to a class of control strategies designed to maintain performance and stability in the presence of uncertainties and variations in system dynamics. These systems ensure reliable operation despite disturbances, model inaccuracies, and external influences, thereby enhancing the resilience and effectiveness of control applications in engineering and technology.
The article addresses a robust control strategy for efficient path tracking of nonholonomic wheeled mobile robot (WMR) based on time delay approach. Depending on the application requirements, nonholonomic WMR system might be subjected to... more
This paper considers the design problem of integrated controls and diagnostics. The foundation for such an integrated approach was presented in (Nett et al., 1988), where the approach made use of the so-called four degrees-of-freedom... more
This article studies the problem of designing robust control laws to achieve multiple performance objectives for linear uncertain systems. Specifically, in this study we have selected one of the control objectives to be a closed-loop pole... more
The robust decentralized formation control for the multiagent quadrotor is investigated in this article. The leaderless formation protocol is proposed for a class of square multi-input multi-output nonlinear multiagent systems with an... more
: Linear systems controlled by a nonlinear version of the PI algorithm are under study. The modified PI controller in question is known in the literature as the Super–Twisting (STW) algorithm (see Levant (1993)), and it belongs to the... more
Explicit state-space formulae for an H∞-based two degrees-of-freedom robust controller are derived in discrete time. The controller provides robust stability against coprime factor uncertainty, and a degree of robust performance in the... more
In this paper a robust MPC scheme based on a partial-state availability is developed for uncertain discrete-time linear systems described by structured norm-bounded model uncertainties and subject to saturation and rate of variation... more
In this paper, robust controllers for the benchmark problem are designed using H∞ loop-shaping techniques. Explicit closed-loop performance is obtained by designing the weighting function parameters using numerical optimization techniques... more
Some robust stability measures for state space models are discussed. The amount of uncertainty under which a robotic system can maintain its stability and tracking performance is determined using these measures.
This paper is concerned with discrete-time model reduction via order-reduction of a discrete-time left coprime factor representation of a given model or controller. The proposed model reduction scheme is suitable for both, stable and... more
The aim of this paper is to introduce an internal model control (IMC) design procedure for synthesizing two degrees-of-freedom (2-DOF) IMC controllers in a H∞ optimization framework. In order to evaluate the applicability of the proposed... more
Identification of uncertainty bounds in robust control design is known to be a critical issue that attracts the attention of research in robust control field recently. Nevertheless, the practical implementation involves a trial and error... more
We consider methods for synthesizing robust controllers that can be directly implemented in the Internal Model Control (IMC) scheme. We show how to put H∞ design methods into the IMC scheme to improve its robustness. These methods include... more
In this paper, robust controllers for the benchmark problem are designed using H∞ loop-shaping techniques. Explicit closed-loop performance is obtained by designing the weight-ing function parameters using numerical optimization... more
This paper presents the simulation of real time data acquisition of a solar panelin LabVIEW. A prototype model has been made where two Arduino were used. One is used for interfacing the solar panel with the PC for acquisition of data and... more
In this paper a comparison between various advanced multivariable identification techniques and a description of various control design methods, all applied to a glass tube production process, will be discussed. The main features such as... more
In this paper, we adopt the hybrid supervisory control architecture developed in [1] for constrained control sys- tems. The strategy is based on Command Governor (CG) ideas and is tailored to jointly take into account time-varying set-... more
The aim of this paper remains to introduce the extensive application of a state-of-the-art autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV-150) capable of operating up to a depth of 150 meters, without any human intervention. The AUV-150 has been... more
The process of identifying the central nodes in complex networks research has remained interesting and very important issue for network analysis. The identification of main nodes in the network can lead to many answers for the solution of... more
This paper deals with the problem of stabilizing a class of structures subject to an uncertain excitation due to the temporary coupling of the main system with another uncertain dynamical subsystem. A Lyapunov function based control... more
Precise speed control of DC motors is an important requirement for efficient industrial automation and diverse applications fields. In this paper, a speed control of a DC motor for a photovoltaic system is proposed using fuzzy logic... more
International Journal of Electrical and communication engineering (IJECE) is an open access peer-reviewed journal that publishes quality articles contributing new results in all areas of Applied Control Systems, Electrical Engineering and... more
This article describes a probabilistic control model based on Markov Decision Processes for the locomotion of a hexagonal hexapod robot. Uncertainty is naturally taken into account in probabilistic models, resulting in flexible control... more