Robust control systems

125 papers
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Robust control systems refer to a class of control strategies designed to maintain performance and stability in the presence of uncertainties and variations in system dynamics. These systems ensure reliable operation despite disturbances, model inaccuracies, and external influences, thereby enhancing the resilience and effectiveness of control applications in engineering and technology.
RESUME -Cet article étudie un nouveau contrôle robuste du moteur asynchrone à double alimentation (MADA) défini dans le domaine complexe. Le contrôle proposé est basé sur des régulateurs PI à coefficients complexes. La réalisation de ce... more
Minh et al (2003) and Toshihiro Abe et al (2010) proposed a new method to derive circular distributions from the existing linear models by applying Inverse stereographic projection or equivalently bilinear transformation. In this paper, a... more
RESUME -Les travaux présentés comparent expérimentalement l'effet de deux topologies de conversion AC/DC sur la courbe de rendement d'une éolienne équipée d'une génératrice à aimants permanents à flux axial. Les deux stratégies de... more
View metadata, citation and similar papers at provided by University of Biskra Theses Repository REMERCIEMENTS Je remercie DIEU le tout puissant de m'avoir donné le courage, la patience et la volonté pour effectuer ce travail.... more
RESUME-L'un des plus grands défis de la production d'énergie éolienne est de lisser la fluctuation de la puissance de sortie du générateur éolien dû à la variation aléatoire de la vitesse du vent. La fluctuation de la puissance éolienne... more
RESUME-L'un des plus grands défis de la production d'énergie éolienne est de lisser la fluctuation de la puissance de sortie du générateur éolien dû à la variation aléatoire de la vitesse du vent. La fluctuation de la puissance éolienne... more
Inverted pendulum systems have an important place in practice for control problems due to their nonlinear structures. It is a very difficult task to control the orientation and speed of objects and robots which are free in three... more
Through system identification for robust control methods and utilizing real-time experimental field data, a comprehensive mathematical model is derived that represents the dynamic performance of a single electrode positioning system... more
This paper presents experimental results of three control strategies to stabilize a two-wheeled inverted pendulum. The control techniques used are PID, Linear-Quadratic Regulator (LQR), and Sliding Mode Control. The comparison results of... more
This paper outlines the use of a balance truncation algorithm to design low order infinite impulse response (IIR) interpolator for pilot symbol assisted modulation. A state space model is developed to optimize filter coefficients. The... more
Precise speed control of DC motors is an important requirement for efficient industrial automation and diverse applications fields. In this paper, a speed control of a DC motor for a photovoltaic system is proposed using fuzzy logic... more
présentation devant un représentant de la coopération franco-malgache pour l'enseignement supérieur (MADES) et les collègues de l'IST-D en vue d'une préparation de la candidature à la bourse du gouvernement français BGF 2009 concernant la... more
With the advancement in robotics technology over the recent years, underwater robots' design and development are gaining interest. Unmanned underwater vehicles (UUVs) have many applications in aquaculture, deep-sea exploration, research,... more
Dans ce travail, nous étudions la modélisation et la commande d'une chaîne de conversion d'énergie éolienne à base d'une génératrice asynchrone à double alimentation. Tout d'abord, le modèle mathématique de l'ensemble du système étudié... more
Our work is motivated by the desire of governments around the world to fight against global warming by increasing the participation rate of renewable energy sources in the grid. This increase will reach about 20% by 2030 around the world.... more
La modulation de largeur d'impulsions (PWM) p.4 Le contrôle vectoriel de tension : contrôle E/F p.5 Le contrôle vectoriel de flux pour moteur asynchrone p.10 Les diagrammes d'essais p.13 Applications Choix des lois de commande Un certain... more
sous le sceau de l’Université européenne de Bretagne pour obtenir le titre de
L’objectif principal de ce travail est de continuer et améliorer la recherche dans le cadre de production par l’énergie éolienne et d’évaluer les performances de l’aérogénérateur à base de la machine asynchrone double étoile connectée au... more
L'augmentation de la puissance éolienne installée en Europe a un impact croissant sur le réseau de transport du fait de la difficulté à prévoir la production, de la capacité d'accueil limitée du réseau, du risque de déconnexions... more
Precise speed control of DC motors is an important requirement for efficient industrial automation and diverse applications fields. In this paper, a speed control of a DC motor for a photovoltaic system is proposed using fuzzy logic... more
The article addresses a robust control strategy for efficient path tracking of nonholonomic wheeled mobile robot (WMR) based on time delay approach. Depending on the application requirements, nonholonomic WMR system might be subjected to... more
DOI to the publisher's website. • The final author version and the galley proof are versions of the publication after peer review. • The final published version features the final layout of the paper including the volume, issue and page... more
A robust receding horizon control (RHC) with free control moves is applied to polytopic parametric uncertainty systems with multiple input delays and unstable system matrices. A difficulty in the previous robust RHC work is that the free... more
Ce travail présente une étude comparative de la commande de l’aérogénérateur asynchrone à double alimentation (GADA) associée aux différentes techniques de commande et de réglage. Dans la première partie de la thèse, pour assurer une... more
In this paper, we propose an output regulation approach, which is based on principle of model-reality differences, to obtain the optimal output measurement of a discrete-time nonlinear stochastic optimal control problem. In our approach,... more
Les éoliennes en mer, en pleine expansion en Europe, sont des structures élancées avec une première fréquence propre fortement dépendante de l'interaction sol-structure. Ce type de structure est soumis à un chargement latéral cyclique et... more
This paper presents experimental results of three control strategies to stabilize a two-wheeled inverted pendulum. The control techniques used are PID, Linear-Quadratic Regulator (LQR), and Sliding Mode Control. The comparison results of... more
The work carried out in this project concerns the modeling and the power control of a wind power system based on a double-fed asynchronous generator (DFIG) driven by its rotor-side converter CCM in order to maximize the efficiency of this... more
Les travaux présentés dans cette thèse ont été effectués à la Direction des Etudes et Recherches d'Electricité De France, (E.D.F.-D.E.R., 1 Avenue du Général de Gaulle, 92141 Clamart Cedex), au sein du groupe Automatique Théorique et... more
En este articulo se profundiza en el estudio de los patrones de marcha para robots hexapodos con extremidades denominadas C-legs. En el estudio se analizan varios modos de marcha que distintos tipos de seres vivos emplean para desplazarse... more
Oceanographic science is frequently hindered by a lack of spatial and temporal resolution for most parameters oceanographic science desires to measure. This paper discusses our effort to advance the current state of bathymetric mapping as... more
In this paper we propose the idea of using Bionomic Algorithm (BA) for the shortest path finding problem. SPF is a very important issue associated with many other tasks like network routing and graph/map analysis etc. Different techniques... more
Etude de commandes non linéaires pour réseaux électriques: Application à un système SMIB Télécharger, Lire PDF Description Les réseaux d'énergie électrique font partie des systèmes dynamiques qui intéressent de nombreux chercheurs. Dans... more
Ties often have a strength naturally associated with them that differentiate them from each other. Tie strength has been operationalized as weights. A few network measures have been proposed for weighted networks, including three common... more
Several underwater tasks require detail visualisation of a water space and bottom features. Search and identification of sea mines or explosives are good examples of such activity. To achieve high capability of detection and correct... more
Modelling errors and robust stabilization/tracking problems under parameter and model uncertainties complicate the control of the flexible underactuated systems. Chattering-free slidingmode-based input-output control law realizes... more
This thesis considers the stabilization and the robust stabilization of certain classes of hybrid systems using model predictive control. Hybrid systems represent a broad class of dynamical systems in which discrete behavior (usually... more
In this work, we study the structure regulator for the perturbations attenuation which is based on the infinite structure regulator. The structure regulator is able to attenuate the perturbations if the transfer function of the departures... more
This paper presents balancing, velocity and motion control of a self-balancing vehicle. A cascade controller is implemented for both balancing control and angular velocity control. This controller is tested in simulations using a proposed... more
This paper presents an algorithm for all achievable coefficients of Proportional Integral Derivative (PID) controllers in an integral-derivative plane that stabilizes and satisfies additive mixed sensitivity constraint with an uncertain... more
A parallel robot is defined as a mechanism of closed kinematic chains with rigid movements, high speed, precision and better inertias, in respect to those with structures composed by open links. besides these configurations describe... more
Dans ce papier, les auteurs proposent une commande vectorielle destinée pour un moteur asynchrone double alimenté. La double orientation des flux, respectivement du stator et du rotor, permet de disposer d'une commande linéaire et... more
in the most remote areas, diesel generator is the main power source. For these regions, the price of grid extension would be prohibitive and the additional cost of the fuel supply increases dramatically with isolation that gives the... more