This paper presents the design and implementation of a robotic wheelchair capable of navigating both flat surfaces and staircases. The robot uses a single front-mounted Infrared sensor for detection and navigation. It allows for manual... more
We recently developed a dynamic mimicking system that mounts a user's wheelchair onto a carrier platform capable of performing required manoeuvres using the wheelchair's own controls. Two wheelchair user studies were performed to evaluate... more
Context. Immobilized people face additional barriers in almost all areas of life, including simple operations like turning the light on/off and controlling the air conditioner. The object of the study was to develop the brain-to-thin... more
Loss of motion is the failure to move a body portion, brief or changeless. In most cases, loss of motion is caused by harm to the nerves, not the influenced range. For example, an injury to the central or lower region of the spinal cord... more
This paper proposes the use of an explicit kinematic predictive control, which is a PWA (PieceWise Affine) function of the dynamic model states of a robotic wheelchair. The optimization algorithmic is based on Multi-parametrical... more
Testes psicométricos podem classificar pessoas dentro de grupos com habilidades, competências, modo de agir e pensar semelhantes. Interfaces de software assistivas deveriam ser personalizadas ao máximo, a fim de reduzir o impacto do uso... more
Objetivo: Mapear a concessão de cadeiras de rodas (CR) no Estado do Espírito Santo/Brasil, caracterizando o perfil da população que recebeu esse dispositivo. Métodos: Os dados foram coletados no Centro de Reabilitação Física do Estado do... more
Approaching a group of humans is an important navigation task. Although many methods have been proposed to avoid interrupting groups of people engaged in a conversation, just a few works have considered the proper way of joining those... more
Mechanical ventilators are life support equipment that normally make up intensive care units. The low usability of the interface of these devices can easily lead to human error. This work intends to evaluate the usability of the user... more
In this paper, we present our work called wireless voice-based wheelchair controller system, which consists of an Android device and a control system that controls the movement of wheelchair using a DC motor. This project is aim to ease... more
Lengan robot manipulator adalah suatu sistem mekanik yang digunakan dalam memanipulasi pergerakan mengangkat, memindahkan, dan memanipulasi benda kerja untuk meringankan kerja manusia. Lengan robot dalam penelitian ini memanipulasi... more
Accidents involving four-wheel vehicles are the second leading cause of death on the world's roadways, accounting for around 11% of all road fatalities in India. Human mistake, road hazards, and malfunctioning vehicles are just a few of... more
Most of the physically disable individual satisfies their movement through motorized wheelchair. The scenario is unusual for the disables of developing countries because of their economic conditions. Moreover traditional powered... more
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membuat rancang bangun Automated Guided Vehicle (AGV)menggunakan roda omni-directional. Sistem AGV dipandu oleh path guidance dalam bernavigasi. Penelitian ini bersifat kuantitatif. Roda omni-directional... more
One of the problems solved in robot control is that the required robot movement system can be moved efficiently. Controls used to increase the efficiency of robot motion are the PID (Proportional-Integral-Derivative) Control and the IMU... more
A better consciousness depends on how well your sleep is. Study shows that, sleep disorder become a crucial problem day by day due to work pressure and other different causes. This continuous lack of sleep or uneven sleep pattern can... more
This paper presents trajectory tracking on omni robots using odometry method. The odometry system aims to estimate the position relative to the initial position of the omni robot to estimate changes in position over time. The rotary... more
Approaching a group of humans is an important navigation task. Although many methods have been proposed to avoid interrupting groups of people engaged in a conversation, just a few works have considered the proper way of joining those... more
Este artigo tem como principal objetivo apresentar o desenvolvimento de um simulador de cadeira de rodas comandada por uma ICC não invasiva, utilizando um eletroencefalograma (EEG) de baixo custo. Testes empíricos foram realizados e... more
A better consciousness depends on how well your sleep is. Study shows that, sleep disorder become a crucial problem day by day due to work pressure and other different causes. This continuous lack of sleep or uneven sleep pattern can... more
Penyebaran virus korona terjadi dari manusia ke manusia melalui droplet dan udara, kontak fisik atau jarak dekat manusia ke manusia merupakan penyebab utama penularan virus korona meskipun dengan penggunaan alat perlindungan diri (APD),... more
Bangladesh is the most densely populated city in the whole world, which is visible more in the capital city Dhaka. People have to suffer and valuable times are being wasted for this chronic quandary. Lack of proper planning of the city,... more
The movement of the non-holonomic mobile robot is still not efficient because it can only move forward, backward, and turn so that it requires a wheel platform that is able to move more efficiently and more variedly. The use of mecanum... more
Europe faces a major and growing healthcare problem due to increase in population, increasing longevity and an aging population with disability. Such dependent, elderly, disabled and vulnerable persons, are concerned since they wish to... more
The design and manufacture of a 360-degree DC motor and a steering wheel vehicle are designed to reduce the rotation time from one direction to the other. This vehicle can be moved in all directions in the same position by the steering,... more
Abstrak Di penelitian ini memaparkan perancangan sistem kendali fuzzy untuk mobile robot omnidirectional wheel. Menjelaskan tentang struktur kontrol, kinematika dan dinamika dari robot omnidirectional wheel. Metode yang digunakan sebagai... more
Penelitian ini membahas mengenai perancangan lengan robot 5 derajat kebebasan menjadi model skala kecil dari robot industri. Robot ini dirancang untuk dapat mensimulasikan atau menirukan pergerakan robot industri. Tujuan penelitian ini... more
As per the rapidly advancement in the changing technology, the numerous applications are required. For example, for face, hand and gesture recognition. The previous researchers have been developed various methods foe head gesture... more
Intelligent Wheelchair (IW) interface is used for providing more convenient and efficient interface to the people with disability. Robotic wheelchairs extend the capabilities of traditional powered devices by introducing control and... more
Here, we provide an overview of the content of the Special Issue on "Human-computer interaction in smart environments". The aim of this Special Issue is to highlight technologies and solutions encompassing the use of mass-market sensors... more
Here, we provide an overview of the content of the Special Issue on "Human-computer interaction in smart environments". The aim of this Special Issue is to highlight technologies and solutions encompassing the use of mass-market sensors... more
This paper introduces a head movement based Human Machine Interface (HMI) that uses the right and left movements of head to control a robot motion. Here we present an approach for making an effective technique for real-time face... more
Este artigo implementa recursos de automação residencial de baixo custo para auxiliar deficientes visuais, baseados na plataforma Arduino, e com implementação baseada nos conceitos das tecnologias assistivas de modo a possibilitar a... more
Pessoas com deficiência têm dificuldade de interagir com o ambiente onde vivem, devido às próprias limitações inerentes à sua deficiência. Atividades simples como ligar lâmpada, ventilador, televisão ou qualquer outro equipamento, de... more
Pessoas com deficiência têm dificuldade de interagir com o ambiente onde vivem, devido às próprias limitações inerentes à sua deficiência. Atividades simples como ligar lâmpada, ventilador, televisão ou qualquer outro equipamento, de... more
The Gesture is defined as movement of the part of the body. In the existing research work, the research based on the camshift based head gesture recognition system is going on. This existing system deals with some limitations. So, to... more
Intelligent mobile robot navigation in indoor environments is still a challenge. In this paper, we propose a method in which the wheelchair robot imitates human like navigation by interacting with the surrounding environments. Two types... more
Lengan robot manipulator adalah suatu sistem mekanik yang digunakan dalam memanipulasi pergerakan mengangkat, memindahkan, dan memanipulasi benda kerja untuk meringankan kerja manusia. Lengan robot dalam penelitian ini memanipulasi... more
Many people those using wheelchairs are not able to control an electronic wheelchair with joystick interface. The iWheel" robotic wheelchair system is a general purpose navigational assistant in environments that are accessible for the... more
Aging is a natural procedure prompt changes in quality and amount of muscles in skeletal, due to which muscle shortcoming and disability in moving of maturing populace. Crumbling pain in the arms and legs in the main cause of movement and... more
Face detection is a computer technology that determines the location & size of human faces in digital images. Thus by determining the head gesture of person sitting on robo chair the controlling of the chair can be done by the improved... more
Wearable computing with Input-Output devices Base on Eye-Based Human Computer Interaction: EBHCI which allows location based web services including navigation, location/attitude/health condition monitoring is proposed. Through... more
Tool failure remains one of the most challenging phenomena in machining that affects the productivity and product quality, and hence the cost. In high feed rough milling operations of hard-to-cut materials, chipping and breakage have been... more
Sari apel merupakan minuman ringan yang terbuat dari buah apel dan air minum dengan atau tanpa penambahan gula dan tambahan makanan yang diizinkan. Proses pemisahan antara ampas dan sari apel umumnya masih manual yaitu dengan menggunakan... more
Abstract—The mind wave controlling robot system is based on brain-computer interfaces(BCIs). We have used the Neurosky mind wave mobile (EEG Sensor) to detect the electric signals from the mind according to the signals which are... more