Spiritual Development Traditional theology teaches that there are three stages in the spiritual life: the purgative, wherein one moves away from sin; the illuminative,...
moreSpiritual Development
Traditional theology teaches that there are three stages in the spiritual life: the purgative, wherein one moves away from sin; the illuminative, wherein one grows in virtue; and the unitive, wherein one attains abiding union with God. This conception was never meant to define discrete successive stages. At any time in one's spiritual journey, any of the three emphases—purgative, illuminative, or unitive—might take priority over the others, or in some way one may be at all the stages simultaneously. Or again, if strict succession was suggested, it was only that of "beginning, middle, and end."
The history of spirituality provides many accounts of the "scale" or "ladder" of perfection. Scattered throughout the voluminous writings of Augustine of Hippo alone are at least eight accounts of the path of spiritual development, most with seven stages and some with three, but all different. Clearly those accounts intended a suggestive and inspirational presentation and not a strictly systematic one. Nonetheless, inherent in these and all conceptions of spirituality is the notion of a path, a journey, a process, a developmental sequence.
Contemporary psychology also speaks of the human in terms of development. But with the rigor of a methodical science, psychology attempts systematically to delineate the stages of that development. If spiritual development were conceived as human development viewed against a particular set of concerns, the stage theories of psychology could significantly contribute to defining systematic stages of spiritual development. Then spiritual development would stand with other psychologically defined conceptions of human development: Piaget's cognitive development, Kohlberg’s moral development, Fowler's faith development, and Loevinger’s ego development.
Psychology, Theism, and Christianity
That is the hypothesis pursued in this essay. Acceptance of that hypothesis necessitates separate treatment of the psychological and the theological questions. Accordingly, Part I of this essay begins by critically reviewing the scant literature at this early date, 1987, that theoretically either treats spiritual development from a psychological point of view or attempts to integrate psychological developmental findings into theological concern for spiritual growth. Borrowing on the reviewed literature, the second chapter of Part I develops an initial definition of spiritual development and a list of the distinctive factors that determine it in contrast to other specific facets of human development. Next Chapter 3 presents an overview of current research on the stages of human development. Although all conclusions in this domain remain tentative, according to the purposes of this essay, focus will be on the integrative position in James Fowler’s Stages of Faith and of the encyclopedic statement in Jane Loevinger’s Ego Development. Insofar as developmental research hazards to suggest such a conclusion, the result is a sketch of the more or less currently determined lines and stages of human development within the populations studied. Finally, integrating this developmental material with the understanding developed in Chapter 2, Chapter 4 suggests a summary understanding of spiritual development and its stages.
Part I uses a critical, analytical, synthetic approach, sorting out the issues as they arise, consolidating issues where possible, introducing new material when necessary, all the time forging a progressively more coherent understanding of a very elusive subject. In the end the hope is to have justified as reasonable that psychology properly conceived can appropriately and adequately deal with many of the questions about spiritual development traditionally treated in theology. Indeed, within the contemporary context of extensive differentiation and specialization of disciplines, an adequate psychology and not theology is the discipline that properly treats questions of spirituality, at least insofar as practical issues are concerned.
Part II of this essay turns to the question of God and theist faith. Three chapters present a theory of theodicy, treatment of practical religious issues related to spiritual development, and the question of growth in holiness. The overall argument is this. Theism adds a further dimension of meaning to even an adequate psychological understanding of spiritual development. This is a contribution to a comprehensive theoretical account of the matter. But granted that God exists and is active whether acknowledged or not, theism changes nothing in an adequate psychological treatment and, as such, offers no answer to practical questions about spiritual development. An adequate psychological account already provides this. Finally, growth in holiness, understood as a profound relationship with God, is not the same as spiritual development. The different possible coincidences of the two are multiple.
Part III, limiting its consideration to Christianity, treats the still further question about Christian faith and its contribution to a comprehensive understanding of spiritual development. In the present context, the distinctive contribution of Christianity is the conception of human life as a process of divinization—theosis in the Greek, which provides a name for this distinctive facet of spiritual development, theotic (not merely theological or theist). Because of the redemptive work of Christ and the sanctifying mission of the holy spirit, the human life created by God and studied by the human sciences is actually a growing participation in divine life. Granted the incarnation and resurrection of the eternal son, Jesus Christ, an understanding of the Holy Spirit as God’s own Love poured into the human heart is the key to this specifically Christian contribution. But once again, since divinizing grace is available to all whether they recognize it or not, Christianity’s contribution is a further expanded understanding of this matter rather than a distinctive prescription for living it or any change in its mechanisms and requisites.
Throughout, when practical issues of spiritual development are at stake, adequate psychological treatment retains the priority. It explains the process of development, and it defines the stages. Yet a comprehensive theoretical understanding of spiritual development is incomplete without the theist and Christian components.