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constructive developmental theory; subject-object theory; developmental action inquiry; adaptive leadership theory; post-conventional leadership; higher education leadership; Robert Kegan; William Torbert; Ronald Heifetz; multiple-case... more
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      PsychologyEthnographyHigher Education LeadershipAdaptive Leadership
This essay explores some of the issues around the notion of “teal” and “turquoise” organizations from the perspective of Ken Wilber’s AQAL Integral Theory as these ideas are applied to a Russian context.
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      Integral TheoryAdult Development And AgingTranspersonal StudiesOrganizational Development
The doctoral dissertation is defined as an original contribution to a field. By definition, this makes the dissertation a creative product, and the result of a creative process. The creative process of doctoral work has historically not... more
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      Creative WritingHistoryIntellectual HistorySociology
Psychologist Robert Kegan also discusses the topic of psychological maturity and positive personality transformation in his book, “The Evolving Self” [21](Kegan, 1982). Using a stage developmental perspective, he describes a theory of... more
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      Developmental PsychologyBuddhist StudiesSocial ConstructivismEgo Development
Research and theories of leadership development link the capacity for complex thinking to effectiveness at leading adaptive change. However, few empirical studies examine how this link operates in natural work settings, or explore its... more
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      EthnographyHigher Education LeadershipAdaptive LeadershipLeadership in Higher Education
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      Teacher EducationTeacher IdentityConstructive DevelopmentalismRobert Kegan
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      TheologyHistorical TheologyFilm and TheologySchleiermacher
The following essay, albeit centered upon the theories of philosopher Paul Ricoeur and psychologist Robert Kegan, ultimately sets out to articulate specifically how the ways that people narrate meaning throughout their lives can be a... more
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      Religious EducationPractical theologyPaul RicoeurNarrative and Identity
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      Jean GebserKen Wilber, Integral Theory, Humanistic Psychology, Transpersonal PsychologyRobert Kegan
Uncertainty is a pervasive feature of our times. In this paper I argue that an age of uncertainty is not a reason for despair, but rather an opportunity to develop and mobilize our capacities for creativity, complexity, and collaboration.... more
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      SociologyCultural StudiesFuture StudiesSocial Theory
Christianity as a religion has much to say about identity and formation. As a religion based on the concept of the revelation of God in Jesus Christ, identity formation takes on a “Christocentric” character, or, one’s identity is to... more
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      ChristianityLiberation TheologyEcclesiologyNarrative and Identity
This project explores the concept of identity through the lens of narrativity, a multifaceted concept that describes the way the consciousness makes meaning about life, throughout life. Narrativity depicts meaning-making as both an... more
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      Developmental PsychologyEvolutionary PsychologyAdult EducationReligious Education
Spiritual Development Traditional theology teaches that there are three stages in the spiritual life: the purgative, wherein one moves away from sin; the illuminative,... more
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      Jean PiagetCarl G. JungLawrence KohlbergRoberto Assagioli
This dissertation explores the implications of adult developmental diversity, especially for the ways in which adults with varying degrees of capacity for cognitive complexity manage the leadership challenges of conflict, complexity, and... more
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      Group DynamicsDiversity ManagementAdult Development And AgingGroup Relations/Tavistock Methods
In this paper I critically review and synthesize multiple strands within the leadership, human development, and education reform literatures to offer a new lens for understanding and addressing the complex, adaptive problems facing the US... more
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      Educational LeadershipComplexity TheoryEducational reformAdaptive Leadership
In this paper we examine tensions in the Human Rights Education (HRE) movement stemming from the co-existence of normative-embracing and normative-rejecting elements within HRE aims and pedagogy. We call these tensions paradoxes of... more
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      Paradox (handling ambiguity)Critical PedagogyHuman Rights EducationSocial Activism
This paper explores stages and styles of meaning making in a population at Kegan's (1982) developmental levels 3 through 5. It is a qualitative study of the relationship between adult personality development and how individuals speak... more
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      PsychologyCognitive PsychologySocial PsychologyPhilosophy
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      Developmental PsychologyContemplative StudiesRobert Kegan
Consciousness has basically been ignored by psychology (until recently) since the time of William James and the psychoanalysts, so Learning Theories have followed suit & stuck to an objective materialist (hard science) viewpoint.... more
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      Social Learning TheoryMyths and Symbols as carriers of unconscious contentSociocultural Theory Of LearningSocial Constructionism/ Constructivism