Rites of Passage
Recent papers in Rites of Passage
Abstract This book is theoretical, in which the relevant parts of sociological and anthropological specialist literature on football and social processes were synthetically summarized. I focused only on the theories that were relevant to... more
Asupra omului văzut ca entitate dinamică cu tendinţe de perfecţionare (intelectuală, socială, economică) acţionează concomitent o serie de rituri cu valenţe diverse, uneori chiar contrare. Astfel, integrarea într-un nou context nu se... more
Abstract: The God of the Bible is an incarnate God: A God who speaks in and through the embodied human experience. Thus, for all of the theological significance of baptism, it is also incumbent for Christians to recognize the vital... more
Rites of passage practices have caught the attention of educators seeking better methods of teaching adolescents. The fascination with the rites of passage model (ROP) is especially strong among outdoor educators. Once Van Gennep (1960)... more
Dans de nouvelles situations de construction du mourir, comme l'euthanasie et la sédation profonde en fin de vie, émerge, en Belgique, une requête de construction de sens qui se traduit en une demande d'un rite à poser avant l'acte... more
Undergoing an admission process (an initiation) can induce exaggerated feelings about a group, but there is little research about the role of rewards. This study replicated Aronson and Mills’ (1959) experiment. Seventy participants... more
Un vent nouveau souffle en Occident sur ce qui touche au souvenir du défunt, amorçant une période de «réappropriation du mort» ainsi que des rites autour de la mort. Alors que les cimetières traditionnels sont de moins en moins visités,... more
An ancient organization in age groups and ancient rites of passage for children and young people in the Aegean Greek world are ideas which was first developed by historical anthropology in XXth century, before being criticized by... more
Rites of passage practices have caught the attention of educators seeking better methods of teaching adolescents. The fascination with the rites of passage (ROP) is especially prevalent among outdoor educators. Once Van Gennep (1960)... more
Some analysis of the process whereby Louise Milligan contacted the choristers.
English translation of title: 'Revenant(s),borderliner(s), double(s): Rites de Passage in Bram Stoker's Dracula' by Michaela Schäuble. German book title: 'Michaela Schäuble: Wiedergänger, Grenzgänger, Doppelgänger. Rites de Passage in... more
Il saggio estende l'analisi dei dati discussi in un precedente contributo. A partire dall'esperienza diretta di uno dei ricercatori, e attraverso una metodologia autoetnografica, lo studio si incentra sui processi di addestramento propri... more
À la suite du tremblement de terre qui en 2009 a détruit la ville de L’Aquila, dans les Abruzzes, j’ai observé sur le terrain que les dispositifs folkloriques se sont révélés très utiles pour réabsorber le choc causé par le traumatisme et... more
Attached: Introduction, Notes on Contributors. This collection of articles is a thoughtful examination of the history, function and place of emerging rituals. The discussion goes beyond academic assessment and acknowledgement of the... more
Bár a középiskolás korosztály küszöbeseményeinek, beavatási (gólyabál) és eltávolítási (ballagás, bolondballagás) rítusainak vizsgálatát tekintve a tudománynak még jelentős adósságai vannak, napjainkban egyre több olyan tanulmány lát... more
During the initiation rites of passage into monastic life there took place a total revaluation of religious life. A candidate for the monk resigning from worldly life, became a monk and obtained participation in the life which was... more
La naissance est l'occasion de cérémonies accompagnant le passage de la mère et de l'enfant et leur intégration dans le tissu social L'étude de ces rites de passage est riche d'enseignements sur les structures d'une société donnée. Le... more
“All of our images of the adolescent – the restless, searching teen; the Hamlet figure; the sower of wild oats and tester of growing powers ... are masculine figures.” – Barbara Hudson In the world of medieval romance, women run the risk... more
A néphit szerint a fiatal halottak lelke hazajár, ha nem kapja meg a menyasszonyhoz/vőlegényhez illő végbúcsút. 47 Kunt (1981:31-32) 48 "Továbbá mosogasd bűntől én szívemet, Kegyes kézzel gyógyítsd sebekből lelkemet."GY33 Knapek Dezső TLM... more
A Festa da Moça Nova é o ritual mais importante para dos índios Ticuna. Esta Festa marca a transição da menina, que acabou de menstruar pela primeira vez, da infância para um estado em que a moça pode se casar. Durante o ritual várias... more
W setną rocznicę insurekcji kościuszkowskiej, 5 maja 1894 roku, dwudziestosiedmioletni, początkujący pisarz, Władysław Reymont, wyruszył wraz grupą pielgrzymkową z warszawskiej Pragi na Jasną Górę w celu napisania reportażu z pielgrzymki... more
Volgens activisten komt Zwarte Piet voort uit de racistische Amerikaanse blackface-traditie. Maar zijn wortels zijn veel ouder: door heel Europa heeft Sint-Nicolaas zwart geschminkte knechten, die wellicht teruggaan op een prehistorische... more
Three days lasting nuptial rites as examples of rites of passage take on a new significance with the contributions of professional musicians in Bergama’s surrounding country-side like elsewhere in Turkey. These musicians living in Bergama... more
The study has investigated the rites and rituals throughout the life-cycle of man in Nilphamari district. The study found them influenced with local customs, beliefs and religious values as dominant over the passages of life in... more
The American Navy ceremony of “Crossing the Line” at the equator was a strongly held, often brutal initiation tradition that became highly politicized and transformed in the 1990s as women and LGBTQ+ personnel fought for access to jobs... more
This study explores accounts of the revenant, the walking dead in medieval Britain through the concept of a failure in the ritual process that surrounded death. This concept is used to explore the rituals leading to,... more
Dans la tradition grecque, on s'accorde pour considérer le mythe de Dédale et d’Icare comme celui qui illustre le mieux, dès les temps les plus reculés, le thème des voyages aériens des mortels. À y regarder de plus près les versions... more
Diario El Peruano. Suplemento Variedades
Unlike in most wars involving “western” countries, the first people’s concern when the veterans from Mozambican civil war started to return home was to make them overpass their traumatic experiences and guilt. In the southern part of the... more
Foreword by Isabel Russo, Head of Ceremonies at the British Humanist Association A unique, hands-on guide to the craft of ritualmaking. Answering the call for new rituals in our secular age, this book recognises the essential importance... more
Walkabout (Nicolas Roeg, 1971) is a film about transitions: movement between childhood and adulthood, country and city, pre-modernity and modernity. My analysis of Roeg’s classic is part of a study of the genre of environmental film:... more
On the 25th anniversary of his passing, this collection features contributions reflecting the wide application of Victor Turner's thought to cultural performance in the early 21st Century. From anthropology, sociology and religious... more
An application of Van Gennep's tripartite model for rites of passage to the Bible. Includes exhaustive treatment of the ROP model, as well as application to the uber-narrative in the Bible, specific books of the Bible, and individual... more
My inquiry is a hermeneutic investigation into the lived experience of, and interpersonal and intrapersonal processes involved in transformative learning in primarily affective and imaginal modes of being. Through the lens of an extended... more
« Epargne les cheveux blancs de ton père, épargne l’âge tendre de ton fils : sacrifie pour le salut de l’empereur. Hilarianus demanda : Tu es chrétienne ? Je répondis : Je le suis ». Qu’est-ce qui pousse Perpétue, jeune matrone romaine... more
This paper was submitted for Curso Panorámico de Literatura Norteamericana for the B.A. in English at Universidad de Costa Rica. The paper explains both the anthropological and literary use of the term rite of passage. Finally, the paper... more
It's one of the two Mother's Days here in Thailand. There's one that's celebrated by the rest of the world and there's another observed only by the Thais as it is the Queen's natal day. With the government declaring two days as holidays,... more
En ligne : http://blogs.univ-tlse2.fr/littera-incognita-2/2017/09/24/le-personnage-liminaire-une-notion-ethnocritique/ Résumé : Cet article expose l’apport ethnocritique à l’étude des chronotopes rituels où se noue et se dénoue... more
Il n'y a pas de société, pas de famille, pas de reconnaissance sociale sans enfant. La façon dont les enfants étaient perçus, intégrés et élevés au sein de la famille et de la communauté établit les fondements même de la société... more
Long believed to be a transitional time that left no trace, birth and early childhood have recently emerged as a new field of research. Interdisciplinary approaches have demonstrated that coming into life has a complex and rich history of... more
From "Language in the Trump Era: Scandals and Emergencies," eds. Janet McIntosh and Norma Mendoza-Denton, Cambridge University Press, 2020.