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The majority of vulnerability and adaptation scholarship, policies and programs focus exclusively on climate change or global environmental change. Yet, individuals, communities and sectors experience a broad array of multi-scalar and... more
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      Climate ChangeNatural ResourcesCommunity ResilienceClimate Change Adaptation
Responding to reports of missing persons represents one of the biggest demands on the resources of police organisations. In the UK, for example, it is estimated that over 300,000 missing persons incidents are recorded by the police each... more
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      CriminologyHuman GeographyPolice ScienceRisk and Vulnerability
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      Indigenous StudiesResilienceRisk and VulnerabilityInvasive Species
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      ResilienceRisk and VulnerabilityResistance (Social)Technologies of the Self
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      MigrationRisk and VulnerabilityAsylumInternational Migration
Software Defined Wide Area Network (SD-WAN or SDWAN) is a modern conception and an attractive trend in network technologies. SD-WAN is defined as a specific application of software-defined networking (SDN) to WAN connections. There is... more
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      Network SecurityRisk and VulnerabilityComputer SecurityVulnerability
In Santiago de Chile, the combination of recent urbanization patterns, the growing demand for land, and climate change has created challenges, notably in terms of the amplification of hazard generation and hazard exposure. This paper... more
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      Human GeographyClimate ChangeClimate Change AdaptationRisk and Vulnerability
The degree of continuity and distinctiveness in social competence and antisocial behavior was examined in a longitudinal structural equation model. Participants were 391 typically developing Norwegian middle school students (51% boys),... more
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      PsychologySocial WorkDevelopmental PsychopathologyTransactional Analysis
The adults facing chronic exclusion (ACE) programme tests new ways of working with excluded people who do not access services in the community because their lives are chaotic and their needs are too complex. All the interventions offer... more
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      Social WorkPovertyRisk and VulnerabilityLocal Government and Local Development
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      Social PsychologySexual ViolenceAlcohol StudiesRisk and Vulnerability
Theorists have argued that environmental justice requires more than just the fair distribution of environmental benefits and harms. It also requires participation in environmental decisions of those affected by them, and equal recognition... more
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      Place AttachmentCommunity Engagement & ParticipationGovernanceSociology of Risk
Corporate risk management governance and management frameworks, approaches and practices face a variety of challenges and in many cases need to be reviewed and revised to copy with multiple uncertainties, disruptive technologies, new... more
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      Risk Management and InsuranceRisk GovernanceCorporate GovernanceGovernance
My first attempt at writing a peer reviewed article.  My writing has improved since then-in case your were wondering.
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      Risk and VulnerabilityPrecautionary PrinciplePublic Policy Analysis
Assessment of disaster resilience using an index is often a key element of natural hazard management and planning. Many assessments have been undertaken worldwide. Emerging from these are a set of seven common properties that should be... more
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      SociologyFlood Risk ManagementResilienceDisaster risk management
In the last decade, the notion of uncertainty has gained prominence in anthropological debates. So has the debate on future. Yet, the conceptualisation of uncertainty has barely been linked to the future(s) and its temporal relations.... more
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      Future StudiesPsychologyRisk and VulnerabilityRisk Management
Desde o surgimento das histórias em quadrinhos, os enredos com super-heróis são focados no espírito comunitário, confiança mútua, força e coragem, temas inspiradores para as áreas da Educação e Saúde. Entretanto pouco se sabe acerca do... more
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      EducationTeacher EducationResilienceRisk and Vulnerability
An emergent life insurance market in Swaziland is prompting some families to remake kinship as the entrustment of a generation of deceased relatives’ children. Coincident with high HIV/AIDS mortality and changing economic policies for the... more
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      Risk Management and InsuranceAfrican StudiesMedical AnthropologyChildren and Families
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    • Risk and Vulnerability
Petitclerc Martin, « Compassion, association, utopie. » La mutualité ouvrière à Montréal au milieu du XIXe siècle, Revue du MAUSS, 2008/2 n° 32, p. 399-409. Distribution électronique pour La Découverte. © La Découverte. Tous... more
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      Canadian HistorySocial EconomyRisk and VulnerabilitySocial History
The present paper examines the patterns of urban growth and the related spatial planning policies in terms of safety criteria in the island of Santorini, which is the most active volcanic complex in South Aegean Sea. The exacerbated... more
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      Urban PlanningRisk and VulnerabilitySpatial planningSantorini
Responding to reports of missing persons represents one of the biggest demands on the resources of police organisations. In the UK, for example, it is estimated that over 300,000 missing persons incidents are recorded by the police each... more
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      CriminologyHuman GeographyPolice ScienceSocial Work
The experience of the Pedernales earthquake on April 16, 2016, identified the need to know the components of the State in terms of possible natural threats. How to exploit the resources of these components and distribute them in... more
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      Disaster risk managementRisk and VulnerabilityDisaster ManagementFuerzas Armadas
Most risk management activity in the healthcare sector is retrospective, based on learning from experience. This is feasible where the risks are routine, but emergency operations plans (EOP) guide the response to events that are both high... more
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      Criminal LawEmergency MedicineEthicsOrganizational Change
The intention of this article is to contribute to the analysis of the social and environmental characteristics of the territory (RMB) and the knowledge of the territorialization of Primary Health Care with a view to making the service of... more
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      GeographyRisk and VulnerabilityPublic Health
According to Hans Jonas (1903–1993), the modern technological progress endowed humanity with wondrous power, which in the long run risks altering the nature of human action. This is especially true for the realm of collective action, the... more
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      PhilosophyBioethicsHuman RightsMeaning of Life
La récurrence des aléas naturels en Amérique Latine à des répercussions importantes sur les tissus urbains et leurs identités urbaines. On se pose alors la question de comment l’impact d’un ouragan peut transformer un tissu urbain... more
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      Risk and VulnerabilityUrban StudiesHondurasIdentité
Umwelt, Technik & Risiko – damit verbinden wir eine Symptomatik, die für die Moderne von bestandskritischer Bedeutung ist. Soweit herrscht Einigkeit. Kontrovers sind hingegen Diagnose und Therapie. Ist die industriegesellschaftliche... more
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      Critical TheoryEngineeringDiscourse AnalysisSociology
Non-governmental entities and response to disasters, public health dimensions
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      Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs)Risk and VulnerabilityDisaster ManagementPublic Health
As climate change focuses more frequent and intense disasters on vulnerable communities across the globe, mitigation and response resources need to be allocated more efficiently and equitably. Vulnerability assessments require time,... more
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      PovertyRisk and VulnerabilityDisaster risk reductionSendai framework for disaster risk reduction
Resumo: A vulnerabilidade se tornou um conceito utilizado em diferentes áreas da ciência, a geografia utiliza esse conhecimento como um suporte para análise da sociedade e do ambiente físico, compreendendo dessa forma vulnerabilidade como... more
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      Risk and VulnerabilityVulnerabilitySocial vulnerabilityGeografia Humana
This article discusses developmental strategies on one of the Slovenian family farms specialized in cattle breeding (bull-calves) through reflections that are emphasized by recent and current studies of anthropology of risk and... more
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      Rural SociologyAnthropologyReasoning about UncertaintyRisk and Vulnerability
In a context of stark opposition between supporters and opponents to the wolf, the extent to which this particular predator is dangerous for humans is still an open question. What lies beneath the negative perception of the wolf? What... more
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      Modern HistoryEconomic HistoryRural SociologyFrench History
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      PsychologyEarly InterventionPovertyCognitive development
Comment: This chapter develops portions of an invited symposium presentation I gave at ISTSS in November 2004 . In particular, we conduct a "10 year follow up" of a surprisingly scathing keynote address that developmental psychopathology... more
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      Positive PsychologyDevelopmental PsychopathologyTraumatic StressResilience
Panorama andino sobre cambio climático 44 45 GeneraciÓn de escenarios desaGreGados del cambio climático Para los andes troPicales
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      BotanyLandscape EcologyEnvironmental EducationScience Communication
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      Business EthicsLiteracyWeb 2.0Social Networking
The public health approach to alcohol control focusses on efforts to reduce overall consumption and therefore the prevalence of “harmful” drinking and its negative health and social consequences. Within this logic, evidence is corralled... more
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      Medical SociologyMedical AnthropologyEvidence Based MedicineHealth Geography
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      International RelationsCommunity ResilienceRisk and VulnerabilityHumanitarian Aid
Hurricane Katrina struck New Orleans in August 2005, driving hundreds of thousands of residents out of the city and causing upwards of $55 billion in damage. Between August 2005 and New Year's Day 2006, New Orleans lost over half its... more
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      Risk Management and InsuranceEconomicsFinancial EconomicsFlood Risk Management
Researchers need measures of vulnerability that are grounded in explicit theoretical and conceptual frameworks, that are sensitive to local contexts, and that are easy to collect. This paper presents the Index of Vulnerability (IoV), a... more
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      AnthropologyRisk and VulnerabilityStressAmazonia
"When I Wear My Alligator Boots examines how the lives of dispossessed men and women are affected by the rise of narcotrafficking along the U.S.-Mexico border. In particular, the book explores a crucial tension at the heart of the “war on... more
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      Cultural StudiesHuman GeographyCultural GeographyAnthropology
Las Fuerzas Armadas, cumpliendo su misión constitucional y circunscritas al marco legal del Estado Ecuatoriano, se constituyen en la institución ejecutora de las políticas de seguridad y defensa que el Estado planifica. Por lo tanto, su... more
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      Disaster risk managementRisk and VulnerabilityDisaster ManagementFuerzas Armadas
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      Risk and VulnerabilityRisk ManagementDisaster ManagementVulnerability
Comparative analysis of households which had been relocated by the Thilawa Special Economic Zone (SEZ), and those which remained in the original communities demonstrated significant differences in the vulnerability profiles of the... more
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      Risk and VulnerabilityMyanmarLand RightsSpecial Economic Zones
Este estudo identifica riscos novos e potencializados em projetos de Tecnologia da Informação (TI) com equipes locais. O caráter é exploratório no tocante ao levantamento dos riscos junto aos gerentes de projeto de empresas de diversos... more
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      Project ManagementProject Risk ManagementRisk and VulnerabilityRisk Management
Two experiments were conducted to examine the processing of fear-arousing communications, and tested predictions derived from the stage model of processing of fear-arousing communications. The studies focused on the impact of... more
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      Health PromotionPersuasion (Psychology)Risk and VulnerabilityFear Appeals
We present an assessment of ICT systems that merges a scenario approach and a Monte Carlo method. To automate the assessment, we have developed two tools. The first one builds a formal description of the vulnerabilities in the target... more
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      Computer ScienceMonte Carlo SimulationRisk and VulnerabilityComputer Security
The word disaster is derived from the Italian disastro or “unfavorable star” and implies a random act of wanton destruction by nature or by human intervention. Yet, in reality, disasters are a regular part of human experience. They occur... more
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      Social WorkTerrorismViolenceCommunity Resilience
The Upper Basin of the south rim of the Grand Canyon presents an excellent cross-section of different federal agencies’ (Grand Canyon National Park and Kaibab National Forest) approaches to land management. Though the environment and... more
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      ArchaeologyLandscape ArchaeologyLand managementRisk and Vulnerability