Riparian Ecosystem
Recent papers in Riparian Ecosystem
Riparian vegetation performs important ecosystem functions, since it maintains regional biodiversity and provides a range of environmental services. However, anthropogenic activity, land use type, and edge effects are factors that modify... more
Provincializing Bollywood argues that Bhojpuri cinema exemplifies the overflow of a provincial derivative form that defies its place in the given scheme of things. Situating it at the intersection of vernacular media production and the... more
This is a text book dedicated to the Restoration of Rivers and Riparian Systems. It includes 14 chapters groupesd into four parts: 1) Fluvial Systems: analysis and main components (Hydromorphology, Ecology and Floodplains) 2) Basic... more
La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo determinar el estado de restauración y calidad de dos áreas con bosque de ribera en el río Acomé y Pantaleón. En dichas áreas se consideró una unidad de análisis de 2.5 kilómetros de longitud... more
NATIONAL LAND COMMISSION RESEARCH 2018 Riparian lands are found along the edges of water bodies and are under the influence of both terrestrial and aquatic processes. They are thus considered to be transitional habitats, representing a... more
This practice-led research project explores processes of cultural response to the communication of complex environmental issues through two main forms of process-based art production: one in the private studio in the form of drawings and... more
Zona riparian merupakan zona yang menghubungkan ekosistem daratan dan ekosistem perairan yang mana dipengaruhi oleh pergerakan material dan air. Riparian mempunyai komponen khusus dalam daratan. Zona yang berada pada tepian sungai atau... more
In the late Middle Ages, the Chiana river valley, a fertile land connected to Rome in the Etruscan and Roman era, became unhealthy due to stagnant water. In order to provide an accurate account of the situation, the following pages focus... more
La presencia o ausencia de agua es un factor fundamental para comprender las relaciones entre una sociedad y el medio que la rodea. En aquellos espacios donde la interacción entre el agua y sociedad es especialmente significativa y... more
Anuran belongs to the group of amphibians that are sensitive to the alterations of their environment and they could be used as bio-indicator organisms to follow changes in their habitats. The diversity of anurans was studied in the three... more
Economía de los humedales : prácticas sostenibles y aprovechamientos históricos. -1.ª edición. -(Col·lecció Instrumenta ; 68) Inclou referències bibliogràfiques i índexs Recull d'investigacions realitzades dins el projecte HAR2016-77724-P... more
Obedska Bara pond is situated in north-eastern Serbia, in the county of Srem (UTM: DQ14, DQ15, DQ24, DQ25). The mammal fauna of the Obedska Bara pond has been listed with reference to the literature data, data obtained by means of oral... more
Riparian ecosystems in the south-western United States have undergone extensive physical and biological changes, due, in part, to alteration of natural flow regimes and suppression of fluvial processes. Many riparian ecosystem restoration... more
Impervious surfaces, such as roads and parking lots, do not allow water to infiltrate the soil quickly. This increased runoff can quickly overflow storm drains, potentially causing flooding. plants which reduce habitat suitability for... more
Aquatic plants fulfil a wide range of ecological roles, and make a substantial contribution to the structure, function and service provision of aquatic ecosystems. Given their well-documented importance in aquatic ecosystems, research... more
Significant ecological, hydrologic, and geomorphic changes have occurred during the 20th century along many large floodplain rivers in the American Southwest. Native Populus forests have declined, while the exotic Eurasian shrub, Tamarix,... more
La presencia o ausencia de agua es un factor fundamental para comprender las relaciones entre una sociedad y el medio que le rodea. En aquellos espacios donde la interacción entre el agua y sociedad es especialmente significativa y... more
El libro aborda el tema de los sistemas ribereños y se centra en el estudio de los existentes en el Parque Nacional Popo-Izta (México). This book addresses the issue of riparian systems and focuses on the study of those existing in the... more
Few studies addressed the distribution of riparian trees and shrubs, and the factors affecting their distribution and structure in Lebanon. The objective of this investigation is to identify the riparian tree and shrub species around Nahr... more
Riparian vegetation performs important ecosystem functions, since it maintains regional biodiversity and provides a range of environmental services. However, anthropogenic activity, land use type, and edge effects are factors that modify... more
Park managers are increasingly faced with responding to the recent rise of those experiencing unsheltered homelessness residing in urban green spaces. In response, researchers have explored and attempted to mitigate a variety of negative... more
Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk untuk mengetahui struktur vegetasi riparian di wilayah Sungai Winongo, untuk mengetahui tingkat pencemaran air sungai di wilayan Sungai Winongo, dan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara vegetasi... more
Economía de los humedales : prácticas sostenibles y aprovechamientos históricos. -1.ª edición. -(Col·lecció Instrumenta ; 68) Inclou referències bibliogràfiques i índexs Recull d'investigacions realitzades dins el projecte HAR2016-77724-P... more
Zasavica Special Nature Reserve (SNR) has been established in 1997 and the revision of its legal status, by which reserve boundary will be significantly extended, is nearing completion. Data on mammal species presence within the survey... more
Wetlands are ecosystems of great ecological values. The produced biomass of these areas can act as an alternative renewable energy source. Lake Agras is an artificial wetland in central Macedonia. The purpose of the survey was to record... more
RESUMEN. El estudio de la condición ecológica de las riberas constituye un elemento relevante en el análisis integral de los cursos de agua. El objetivo del presente trabajo fue evaluar la calidad de los bosques de ribera en ríos del... more
Riparian buffer zone, nutrient load reduction, buffer capacity, buffer permeability Article published by EDP Sciences C.J. Weissteiner et al.: Knowl. Managt. Aquatic Ecosyst. (2013) 408, 08
Kurzfassung: Es wird über eine bemerkenswerte krautige Flussuferflora auf Kies-und Schotterbänken des Rheins und ihr Auftreten nach der extremen Dürreperiode des Sommers 2018 berichtet. Abstract: A notable herbaceous riparian flora on... more
The role of riparian forests is important in mitigating the impacts of human activities in the aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems and keeping them in a good ecological condition ensures the existence of the diversity of life in this... more
The role of riparian forests is important in mitigating the impacts of human activities in the aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems and keeping them in a good ecological condition ensures the existence of the diversity of life in this... more
This study contributes in listing and understanding the distribution of riparian species according to environmental and anthropogenic factors, recognizing the impact of these factors on biodiversity and tree growth and conducting an easy... more
The Colorado River and its tributaries in and around the Grand Canyon have yet to be honored with Wild and Scenic River (WSR) designation. The suite of ecological, recreational, and scenic values exhibited by these waterways are... more
This practice-led research project explores processes of cultural response to the communication of complex environmental issues through two main forms of process-based art production: one in the private studio in the form of drawings and... more
ABSTRACT Riparian vegetation performs important ecosystem functions, since it maintains regional biodiversity and provides a range of environmental services. However, anthropogenic activity, land use type, and edge effects are factors... more