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We give a description of a 2-torsion free Vinberg (−1, 1) ring R. If every nonzero root space of R − for S is one-dimensional where S is a split abelian Cartan subring of R − which is nil on R then R is a Lie ring isomorphic to R −. This... more
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    • Ring Theory
Several properties of the inverse along an element are studied in the context of unitary rings. New characterizations of the existence of this inverse are proved. Moreover, the set of all invertible elements along a fixed element is fully... more
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      MathematicsRing TheoryGeneralized Inverses
Properties of the inverse along an element in rings with an involution, Banach algebras and C *-alegbras will be studied unifying known expressions concerning generalized inverses.
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      MathematicsRing TheoryFunctional AnalysisGeneralized Inverses
Ring theory is one of the branches of the abstract algebra that has been broadly used in images. However, ring theory has not been very related with image segmentation. In this paper, we propose a new index of similarity among images... more
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      Ring TheoryImage ProcessingEntropySegmentation
Ring Theory states that a ring is an algebraic structure where two binary operations can be performed within the elements: addition and multiplication. Image segmentation is the process of partitioning an image into pixels and as- signing... more
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      Ring TheoryImage Binarization
This chapter is devoted to introducing the theories of interval algebra to people who are interested in applying the interval methods to uncertainty analysis in science and engineering. In view of this purpose, we shall introduce the key... more
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      MathematicsApplied MathematicsRing TheoryField Theory
Some examples of rings that are not clean:
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      AlgebraRing TheoryGroup Ring Theory
In this paper, we introduce the notion of fuzzy kernel of a fuzzy homomorphism on rings and show that it is a fuzzy ideal of the domain ring. Conversely, we also prove that any fuzzy ideal of a ring is a fuzzy kernel of some fuzzy... more
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      MathematicsRing Theory
(-1, 1) ring satisfying the Weak Novikov identity (w, x, yz) = y(w, x, z) is studied in this paper. The ring is associative under the following assumption that (i) it has finite number of generators, (ii) it is a 2-torsion free prime ring... more
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    • Ring Theory
In this talk several properties of the inverse along an element in the context of unitary rings will be presented. Among others results, the set of all invertible elements along a fixed element will be fully described. In addition,... more
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      MathematicsRing TheoryPure MathematicsGeneralized Inverses
In this paper we construct the fractions of a Boolean like semi ring and establish that Boolean like semi ring of fraction is Boolean like ring of Foster .
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      Ring TheoryAlgebraic GeometryEgyptRing and Module Theory
In this paper we construct the fractions of a Boolean like semi ring and establish that Boolean like semi ring of fraction is Boolean like ring of Foster [1].
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      MathematicsAlgebraRing TheoryAlgebraic Geometry
Este texto está dividido en dos partes principales: anillos y campos. La primera parte, sobre anillos, consta de ocho capítulos. En los primeros dos se definen varios tipos de anillos, como los dominios enteros, y se abordan conceptos... more
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      Ring TheoryAbstract Algebra
Let F q [ε] := F q [X]/(X 4 − X 3) be a finite quotient ring where ε 4 = ε 3 , with F q is a finite field of order q such that q is a power of a prime number p greater than or equal to 5. In this work, we will study the elliptic curve... more
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      Ring TheoryElliptic curvesElliptic Curve CryptographyFinite Field
This teaching material is to explain ring, subring, ideal, homomorphism
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      MathematicsRing TheoryAbstract Algebra
We characterize the diagonalizable subalgebras of End(V), the full ring of linear operators on a vector space V over a field, in a manner that directly generalizes the classical theory of diagonalizable algebras of operators on a... more
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      Ring TheoryLinear AlgebraRing and Module TheoryTopological Algebra
Despite its relative brevity, Paul's first letter to the Thessalonians has posed several obstacles to interpreters, including the presence of two separate thanksgivings (1:1-10; 2:13-16?), stylistic shifts (3:9-13; 5:1-3), a premature... more
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      Ring TheoryStructuralism (Literary Criticism)StructureLiterary Criticism
This paper investigates situations where a property of a ring can be tested on a set of “prime right ideals.” Generalizing theorems of Cohen and Kaplansky, we show that every right ideal of a ring is finitely generated (resp. principal)... more
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      Ring TheoryRing and Module TheoryRings and Modules, Noncommutative Algebra
Rehoboth, NM 2002 2
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      MathematicsAlgebraRing TheoryMathematics Education
The purpose of this study is to find a similar result of right-left symmetry of nonsingularity and max-min CS property on prime modules, in particular, on their endomorphism rings. The class of rings and modules with extending properties... more
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      Ring TheoryRing and Module Theory
This book engages the structure and message of 1 Corinthians within its most relevant context of late Western antiquity's oral culture. Using a text-centered methodology, Timothy Milinovich demonstrates and analyzes a series of concentric... more
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      Ring TheoryLiterary CriticismHermeneuticsAudience and Reception Studies
Ring theory is one of the branches of the abstract algebra that has been broadly used in images. However, ring theory has not been very related with image segmentation. In this paper, we propose a new index of similarity among images... more
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      Ring TheoryComputer ScienceImage ProcessingEntropy
w. b. vasantha kandasamy smarandache semirings, semifields, and semivector spaces american research press rehoboth 2002 {φ} {a} {b} {c} {d} {a,b,c} {a,b,c,d} {a,b} {a,c} {a,d} {b,c} {b,d} {d,c} {a,b,d} {a,d,c} {b,d,c} Rehoboth, NM 2002 2
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      MathematicsAlgebraRing TheoryMathematics Education
Ring theory is one of the branches of the abstract algebra that has been broadly used in images. However, ring theory has not been very related with image segmentation. In this paper, we propose a new index of similarity among images... more
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    • Ring Theory
The architecture of networks on chip (NOC) highly affects the overall performance of the system on chip (SOC). A new topology for chip interconnection called Torus connected Rings is proposed. Due to the presence of multiple disjoint... more
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      Ring TheoryRoutingMANET Routing protocolsNetwork on Chips
The converse of Schur's lemma (or CSL) condition on a module category has been the subject of considerable study in recent years. In this note we extend that work by developing basic properties of module categories in which the CSL... more
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    • Ring Theory
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      Ring TheoryCommutative ringsNeutrosophic Sets
Let R and R be two unital rings such that R contains a non-trivial idempotent P 1. If R is a prime ring, we characterize the form of bijective map ϕ : R → R which satisfies ϕ(ABP) = ϕ(A)ϕ(B)ϕ(P), for every A, B ∈ R and P ∈ {P 1 , P 2 },... more
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      Ring TheoryTriple product
Let R be an associative ring with identity. An (left) R-module M is said to be torsion if for every m ∈ M, there exists a nonzero r ∈ R such that rm = 0, and faithful provided rM = {0} implies r = 0 (r ∈ R). We call R (left) FT if R... more
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      Ring TheoryModule Theory
A skew Calabi-Yau algebra is a generalization of a Calabi-Yau algebra which allows for a non-trivial Nakayama automorphism. We prove three homological identities about the Nakayama automorphism and give several applications. The... more
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      Ring TheoryHomological AlgebraNoncommutative Algebraic GeometryNoncommutative Geometry
The main objective of this article is to study several generalizations of the reverse order law for the Moore–Penrose inverse in ring with involution.
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      MathematicsRing TheoryMatrix TheoryLinear Algebra
In this paper we consider prime graph of R (denoted by ) of an associative ring R (introduced by Satyanarayana, Syam Prasad and Nagaraju [6]). This short paper is divided into two Sections. Section-1 is devoted for preliminary... more
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      MathematicsRing TheoryGraph TheoryCombinatorics
Completely prime right ideals are introduced as a one-sided generalization of the concept of a prime ideal in a commutative ring. Some of their basic properties are investigated, pointing out both similarities and differences between... more
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      AlgebraRing TheoryPure MathematicsRing and Module Theory
A commutative loop or ring is said to be Jordan if it satisfies the identity $(x^2y)x = x^2(yx)$. We show that the loop ring of a Jordan loop L is Jordan and not associative only if the characteristic of the coefficient ring is even and... more
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      Ring TheoryNonassociative AlgebraLoops and Quasigroups
The existence of loop rings that are not associative but which satisfy the Moufang or Bol identities is well known. Here we complete work started 25 years ago by establishing the existence of loop rings that satisfy any identity of... more
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      Ring TheoryNonassociative AlgebraLoops and Quasigroups
Completely prime right ideals are introduced as a one-sided generalization of the concept of a prime ideal in a commutative ring. Some of their basic properties are investigated, pointing out both similarities and differences between... more
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      AlgebraRing TheoryRing and Module TheoryRings and Modules, Noncommutative Algebra
The main objective of this article is to study several generalizations of the reverse order law for the Moore-Penrose inverse in ring with involution.
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      MathematicsRing TheoryPure MathematicsMatrix Theory
In this article, we introduce new generators of a permuting n-derivations to improve and increase the action of usual derivation. We produce a permuting n-generalized semiderivation, a permuting n-semigeneralized semiderivation, a... more
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      Ring TheoryDerivations in Rings and Algebras
In this paper, we give many new relationships between coretractable modules and other related concept. Moreover, we study many generalizations of coretractable modules and give many connections between them and coretractable modules.
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      Ring TheoryModule TheoryModule
Many classical ring-theoretic results state that an ideal that is maximal with respect to satisfying a special property must be prime. We present a "Prime Ideal Principle" that gives a uniform method of proving such facts, generalizing... more
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      Ring TheoryRing and Module TheoryPrime Ideals
We characterize the diagonalizable subalgebras of End(V ), the full ring of linear operators on a vector space V over a field, in a manner that directly generalizes the classical theory of diagonalizable algebras of operators on a... more
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      MathematicsRing TheoryPure MathematicsLinear Algebra
An extensive generalized concept of classical ring set forth the notion of a gamma ring theory. As an emerging field of research, the research work of classical ring theory to the gamma ring theory has been drawn interest of many... more
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      AlgebraRing TheoryQuantum PhysicsFuzzy Topology
In this paper we construct the fractions of a Boolean like semi ring and establish that Boolean like semi ring of fraction is Boolean like ring of Foster [1].
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      MathematicsAlgebraRing TheoryAlgebraic Geometry
Many classical ring-theoretic results state that an ideal that is maximal with respect to satisfying a special property must be prime. We present a "Prime Ideal Principle" that gives a uniform method of proving such facts,... more
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      Ring TheoryPure MathematicsRing and Module TheoryPrime Ideals
Let R be an associative ring. We define a subset S R of R as S R = {a ∈ R | aRa = (0)} and call it the source of semiprimeness of R. We first examine some basic properties of the subset S R in any ring R, and then define the notions such... more
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      Ring TheoryPrime IdealsPrime RingSemiprime ring
The converse of Schur's lemma (or CSL) condition on a module category has been the subject of considerable study in recent years. In this note we extend that work by developing basic properties of module categories in which the CSL... more
    • by  and +1
    • Ring Theory
Let $R$ be a ring with unity. The co-maximal ideal graph of $R$, denoted by $\Gamma(R)$, is a graph whose vertices are all non-trivial left ideals of $R$, and two distinct vertices $I_1$ and $I_2$ are adjacent if and only if $I_1 + I_2 =... more
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      Ring TheoryGraph Theory