Right to the city
Recent papers in Right to the city
Abstract: This paper presents an argument for considering issues of class in analyses of communicative planning projects. In these projects, class interests tend to be obscured by the contemporary preoccupation with the class-ambiguous... more
This report finds that applying the "right to the city" in Jerusalem challenges the current governance grounded in discrimination against, and dispossession of the indigenous Jerusalemites. This exceptional case study explores the ancient... more
Questa ricerca è un’analisi dell’arena delle politiche abitative nella città di Firenze. Sono stati tenuti in considerazione due focus principali: da un lato, l’analisi dell’arena delle politiche per la casa, attraverso uno studio delle... more
Данный выпуск журнала создан по итогам двух исследовательско-образовательных программ «Лаборатория городских исследований», проведенных в городе Ош и городе Алматы в апреле-мае 2017 г. В рамках Лаборатории участники познакомились с... more
Objective: The research aims to verify to what extent the Viva São Pelegrino Project, in Caxias do Sul-RS, is in line with the ideals of the right to the city and the urban common. Discussion: The first topic addresses the concept of the... more
The purpose of this paper is to illustrate this point and with the help of creative research methods call the attention to the different narratives of public space.
Obwohl sich die „Philosophie der Stadt“ in den letzten Jahr-zehnten dynamisch entwickelt hat, stellt sie noch keine klar konturierte philosophi-sche Teildisziplin dar. Dieser Zustand birgt Chancen und Probleme: Die... more
بومیسازی، پوششی برای دگماتیسم: مواجهات ایرانی با حق بر شهر لوفور آیدین ترکمه « در این نوشته به دنبال آن هستم تا به طور فشرده به اغتشاش اپیستمولوژیک یا شناختشناسانهای بپردازم که در مطالعات شهری به چشم میخورد. در واقع استفادهکنندگان از... more
Many studies focus on the competitive characteristics of cities-such as accessibility, infrastructure, knowledge, creativity, institutions, face-to-face-contacts, tacit knowledge, and business interaction-and how these attract FDI, firms,... more
Von gewachsenen Räumen hin zur fragmentierenden Stadtplanung - der urbane Raum hat sich fortlaufend der Funktionslogik einer kapitalistischen Moderne angepasst. Doch der Wandel vom Wohn- zum Lebensraum ist nicht zwangsläufig endgültig:... more
For download is the abstract and intro to the text. If you have institutional access to CITY, you can access the full text here: http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/13604813.2017.1374773 If you do not have institutional access,... more
The floodplains of the river Yamuna in Delhi present a curious spectacle of agricultural rurality in a rapidly expanding megacity. Classified as Zone O for “Agricultural and Water Body” land use under the Master Plan of Delhi 2021, the... more
This article investigates on the concept of space, its production, use, and change processes, and uncovers the interrelations between social and spatial practices. Based on Lefebvre’s concept of the Right to the City, the article... more
Πτυχιακή εργασία που εκπονήθηκε το ακαδημαϊκό έτος 2019-20 στα πλαίσια του προπτυχιακού προγράμματος σπουδών του τμήματος Οικονομικών Επιστημών του Πανεπιστημίου Θεσσαλίας. Βαλιάντζας Ζαχαρίας (Ζάχος) Επιβλέπων καθηγητής : Αρβανιτίδης... more
Osservare la città oggi è un modo di riflettere e comprendere più ampiamente il fenomeno giuridico nella sua complessità. Vedere il diritto attraverso la città consente infatti di mettere a fuoco molti problemi giuridici della... more
The paper claims that a more comprehensive outlook is necessary for a city that would accord participation a central role and introduces into the discussion the concept of the right to the city. In the light of experience gained from the... more
With the example of HafenCity, discusses how public domains can be combined with individual aspirations.
L'articolo presenta il caso-studio realizzato al Quarticciolo, quartiere ERP situato nella periferia est di Roma. In primis si inquadra il contesto di studio e si esamina la composizione sociale degli abitanti e le tipologie di condizione... more
Nella centrifuga semiotica della comunicazione contemporanea, il concetto di Smart City ha avuto la capacità di imporsi nel dibattito pubblico senza perdere il mistero del suo contenuto. Questo breve contributo mira a srotolare... more
A Fortress in Brooklyn highlights Hasidic agency in urban change. While those with only a passing knowledge of Hasidic life might look at the community’s most visible markers—the sheitels, the shtreimels, the commitment to religious... more
This paper develops a pragmatist definition of street art acknowledging its essential subversiveness, while drawing implications at the level of street art’s political and social function. By developing an insight from Irvine (2012), the... more
Capítulo del Libro "Del civisme al dret a la ciutat: repolitització de la vida en comú a la ciutat del segle XXI". .
The two great challenges facing cities worldwide in the decades to come are inequality and climate change. Yet the two challenges, and the two sets of political infrastructures that prioritize them, largely operate in isolation from each... more
PUBLISHER: Palgrave Macmillan DATE OF RELEASE: 23 April 2021 Purchase link here: https://www.palgrave.com/gp/book/9783030708481 _________________________________________________ This book tells the story of Metropoliz, a vacant salami... more
Introduction In an article published almost two decades ago, G H Pirie (1983, page 472) wrote: ``It would be a pity indeed if the busyness of political philosophers was to go completely unnoticed by spatial theorists and applied... more
This paper uncovers the mobilisation and resistance of citizens in the UK against retail gentrification. It focuses on existing and past campaigns that have emerged to save, promote and sustain traditional retail markets in particular in... more
Cities are increasingly important arenas of civic activism, especially in form of so-‐called neighborhood initiatives and grassroots urban movement. As research presented here shows, conceptual and symbolic " battles for space ", usually... more
A speculative account of the performative aspects of the adhesive pleasures in the urban realm.
Artigo recebido e aceito em maio de 2016.
After Augusto Pinochet’s dictatorship (1973–1990), Chile’s post-dictatorial governments drew on market-based policies to develop large-scale subsidised housing projects and, accordingly, avoid the reappearance of mass housing movements.... more
Citation: Malek, J.A.; Lim, S.B.; Yigitcanlar, T. Social Inclusion Indicators for Building Citizen-Centric Smart Cities: A Systematic Literature Review. Sustainability 2021, 13, 376. Abstract: Despite the rhetoric of "citizen-first,"... more
During much of the nineteenth century, Rio de Janeiro, the Brazilian capital, was under a selective curfew that made it a crime to be in the city's public spaces after dark. The curfew bent normal rules and attenuated supposedly universal... more
La discusión sobre la implementación de modelos de ciudad basados en su representación visual, debe sustituirse por una discusión sobre las estrategias de cambio que subordinen la forma al contenido. La tendencia de los procesos de... more
Cosa significa protestare per le strade, perché occupare uno spazio nella città? Veniamo da un recente risveglio, da anni che hanno riportato la politica nelle piazze e nelle strade. In tutto il mondo uomini e donne sono scesi in piazza... more
Even with only a passing familiarity with the field it becomes apparent quickly that the terms regeneration and renewal tend to dominate the debate around the world. In general renewal tends to mean physical approaches and regeneration... more
Henri Lefebvre ist heute primär für eine bestimmte Periode seines Schaffens bekannt, als Theoretiker des Raums und der Urbanisierung. Weite Teile seines Werkes außerhalb dieser Periode bleiben hingegen unbeachtet. Der vorliegende Beitrag... more
05_bianca tavolari_104_p92a109.indd 92 3/14/16 3:48 PM NOVOS ESTUDOS 104 ❙❙ marçO 2016 93 RESUMO O artigo propõe uma trajetória conceitual do direito à cidade. A reconstrução da gênese e do desenvolvimento do conceito parte da relação... more
In the interpretation of disputes over everyday space, judges produce normative findings that reflect particular visions of public space. Divergent values are ascribed to the importance and role of everyday space in facilitating,... more
From Right to the city to Urban Food Policy. The public-private partnership
In Europe there is a ‘piazza’, which is not the one of spread and financial markets but the ‘piazza’ still able to shape the urban space in the name of ‘the right to the city’. Paradoxically that ‘piazza’ is based in Greece, downgraded to... more