Rhetorical Structure Theory

280 papers
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Rhetorical Structure Theory (RST) is a framework in discourse analysis that describes the organization of texts based on the relationships between their components. It focuses on how different segments of a text contribute to its overall coherence and meaning through hierarchical structures and rhetorical functions.
In this paper, we address one of the central problems in text generation: the missing link ("the generation gap" in Meteer's terms) between the global discourse organization as often provided by text planning modules and the linguistic... more
Wojciech Drąg and Honorata Sroka on experiments in life writing.
a r t í c u L o s La reseña de libros tiene, normalmente, tres secciones: presentación, descripción y resumen de contenido, y conclusión evaluativa, conformadas por una serie de movidas retóricas y pasos. En este artículo nos proponemos... more
In the present paper, a genre-based conceptual framework for interpreting and designing content for learning objects is proposed. Learning objects are considered here as multimodal macrogenres. These macrogenres are constituted of content... more
Some languages do not have enough labeled data to obtain good discourse parsing, specially in the relation identification step, and the additional use of unlabeled data is a plausible solution. A workflow is presented that uses a... more
We present an approach to content selection that works on an ontology-based knowledge base developed independently from the task at hand, i.e., Natural Language Generation. Prior to content selection, a stage akin to signal analysis and... more
An iFAQ (intelligent Frequently Asked Questions) system designed to provide assistance to young judges at their first appointment is described. The development and use of legal domain ontologies is described. The functionality of the... more
Abstract. In the IST project SEKT–Semantically Enabled Knowledge Technologies–one of the case studies [BCC+05] aims at providing an intelligent Frequently Asked Questions system, Iuriservice prototype II, that will offer help to newly... more
The General Council of the Judiciary is the third power in Spain, and is responsible for the professional education of judges and for the operation of the judicial system. Becoming a judge in Spain requires passing an open, competitive... more
During collaborative writing, shared documents are replicated on geographically distant sites. Each user works on an individual copy. This results in divergent copies. Merging techniques such as those proposed by the Operational... more
During collaborative writing, shared documents are replicated on geographically distant sites. Each user works on an individual copy. This results in divergent copies. Merging techniques such as those proposed by the Operational... more
Tesis doctoral en Lengua Finesa realizada por Johanna Komppa en la Universidad de Helsinki (HU) bajo la dirección del Dr. Jyrki Kalliokoski (HU) y la Dra. Susanna Shore (HU). El acto de defensa de la tesis tuvo lugar el viernes 31 de... more
This paper describes a pedagogical agent that helps children to learn to author structured presentations about explanations of concepts. Using a Rhetorical Structure Theory analysis of a source Web page, the agent performs pedagogical... more
The study of research abstracts has gained significant scholarly attention as part of genre studies due to the communicative importance of abstracts in constructing academic knowledge. This study contributes to the... more
RESUMO: Propomos, neste trabalho, analisar como a hipotaxe adverbial pode contribuir para a construção da argumentatividade do gênero resposta argumentativa. Para isso, selecionamos como objeto de análise as produções textuais... more
Rhetorical structuring is field approached mostly by research in natural language (pragmatic) interpretation. However, in natural language generation (NLG) the rhetorical structure plays an important part, in monologues and dialogues as... more
The computerisation of clinical guidelines can greatly benefit from the automatic analysis of their content using Natural Language Processing techniques. Because of the central role played by specific deontic structures, known as... more
In this paper, we extend previous work on the automatic structuring of medical documents using content analysis. Our long-term objective is to take advantage of specific rhetoric markers encountered in specialized medical documents... more
Cet article 1 propose une approche hybride pour la segmentation de documents basée sur l'agrégation de différentes solutions. Divers algorithmes de segmentation peuvent être utilisés dans le système, ce qui permet la combinaison de... more
by Yan Ma
Rhetorical Structure Theory (RST), which was originally developed by William C. Mann and Sandra A. Thompson as a functional theory to describe the text structure of written discourse, has been further advanced and incorporated into... more
In this paper, we report the development and the performance of SenCept that acquires textual commonsense concepts to offer better contextualization for the domain DC electrical circuits. It uses a commonsense knowledge-base built upon a... more
Many text planning systems are based on a theoretical linguistic approach which assumes the existence of relations between units of text. The relational approach most extensively used in text generation is the Rhetorical Structure Theory... more
Web searching is becoming more and more complex due to increased size of information on the web. Users have to face a lot of problems in specifying their needs in the form of query. Query Reformulation techniques are required in order to... more
Research on Question Answering is focused mainly on classifying the question type and flnding the answer, while presenting the an- swer in a way that suits the user's needs has received little attention. This paper shows how existing... more
0 conectivo aditivo e empregado nao so para estabelecer conjuncao de conteudos, exercendo a funcao ideacional, representada pela camada da predicacao, mas tambem para estabelecer a conjuncao epistemica e a ilocucionaria, perfazendo a... more
Reasoning about how much to generate when space is limited is a challenge for generation systems. This paper presents two algorithms that exploit the discourse structure to decide which content to drop when there are space restrictions,... more
This thesis examines book reviews in the area of Applied Linguistics as an academic genre in terms of their communicative goal, overall rhetorical organization and the role lexis plays in the development and organization of such texts.... more
Résumé. Nous proposons une nouvelle approche pour le calcul de similarité sémantique entre phrases en utilisant les noyaux sémantiques qui les composent. Ces noyaux, sous la forme de triplets (sujet, verbe et objet) sont supposés porteurs... more
IX Congresso Brasileiro de Hispanistas realizado nos dias 22 a 25 agosto 2016Este trabalho investiga, à luz da Gramática DiscursivoFuncional (HENGEVELD e MACKENZIE, 2008), as orações denominadas pela tradição linguística de... more
This paper describes a pedagogical agent that helps children to learn to author structured presentations about explanations of concepts. Using a Rhetorical Structure Theory analysis of a source Web page, the agent performs pedagogical... more
Background: Computational linguistic methodology allows quantification of speech abnormalities in non-affective psychosis. For this patient group, incoherent speech has long been described as a symptom of formal thought disorder. Our... more
is a Lecturer at the University of Essex. She specialises in vocabulary studies and discourse coherence. Her current research examines academic vocabulary teaching and learning, figurative language processing, and the application of... more
In accord with the tradition of using idiosyncratic terminology, I will call them "coherence relations". On the Coherence and Structure of Discourse, Jerry R. Hobbs (1985) 1 What is a rhetorical relation? Let us start with an... more
Presentación del dossier del número 47 de la revista Andamios dedicado al tema:El discurso en su aspecto multidimensional: trayectoria y perspectivas
Research on explanation is currently of intense interest as documented in the DARPA 2021 investments reported by the USA Department of Defense. An emerging theme for explanation techniques research is their application to the improvement... more
The aim of this study is to discover how readers' expertise and experience of business news can influence their interpretation of online business news. The data was collected by interviews with one inexperienced reader who has no... more
Resumo: O objetivo do artigo é discutir a noção de discurso empregada em alguns modelos teóricos de base funcionalista que, em vários contextos, é confundida com a noção de discurso empregada em manuais acadêmicos da Análise do Discurso.... more
The integration into the tertiary curriculum of problem-based learning, and the growing awareness of the need for university graduates to enter the workforce with highly developed communication skills, has led to a greater focus in... more
The introduction of single fixed terms of office at the Swiss Federal Supreme Court leads to clustered departures of judges in certain legislative periods. A cyclical renewal of the court in equal parts would prevent such periodically... more
We describe our experience in developing a discourse-annotated corpus for community-wide use. Working in the framework of Rhetorical Structure Theory, we were able to create a large annotated resource with very high consistency, using a... more
Työn nimi-Arbetets titel-Title Kelpoisia kokoonpanoissaan. Aineistolähtöinen tutkimus siitä, miten tapahtuu muistisairauden sosiaalinen.
Diagrams produced using Rhetorical Structure Theory can be both informative and engaging, providing insight into the properties of discourse structures and other coherence phenomena. This paper presents a deep dive into these diagrams and... more
Guiding the behaviour of Intelligent Virtual Agents so that a pleasant and productive interaction is established with the user has been the aim of a very large body of research work. In this paper we propose that by basing this guidance... more
Guiding the behaviour of Intelligent Virtual Agents so that a pleasant and productive interaction is established with the user has been the aim of a very large body of research work. In this paper we propose that by basing this guidance... more