Rhetoric of Technology
Recent papers in Rhetoric of Technology
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Technology does indeed matter to writing-and in significant ways. But how it matters can vary, depending on the particular technology, the habits and attitudes of the individual writer, and the context of learning and use. Here I employ a... more
Finding Meaning in our Work and Writing, Christy I. Wenger Response from Beyond, Monica Mische Reflecting on Arguing and Listening in Digital Spaces, Kristina Fennelly Sunday Morning Before Midterms, Laurence Musgrove Honoring Impulse,... more
Participation in competitive debate activities was a formative influence in the professional development of many communication teachers and scholars. However, debate pedagogies are typically reserved for upper-division elective courses or... more
Le 3 Avril 2014, le Parlement européen a apporté une définition « claire et sans ambiguïté » de la neutralité du Net ; il semble sous-entendu que la neutralité est préservée par ce texte de loi. Cependant, en restant neutres vis-à-vis du... more
Demarcating the Domain of Rhetoric The discoveries of science and technology are accelerating. The choice of how to regulate and react to scientific and technological innovations relies heavily on the notion of risk. The emergence nature... more
On November 2, 2016, Theresa Jarnagin Enos unexpectedly passed away at her home in Tucson, Arizona, leaving behind a trailblazing legacy of work in writing, teaching, scholarly editing, (wo) mentoring, administration, and service. An... more
Recent interest in platform studies has called attention to the ways technologies both afford and constrain creative ways of participating in social and cultural life. Digital platforms have become adept at collecting historical data and... more
has been described as arguably the most important rhetorician and critical theorist of the twentieth century, and yet an important part of his scholarship has been generally overlooked by the academic community. The pentad has become the... more
This essay examines a particular, and particularly fraught enactment of digital and material rhetoric: a tactical media intervention into the militarized drone program, to map a posthumanist reading of "tactics," updating Michel de... more
Le 3 Avril 2014, le Parlement européen a apporté une définition « claire et sans ambiguïté » de la neutralité du Net ; il semble sous-entendu que la neutralité est préservée par ce texte de loi. Cependant, en restant neutres vis-à-vis du... more
How to cite Complete issue More information about this article Journal's homepage in redalyc.org Scientific Information System Network of Scientific Journals from Latin America, the Caribbean, Spain and Portugal Non-profit academic... more
If democracy needs citizens to deliberate to maintain its vivacity, the importance of deliberation’s places is central. YouTube platform, despite the video formatting and the rigidity of the participatory interface, seems to be the... more
Postmodernism charges that sociological methods project ways of thinking and being from the past onto the future, and that sociological forms of presentation are rhetorical defenses of ideologies. Postmodernism contends that sociological... more
At least as long as I scholar of preternatural confidence. While it could sometimes seem to be arrogance, especially in public settings, he possessed a sureness to his vision of quality scholarship that served light to a younger... more
Demarcating the Domain of Rhetoric The discoveries of science and technology are accelerating. The choice of how to regulate and react to scientific and technological innovations relies heavily on the notion of risk. The emergence nature... more
With the advent of GPS-enabled mobile writing devices such as smart phones and tablets, writing has become invested with a new power to express place-both through the geo-coding of one's writing location and through the presentation of... more
Since management theorizing began, a trend that clearly separates managers into a hierarchy of leader-managers has emerged: "Leaders" are now perceived as higher order managers, and "bad" managers are now called "managers," and "good... more
- by Grace Dixon
Demarcating the Domain of Rhetoric The discoveries of science and technology are accelerating. The choice of how to regulate and react to scientific and technological innovations relies heavily on the notion of risk. The emergence nature... more
Demarcating the Domain of Rhetoric The discoveries of science and technology are accelerating. The choice of how to regulate and react to scientific and technological innovations relies heavily on the notion of risk. The emergence nature... more
L’une des préoccupations économiques les plus posées dans la littérature est la recherche de réduire les couts totaux d’une firme. En ce travail on va mettre l’accent sur l’une des solutions qui conduit la firme à réaliser cet objectif en... more
This article argues that various contemporary media articulate an aesthetic of stealth, that is, the staging of acts of becomingimperceptible. Furthermore, the article contends that the aesthetic of stealth resonates with a broader shift... more
This is an appreciation of the career of famed rhetorician Alan G Gross.
In this review essay, we look back at the evolution of the rhetoric of science by reviewing the Case Studies and Issues and Methods volumes edited by Randy Harris. We conclude by reflecting on the past, present, and future of the... more
Indexing and Dialectical Transcendence: Kenneth Burke’s Critical Method David E. Isaksen Department of English, BYU Master of Arts Kenneth Burke has been described as arguably the most important rhetorician and critical theorist of the... more
A case study examined the writing problems of Jay, a freshman composition student at the University of Massachusetts, to determine how teachers should handle students whose composing styles are not suited to writing with word processors.... more
In recent years gamification has emerged as a design trend in customer relationship management, marketing, education and governance. It promotes the use of game design principles in the organization of every day environments, tasks and... more
This paper offers a critical political-economy of the promise and disappointment of the forprofit Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC) in higher education. Our goal is to encourage awareness, dialogue, and reflexivity about the gap between... more
Originally conceived to highlight problematic labor relations that required emotions, the term emotional labor is now deployed to describe emotional relations that require problematic labor. In this paper, we identify how digital... more
conception of humanity’s dependence upon language. For both Grassi and Faulkner, language—the fundamental human art—serves metonymically, pointing toward humanity’s need for other forms of artifice. Through the use of artificial means,... more
effects of epidemics on political systems. Schuyler provides an excellent list of further articles and monographs relevant to the issue. Another timely section of the Sourcebook is the chapter on Terrorism. Leheny, the author, couches his... more
The controversies of science and technology supercede localizing disagreements by bringing into contention the vulnerabilities of culture to its own tenuous interface with the natural world and by opening up new horizons of conceptual and... more
La theorie des jeux est largement utilisee pour proposer des etudes sur le comportement des acteurs en competition pour acquerir un bien ou un service. Il existe d'importants travaux de recherche consacres a des modeles de jeux dans... more
The stated aim of this conference is to debate the continuing evolution of IS in businesses and other organisations. This paper seeks to contribute to this debate by exploring the concept of appropriation from a number of different... more
This paper reports on a preliminary comparative study of Alexa, Siri, and Google Assistant voice assistants (VA) that explores the origins of answers provided on each platform in an attempt to determine the extent that these origins... more
Intercollegiate policy debate has long been regarded as an effective heuristic to inform high school and college aged students of the utility surrounding political discourse within a space of competition and rigorous study (Hogan & Kurr... more
When digital archives are increasingly becoming a space for knowledge production, construction, consumption, maintenance, dissemination, and amplification, the necessary questions to be interrogated are: Who has access to write,... more
Rory Randall interviewed rhetoric professor Joshua Hanan about his paper 'Subjects of technology: An auto-archaeology of attention deficit disorder in neoliberal time(s)'. They discuss the effects of an attention deficit disorder... more
Rhetorical analyses of foreign policy tend to focus on the president as chief executive and commander in chief. Yet the U.S. Constitution structures a struggle for power between the president and Congress. In this study of a 1994 federal... more
As a writer and critic, Kenneth Burke defies convenient pigeonholing. Even if just one segment of Burke's public writings is considered, the 40-plus critical essays of the post-Libbie (his Muse and secretary), post-LSA ("Language as... more