Rhetoric of Technology
Recent papers in Rhetoric of Technology
This Foreword, about robots, written in both poetry as well as prose, introduces the edited collection _Androids, Cyborgs, and Robots in Contemporary Culture and Society_, edited by Steven J. Thompson (IGI Global, 2018). The link on the... more
Web 2.0 applications such as YouTube have made it likely that students participate in online back-and-forth exchanges that infuence their rhetorical literacy. Because of the back-and-forth nature of online communities, we turn to the... more
This Impact Report identifies and summarises the diverse impacts, resulting from the £500m of UK funding of Science and Technology in 2013, using numerous quantitative metrics and short case study extracts. It shows how the varied... more
A critic inquiry on "Cloud Computing" as a buzzword obscuring today's crucial issue of the reterritorialization of internet. * * * Un enquête critique sur le "Cloud computing" comme buzzword occultant l'enjeu actuellement crucial de la... more
Research concerning computer hackers generally focuses on how to stop them; far less attention is given to the texts they create. Phrack, an online hacker journal that has run almost continuously since 1985, is an important touchstone in... more
In recent years, humanists and social scientists have shown increasing interest in human-animal relations – to the point where many now speak of an ‘animal turn’ in the humanities and social sciences. Across history, psychology,... more
“Where We Go One, We Go All”: QAnon and the Mediology of Witnessing When critics admonish their opponents for circulating mere conspiracy theories, they are disparaging them for subscribing to facile accounts of socio-historical... more
Through a media ecology perspective, this article examines the debates over slideware. Opponents indict slideware for promoting sophistry and deadening speakers and audiences, yet they implicate public speaking in general rather than... more
Following the geographic, political, technologic and rhetorical tracks of Ricardo Flores Magón and the Partido Liberal Mexicano (architects and precursors of the Mexican Revolution and Chicano movements) in the U.S. and particularly in... more
The controversies of science and technology supercede localizing disagreements by bringing into contention the vulnerabilities of culture to its own tenuous interface with the natural world and by opening up new horizons of conceptual and... more
I wrote this love song to a computer circa 1982. It was published in _The Greenfield Review_ 13 (Summer/Fall 1985): 149-50, but first printed in the The RPI Review [Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute] 5 (March 1985): 4, which is the... more
The essays in this book broaden and enrich the scope, at once, of both rhetoric and Barad’s theorizing through entangled reworkings of topics ranging from politics to breast cancer, genealogy, the trope of academic "turns," Marx’s notion... more
Rory Randall interviewed rhetoric professor Joshua Hanan about his paper 'Subjects of technology: An auto-archaeology of attention deficit disorder in neoliberal time(s)'. They discuss the effects of an attention deficit disorder... more
As medical technology continues to progress, we are able to correct deficiencies in the body through means such as cochlear implants and prosthetic limbs. This has led some scholars to argue that we are creating technologized, cyborg... more
New media technologies have created new ways of being in the world. As Marshall McLuhan put it, media are extensions of the body, and that “in this electric age, we see ourselves being translated more and more into the form of... more
Drawing upon the work of Marshall McLuhan and subsequent theories of media ecology, this article seeks to build upon an understanding of the complex interactions of the material and symbolic aspects of human action. To do so, I perform a... more
In recent years gamification has emerged as a design trend in customer relationship management, marketing, education and governance. It promotes the use of game design principles in the organization of every day environments, tasks and... more
Ian Hill corrects our simplistic notions of Burke as a Luddite. This article elucidates Burke's philosophy of technology and his deployment of technology throughout his texts.
In this chapter, I look at CV Dazzle, an activist media art project aimed at thwarting facial recognition algorithms, in order to raise two related points about the relationship between rhetoric and computation. First, I expand existing... more
Rhetorical scholarship has for decades relied solely on culture to explain persuasive behavior. While this focus allows for deep explorations of historical circumstance, it neglects the powerful effects of biology on rhetorical... more
Recent media studies scholarship has highlighted the extent to which previous work has often presumed an idealized object of study, an object that functions perfectly, without glitches, errors, or bugs. In contrast to such an... more
The Memex is an icon in the history of computer technology. It was first presented to the public in a 1945 Life Magazine article as “a device in which an individual stores all his books, records, and communications, and which is... more
Protest rhetoric has always provided a prime example of how communication can work to change the human condition, but strategies of protest have evolved as the United States has transformed into an information economy. Although protest... more
A primer on the political economy of digital capitalism. Argues that capitalism has usurped the revolutionary potential of internet-based technology. As usual, if we want a different, more democratic future, we will need to fight for it.
While subliminal messaging is most consciously eschewed in the advertising industry as an unethical manipulation, the process has always been an integral covert operation of warfare. Through the speed of instantaneity and exponential... more
The COVID-19 pandemic has shifted an unprecedented number of employees to online work environments. This move was not easy, but the work from home (WFH) trend has prompted many organizations to make it part of their regular practices.... more
Tech-rhet article from Computers and Composition
There is no writing without technology. Although we are highly aware of writing's mediated nature when asked to learn new writing technologies either as individuals or as a society, we most often ignore these technologies, allowing them... more
Intercollegiate policy debate has long been regarded as an effective heuristic to inform high school and college aged students of the utility surrounding political discourse within a space of competition and rigorous study (Hogan & Kurr... more
In Francis Bacon’s The Great Instauration, he presents his theories on the “Idols of the Mind,” describing those influences by which humankind is led astray from valid scientific inquiry and, ultimately, the advancement of knowledge, due... more
Gary Hink, Ph.D. "Protocol Rhetoric, Electracy, and the Aesthetic Paradigm" << edited transcript >> Adobe Spark (supplemental): https://spark.adobe.com/page/hvAei/ Rhetoric Society of America Conference 2016 | Session C27: Rhetoric and... more
Given digital technology’s expansion of environments that teaching and learning take place, this book seeks to elucidate how both discourses and technologies themselves impact our understandings and practices of higher education.... more
This essay examines a particular, and particularly fraught enactment of digital and material rhetoric: a tactical media intervention into the militarized drone program, to map a posthumanist reading of "tactics," updating Michel de... more
In recent years gamification has emerged as a design trend in customer relationship management, marketing, education and governance. It promotes the use of game design principles in the organization of every day environments, tasks and... more
1) “Posthumanistic” 2) “Divorce in the Cosmos: A Complaint” These two poems were published in _Elohi Gadugi Journal: Narratives for a New World_. (Winter 2016). Copyright granted by the publisher back to the author. Both of these poems... more
The animal turn is changing the way humanists envision their traditional domains of study. Recent efforts to expand the context of rhetorical theory to include nonhuman animals have raised several issues that call traditional disciplinary... more
ABSTRACT This paper critically appraises the rhetoric of marketing management texts. Its interpretive frame is informed respectively by critical management and discourse analytic theoretical traditions. Its main data set is drawn from... more
This paper offers a critical political-economy of the promise and disappointment of the forprofit Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC) in higher education. Our goal is to encourage awareness, dialogue, and reflexivity about the gap between... more
Originally conceived to highlight problematic labor relations that required emotions, the term emotional labor is now deployed to describe emotional relations that require problematic labor. In this paper, we identify how digital... more
This paper reports on a preliminary comparative study of Alexa, Siri, and Google Assistant voice assistants (VA) that explores the origins of answers provided on each platform in an attempt to determine the extent that these origins... more
As Editor-in-Chief at The Freelance Netizen™ online magazine, I edit, peer-review and supervise peer review services for all article and editorial submissions. The Freelance Netizen™ explores the interdisciplinary connections between... more
The Rhetoric of Economics is a course that illustrates the important relationship between persuasion and modern science. Examining the discipline of economics as its particular object of analysis, the course will argue that this field of... more
This study resumes elements of pioneering research initially conducted in Internet addiction and dependency (Thompson, 1996). Further study of Internet phenomena over the 15 years since, has taken the author into the realm of iconic... more
The stated aim of this conference is to debate the continuing evolution of IS in businesses and other organisations. This paper seeks to contribute to this debate by exploring the concept of appropriation from a number of different... more
The book chapter discusses the concept of "technology" through Indigenous Wampanoag traditional knowledges and making practices as they were translated for public audiences at Plimoth Plantation in the spring of 2019.