Rhetoric and Public Culture
Recent papers in Rhetoric and Public Culture
Feminists in higher education face multiple jeopardies because of student resistance, anti-lesbian biases, and a combination of sexism, age discrimination, and conservative political ideologies.
An essay published on the Tate Gallery website.
There has been major disagreement among scholars about the date of composition of the De Inventione; proposed dates range from the late 90s to the early 70s BC. Based on primary sources such as the De Inventione and the Brutus, this... more
يعتبر “التحليل الإيجابي للخطاب” منعطفا حديثا في مجال التوجهات النقدية في تحليل الخطاب، فهو يركز أكثر على لحظات التحرر والفاعلية بعكس التحليل النقدي للخطاب الذي يتوجه بشكل كبير إلى خطابات القهر والمظالم. ولا يعتبر التحليل الايجابي للخطاب... more
This book explores representations of saints in a variety of Latin and Greek late antique hagiographical narratives, such as saints’ Lives, martyr acts, miracle collections, and edifying tales. The book examines techniques through which... more
This paper forwards as a proposal to conduct a study that will explore and examine the role of CEOs as communication leaders among the leading media government-linked companies. All the other C-level executives who will be later... more
This essay discusses the problems raised by book challenges in the public schools and offers practical and philosophical responses to censorship. It also summarizes the legal history of book censorship in schools and libraries and... more
Colleges and universities throughout this world are realizing the importance of engaging in and building mutually-beneficial relationships with their key publics through social media. The introduction of the microblogging tool known as... more
Colleges and universities throughout this world are realizing the importance of engaging in and building mutually-beneficial relationships with their key publics through social media. The introduction of the microblogging tool known as... more
minutes-with-thomas-tweed/ Five minutes with Thomas Tweed: "We might see a Muslim, Hindu, Jewish, or Buddhist U.S. president before we see an avowed atheist." Despite the separation of church and state set out in the First Amendment of... more
Oskarżenie i obrona 2 nie rozstrzygają o śmierci. Śmierć bowiem natura w jawnym 3 głosowaniu wszystkim uchwaliła śmiertelnym w dniu ich narodzin 4. Sprawa 1 Tłumaczenie oparte na wydaniu zawartym w: H. Diels, W. Kranz, Die Fragmente der... more
Ce document a été généré automatiquement le 9 janvier 2021. Studi Francesi è distribuita con Licenza Creative Commons Attribuzione-Non commerciale-Non opere derivate 4.0 Internazionale.
de l'Âge classique jusqu'au milieu du XX e siècle, est celle d'une interminable décadence, d'une longue survie scolaire sclérosée au milieu d'une déconsidération générale 1 . Au début du XIX e siècle, l'évêque écossais Richard Whately... more
The Conversation Keith Gilyard: Thanks for doing this, obviously. As you know, I have followed your work for some time with much appreciation, especially as you have laboriously developed the concept of rhetorical hermeneutics, which is a... more
More and more organizations are attempting to use social media as a public relations tool to establish and maintain good customer relations. This study explores customers’ motives for using social media, the responses they expect from... more
- by Ming-Yi Wu
We propose a set of six topics of inquiry into historical games as regards their feminine characters, and we illustrate them through an analysis of This War of Mine, Valiant Hearts and 80 Days. Historical games may include documented... more
El artículo aborda en la primera parte y desde la perspectiva del representante austríaco en Río de Janeiro las noticias recibidas sobre la Batalla de Ayacucho. La víctoria militar, sin embargo, no sería suficiente para que la... more
Notes on the reproduction of the original text of the Early Modern rhetoric course based on its student records.
How blessed we are to know what President Young taught us about our Heavenly Father— what kind of a being He is, what He is really like. How many people over the space of thousands of years have not even known that there is a Father in... more
In classical Athens, a funeral speech was delivered for dead combatants almost every year, the most famous being that by Pericles in 430 BC. In 1981, Nicole Loraux transformed our understanding of this genre. Her The Invention of Athens... more
The history of higher education in the United States is deeply rooted in colonialism. All universities and colleges are built on land that was acquired through violence and genocide while many (especially those established west of the... more
Both probing and accessible, this book presents, under the guise of a florilegium, a systematic, argued analysis of first the rhetoric, then the metrics, of Japanese verse. An introductory section, "Autumn Dusk," uses a discussion of the... more
- by Lewis Dibble
- Art, Poetics, Metre
In 2010, when I carried out ethnographic research among television stations in Kinshasa (capital city of the Democratic Republic of Congo), I was following journalists producing news reports. Therefore, almost on a daily basis, I... more
In this chapter, I propose to examine the prospects of American civil religion in the 2020s after its foundational notions have been subverted by Donald Trump as well as his allies and enablers. Can we still meaningfully talk about an... more
Derived from Harlem’s century-old performative Ballroom culture that Jenny Livingston’s 1990 documentary Paris Is Burning made famous over 3 decades ago, kiki, or Kiki, or KiKi is a burgeoning counterculture created and preserved by... more
This paper contributes to the scholarly discussion on Radical Orthodoxy by analyzing its retrieval of Christianity. Such analysis will be grounded in two questions, each concerning reasons underlying the Radically Orthodox theologians'... more
Universities face unique challenges when publicly (a)mending their complex histories, particularly around histories of racial exclusion and violence. We suggest that higher education institutions may use polyvocal expressions of public... more
MORE THAN A FEELING: THE TRANSMISSION OF AFFECT AND GROUP IDENTITY Lauren Fine English Department Bachelor of Arts This thesis explores the implications that the transmission of affect (when one person’s emotions are transferred through... more
The research object of the article is the search for answers to the following questions: to what extent were Machiavelli's ideas on political solutions and the future of Florence and Italy determined by the heritage of political and legal... more
[This essay first appeared on the LA Progressive website on 7/10/2024.] With a presidential election coming up in less than four months, we once again find ourselves at a crossroad. Will we continue to recover from our recent Covid... more
art of the implicit charge of this task force is to call the presidency to its ethical obligations, most particularly with respect to its rhetorical activities. And yet as any observer of the ongoing four-year cycles of presidential... more
The dominant grammar of visuality often circulated through dominant and white supremacist visual tropes-such as the "welfare queen"-produce shortcut readings of Black womanness that rest easily on the suffocating logics of... more