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To trace the complex “passion for meaning” (Barthes) that animated the consumption and interpretation of Yearnings, a television melodrama that aired in China just a year and a half after the Tiananmen demonstrations, requires moving... more
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    • Rhetoric and Public Culture
Social movements often deploy place rhetorically in their protests. The rhetorical performance and (re)construction of places in protest can function in line with the goals of a social movement. Our essay offers a heuristic... more
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      Social MovementsRhetoricSpace and PlaceEnvironmental Studies
ABSTRACT This paper critically appraises the rhetoric of marketing management texts. Its interpretive frame is informed respectively by critical management and discourse analytic theoretical traditions. Its main data set is drawn from... more
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      ManagementDiscourse AnalysisRhetoricTextual Criticism
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      Cultural StudiesRhetoricComposition and RhetoricGlobalization
In February 1862 numerous celebrations of George Washington's birthday commenced with ceremonial readings of the Farewell Address. With heightened public interest, Harper's Weekly published a flag display in its reporting of the event.... more
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      Visual RhetoricAbraham LincolnRhetoric and Public CultureAmerican Civil War
Winner of the Charles Kneupper award from Rhetoric Society of America (the "most significant contribution to scholarship in rhetoric" in 2016), this article explores the role of rhetoric in an American West town that embraced prostitution... more
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      CommunicationRhetoricRhetoric and Public CulturePersuasion
This study examines ancient Roman ideas about humor’s boundaries in public culture. In particular, I analyze book 6, chapter 3 of the Institutio Oratoria, which covers Quintilian’s reflections on the subject. Following Cicero, Quintilian... more
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Frederick Douglass spoke to a multiracial public sphere by engaging in "antagonistic cooperation" with white and black abolitionists. He served as an "integrative ancestor" for all those trying to help build a multiracial democracy.... more
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      American LiteratureAmerican HistoryCultural StudiesBlack Studies Or African American Studies
For a period, in the run up to the election (2007–2008) and the months after the election, the name ‘Obama’ signified hope for millions, not just in America but across the world. As the hope turned to disappointment, the financial crisis... more
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      Critical TheoryPolitical SociologySocial MovementsAmerican Politics
This project examined comedic representations of US Vice President Joe Biden to analyze persona rhetoric in a media environment filled with circulating personae, or the many roles both created by and attributed to such figures. While... more
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      Cultural StudiesCommunicationMedia StudiesRhetoric
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      Social MovementsQueer StudiesPolitical CoalitionsImmigration
Although the Ancients placed great emphasis on delivery, modern rhetorical scholars often overlook the oral dimensions of speech. Speech is powerful because of its ability to elicit a somatic response. Scholars in other disciplines are... more
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      PhilologyRhetoric (Languages and Linguistics)Ancient HistoryNeuroscience
The literature on "Public Understanding of Science" addresses the difference between scientific claims and their public representation in the media, and the problems arising from this difference. Sometimes scientists themselves are seen... more
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      History of Science and TechnologyScience CommunicationHistory of SciencePublic Understanding Of Science
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      Rhetoric and Public CulturePolitical communicationPolitical RhetoricMedia Framing
Kofi Annan traveled to Rwanda in May of 1998 attempting to repair the image of the United Nations (U.N.) and to heal the fractured political relationship between the two entities. However, the U.N. secretary general largely failed to... more
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      International RelationsRhetoricPresidency (American Politics)International Communication
This essay argues that recent male performances of disaster preparedness in reality television recuperate a preindustrial model of hegemonic masculinity by staging the plausible “real world” conditions under which manly skills appear... more
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      Performance StudiesMasculinity StudiesRhetoric and Public CultureReality television
Political science struggles, sometimes more than it knows, to study religion’s relationship with politics, democratic and otherwise. The difficulty is in part theoretical. This paper synthesizes diverse strains in recent scholarship on... more
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      ReligionComparative ReligionComparative PoliticsRhetoric
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      Critical TheorySocial MovementsAmerican StudiesPhilosophy
To cite: Wilkins, A. 2012. Public battles and private takeovers: Academies and the politics of educational governance. Journal of Pedagogy, 3 (1), 11-29 Introduced to the British education system under the Education Act 2002 and later... more
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      Critical TheoryBusinessDiscourse AnalysisReligion
This essay examines how political leaders apologize for historical injustices. Specifically, we analyze Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s apology for the head tax imposed upon Chinese immigrants. The prime minister’s apology was... more
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      RhetoricPresidency (American Politics)International CommunicationPublic Address
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      ChristianityRhetoricRhetoric and Public CultureMormonism
The author examines community-focused apologies within international affairs. Specifically, he argues that this form of rhetoric functions as a rhetorical first step to healing relationships that have been hurt by the transgressions one... more
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      Japanese StudiesInternational RelationsRhetoricPresidency (American Politics)
This essay analyzes the Obama administration’s policy and policy rhetoric on immigration, showing that it works around and rearticulates neoliberal visions of race/ethnicity, culture, and U.S. identity. Obama’s stories of exemplary... more
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      Latino/A StudiesMulticulturalismImmigrationRace and Ethnicity
This essay illuminates the rhetorical contributions of Walter Benjamin, a critical intellectual whose insights about the liberatory role of the engaged social agent warrant closer attention in our discipline. In his written discourse,... more
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      RhetoricCultural RhetoricsRhetoric and Public CultureRhetorical Criticism
This article is about the cultural heritage of a men’s movement, called PickUp, which gained momentum in the United States during the 1990s. It finds that the seduction techniques they use can be traced back to historical seducers. The... more
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      Cultural HistoryEmotionGender StudiesRhetoric
This essay traces the rhetorical history of ''socialized medicine,'' offering an explanation for, and critique of, its pervasiveness in contemporary health care debates. My analysis focuses on the well-organized and well-financed lobbying... more
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      Medical HumanitiesRhetoric and Public CultureRhetorical CriticismRhetoric of Health and Medicine
This essay examines Texas representative Ron Paul’s foreign policy discourse during the 2008 presidential campaign. The author argues that Paul encased his opposition to America’s foreign policy within a secular jeremiad. Although Paul... more
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      RhetoricPresidency (American Politics)International CommunicationPublic Address
This essay theorizes the unnaturalistic enthymeme, an emergent argument formation surrounding analogico-digital photography. Instead of presuming the naturalism of images, we contend that contemporary audiences have a heightened awareness... more
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      Critical TheoryVisual RhetoricDigital RhetoricsRhetoric and Public Culture
"Identification is affirmed with earnestness precisely because there is division. Identification is compensatory to division. If men were not apart from one another, there would be no need for the rhetorician to proclaim their unity. If... more
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      Rhetoric (Languages and Linguistics)Philosophy Of ReligionRhetoricComposition and Rhetoric
This article considers how venereal disease campaigns during World War II offered a warrant through public health discourse for the mass incarceration of American women in an era of shifting gender expectations. During the war years, at... more
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      RhetoricComposition and RhetoricWomen's StudiesVisual Rhetoric
Beginning with Giorgio Agamben’s alignment of ethics and potentiality, this essay questions the ethical dimension of gesture in the field of dance as an eminently potentiality-bound art form. This draws on Daniel Sibony’s concept of law... more
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      ChristianityCultural StudiesEmotionAmerican Studies
This article examines coverage of the 2010 Haiti earthquake on the Oprah Winfrey Show. I argue that the Oprah Winfrey Show attempted to deploy therapeutic discourse to warrant what Naomi Klein (2008) calls the "shock doctrine": an... more
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      Rhetoric and Public CultureRhetorical CriticismCelebrity StudiesWyclef Jean
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      RhetoricRhetoric and Public CultureKairos
This essay (re)presents my own experiences living with attention deficit disorder (ADD) as a child and adult to provide a radically historical, contextual, and critical autoethnographic conceptualization of this “learning disability.”... more
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      Critical TheoryCultural StudiesEconomicsCommunication
Situated within a contemporary context of U.S. immigration politics, this essay seeks to track the term illegal as utilized in public discourse to understand how the public has codified and employed it; more specifically, the essay... more
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      Latino/A StudiesIntercultural CommunicationRhetoric and Public Culture
Kofi Annan traveled to Rwanda in May of 1998 attempting to repair the image of the United Nations (U.N.) and to heal the fractured political relationship between the two entities. However, the U.N. secretary general largely failed to... more
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      International RelationsRhetoricInternational CommunicationInternational Studies
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      Discourse AnalysisAmerican StudiesIntercultural CommunicationRhetoric
Arguments about the future of libraries are more trenchant than ever. Yet questions about the nature of public libraries are inseparable from questions about their public character. Historically, competing arguments about the ideal... more
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      RhetoricLibrary ScienceRhetoric and Public CultureLibrary and Information Science
Singapore climate change adaptation planning for water infrastructure is assessed against the concept of 'vital security systems.' Cast against the historicity of water planning and postcolonial urbanism, water supply, coastal protection... more
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      Cultural StudiesSoutheast Asian StudiesClimate ChangeWater
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      CommunicationPragmatismRhetoricComposition and Rhetoric
At the end of the Sophistici Elenchi, Aristotle claims that Gorgias gave his pupils readymade speeches to learn by heart rather than teaching them a τέχνη. Gorgias’ Helen is often considered to have been a speech used by pupils as a model... more
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      ClassicsGreek LiteraturePresocratic PhilosophyRhetoric
According to Mary Shelley’s 1831 Introduction, her great novel is her “hideous progeny.” This proclamation along with numerous birthing metaphors place her Introduction within the obstetric discourse field of the maternal imagination, a... more
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      RhetoricComposition and RhetoricRhetoric and Public CultureClassical rhetoric
This article examines the rhetorical phenomenon of collective apology. Specifically, collective apologies issued by American President Bill Clinton, Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd, and Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper were... more
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      RhetoricPresidency (American Politics)International CommunicationPublic Address
ABSTRACT: Scholars tend to explain or predict China English's rhetorical strategies on the basis of Chinese discourse and cultural preferences. This inference model, I argue, falls short in studying the Chinese variety of English because,... more
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      SociolinguisticsRhetoric and Public CultureSecond Language WritingWorld Englishes
This paper provides insight into how place can be important to the goals of a social movement. Through analysis of a series of historical events, I explore how a place can be constructed by a social movement to act rhetorically and then... more
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      Black Studies Or African American StudiesAmerican StudiesRhetoricComposition and Rhetoric
In this essay, we provide a materialist analysis of Adam McKay’s 2015 film The Big Short. We contend that while, on one level, the film appears to be a celebration of several idiosyncratic traders on Wall Street who use rhetorical... more
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      Critical TheoryInformation SystemsFinanceDiscourse Analysis
Contemporary processes of globalization beckon consideration of the discursive forces that shape our perceptions of community, group identity, solidarity, and belongingness. The freedoms and limits endemic to life in a globalized world... more
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      Cultural StudiesRhetoricHuman RightsDemocratic Theory
*Winner of the Top Journal Article of the Year Award from the Communication Ethics Division of the National Communication Association (2017).* This article examines the challenge of partisanship to the free and open communication... more
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      EthicsPragmatismRhetoricComposition and Rhetoric
This essay grew out of a Masters thesisat California State University-Hayward: "Droppin' Science: Rap Music's Postmodern Critique." ABSTRACT: I focus here on the public discourse of rap music as an "electronically mediated" forum which is... more
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      Cultural StudiesEthnic StudiesCommunicationIntercultural Communication