Rhetoric and Public Culture
Recent papers in Rhetoric and Public Culture
This book illuminates the rhetorical work performed by contemporary representations of a specific type of postfeminist hero who has garnered a lot of cultural capital: women who are smart, capable, physically agile and fit, and proficient... more
The Media Ethics Initiative (www.mediaethicsinitiative.org) aims to publicize and promote cutting-edge research on the ethical and moral dimensions of media use in democratic society. By bringing together experts on a variety of... more
Everybody has philosophies governing even distinct areas of life, including communication. In establishing these philosophies, individuals often turn to a variety of sources, including media such as film. Using Ronald C. Arnett’s (2010)... more
This Foreword, about robots, written in both poetry as well as prose, introduces the edited collection _Androids, Cyborgs, and Robots in Contemporary Culture and Society_, edited by Steven J. Thompson (IGI Global, 2018). The link on the... more
We first revisit, resituate, and extend the notion of rhetorical velocity and discuss its relationship to delivery and circulation through the lens of cultural mobility studies. Next we introduce a specific case study we can read through... more
The United States has long grappled with the question of how to maintain an appropriate combination of religion and politics in the public sphere. The current electoral cycle is no different, as Presidential candidates attempt to... more
This chapter examines the decolonial expressions of dia de los muertos in Latinx popular culture.
This paper examines Medea's and Jason's use of rhetorical devices in attempting to maintain control of their situation. This paper also explores the possibility of a feminine hero in a society that celebrates male heroism.
In Roald Dahl’s 1964 children’s book Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, the eccentric chocolatier Willy Wonka creates just what he pleases, and doesn’t particularly care what others think. In like manner, director Tim Burton creates films... more
Web 2.0 applications such as YouTube have made it likely that students participate in online back-and-forth exchanges that infuence their rhetorical literacy. Because of the back-and-forth nature of online communities, we turn to the... more
Situated within a contemporary context of U.S. immigration politics, this essay seeks to track the term illegal as utilized in public discourse to understand how the public has codified and employed it; more specifically, the essay... more
This narrative on pedagogy presents language as a tool for resistance and rhetoric as a means for interrupting social oppressions. In particular, I draw attention to one approach I have used in the Professional Writing classroom to teach... more
There has been a continuous attack on education, particularly alternative, progressive, democratic and liberatory forms of education that seek social justice and an equality of opportunity for all to develop. In the UK this has led to an... more
This is the syllabus for CAS 201, Introduction to Rhetorical Theory, taught to Penn State undergraduates and CAS majors. Approximately 100 students are enrolled in this lecture course.
invaluable. And his attention to some of life's details made it possible for me to focus on the work at hand. Expressions of support from Timetrious empowered me to press on in the face of what, at times, seemed like insurmountable... more
Cultural heritage is often seen as a tool for managing social change, as a mirror that society holds up to itself to make sense of change. In this paper I examine how heritage also mobilizes social change, framing cultural heritage as a... more
This poem was written for a collection of expressions for and memories of Art Young, put together by the staff of the Pearce Center for Professional Communication for Art Young, Campbell Chair of Technical Communication and Professor of... more
In this essay, I argue that Burke's concept of identification needs further complication and reflection on embodiment can help. Further, I argue that rhetoric cannot be so unified; the field needs conceptual diversification.
Nous publions ici la préface et des extraits de la seconde édition : De la Rhétorique, ou De la composition oratoire et littéraire par Auguste Baron, deuxième édition, Bruxelles — Librairie Polytechnique d’Aug. Decq, 1853 [1re éd. 1849,... more
One of many developments in mainstream rap over the nearly three and half decades since its inception is the transition from the outlaw/gangsta ethos to the mogul ethos of today. This essay explores some of the factors that have... more
Utilizing examples from fieldwork in the museum, this essay engages Pueblo Grande as a site where colonial identities are re/enacted through symbolic, material, and social encounters. At the same time, I seek to also address decolonizing... more
This Impact Report identifies and summarises the diverse impacts, resulting from the £500m of UK funding of Science and Technology in 2013, using numerous quantitative metrics and short case study extracts. It shows how the varied... more
Singapore climate change adaptation planning for water infrastructure is assessed against the concept of 'vital security systems.' Cast against the historicity of water planning and postcolonial urbanism, water supply, coastal protection... more
Set atop the highest point in the nation's capital, The Washington National Cathedral is the sixth largest cathedral in the world. It has become a central site for the high holy rituals of American civil religion, hosting presidential... more
The current definition of demagogy provided by rhetorical theory is neither preventing nor adequately explaining the abuse of rhetoric so prevalent in contemporary political dialogue, and while it might not be the job of rhetoricians to... more
ISBN 978-1-4331-4287-l (paperback: alk. paper) I ISBN 978-1-4331-4289-5 (ebookpdf) ISBN 978-1-4331-4290-l (epub) I ISBN 978-1-4331-4291-8 (mobi) Subjects: LCSH: Food habits. I Food-Social aspects. Classification: LCC GT2850 .G6783 I DDC... more
and by appointment Class Time: Tu 6:30-9:30 pm Unique Number: 07795 Classroom: CMA A3.134 Class Website: on Blackboard Course Description:
Dana Cloud's marvelous new book provides just the sort of deep understanding and practical guidance needed for thoughtful and effective political engagement in the Trump era. In three fascinating case studies, Cloud demonstrates the... more
This paper analyses the effects of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in Zambia. It focuses on two main areas of FDI: This first area looks at the competition effect of Foreign Direct Investment FDI to domestic businesses in the host... more
The article traces a kind of collaboration that begins with a Situationist-styled appropriation and then approaches what the Situationists called unitary urbanism, or the detourned use of public spaces to engender the fusion of aesthetic... more
To those who wish to keep their "cultural operating systems", like the Korean or Russian or Thai or French, "pure", closed, proprietary, without outside influence, I say you are in great danger. Maybe your closed cultural system was... more
Research concerning computer hackers generally focuses on how to stop them; far less attention is given to the texts they create. Phrack, an online hacker journal that has run almost continuously since 1985, is an important touchstone in... more
This essay focuses on the movement to free Leonard Peltier to better understand the relationship between the rhetoric of American Indian activism and non–American Indian audiences. A rhetorical analysis of Peltier's response to denial of... more
This paper lays out the terms of inquiry for my Spring 2016 seminar at the University of Puerto Rico-Mayagüez, “Embodied Writing and Rhetoric.” It grows out of release time granted by UPRM for “A Comparative Inquiry on the Role of... more
Frederick Douglass spoke to a multiracial public sphere by engaging in "antagonistic cooperation" with white and black abolitionists. He served as an "integrative ancestor" for all those trying to help build a multiracial democracy.... more
In this article, I examine Barack Obama’s use of collective memory during his 2007 campaign speech in Selma, Alabama. Specifically, I argue that Obama appeals to collective memory to challenge the Black community’s relationship to the... more