Rfid Tag

3,316 papers
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An RFID tag is a small electronic device that uses radio-frequency identification technology to transmit data wirelessly. It consists of a microchip and an antenna, enabling automatic identification and tracking of objects, animals, or people through radio waves, facilitating data exchange with RFID readers.
The result was created through solving the student project "Security analysis and developing lightweight ciphers and protocols" using objective oriented support for specific university research from the University of Finance and... more
This paper describes an innovative and highly secure networking architecture, dedicated to the Internet of Things (IoT). We propose an infrastructure that works with a new type of tags, supporting the recently standardized Host Identity... more
This thesis explores how consumer perception of benefits influences their acceptance of item-level Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology within the Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) industry, despite potential privacy concerns.... more
Labels are a crucial component of products, offering informational content and attractive visuals; therefore, the durability of the print is an important quality requirement. On the other hand, in accordance with eco-design, the... more
Hard mathematical problems are at the core of security arguments in cryptography. In this paper, we study mathematical generalizations of the famous Rubik's cube puzzle, namely the factorization, representation and balance problems in... more
Ambient Assisted Living environments projects arise as technological responses of the scientific community to problems associated with the populationageing phenomenon. In theory, these environments should allow de-localization of... more
We have analyzed the implications of innovations in MEMS on Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) and have modeled MEMS elements from a device prospective. We have commented on the advantages as well as the challenges that exist in this... more
This paper presents a new application of dielectric resonator antenna in radio frequency identification system. A curved dual-band dielectric resonator antenna for RFID applications is proposed. The tag antenna is designed to operate at... more
RFID technology can be applied to a broad range of areas. In particular, RFID is very useful in the area of business, such as supply chain management. However, the amount of RFID data in such an environment is huge. Therefore, much time... more
Sudah punya proyektor keren, tapi kok gambarnya kurang maksimal? Ingin kualitas gambar proyektor nomor satu? Jangan lupakan peran penting layar proyektor! Layar proyektor yang tepat, investasi cerdas untuk pengalaman menonton yang nomor... more
In this paper, the design and development of a unique high read-range highefficiency (95%) Radio Frequency IDentification (RFID) antenna for the 915 MHZ UHF band is discussed. The RFID exceptional characteristics are investigated in terms... more
In this paper, we designed and implemented the Blind Interactive Guide System (BIGS) for the blind person to use in the building. The BIGS uses RFID-based indoor positioning system to acquire the current location information of the user.... more
Casualties in emergency situations are often caused by panic and in cases where building evacuation is required, they are often caused by a disorganized evacuation. This has motivated us to design a two-layer indoor evacuation system that... more
This paper presents an approach for calibrating backscattering measurements from 860-960 MHz Ultra-High Frequency Radio Frequency Identification (UHF RFID) tags. An Sparameter model is formulated to relate diode switch and antenna input... more
Purpose -The purpose of this paper is to develop a novel totally passive, wireless temperature sensor tag based on ultra high-frequency (UHF) radio frequency identification (RFID) technology. The temperature-sensing functionality is... more
Radio frequency identification( RFID) is unwired processing task uses the radio signals for communication purpose. By using radio signals RFID pointing out the objects with unique electronic product code. This electronic product code... more
Kurokawa's method of calculating the power reflection coefficient from the Smith chart in the situation when one complex impedance is directly connected to another is applied to passive RFID tag design, where power reflection is... more
This paper presents a method for measuring signal backscattering from RFID tags and for calculating a tag radar cross-section (RCS). We derive a theoretical formula for RCS of an RFID tag with a minimum scattering antenna and describe an... more
The differential radar cross-section (RCS) of an RFID tag is an important parameter which determines the power of the modulated backscattered tag signal. The vector differential RCS of an RFID tag as seen by the reader is analysed and,... more
Nectar-feeding animals have served as the subjects of many experimental studies and theoretical models of foraging. Their willingness to visit artificial feeders renders many species amenable to controlled experiments using mechanical... more
Background: Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) devices are becoming more and more essential for patient safety in hospitals. The purpose of this study was to determine patient safety, data reliability and signal loss wearing on skin... more
BACKGROUND: Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) devices are becoming more and more essential for patient safety in hospitals. The purpose of this study was to determine patient safety, data reliability and signal loss wearing on skin... more
This paper describes the design of an RFID Employee Attendance And Tracking System. It is designed to track a moving employee inside the organization using RFID technology in mobile phones. The proposed system has hardware and software... more
Bioskop yang ingin memenuhi standar internasional dalam industri perfilman, seperti yang ditetapkan oleh Digital Cinema Initiative (DCI), Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers (SMPTE), dan International Organization for... more
Background: Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) devices are becoming more and more essential for patient safety in hospitals. The purpose of this study was to determine patient safety, data reliability and signal loss wearing on skin... more
BACKGROUND: Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) devices are becoming more and more essential for patient safety in hospitals. The purpose of this study was to determine patient safety, data reliability and signal loss wearing on skin... more
In this study, a wearable textile tag dipole antenna is introduced as a candidate for use in RFID applications. The antenna structure had been designed based on a modified version of the Wunderlich fractal geometry of the second... more
Social-technical issues facing the humancentric RFID implantee sub-culture Social-technical issues facing the humancentric RFID implantee sub-culture through the eyes of Amal Graafstra through the eyes of Amal Graafstra
by Jawad K. Ali and 
1 more
This paper presents the effect of bending on UWB pentagonal shape antenna. The antenna is considered to be used for modern UWB wearable technology including RFID, mobile devices, wearable GPS, to mention a few. The antenna is built on... more
The modulation of the tag backscattering is a possible solution to assess a communication in ultra wide band (semi-)passive Radio Frequency Identification (RFID), which represents now the most promising solution in terms of cost, size and... more
This paper presents recent advances in the development of a microsystem designed to be part of a wireless sensor network. This microsystem is developed with two particular technologies: asynchronous circuits and ambient energy harvesting... more
dégradation des performances d'un tag particulier dans une configuration donnée de tags environnants est évaluée individuellement, les moments statistiques ainsi que les fonctions de répartition permettent de prédire le comportement d'une... more
Current temperature tracking systems lack the convenience and accuracy demanded by the real conditions of a fast-paced produce supply chain. In recent years RFID technology has been suggested to be an enhanced method for temperature... more
This paper studies the energy efficiency of twelve Pure and Slotted Aloha tag reading protocol variants via simulation. We compare their energy consumption in three collision resolution phases: 1) success, 2) collision, and 3) idle. Our... more
This paper studies the energy efficiency of twelve Pure and Slotted Aloha tag reading protocol variants via simulation. We compare their energy consumption in three collision resolution phases: 1) success, 2) collision, and 3) idle. Our... more
RFID tags (radio frequency identification devices) are in essence transceivers consisting of three components that make up a sophisticated transponder. Once activated, the tag transmits data back to a receiving antenna: the technology... more
In this paper, the performance of Near-Field UHF RFID systems is investigated by means of electromagnetic analyses. A novel antenna is presented for ultra high frequency (UHF) near-field radio frequency identification (RFID) applications.... more
A novel concept for RFID tag localization using a tunable near-field focused circular-phase array antenna working at 5.8 GHz is presented. It serves as the reader antenna and focuses the power into a small region, in the tag vicinity. By... more
In collaboration with the Auto-ID Center, ThingMagic LLC has developed a unique multi-band RFID tag reader reference platform. This reader has been designed to read tags conforming to the the Auto-ID Center's emerging EPC... more
Even though RFID technology has expanded enormously, this expansion has been hindered by privacy concerns. In order to prevent an adversary from tracking RFID tags and thus breaking location privacy, tags have to update their internal... more
Usage of Radio Frequency Identification is winning ground everywhere. Advantages of contactless communication compared to chips with contact are transaction speed, durability and ease to use. A major disadvantage is that messages can be... more
Since the debut of the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES), it has been thoroughly studied by hardware designers with the goal of reducing the area and delay of the hardware implementation of this cryptosystem. This paper proposes an... more
In this paper, the Wave Concept Iterative Procedur e WCIP is presented [1-2]. The formulation is developed to analyse scattering metallic objects of arbitrary shape. We test it in the case of scattering by an infinite metalli c cylinder... more
Canada de reproduire, publier, archiver, sauvegarder, conserver, transmettre au public par télécommunication ou par l'Internet, prêter, distribuer et vendre des thèses partout dans le monde, à des fins commerciales ou autres, sur support... more
Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) based systems have been used in different applications in the Architecture, Engineering, Construction, Owner and Operator (AECOO) industry. Applications are mainly designed for specific lifecycle... more
Passive UHF RFID tag consists of a microchip attached directly to an antenna. Proper impedance match between the antenna and the chip is crucial in RFID tag design. It directly influences RFID system performance characteristics such as... more
Supply of adequate grocery or ration has been a major problem in India for many decades. Improper measurement tools, hoarding, black marketing, etc. have been the main reason for the improper supply of food grains. The poor and tribal... more
The Kompaï robot was partly developed for the purpose of assisting the elderly and people with special needs. The major related functionalities addressed in the thesis are navigating the Kompaï robot in a given environment and exhibiting... more