Recent papers in Rewriting
ÖZET Dede Korkut Hikâyeleri içerisinde yer alan Duha Koca Oğlu Deli Dumrul, aynı adlı kahramanının kişilik özellikleri, bilinç dünyası, kahramanlığı, Azrail’e meydan okuyuşu, onunla kavgaya tutuşması, yenilgisi ve yenilgiyi kabulleniş... more
This paper shows that considering the group generated by orthogonal symmetries relatively to lines may give very short and readable proofs of geometric theorems. A short and readable proof of the fundamental Pascal's theorem is provided... more
Orientador: Inês SignoriniDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Estudos da LinguagemResumo: Neste trabalho são analisados os resultados da aplicação de uma sequência didática de ensino do gênero artigo... more
AbstrAkt Článek uvádí koncept postkoloniálního přepisu do českého a slovenského akademického diskursu a zároveň představuje literaturu v nizozemštině jako potenciálně postkoloniál-ní literaturu. Po krátkém úvodu do problematiky je... more
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Il mio progetto di ricerca intende prendere in analisi alcuni prodotti multimediali (videogames, giochi di ruolo, avventure grafiche) che riprendono opere significative della letteratura italiana, o anche rielaborano motivi, tematiche,... more
In the 1970s Sonny Venkatrathnam was imprisoned on Robben Island, together with Nelson Mandela and other prominent opponents of apartheid. Venkatrathnam managed to bring Shakespeare’s Complete Works with him by telling a warder that the... more
The Arden Shakespeare published a poetry collection titled On Shakespeare's Sonnets in 2016 in which several contemporary poets have responded to one Shakespearean sonnet of their choice. Most of the themes in the sonnets such as the... more
It is difficult for adults to admit the change in gender roles in society. It can be claimed that some fairy tale books that have been published recently intensified the change of perspective in gender roles, for example, we can see the... more
This article presents an analysis of the heroine of the anonymous romance Guillaume de Palerne, composed at the end of the twelfth century. The study fills a gap in criticism on Guillaume by examining the influence held by the heroine on... more
We present a novel dynamic analysis technique that finds real deadlocks in multi-threaded programs. Our technique runs in two stages. In the first stage, we use an imprecise dynamic analysis technique to find potential deadlocks in a... more
Comunicación presentada en el III Congreso de la Asociación Internacional de Teatro del Siglo XXI: "Migraciones, desplazamientos y tránsitos en el teatro del siglo XXI".
Celebrado en Valencia los días 15, 16 y 17 de abril de 2019.
Celebrado en Valencia los días 15, 16 y 17 de abril de 2019.
The contemporary rewritings of Don Juan’s myth highlight several forms of hybridity and illustrate the stakes involved. The hybridation affects in the first place the sources of the myth since the authors appeal to numerous intertextual... more
The paper analyses the first three works published by Franca Mancinelli, outlining their thematic continuities as well as their foundational unity. By studying the chronological progress of specific themes, the article sheds a new light... more
This article offers a Dutch verse translation and brief consideration of Arthur Rimbaud's "Ver erat", a Latin poem which he composed at the age of twelve concerning the artistic calling of the poet.
The novel that is being discussed is Mahfouz’ Arabian Nights and Days (1995), which is an adaptation of the Arabian Nights (1706). This thesis focuses on the implicit objective of the author’s rewriting, which concerns the reawakening of... more
Although interpretations of the metatheatre stand as a recurring theme in many of Shakespeare's plays, The Tempest can be observed to be the most self-conscious one as a theatre about the theatre. With a comparative look at the Bard's The... more
MONTANER, Alberto, & SERRANO, Enrique, «Una niña de nueve años: El Poema de Mio Cid y dos lecturas contemporáneas (Manuel Machado y Ezra Pound)», Hispanica Posnanensia (Poznan) [ISSN 0867-020X], vol. I (1990), pp. 133-50.
"Jutta of Sangerhausen. A ‘new saint’ in the wake of Elizabeth of Thuringia? Jutta of Sangerhausen (Thuringia/Germany) is a less known representative of the religious movements of the 13th Century Western Europe, a lay woman who spent... more
El objetivo principal de esta ponencia es desentrañar el concepto de traducción que subyace a la afirmación de que El guacho Martín Fierro, de Oscar Fariña (2011) es una traducción, denominación empleada por el autor para presentar su... more
The paper looks at two narratives of women / women’s narratives – Jyoti Prasad Agarwalla’s Joymati and Mamoni Raisom Goswami’s Datal Hatir Une Khowa Howdah – that have been taken over, rewritten, or written over by two contemporary... more
This thesis explores the works of Oscar Wilde and Will Self in order to show how the myth of Dorian Gray managed to be adapted in Will Self’s postmodernist novel. Wilde already had postmodernist thoughts before the arrival of this... more
Translation of theater texts creates a two-way research area, thanks to the openness of both Theater Studies and Translation Studies to interdisciplinary research. In particular, examining plays that exist in more than one translation and... more
Introduction à Variations françaises sur les Mille et une nuits: quelles versions pour quels effets?, Francofonia, 69, 2015.
This article tries to provide a thorough analysis of Nikolai Leskov’s rewriting of Lady Macbeth, the Shakespearean character, in the novella Lady Macbeth of the Mtsensk District, from the perspective of Translation and Adaptation Studies.... more
Angela Albanese ricostruisce in questo saggio la storia della ricezione del Cunto, prendendo in esame una campione di traduzioni interlinguistiche e intralinguistiche, riscritture, adattamenti per l'infanzia e trasposizioni... more
"The Anglo-Saxon poem Beowulf, as we read it, is already the literary place of a cultural encounter over centuries between an old Germanic heroic story and the Christian culture of the writer, a novel of our days which re-uses the story... more
This study explores the role that translation has played in the introduction and importation of chick lit as a literary genre in the Turkish literary system. The study acknowledges chick lit as a literary genre and presents the... more
One definition of translation in contemporary translation theory claims that rendering a text from one language into another is in fact a form of rewriting. Although this concept was first articulated in the early 1990s, this paper argues... more
This paper discusses the work of contemporary British poet and spoken word performer Kate Tempest, whose postmodern poems challenge the triangular relationship between written and/or performed text, the role of the author and/as... more
L'indagine intorno alle letture o alle biblioteche degli scrittori non sempre rappresenta uno strumento accessorio per venire a conoscenza delle cosiddette fonti o dei "contorni" più o meno significativi della loro opera, e ancor meno... more
In this paper, I will examine the use of language to colonize the other from a slightly different angle. Most postcolonial debates focus on the imposition of the colonizer’s language on the colonized, its impact on the colonized and the... more
In flesh and blood: Jane Austen as a postmodern fictional character This chapter examines postmodern fictionalisations of Jane Austen—in particular, Stephanie Barron’s The Barque of Frailty and Michael Thomas Ford’s Jane Bites Back—and... more
This study examines re-writings of Shakespeare in British drama, Edward Bond’s Lear (1971), Arnold Wesker’s The Merchant (1976) and Howard Barker’s Gertrude-The Cry (2002) in relation to the socio-political, historical and cultural... more
This article offers a primarily linguistic analysis of the language used by Halldór Laxness in his novel Gerpla (1952), compairing that language with Old Icelandic. This linguistic description has multiple prongs, as it examines the... more
L’ultimo romanzo di Fenoglio è il risultato finale di un lungo e complesso travaglio compositivo nel quale si possono riconoscere almeno 5 fasi: la stesura dei cosiddetti 'Frammenti di romanzo'; i tentavi di rielaborazione dei... more
This is the first exploration of the performative and theatrical force of Austen’s work and its afterlife, from the nineteenth century to the present. It unearths new and little-known Austen materials: from suffragette novels and pageants... more
Pochi sono i bambini che durante la loro infanzia non abbiano incontrato le figure del burattino Pinocchio o della piccola Alice del paese delle meraviglie, personaggi che ricompaiono in età adulta come protagonisti di grandi romanzi, la... more
Çalıkuşu is an important Turkish novel which affected the subsequent literature and social life. The novel has not lost its popularity since its first edition until now and it always ranked among the most read and loved books of the... more