The arc-fault circuit interrupter is beginning to emerge as a new product in residential applications in the U.S. to protect against conditions that may cause fire. This paper provides some of the background regarding its emergence as a... more
Circuit Breakers have historically been the preferred protection for aerospace wiring. Present designs are based on technologies that are 40 years old. Advancements in electrical circuit protection introduced by the residential and... more
When making these "rarest of rare" decisions, judges often substitute their own personal preferences for established legal standards. That's why it's important to establish uniform rules for determining whether a... more
Considering the limited fossil fuel reserves and the damage they cause to the environment, new searches have been made, and distributed generation facilities established in areas close to consumption areas which generate electricity with... more
It deals with different nuances of Sentencing Justice.
Can bisexual orientation in a marriage bond be considered as a legal argument for formulating a verdict in the Indonesia Islamic courts? Does it have such a specific legal standing mentioned directly within any regulation covering the... more
Over the past four years, the Electrical Safety Program at PPPL has evolved in addressing changing regulatory requirements and lessons learned from accident events, particularly in regards to arc flash hazards and implementing NFPA 70E... more
Before Republic Act No. 11313 or otherwise known as the Safe Spaces Act of 2019 became in force, Republic Act No. 7877 or the Anti-Sexual Harassment Act of 1995 was the primary law governing acts of sexual harassment in the Philippines.... more
justice did exactly that. In the case of R v. Lavalee 2 , the court accepted the expert witness' testimony regarding the 'battered woman syndrome', from which the appellant suffered and found that the woman, victim of continuous violence... more
Electrical Outlet Installation Near Me | Emergency Electrician Beverly Grove What is an Outlet in Electrical Terms or Subjects? Tips / By Emergency Electrician Beverly Grove Here at Emergency Electrician Beverly Grove, we define... more
An arc flash is a serious workplace hazard. OSHA requires a workplace free of recognized hazards, of which electricity is a recognized hazard, so OSHA requires electrical work to be done in the deenergized state. The need for an arc flash... more
The article discuss the decision of the Honorable Supreme Court of India division bench consisting of Justice Deepak Gupta and Justice Aniruddha Bose delivered on the date 9th of January 2020, (Criminal Appeal No. 34 of 2020) and is an... more
Art. 21. Penalties that may be imposed.-No felony shall be punishable by any penalty not prescribed by law prior to its commission. Art. 22. Retroactive effect of penal laws.-Penal Laws shall have a retroactive effect insofar as they... more
The Supreme Court of India as the highest Judicial Tribunal of the country has given its authoritative decisions on various points of law from time to time. The apex court has examined the constitutional validity, procedure and many other... more
The interpretative phenomenological research approach is used in this study to determine the lived experiences of the ten (10) police investigator-participants in testifying before the Regional Trial Court (RTC) from the different police... more
Industries have equipment and processes which use hazardous energies like electrical, chemical, gravity, thermal, hydraulics etc. These hazardous energies are handled with utmost precaution and control of these hazardous energies ensures... more
Article 320: Destructive Arson PD 1613: Simple Arson Nature characterized as heinous crimes "for being grievous, odious and hateful offenses and which, by reason of their inherent or manifest wickedness, viciousness, atrocity and... more
It is a universal phenomenon that peace, law and order only exist where justice prevails. Justice is an ingredient of the rule of law. In Namibia crime has become a topical issue. The nation focuses its attention and its fears on the... more
Object of Sentencing The object of sentencing policy should be to see that crime does not go unpunished and victim of crime as also the society has satisfaction that justice has been done to it. Purushottam Dashrath Borate v. State of... more
were Clinic students who worked under the supervision of Clinic attorney-fellow, Tamar Ezer, and XUCLA attorney, Neil Pacamalan.
Montana’s Methamphetamine Treatment Programs at the Elkhorn and Nexus facilities, apparently the only programs of their type in the United States, are showing substantial results in terms of reducing relapse and recidivism rates. This... more
The second link in the chain of custody is the transfer of the seized drugs by the apprehending officer to the investigating officer. This is a necessary step in the chain of custody because it will be the investigating officer who shall... more
This study focused on describing the implementation of PDEA (Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency) programs and their performance in 2012. These programs were primarily referred to demand and supply reduction while performance centered on... more
This study was conducted to explore and describe the Law appeals about Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act of 2002, Otherwise known as 9165 within the country of Philippines. well as in specific problems in Government Owned. Finally, the... more
the victim herself, and Fred, the eyewitness, but also by the established fact that Georgia sustained multiple deep hack wounds on her head, neck, and abdomen, among other parts of her body. The gravity of these wounds was clearly shown... more
Art. 21. Penalties that may be imposed.-No felony shall be punishable by any penalty not prescribed by law prior to its commission. Art. 22. Retroactive effect of penal laws.-Penal Laws shall have a retroactive effect insofar as they... more
Prision correccional, suspension, and destierro.-The duration of the penalties of prision correccional, suspension and destierro shall be from six months and one day to six years, except when suspension is imposed as an accessory penalty,... more
The paper explored the Constitutional grant, given to the President, to declare martial law-- when and how it should be evoked, as well as the alternatives to it. The paper explained why martial law is not the proper remedy against... more
People v Benny Go Case Digest
DISCLAIMER: This is my personal digest for the subject case and uploading it here in academia, that serves as my cloud storage, for future references. Thank you. ISSUE: Whether or not Roberto Brillante is guilty beyond reasonable doubt... more
IEEE 1584 provides empirical formulas for determining arcing fault current, flash protection boundaries, and incident energy. The formulas are valid for systems ranging from 208 V to 15 kV. Theoretical formulas are provided for conditions... more
PO2 Emmanuel L. Alteza testified that he saw the accused driving a motorcycle without a helmet and this prompted him to flag down the accused for violating a municipal ordinance which requires all motorcycle drivers to wear helmet while... more
Upon receipt of condifdential information, police officers formed an entrapment unit against the live-in partners Rolando Araneta and Marilou Santos. According to the information, the two are engaged in selling crystalline substance... more
In a search and seizure conducted based on reports of drug possession, the appellant's room was surveyed in his presence while his family, PO2 Ortega and the two barangay officials remained in the living room. 31 packets of shabu,... more