Retrospective Studies
Recent papers in Retrospective Studies
There are frequent applications for endoscopy in neurosurgery. However, endoscopic surgery in children has peculiar characteristics and is associated with different rates of success. In this study, the authors report on their experience... more
Objectives: Recent studies have suggested that survival following the Norwood procedure is influenced by anatomy and is worse for patients with hypoplastic left heart syndrome (HLHS), particularly aortic atresia (AA), as compared to other... more
Objective To assess the prevalence of domestic violence in pregnancy when midwives are trained to enquire about it routinely. Design A cross sectional study during a period after midwives had been trained to routinely enquire about it and... more
Although functional and clinical outcomes after total ankle arthroplasty have been promising, a steep learning curve has been recognized. In addition, the performance of concomitant hindfoot realignment procedures is controversial. The... more
The aim of this study was to systematically review the psychometric properties, interpretability and feasibility of self-report pain intensity measures for children and adolescents for use in clinical trials evaluating pain treatments.... more
Main Outcome Measures: Failure of NOM (f-NOM). Results: A total of 164 patients (42%) were operated on immediately. Of the remaining 224 who were offered a trial of NOM, the treatment failed in 85 patients (38%). At the end, 64% of... more
Objective: To use multiple data sources to determine drivers of patient adherence to topical ocular hypotensive therapy.
Matrix coils are based on Gugliemi detachable coils (GDC) but are covered with polyglycolic/polylactic acid. We present our experience regarding the immediate posttreatment results of aneurysm embolization using the 2 coil systems. We... more
To evaluate the literature on the allergic cross-reactivity between penicillin, carbapenem, and monobactam antibiotics. A MEDLINE search (1950-June 2008) of the English literature was performed using the search terms beta-lactam,... more
Purpose Cancer patients with bone metastases (BMets) are predisposed to skeletal complications. Bone-targeted therapies such as denosumab or intravenous bisphosphonates (IVBs) reduce the risk of these complications. This study... more
Treatment with anti-resorptive agents over 13 months was associated with for three to fivefold lower bone mineral density changes and 1.5-fold increased risk of incidence fracture in vitamin D insufficient as compared to vitamin D... more
Previous research has supported the immediate activation of patient's strengths (resource activation) as an important mechanism of change in psychotherapy. We designed a brief (10 min) priming procedure in which therapists' attention was... more
Background: Rejuvenation of the lower eyelid often requires tightening of excess skin and muscle and removal or transposition of orbital fat. Although transcutaneous lower blepharoplasty can accomplish these aesthetic demands, it has been... more
This study was performed with the aim of determining the diagnostic profile of newborns with hypotonia and of analyzing the usefulness of different procedures in the diagnostic process. One hundred thirty-eight hypotonic newborns were... more
To study incidence and distribution of deciduous molar ankylosis. study design: longitudinal retrospective study. A total of 512 consecutive subjects (aged 5 to 15 years) were examined at the Orthodontics and Paediatric Dentistry... more
PURPOSE: To present patients who had the onset of strabismus or the recurrence of strabismus after converting to a monovision system of seeing.
Objective To review the experience of performing selective feticide with bipolar cord coagulation (BCC) in complicated monochorionic (MC) twin pregnancies at a single center.
PURPOSE: To evaluate the postoperative clinical outcomes and higher-order aberrations (HOAs) in eyes with astigmatism greater than 2.00 diopters (D) that had laser in situ keratomileusis (LASIK) using a non-wavefront-guided... more
To evaluate the results of our method of surgical treatment of traumatic knee dislocation with injury to the posterolateral corner by use of a standardized protocol. Twenty-five consecutive patients presented with a grossly dislocated or... more
Introduction: The appropriate strategy for trauma-induced coagulopathy management is under debate. We report the treatment of major trauma using mainly coagulation factor concentrates.
To compare the clinical outcomes of cryopreservation according to the indications for freezing and the outcomes of the fresh cycle from which the embryos were derived. Retrospective study. Private assisted-reproduction unit. Three... more
Background: Although debate exists about the treatment of sepsis, few disagree about the benefits of early, appropriately targeted antibiotic administration. Study Objectives: To determine the appropriateness of empiric antimicrobial... more
The aim of this study was to investigate the number and type of brain abnormalities and their influence on psychosocial development, criminal history and paraphilias in sexual murderers. We analyzed psychiatric court reports of 166 sexual... more
Przysługujący widmom wywrotowy, niemalże rewolucyjny potencjał został odsunięty oraz zagubiony poprzez pozbycie się tej kontrowersyjnej kategorii z terytorium metafizyki i zbyt pośpieszne odesłanie jej do przestrzeni badań nad literaturą,... more
PURPOSE: To analyze the symptoms, etiology, and treatment of patient dissatisfaction after multifocal intraocular lens (IOL) implantation.
Peritonitis is caused most commonly by perforation of the hollow viscus and grave consequences of the dis-ease are attributed to the microbial infection of the perito-neal cavity. Factors predicting outcome in cases of perfo-ration... more
Vascular problems such as thrombosis and stenosis of the hepatic artery, portal vein, and hepatic vein are serious complications after living-donor liver transplant and can cause increased morbidity, graft loss, and patient death. The aim... more
Our objective was to study the phenotype evolution of X-linked adrenoleukodystrophy (X-ALD) and the relation between axonal degeneration and cerebral demyelination. Although different X-ALD phenotypes are recognized, little is known about... more
In right lobe (RL) living donor liver transplantation (LDLT), portal vein (PV) variations are of immense clinical significance. In this study, we describe in detail our PV reconstruction techniques in RL grafts with variant PV anatomy and... more
Purpose: To test the relationship between nurses' perceptions of the geriatric nurse practice environment (GNPE) and perceptions of geriatric-care delivery, and geriatric nursing knowledge. Design: A secondary analysis of data collected... more
Positional asphyxia refers to a situation where there is compromise of respiration because of splinting of the chest and/or diaphragm preventing normal respiratory excursion, or occlusion of the upper airway due to abnormal positioning of... more
Sexual assault survivors with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) were assessed for frequency of nightmares, measured retrospectively on the Nightmare Frequency Questionnaire (NFQ) and prospectively on nightmare dream logs (NLOG).... more