Retrofitting and Strengthening of Structures

279 papers
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Retrofitting and strengthening of structures refers to the process of enhancing the load-carrying capacity, durability, and resilience of existing buildings and infrastructure to meet current safety standards and performance requirements, often in response to aging, damage, or changes in use or environmental conditions.
Analytical seismic responses of structures retrofitted using base isolation devices are investigated and the retrofit schemes are illustrated. The retrofitting of various important structures using seismic isolation technique by... more
Wind loads are a major threat for old corroded steel structures constructed near the sea where wind speeds can be very high. This paper presents a case study of a wind-induced failure analysis of an existing steel structure and the... more
A state-of-art of traditional and modern retrofitting techniques emphasizing the advantage of the use of metallic materials. General issues of structural intervention starting from the mechanical causes of damage, the logical phases of... more
Many existing reinforced concrete structures were constructed with substandard characteristics. Low quality concrete, poor transverse reinforcement details and insufficient flexural strength are among the most common deficiencies. While... more
Engineers are often overwhelmed with laborious work while analyzing bearing capacity and settlement behaviour of shallow foundations. This is largely due to the number of iterations required under various empirical design considerations.... more
Strengtheningandrepairingofreinforcedconcretebeamsbyusingthinfibersconcretejacket have many advantages such as increasing of ultimate load, enhancement of serviceability limit state, resistance to fire and avoiding of corrosion problems... more
Ujjayanta Palace, standing in the heart of Agartala city, in Tripura, a famous royal house, covering an area of 1 sq. km. and styled in Greek sculpture, was built by Maharaja Radhakishore Manikaya in 1901. The two-storeyed palace has a... more
—The current paper presents a structural assessment and proposals for retrofit of the National Youth Foundation Building, an existing reinforced concrete (RC) building in the city of Igoumenitsa, Greece. The building is scheduled to be... more
ABSTRACT: The general topic investigated in this thesis is “structural health monitoring”, with special care being devoted to damage detection and localization. The study is focused on methods which work in the space of the observed... more
Timber load bearing floor structures of Italian historical constructions are complex systems made of girders, joists, subfloor, and completing components (lath to cover planking joints, small boards to cover the link between joists and... more
The major earthquake on April 25, 2015 (7.8 Mw) and the aftershock on May 12, 2015 (7.3 Mw) caused severe damages on Kathmandu University (KU) Library. Disaster prevention of the library building is necessary to restore its strength and... more
To improve the behavior of the connection between the roof and the masonry walls, reinforced concrete ring-beams were commonly used in these last years. This technique have proved to be effective, but, at the same time, the different... more
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— in the present study, the steel jacketing technique with variable vertical angles size connected with horizontal steel straps is used to upgrade the load carrying capacity of rectangular reinforced concrete columns under eccentric... more
by TM TM
This article presents a concise overview on condition monitoring and retrofitting/ strengthening of structures including a practical case study of strengthening for an existing historical building. Condition assessment of an existing... more
Sustainability has become a fundamental requirement for the future of our cities. This requirement is mostly associated with environmental issues, and a great effort has been made in the past years to build a low-carbon society. However,... more
by Dr Susmita Naskar and 
1 more
This article presents a concise overview on condition monitoring and retrofitting/ strengthening of structures including a practical case study of strengthening for an existing historical building. Condition assessment of an existing... more
The objective of the study is to evaluate the effect of using silica fume on the properties of fresh and hardened concrete made with crushed bricks through experimental investigation. The effect of using silica fume on the workability... more
Six reinforced concrete rectangular columns with a cross section 120x160 mm and 800 mm length were casted and tested until failure. Two control columns were tested under axial load and four columns were tested under different... more
A B S T R A C T Wildfires impact upon populations where development has occurred within or adjacent to natural vegetation. Even with extensive management interventions in the landscape, wildfires will continue to impact upon some... more
The research project deals with the historical development of timber structures and with the study of techniques for their preservation and strengthening. The interest will be mainly devoted to the architectural heritage built in Italy... more
The fundamental period of vibration plays a primary role for the assessment of the seismic demand on structures. It can be evaluated by numerical analyses, or even according to basic formulations provided by building codes for common... more
Kigali, the capital city of Rwanda is a highly sloped region and the construction of roads to reach all remote areas within the city is economically and socially unfeasible. While the population in this city was increasing on daily basis,... more
The premature failure problem of beams strengthened with external plates reduces its efficiency. Although this problem is considered in different experimental and analytical studies, more effort is required to increase the... more
An experimental study is presented in this paper on the behaviour of square R. C. columns of size 750 × 150 × 150 mm retrofitted with Glass fibre reinforced polymer (GFRP) sheets along with a brief review of literature. One column... more
The main objective of the present study is the assessment and retrofit of an existing road bridge that is located in Cyprus over the river Kouris. In particular the study concerns in a road bridge with seven spans of 10.5 m + 5 * 12.6 m +... more
The climate changes that have been occurring for a long time have not only left an impact on the earth's environment but also on the built heritage of mankind. Just as man is adapting to the climate changes therefore it is important that... more
This study presents an experimental–analytical investigation on the structural behavior of precast prestressed hollow core RC slabs strengthened in flexure by CFRP laminates. Externally bonded and near surface mounted (NSM) laminates were... more
This article has been written by C. Nuti, S. Santini, D. Lavorato, B. Briseghella, Z. Zhou, J. Xue, using the tests and the analysis that I made during the research period spent at the SIBERC (Sustainable and Innovative Bridges... more
The main objective of the present study is the assessment and retrofit of an existing reinforced concrete building. In particular, the study concerns the municipal theater of the city of Volos, Greece and it was carried out following the... more
This paper aims at presenting an in situ experimental test campaign carried out on one existing traditional masonry building abandoned after the 1998 Azores (Portugal) earthquake. For testing purposes, an experimental test setup was... more
The present case study investigates the capacity assessment and subsequent strengthening of pre-stressed concrete girders and provides additional information on the strengthening measures taken for the whole of the structure involved. It... more
Abstrak Salah satu persyaratan penting untuk konstruksi tahan gempa yang terkait dengan pengekangan adalah pemasangan tulangan pengekang dengan kait gempa 135 0 pada sengkang. Dalam pelaksanaannya banyak pelaksana konstruksi menggunakan... more
Haussmann buildings architecture spread throughout the city of Paris. Nevertheless, those buildings are nowadays submitted to heavy operations of use change, conservation and rehabilitation, justified by several reasons, among others are... more
The objective of this study is to investigate the effectiveness of an innovative technique for strengthening masonry arches at their intrados, based on the use of carbon plates. Although FRP sheets or strips are successfully used as... more
Steel greenhouse structures are generally constructed by individual sole contractors using quick empirical structural calculations (pre-engineered solutions). It is also common to import standard greenhouses from other countries, mainly... more
Pressure vessels are one of the most important equipment in the refining of the crude oil. For this reason, these equipment must resist against the loads resulting from the earthquake. Pressure vessels are found in different units of... more
The use of composites in the field of architectural restoration is becoming more and more widespread, because of the great technical advantages they convey in many cases. But applying these materials to the Cultural Heritage poses not... more
One of the important requirements for earthquake resistant buildings associated with confinement is the use of seismic hook in hoop or confining reinforcement for r/c column elements. However, installation of confining reinforcement with... more
The lack of knowledge of structural behaviour often led to their substitution with modern structures, or to invasive strengthening operations. If ignorance was the first cause of this loss, knowledge is the first goal to be reached. In... more
Masonry structures have been preferred for centuries in most of the countries across the world because they are easy to build and economical due to the use of local materials in their construction. As a result of high usage volume,... more
Abstract— An experimental study was performed to investigate the behavior and strength of proposed technique to connect reinforced concrete (RC) beam to steel or composite columns. This approach can practically be used in several types of... more
An experimental campaign has been described to evaluate the effectiveness of including remedial wall ties as an intervention technique (CemenTie and Dryfix from HELIFIX®) used in the retrofitting of hollowed fired clay brick masonry... more
Moderate and severe earthquakes have struck different places in the world, causing severe damage to reinforced concrete structures. Retrofitting the existing structures is one of the major challenges to face. One of the retrofit... more
Well-reported experimental data and field records have indicted importance of incorporating nonlinear characteristics into the analysis of reinforced concrete (R.C) coupled shear walls (CSW). In this research work m... more
Rapid increasing of population and limited city area as well as better awareness on the green open area of the city, which is ideally about 30 percent, have forced the development of the buildings vertically. The increasing number of... more