The preservation of cultural heritage and the seismic resilience of historic buildings are crucial for maintaining social identity, particularly in earthquake-prone regions. This study focuses on the modeling of Sırçalı Kumbet, a Seljuk... more
Natural and technological disasters in the European countries have caused significant loss of life and damage to structures and infrastructure, which has led to the ratification of conventions at world level in the field of disaster... more
Received: 19 January, 2016 Received in revised form: 29 February, 2016 Accepted: 11 March, 2016 Publish on: 26 September, 2016 The major earthquake on April 25, 2015 (7.8 Mw) and the aftershock on May 12, 2015 (7.3 Mw) caused severe... more
Reinforced Concrete is one of the most widely used construction material for the structures around the world. Since reinforced concrete structures are inherently fire-resistant, they are generally capable of being repaired after a fire.... more
This paper presents experimental data and results on the shear behavior and strength of slender reinforced concrete (RC) beams with corroded steel stirrups. A total of nine RC beams were constructed and tested up to failure. The test... more
Fire hazards, including urban fires and wildfires, cause catastrophic losses to lives, property, and communities each year. Existing mitigation measures focus on suppression and alarms, leaving gaps in personal protection and property... more
The present paper investigates the effects of fiber content and alkali treatment on impact property of coir fibers reinforced polyester resin composites which are partially biodegradable. The coir fibers were collected from the foliage of... more
Masonry structures are commonly constructed and are popular in developing countries due to its low cost and easiness on construction. It has been studied from different experiment that these buildings are vulnerable to strong external... more
Kolom berperan penting dalam menahan beban gempa. Kegagalan pada kolom sama dengan keruntuhan total bangunan. Meskipun Indonesia memiliki intensitas gempa tinggi, banyak bangunan tua dan rumah penduduk yang menggunakan kolom dengan rasio... more
This study is on span optimization of railway box Girder Bridge using steel-concrete composite cross-section. The Addis Ababa light rail transportation mode fulfils box girder span ranging from 20 to 30 m at grade and above grade... more
The present study describes the result of an experimental investigation on the response of creating opening in reinforced concrete beams after and before casting using steel wire mesh, steel angles, steel straps, steel stirrups system and... more
The present study describes the result of an experimental investigation on the response of creating opening in reinforced concrete beams after and before casting using steel wire mesh, steel angles, steel straps, steel stirrups system and... more
Damage that occurs in reinforced concrete elements can reduce the capacity and serviceability of these elements. One of the damages that may be encountered is spalling or delamination of concrete covers. Repairs to this type of damage can... more
Cement concrete is the most widely used material for various constructions. Properly designed and prepared concrete results in good strength and durability properties. Even such well designed and prepared cement concrete mixes under... more
This study provides a comprehensive systematic review of innovations in earthquake-resistant building design, focusing on advancements in materials, technologies, and methodologies aimed at enhancing structural resilience. A total of 32... more
Using of infill walls is a common practice as partitions in RC frame buildings in all around the world. Usually, in design period of buildings the infill walls is not considered and assumed them as bare frame. Infill walls change the... more
Beton bir yapıyı kırılma mekaniğine göre analiz edebilmek için, önce kullanılan malzemenin kırılma parametrelerinin belirlenmesi gerekir. Betonun kırılma parametrelerini belirlemek için şartnameler ve araştırmacılar tarafından birçok... more
The external envelope walls of a significant percentage of the residential building stock in Southern European countries is commonly constituted by infill masonry walls. However, thousands of square meters of this masonry wall typology... more
Carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP) laminates were proved as very effective method for either repairing or strengthening of used structures. However, the literature has no enough information about the behavior of RC continuous... more
Λέξεις κλειδιά: διεπιφάνεια, διατμητική τάση, οπλισμός ενίσχυσης, δοκός οπλισμένου σκυροδέματος ΠΕΡΙΛΗΨΗ: Η παρούσα εργασία ασχολείται με την καμπτική ενίσχυση δοκών με προσθήκη νέων στρώσεων σκυροδέματος στο εφελκυόμενο ή στο θλιβόμενο... more
Due to the human needs to increase the loads of structures such as residential buildings, bridges, ports and other structures, and also the emergence of so-called strengthening and restoration, there must be different methods to implement... more
Recently, reinforced concrete (RC) structures have been strengthened and rehabilitation flexural using different fiber-reinforced polymer materials in more than technique the primary strengthening methods that researchers have studied,... more
In the past, a large number of building structures in India have been damaged by earthquakes and some of these structures have been repaired and strengthened. The strengthening of existing structure is required in cases where the... more
The National Construction Code (NCC) provides two deemed to satisfy (DTS) solutions for housing in bushfire areas: AS 3959 and the NASH Standard. The two standards use different approaches, presenting well-informed designers with... more
Adapting architectural spaces to the climatic conditions of one site implies the adoption of spatial configuration solutions that are subject to the sustainability principles. On the background of an increasing concern for the... more
Earthquake around the world are single-handedly responsible for the destruction to life and property in large numbers. In order to mitigate such hazards, it is important to incorporate norms that will enhance the seismic performance of... more
In previous times the buildings and structures were not planned for the seismic loads. But when high intensity of earthquake comes in India it resulted in destruction and desolation in structures .Therefore to provide safety to buildings... more
Salah satu persyaratan penting untuk konstruksi tahan gempa yang terkait dengan pengekangan adalah pemasangan tulangan pengekang dengan kait gempa 135 0 pada sengkang. Dalam pelaksanaannya banyak pelaksana konstruksi menggunakan tulangan... more
The last catastrophic seismic events in Nepal have shown that the Nepalese school building stock is characterized by a high level of vulnerability with respect to seismic actions. According to different post-event reconnaissance reports,... more
In this study, beams with insufficient shear capacity were strengthened with U-shaped Mechanical Steel Stitches (MSS), which is a practical, economical and innovative method. MSSs were applied on both faces of the beam web at a 45-degree... more
This study aims to compare the response of reinforced concrete (RC) T-beams strengthened with carbon fibre-reinforced polymer (CFRP) composite with that of non-strengthened control beams when subjected to monotonic two-point loading until... more
This research paper presents a comparative analysis of seismic resistance and cost efficiency in lift core construction using masonry wall-column systems and shear wall systems. High-rise structures' lift cores are crucial vertical... more
Glass Fiber Reinforced Polymer (GFRP) has emerged as a promising retrofitting material for improving the performance and durability of concrete structures. In this study, the effectiveness of GFRP retrofitting for enhancing the mechanical... more
In the present work, a non-linear finite element (FEM) analysis has been conducted in order to investigate the performance strengthening of reinforced self-compacting concrete T-deep beams with rectangular openings by CFRP sheets. five... more
Usage of low strength concrete is common in many developing countries all around the World. For example, in Turkey, the approximate average concrete compressive strength of existing reinforced concrete buildings constructed before 1990s... more
There are several available models proposed for predicting the compressive strength and deformability of concrete confined externally with fibre-reinforced polymer (FRP) composites. In this study, the effect of variation of unconfined... more
The properties of Cement-Concrete Compositions (CCC) are in constant change during a hardening process. At initial stages of hardening, the CCC structure is characterized by viscous-plastic properties, while in final hardened structure,... more
Seismic retrofitting of existing structures is a crucial aspect of civil engineering, aimed at enhancing the resilience of buildings against earthquakes and safeguarding human lives. This research paper explores the historical... more
This article presents a new, rapid technique for retrofitting reinforced concrete buildings. With the "Structural Jacketing Building Envelope Retrofit System," the entire outer shell of the building is retrofitted with steel struts that... more
Approximately 20,000 people are killed annually on average by building and infrastructure collapses and failures caused by seismic activities. In earlier times, seismic design codes and specifications set minimal requirements for life... more
The stability of foundation depends on the bearing capacity of soil beneath the foundation. However for any structure, the allowable bearing pressure cannot be assessed without considering the effect of settlement. Although empirical... more
The stability of foundation depends on the bearing capacity of soil beneath the foundation. However for any structure, the allowable bearing pressure cannot be assessed without considering the effect of settlement. Although empirical... more
In construction industry, it is common practice that sometimes neither steel reinforcement may be available at market as required by design calculations nor poured concrete may be as strong as required. Such cases necessitate the... more
L'utilisation du béton à haute résistance est devenue une réalité presque incontournable de par les exigences les concepteurs. L'objectif de cet article est de mettre en évidence l'influence du confinement sur le comportement des colonnes... more
L’utilisation du beton a haute resistance est devenue une realite presque incontournable de par les exigences les concepteurs. L'objectif de cet article est de mettre en evidence l'influence du confinement sur le comportement des... more
Prestressed concrete I-girders are becoming more widely used in bridges. However, the high prestressing force applied to these girders can lead to cracks in the end zone upon stress transfer. Recently, the standard drawing details for... more
Prestressed concrete I-girders are becoming more widely used in bridges. However, the high prestressing force applied to these girders can lead to cracks in the end zone upon stress transfer. Recently, the standard drawing details for... more
Spring is one of the most utilized components in machines, equipment’s in industries.The stiffness of the spring is the characteristic property of the spring which determine both the spring and its application. This paper shows the... more
Various analytical models available in the literature for the confinement of concrete by conventional rectilinear ties and welded wire fabric are studied. These models are applied to the specimens tested by the authors as well as by other... more
Seismic tremors are a sudden vibration or trembling in the Earth that can be felt more than a few hundreds of kilometers. Quakes can twist the ground, making structures and non-structures crumple. Lives might be lost because of building... more