Retributive Justice
Recent papers in Retributive Justice
Perverse complicity in Christian celebration of pain? Futility of highlighting denial of Christian complicity in torture Promotion of enhanced torture on behalf of the American people Crowdsourcing appropriate punishment for enemies of... more
Two experiments using Asian American university student participants examined the distinctive characteristics of responses to racist hate speech relative to responses to other forms of offense. The studies varied the target of insulting... more
This paper analyzes how the First Step Act of 2018, or Formerly Incarcerated
Reenter Society Transformed Safely Transitioning Every Person Act (“First Step Act”), could effectuate restorative and rehabilitative justice.
Reenter Society Transformed Safely Transitioning Every Person Act (“First Step Act”), could effectuate restorative and rehabilitative justice.
This is the Introduction to my book Justice in Young Adult Speculative Fiction (Routledge 2015). The book offers an evolutionary history of the concept of justice as represented in speculative literature for the young reader. The study... more
is where I became an artist,' Alfredo Santos says now, more than half a century after he painted the mural at top and five others in the dining hall while an inmate there." Preamble "When we return to the search for a more humane and... more
O artigo diferencia os elementos da teoria da pena, com especial destaque ao fundamento e às finalidades da pena criminal. Analisa as doutrinas absolutas e relativas e as suas respectivas capacidades de oferecer tratamento específico aos... more
In an important 1984 paper, “The Moral Education Theory of Punishment,” Jean Hampton justifies the practice of inflicting painful criminal punishments if and only if punishment is morally educative. Hampton’s suggestion forms the point of... more
The story of Zanzanù is symbolically the history of the birth of outlaw imagine in early modern age. Zanzanù firstly became a 'bandit' because he received a banishment penalty owing to the killing of a member of a rival family. But then,... more
Dumas' work is often misunderstood as a story of portentous revenge of the main character Edmond Dantès. However, the Dumas' book seems to hide a philosophical structure that offers points of political and juridical reflection.... more
In this paper, I do not discuss the contemporary problems of penal law nor advocate for punishment reform, but rather, I engage with the theory of legal punishment as introduced by Jeremy Bentham and Immanuel Kant, each representing the... more
The paper deals with the relationships between judicial practices and the feud, which acquires interesting relevance both in customary systems and in systems governed by the legal process. First is described the crucial transition from... more
Although, there is a considerable literature which analyzes the UN Mission in Kosovo from different perspectives, limited attention has been given to the mission " s contribution in confronting with war crimes and crimes against humanity... more
In this paper, i traced the development of the three themes in the book of Job, namely, (1) retributive justice, (2) divine prerogative, and piety.
Published in the Springer Journal Neuroethics Available here: Neil Levy argues that the degree to which psychopaths ought to... more
Executioners and others who come into close proximity with the condemned often come to reject the death penalty. They reject it not only in individual cases, and not only on the ground that the death penalty is poorly implemented. They... more
A talk given at the World of Bob Dylan Symposium in Tulsa, OK, May 31, 2019
The paper deals with the story of Marcantonio Trissino, the grandson of Giangiorgio Trissino, the famous man of letters and humanist. In the year 1583 Marcantonio, abruptily and amazingly, killed Giulio Cesare Trissino outside Vicenza's... more
Until recently, the International Criminal Court (ICC) described that its legal practices offered a balance between retributive and restorative justice. It was held that restorative justice was progressed through its framework of victim... more
This article analyzes the Amorite view of history as found in the 18th century BCE Mari text (ARM I 3), a letter sent by Yasmaḫ-Addu to the god Nergal, reflecting the power-struggle between two Amorite clans, the Benjaminite Addu clan... more
This article gives a short survey of concepts of “sin and sanction,” the “crisis of Wisdom,” and divine justice in ancient Mesopotamian texts and in the Old Testament. A concluding summary provides a comparison of these two ancient Near... more
Half of the drug offenders incarcerated in the United States are black, even though whites and blacks use and sell drugs at the same rate, and blacks make up only 13 percent of the population. Noncomparativists about retributive justice... more
Plato warned that "Famine shall put an end to he who famishes the people." The fruition of this prophecy may fulfil the people's desire for vengeance, but it neglects to remedy their hunger. The trope "eat the rich" fulfills both of... more
This is a pre-print (pre-editor reviewed) version of the entry that is forthcoming in the Encyclopedia of the Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy. Please only cite the final published version.
This article explores the relationship between the concepts of restorative justice, racial reconciliation and Afro-communitarianism, and how these concepts apply to the South African situation. A version of restorative justice which is... more
El presente artículo discute cómo los fines y las funciones sociales de la prisión se ven reflejados en su diseño arquitectónico, el cual no constituye simplemente una organización económica del espacio y las actividades que pueden... more
What factors determine the willingness to inflict collective punishment upon a group for a misdeed committed by individual group members? This research investigates the effect of collective responsibility shared among group members and... more
This paper criticizes four major approaches to criminal law – consequentialism, retributivism, abolitionism, and “mixed” pluralism – each of which, in its own fashion, affirms the celebrated emblem of the “scales of justice.” The argument... more
Some moral philosophers believe that people getting what they deserve has intrinsic positive value. Some of these philosophers are axiological retributivists. They believe that some evil people deserve what is bad for them, and that some... more
Retributivism can be orated as the method of balancing and restoring the position of the law abiders and voiders to maintain societal peace. retributivism hold both positive and negative desert claim. Where the positive desert claim... more
A critical evaluation of the statement: “Penal incarceration appears so deeply entrenched in our cultural sensibilities that prison and punishment have become almost synonymous…it has long been recognised that punishment may be intended... more
A partir de una sentencia de la Corte de Apelaciones de Santiago, el artículo examina la tensión en que se encuentran nuestros tribunales de justicia, al indemnizar el daño moral en el ámbito de la responsabilidad extracontractual. Si... more
One of the most frequently voiced criticisms of free will skepticism is that it is unable to adequately deal with criminal behavior and that the responses it would permit as justified are insufficient for acceptable social policy. This... more
This essay will explore and attempt to assess theologically the retribution relationship between God and Job (as well as all of humanity)—namely, in reference to the accuser’s question: “Does Job fear God for nothing?” (Job 1:9, NRSV).... more