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This document (accepted by the Board of Ordained Ministry in 2020) includes some revisions, making it more accessible to the laity. In addition, it may provide some direction for certified candidates in the UMC seeking to be commissioned... more
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      Biblical StudiesChristologyPneumatologyBiblical Theology
L'article est une invitation à se saisir tout à nouveau de la doctrine de la résurrection du corps dans notre enseignement biblique et notre pastorale. Partant du constat que la résurrection est bien souvent compris dans nos communautés... more
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      Christian EthicsEschatologyBodily ResurrectionResurrection
For my talks and debates on the resurrection of Jesus and other topics, see my youtube channel: "One of the best Analytic Philosophy ebooks of all time" - BookAuthority . ‘By... more
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      PhilosophyPhilosophy Of ReligionTheologyHistory of Christianity
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      ArchaeologyEarly Medieval ArchaeologyEarly Medieval IrelandEarly Medieval Scotland
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      ChristianityRussian StudiesIconographyArt History
Review of Gerald O'Collins, SJ, Saint  Augustine on the Resurrection of Christ, Oxford University Press, 2017.
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      AugustineResurrection of Jesus
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      ChristianityHistoryAncient HistoryTheology
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    • Resurrection of Jesus
Fellowship of Catholic Scholars Quarterly 28:2 (Summer 2005): 36-38.
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      ChristianityPatristicsHistorical TheologyHistory of Christianity
The presented dissertation is focused on the work of New Testament theologian Klaus Berger, as seen from the point of view of fundamental theology. The title of the thesis „The Criticism of contemporary New Testament exegesis foundations... more
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      Psychology of ReligionFundamental theologyResurrection of JesusBiblical Hermeneutics
This essay argues that the center of Quaker Faith and Practice is the immediacy of Christ; connected to the center are convictions regarding authentic worship, universal ministry, incarnational sacramentology, nonviolent peacemaking,... more
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      ReligionChristianityComparative ReligionPeace and Conflict Studies
INDICE I. VIAGGIO IN INGHILTERRA (SHADOWLANDS) II. LE «TERRE DELL’OMBRA III. ANELITI DI RISURREZIONE NEI SALMI III.1. La speranza di un dubbioso nel Dio della vita A. «Ho invidiato i prepotenti, vedendo il successo dei malvagi» B.... more
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      Book of PsalmsBodily ResurrectionResurrectionResurrection of Jesus
des personnes très proches de Jésus ont douté de sa résurrection (pour un moment ou pour plus longtemps). Nous en avons la trace dans plusieurs textes du Nouveau Testament.
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      New Testament Textual CriticismNew testament exegesisNew Testament StudiesResurrection Beliefs in Christianity
British art historian Thomas de Wesselow, trained at Courtauld, claims that it was the image on the Turin Shroud that prompted Jesus' disciples to believe in the Resurrection. While appreciating the author's study of the relic, the review... more
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      ChristianityNew TestamentHistory of ChristianityBiblical Studies
Many today are seeing the need and importance of teaching Christian apologetics in a variety of different settings. This is intended to help fulfill that need. Following Dr. Norman Geisler’s Twelve Points that Show Christianity is True,... more
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      ReligionChristianityNew Religious MovementsPhilosophy
The tomb of Jesus has always given rise to wild speculation, archaeological disputes and theological discussions as to whether it had to be empty in order to believe in the resurrection of Jesus. Against the background of a veritable... more
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      Biblical TheologyResurrection of JesusDeath and ressurectionEmpty Tomb
The Swoon Theory, or as it is sometimes called the Apparent-Death Theory asserts, that Christ did not die on the cross, but swooned or fell unconscious and was revived after being placed in the tomb. How this was achieved is under great... more
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      NaturalismChristian ApologeticsBodily ResurrectionResurrection of Jesus
Le sort de l’homme après la mort… Voilà donc un sujet sur lequel on s’interroge au moins une fois dans sa vie. Qu’est-ce qui attend l’homme après sa mort ? A-t-on vraiment tout imaginé ? L’homme tente-t-il de se donner bonne conscience ?... more
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      Ancient Egyptian ReligionHistoryAncient HistoryMythology
In logical terms and philosophical concept of causality, the effect is not possible without something causing it to happen unless for some phenomenal and/or supernatural cases. In other words, if there is no real death then there would... more
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      ChristianityTheologyBodily ResurrectionResurrection
" The Gospel According to Luke " was meant to be read aloud to 1 st century Christians (1:1-4). This oral medium creates a dramatic dimension that is often lost on modern readers. Even a brief analysis of the literary conventions in Luke... more
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      GospelsSynoptic GospelsHistorical JesusLuke-Acts
This document might provide some direction for certified candidates in the UMC seeking to be commissioned and ordained.
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      Biblical StudiesChristologyPneumatologyBiblical Theology
This book examines the relationship between the growth of Christianity in Greece and the belief in resurrection from the dead. Traditionally, Greek religion held a strong and enduring conviction that immorality always had to include both... more
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      ChristianityAncient HistoryHuman GeographyClassics
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      ChristianityEarly ChristianityChristologyChristian Ethics
This bibliography lists all 475 works cited in the footnotes of my book Jesus’ Resurrection and Joseph’s Visions: Examining the Foundations of Christianity and Mormonism (Tampa, FL: DeWard, 2020). Researchers interested in Historical... more
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      New TestamentMormonismMormon HistoryHistorical Jesus
In Christian literature, Jesus’ crucifixion is commonly (and for good reason) assigned to a Friday, and Jesus’ resurrection to a Sunday. Jesus would, therefore, have spent (at most) three days and two nights in the grave. Yet, in Matt.... more
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      New TestamentHistorical JesusBook of JonahJesus
A short book dealing with the question: what do we know 'historically' about Jesus of Nazareth? Special focus on whether the gospels are reliable sources of factual information and on the historicity of Jesus' resurrection 'on the third... more
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      History of ReligionGospelsSynoptic GospelsFaith and Reason
The Resurrection of Jesus of Nazareth is one of the most disputed and controversial events in all of history. The New Testament claims throughout its books that Jesus was crucified, after three days rose from the dead, and was seen by... more
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    • Resurrection of Jesus
A critical review of (and rebuttal to) Norman Geisler and Frank Turek's obnoxious style of anti-atheist apologetics.
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      Philosophy Of ReligionAtheismPhilosophical TheologyTheodicy
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      ChristianityChristian EducationMissiologyCommunity Engagement & Participation
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      Gospel of JohnBook ReviewsJesusResurrection of Jesus
Why was an unknown man insisting he was Alexander the Great received with distinct deference by Roman officials and Bacchic celebration by hundreds of attendants around A.D. 221? Examining Dio Cassius's presentation in light of... more
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      ClassicsRoman HistoryHistory of ReligionEarly Christianity
At first sight the title must seem like a misunderstanding at best, at worst an intentional perversity. After all, the 'Prodigal Son' is not a person, but a character in a parable, a literary form where from the beginning both speaker and... more
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      ReligionAbrahamic ReligionsChristianityTheology
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      PatristicsOrthodox TheologyChristologyChristian Apologetics
One of the reasons that many Christians get excited about the Shroud of Turin, believed by numerous people to be the actual burial cloth of the historical Jesus of Nazareth, is that they believe that the Shroud provides physical... more
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      Early ChristianityResurrection of JesusRelics and Relic VenerationShroud of Turin
Outline study of Paul's argument for the doctrine of the resurrection of the dead, grounding it on the resurrection of Jesus as historical fact.
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      Apostle Paul and the Pauline LettersChristian ApologeticsResurrectionApologetics
This is the sequel to THE END TIMES PASSOVER [Etymological Challenges to Millenarian Doctrines]. The End Times Passover provided more than sufficient scriptural evidence that the church will not be caught up to Heaven when Jesus Returns,... more
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      DispensationalismKingdom of GodResurrectionResurrection of Jesus
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      ChristologyChristian ApologeticsBodily ResurrectionChristian Theology
A detailed look at the archaeological, seismological, and biblical evidence for the earthquakes of the crucifixion and the resurrection of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Discussed are the importance of darkness in Jewish thought and the pagan... more
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      Matthew's GospelHistorical JesusJewish apocalyptic literatureSociety of Jesus
Croire que Jésus est ressuscité n'est pas chose facile. Même dans le cas où cela a bel et bien eu lieu, il n'est pas facile pour tous d'y croire, d'y croire vraiment. Pourquoi ? C'est ce que ce texte se propose d'élucider. Pour ce faire,... more
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      Religious EpistemologyResurrection of JesusDoubts and Disbelief, History of Atheism
This article collects and examines data relating to the authors of English-language texts written and published during the past 500 years on the subject of Jesus’ resurrection and then compares this data to Gary R. Habermas’ 2005 and 2012... more
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      Christian ApologeticsHabermasBodily ResurrectionPresuppositional Apologetics
One important question in connection with the resurrection of Jesus asks how the resurrection of Jesus can be different from any other instance of a person coming back to life. For certain, there are numerable cases of people being... more
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      ChristologyChristian ApologeticsResurrection of Jesus
Antologia e commento di Giovanni Paolo Maggioni. Traduzione italiana coordinata da Francesco Stella. La «Legenda aurea» di Iacopo da Varazze è una delle opere agiografiche più rilevanti della cultura medievale e l'immensa fortuna di cui... more
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      Medieval HistoryHagiographyHistory of ChristianityMedieval Studies
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      Literary TheoryIntertextualityProphetsGospel of John
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      Ancient Egyptian ReligionAnimal SymbolismResurrection of JesusChristian symbolism
In this work, J. D. Atkins employs a combination of reception-history analysis and redaction criticism to challenge modern theories that Luke 24 and John 20 are apologetic responses to incipient docetism. He subjects second-century... more
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      GnosticismLuke-ActsBodily ResurrectionGospel of John
Archaeology has not yet uncovered a large number of artifacts to directly support Jesus’s resurrection. However, though few, the sites and artifacts uncovered by archaeology are rich in meaning and significance. This paper will discuss... more
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      ArchaeologyJosephusTertullianSt Jerome
In this article we will examine biblical usage of Hades as Sheol terminology in association with the afterlife. We will also compare the differences of soul to spirit meanings. Each of these terms have unique life and death relationships... more
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      Afterlife studiesBodily ResurrectionBody and SoulResurrection
In his discussion of the nature of the resurrection body in 1 Cor 15:35–49, Paul employs the metaphor of God’s sowing of the natural/earthly body and the raising of the spiritual/heavenly body, distinct bodies fit for their respective... more
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      ChristianityJewish StudiesNew TestamentJewish Mysticism
Reflection before Triduum
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      ResurrectionBiblical Hermeneutics; ResurrectionResurrection of Jesus
The Birth of Jesus in 12 B.C. concluded that Jesus of Nazareth was born either during, or near to, the first two weeks in October, 12 B.C. This date is more than eleven years earlier than the traditional date, and it implies his death... more
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      Origins of ChristianityResurrection of JesusSantorini eruption datesCrucifixion of Christ