O artigo examina a trajetória e a recepção da obra restaurativista do criminólogo australiano John Braithwaite no Brasil. Considerando o risco de importação irrefletida de obras estrangeiras em meio a uma conjuntura de colonização da... more
This opinion paper examines the growing kidnapping crisis in Nigeria, focusing on its causes, impact, and possible crime prevention strategies. The paper adopts a descriptive approach to discuss the socioeconomic factors contributing to... more
This paper provides background to the sexual abuse crisis in the Catholic Church in Ireland and outlines the particular Irish dimensions to the problem. It argues that a systemic perspective offers best promise to conceptualise the... more
his study examines how victimology reshapes criminal justice systems by focusing on victims' experiences and rights. Through case studies in the U.S., South Africa, and Japan, it highlights the evolution of restorative justice,... more
emerging results on the links between family and sexual violence (FSV) and financial hardship among the women we interviewed. This blog shares some holds a Diploma in Teaching, Bachelor of Education, and Master of Communication Studies... more
A expressão justiça restaurativa é atribuída à Albert Eglash (1977), um psicólogo estadunidense, que foi utilizada posteriormente para definir processos de justiça que acolhem vítimas, ofensores e comunidade para lidar com um dano causado... more
Este artigo tem como objetivo explorar e analisar as práticas de abordagens restaurativas em contextos organizacionais, focando na inclusão, diversidade e transformação de conflitos a partir dos princípios da Justiça Restaurativa. Ao... more
Building upon the working notion of Southern green victimology, the presentation explores the case of Andalgalá, Province of Catamarca, Argentina, where international corporations have been trying to develop a mining project that would... more
This paper explores multidimensional strategies for effectively supporting victims of crime, addressing trauma, fostering recovery, and reintegrating individuals into their communities. By examining psychological, legal, and social... more
Wilma and I have been friends since when I first met her while a journalist with Mennonite Reporter (now Canadian Mennonite Magazine ), in about 1990. Her daughter, Candace, had been murdered in 1984. Wilma has been for me constant... more
It was my niece, Kristi Fairholm Mader, 1 who suggested, a few years ago, that I read the book under review. I wrote this after that read, and sent it to her. There are founded accusations of plagiarism sometimes in Hari's writings: a... more
I did this book review several years ago. Vernard Eller explains in the book that he was inspired to write it in light of Jacques Ellul's 1 Anarchy and Christianity. 2 Walter Wink 3 did a whole trilogy on biblical "Powers" language. In... more
After I published this review in a local Christian rag in 1998, I received a phone call from a volunteer for the prison visitation program I’d just become Director of in Abbotsford, British Columbia, Canada. The Christian Reformed... more
I first learned of Doug Frank when he was invited to Regent College by friend and professor, Loren Wilkinson, to lecture in the 1980s. The history prof then, Don Lewis — a former fellow student — was quite upset by what Frank had to say,... more
This was published in the Mennonite Brethren Herald, January 1, 2009. Advocates of Restorative Justice seek to reclaim the nonviolence of Jesus. Their cry echoes the refrain of a wonderful Negro spiritual: Ain’t gonna study war no... more
This was a commissioned work, written for Mennonite Encyclopedia V, published in 1990. I was then Director of Victim Offender Ministries (VOM) for Mennonite Central Committee Canada, a Restorative Justice portfolio. It is heartening... more
At Regent College, I had been challenged to apply theological understandings to Christian vocation; to broaden my theological horizon to see that the Judeo-Christian Tradition addresses the pressing sociopolitical, indeed the vast... more
This is text of a recorded lecture I did for "The Jim Forest Institute for Religion, Peace and Justice." 1 It was significantly revised and greatly extended in Chapter 3 of this book. You may wish to skip this, therefore, and read that... more
It’s an obvious truism that criminal lawmaking and enforcement are functions not of innate universal moral principles — kinds of Kantian moral categorical imperatives — but as the late Norwegian criminologist Nils Christie argues, they... more
The Judeo-Christian tradition arguably most impacted contemporary Western jurisprudence, leaving mainly a retributive, non-restorative, stamp. The essay discusses three representative points of revision of the tradition: the biblical... more
The doctrine of hell necessarily arises in the context of a Christian consideration of violence. For a theological discussion of violence inevitably brings one to the most extreme instance of violence in God, if the traditional, most... more
Using restorative practices as an interventionfor youth who commit violence and other crimes: A healing mechanism for perpetrators and their victims
Gema Varona The Right to Accompaniment by a Person of the Victim's Choice as a Key Right to Avoid Secondary Victimisation: Exploratory Qualitative Research in Spain 72 concludes that, even if relevant, the specific legal inclusion of this... more
Results of three queries of cases reported to dioceses and religious jurisdictions in the years 1990-2021
Triggered by various factors, migrations change people's destinies, social, economic, and cultural bre and patterns of the states and regions, but also the geo-political map of the world. In their attempts to nd a better life conditions... more
This paper will discuss victim-led restorative justice. Addressing the question: why is it that even as restorative justice and restorative processes are offered to victims, as a whole, it is rejected. Autoethnography is the methodology... more
Conviction rate low [100 cases of rape, 8 convicted] (Hanley et al, 2010) [Just over 2% rape cases 2007 resulted in conviction]
En el presente estudio se analiza, sobre la base del marco normativo europeo, la legitimidad de la prohibición de mediación penal vigente en el ordenamiento español en relación con los delitos de violencia de género y contra la libertad... more
In restorative justice (RJ), forgiveness is usually eschewed because it is narrowly defined as a bilateral process. However, this conceptualisation neglects the multi-dimensionality of forgiveness in RJ because forgiveness can take place... more
Resumo: Nesse artigo investigamos a colonização da Justiça Restaurativa (JR) no Brasil por uma perspectiva sistêmica luhmanniana. A fim de explicar a razão desse fenômeno de apropriação das práticas restaurativas como mera técnica... more
Resumo: O objetivo da presente pesquisa foi verificar como a Justiça Restaurativa pode auxiliar na desjudicialização de conflitos escolares, bem como aferir a possibilidade de utilizar práticas restaurativas no enfrentamento da evasão... more
The study tries to know the perception of males on violence against wives and laws regarding prevention in Bangladesh. The study used qualitative method for case studies and analyzed the data from thematic perspective. Most of the males... more
La justicia restaurativa se aplica en España de manera llamativamente desigual. A pesar de que nuestra regulación admitiría un sistema más amplio y flexible, el vigente en la práctica en la jurisdicción de adultos obedece a un modelo de... more
Offender accountability is a primary goal of restorative justice meetings. Yet existing research on restorative justice demonstrates wide variation in how accountability is defined in research and achieved in practice. Empirical research... more
Este estudo parte da análise da cronologia dos acontecimentos criminológicos, a fim de compreender como o modelo medieval de penalização foi substituído pelo modelo vigente no marco da Modernidade (XVIII), elegendo as penas de prisão como... more
Ao encarregar-se de dar todas as respostas aos conflitos criminais, o Estado confisca os problemas dos diretamente envolvidos na situação. Os participantes no evento danoso são rotulados como “delinquente” e “vítima”, congelando a... more
This study aims to determine (1) the implementation of the assimilation of prisoners in the Class II B Penitentiary Singaraja; (2) the implementation of the development of prisoners in the assimilation stage at the Class II B Penitentiary... more
This article argues for the use of games as an effective and dynamic way to teach restorative practices. Grounded in an understanding of restorative pedagogy, a paradigm of teaching in alignment with restorative values and principles, as... more
The environment is everything that surrounds us. The environment is subject to constant changes that can be caused by natural factors such as soil erosion, earthquakes, floods, fires, and anthropogenic factors such as urbanization,... more
análise dos documentos de Organismos Internacionais à luz da Ciências Sociais, coordenado pelo professor Dr. Nei Alberto Salles Filho (UEPG/CNPq). Integrante do Comitê de implantação da Justiça Restaurativa no Município de Ponta Grossa,... more
In this paper, we will share thoughts about the indigenous patterns through which dis- putes are resolved in West Africa. Emphasis will be placed on the Liberian and Ghanaian traditional structures of conflict resolution. To resolve... more
Schutz von Jugendlichen in der Jugendsozialarbeit vor Grenzverletzungen durch Mitarbeiter und Mitarbeiterinnen Eine Expertise im Auftrag des Deutschen Rotes Kreuz Generalsekretariat Gefördert durch das Bundesministerium für Familie,... more
No presente estudo, pretende-se apresentar as potencialidades da Justiça Restaurativa como um paradigma capaz de superar alguns dos problemas identificados em relação ao sistema de justiça tradicional, tendo como principal diretriz a... more
Ovaj rad predstavlja analizu rezultata istraživanja koja su sprovedena u Srbiji u periodu od 1997. do 2010. godine, od strane nezavisnih istraživaca ili nevladinih organizacija koje se bave pružanjem pomoci i podrske žrtvama... more