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Restorative Justice: Practice and Theory

387 papers
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Restorative Justice: Practice and Theory is an academic field that examines approaches to justice focused on repairing harm caused by criminal behavior through inclusive processes that engage victims, offenders, and the community, emphasizing accountability, healing, and the restoration of relationships rather than punitive measures.
The apology-forgiveness cycle is a simple but powerful process for conflict resolution. Given the prevalence of apology and forgiveness in restorative justice (RJ), the apology-forgiveness cycle may take place. However, there is a lack of... more
Formal criminal justice systems worldwide have been increasingly incorporating restorative justice. As such, it is important to consider the state of knowledge on restorative justice, reflecting on that which is known and that which... more
How is it possible to create more just forms of peace in our world? This article responds to calls for a feminist theory/peace studies collaboration by integrating work on feminist care ethics and conflict transformation. We propose that... more
The restorative justice movement has great potential to reform the way society responds to crime and wrongdoing. One might logically assume that the greatest challenge to the new restorative justice paradigm is the traditional punitive... more
Mass incarceration entrenches racial and class inequality and segregation. Before, during, and after low-income people of color enter prison, they experience a range of barriers and biases that make it difficult to break out of the prison... more
Students face innumerable stressors, in and outside of schools. Some schools are better able to support students to thrive, individually and collectively, in the midst of these stressors. Drawing on a qualitative case study of a... more
A systematic effort to answer in what ways and contexts the claims of restorative justice (RJ) prove persuasive is lacking. We address this gap through a metasynthesis of qualitative studies. Drawing on 26 studies identified through the... more
Restorative justice (RJ) has become increasingly accepted in schools worldwide as an effective way to build, maintain and repair student relationships and to deal with student conflict, harm and behavioural issues. It is rare, however, to... more
As data against the utility of exclusionary school discipline mounts, school districts are increasingly turning toward restorative justice as an alternative response to conflicts and rule violations. In this chapter, the author’s place... more
Gellin M. 2018. Mediation has been offered as an alternative and restorative conflict management practice for intervention of misbehaviour and bullying since 2001. I present participation and learning approaches along with relevant... more
A restorative approach to conflict is being increasingly applied in schools around the world. Existing evaluation evidence has tended to focus on the impact on quantifiable outcomes such as number of behaviour incidents and rates of... more
Following fierce campaigning by victims’ groups, the European Commission has entered into a process of legislative and policy reforms with the aim of repositioning the victim in criminal proceedings. By November 2015, member states will... more
This paper engages the efforts to develop a mid-range theory to complete the vaguely defined paradigm of restorative justice. Advocates of the Maximalist model have been critical of a voluntary process-based definition and proposed a more... more
Violence against women (VAW) has slowly found its place in many international policies and conventions. The objectives, enforceability and foci of these international initiatives vary depending on a number of factors including political,... more
Research in schools, conducted with students as participants, often attempts to understand the student experience. Yet, by crafting the study through adult eyes, researchers run the risk of limiting and influencing what students tell us... more
This chapter places restorative approaches in schools within the context of the punitive turn in youth justice. It argues that the implementation of RAiS may be limited by resistant and punitive mentalities of staff echoing the wider,... more
Advancements in computer systems and technologies have revolutionized the field of dentistry as well. These advancements can be seen with the introduction and evolution of CAD/CAM systems. The demand for such systems has grown... more
In this article I explore the concept of accountability for young people in youth restorative conferencing. Definitions of accountability in research and programme literature demonstrate significant variation between expectations of young... more
The increasing lack of discipline in South African schools and the impact thereof is well known. In most instances, existing punitive measures do not yield the required results. Yet, schools continue to scramble to find alternative... more
This article explores public perceptions of restorative justice through the examination of media articles and negative online reader comments surrounding a high-profile incident in a Canadian university in which a restorative process was... more
Veling's work is a meditative exploration of the relationship between justice and mercy. While it recognises the importance of social justice - as a mutual indebtedness - it argues that without social mercy, even justice itself cannot... more
This book addresses the relationship between restorative justice and children's rights, an issue of increasing relevance to restorative justice theory and practice that has thus far received relatively little attention. Readers will find... more
The young offenders' justice system in Nigeria represents an area where the law has failed to respond properly to the needs it was designed for. Many empirical studies conducted over 17 years show that young offenders in Nigeria are... more
Artigo publicado na Revista Juris Poiesis, vinculada ao Programa de Pós-Graduação Stricto Sensu em Direito da Universidade Estácio de Sá (PPGD/UNESA), em abr/2021. O presente trabalho tem por objetivo levantar reflexões críticas acerca... more
This paper is giving an overview of the work of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of South Africa through a thesis of congruence between its protocols and elements of theatrical performance. After an introductory survey of the... more
While many empirical studies on restorative justice conferencing have been conducted in the context of ‘what works’, research on ‘how it works’ is scarce. Little is known about how, in what conditions and for whom restorative justice... more
The current restorative justice theory dwells theoretically outside the penal proceeding or penal court in order to mediate a resolution between the victim and the offender; and sometimes with each representatives and/or wider community... more
Restorative justice has been part of Jewish and Christian scriptures and praxis for thousands of years. Over most of this history, restorative practices were applied when one or more members of a specific faith community were found to be... more
by Phoenicia Lewis and 
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Historical Trauma scholarship in the last decade has focused on indigenous groups, particularly in the Americas. Even a quick glance at health disparities and high suicide rates on reservations in the United States (US), and at high rates... more
The restorative practice to healing the effects of everyday dissension, conflict and crime promises a refreshing approach to addressing the transgressions of societal norms. Similarly, the restorative justice approach, with its focus on... more
In this study a component of long-term peacebuilding practice - restorative justice processing - was examined in South Africa’s unequal, transitional context. Based on multidisciplinary literature, Galtung’s (1996) notion of... more
A presente dissertação analisa o papel da Justiça Restaurativa na atualidade, tratando de situar o seu lugar no debate sociológico, inaugurado por Ferdinand Tönnies, que identifica na "comunidade" e na "sociedade" duas formas de... more
Executive Summary of the Fall 2013 Research Report • While DPS student enrollment has increased over the past four years, the use of out of school suspensions and expulsions has decreased. This trend has benefited students of all... more
In recent years, there has been increasing scientific research on possible genetic or heritable influences to the etiology of pedophilia, driven by national and public concerns about better understanding the disorder in order to reduce... more
It has become a commonplace to say that criminal justice is facing a crisis both in its conceptual premises and its practical applications or even to take this as a premise for discourses about criminal justice. At such a moment... more
'Justicia restaurativa' aún representa casi solamente un nombre para determinados modos de proceder que estimulan la participación voluntaria de las partes en procesos judiciales. En círculos y cámaras restaurativas se incorporan todos o... more