Restorative practices are being used throughout the world as a response to problem behaviors in schools in an effort to stop the use of ineffective and disproportionately-applied exclusionary discipline methods. Research has been... more
There is a higher court than courts of justice and that is the court of conscience. It supercedes all other courts. -Mahatma Gandhi We must take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor,... more
The purpose of the research is to provide an explanation of how restorative justice is used in constitutional practice. In its implementation there has been development, due to awareness of the importance of restorative justice. So, the... more
Positive and effective school discipline is critical to promoting students' successful learning and well-being. This guidance provides an evidence-based framework for effective school discipline policies and practices that promote a... more
Tämä kirjallisuuskatsaus on osa ympäristöministeriön rahoittamaa tutkimusta Maankäytön konfliktit ja niiden ratkaisumahdollisuudet kaavoituksessa, jonka tavoitteena on selvittää suomalaisten maankäytön konfliktien piirteitä ja... more
A presente pesquisa busca analisar a aplicação da Justiça Restaurativa (JR) no Brasil como um método alternativo de resolução de conflitos, alinhando-a com o Objetivo de Desenvolvimento Sustentável (ODS) nº 4 da Organização das Nações... more
O artigo examina a trajetória e a recepção da obra restaurativista do criminólogo australiano John Braithwaite no Brasil. Considerando o risco de importação irrefletida de obras estrangeiras em meio a uma conjuntura de colonização da... more
The purpose of the research is to provide an explanation of how restorative justice is used in constitutional practice. In its implementation there has been development, due to awareness of the importance of restorative justice. So, the... more
O Conselho Nacional de Justiça, nos seus relatórios anuais sobre as métricas do Poder Judiciário, compreende que a sociedade brasileira enfrenta uma alta propensão ao litígio e que ano após ano, o Judiciário mostra-se cada vez mais... more
emerging results on the links between family and sexual violence (FSV) and financial hardship among the women we interviewed. This blog shares some holds a Diploma in Teaching, Bachelor of Education, and Master of Communication Studies... more
A expressão justiça restaurativa é atribuída à Albert Eglash (1977), um psicólogo estadunidense, que foi utilizada posteriormente para definir processos de justiça que acolhem vítimas, ofensores e comunidade para lidar com um dano causado... more
Este artigo tem como objetivo explorar e analisar as práticas de abordagens restaurativas em contextos organizacionais, focando na inclusão, diversidade e transformação de conflitos a partir dos princípios da Justiça Restaurativa. Ao... more
Executando círculos resgatamos as tradições da Justiça Restaurativa nas comunidades indígenas e estaremos nos adaptando à realidade local para a prevenção de violência e a propagação da cultura de paz. A prática restaurativa indígena pode... more
Restorative Justice (RJ) offers a transformative approach to addressing criminal behavior by focusing on healing and restitution rather than punishment. This manuscript examines RJ’s foundational principles, highlighting its roots in... more
this study delves into the detrimental consequences of incentives for parties involved in theft, focusing on the context of indonesian local wisdom. while incentives are commonly employed to motivate specific behaviors, this study sheds... more
Wilma and I have been friends since when I first met her while a journalist with Mennonite Reporter (now Canadian Mennonite Magazine ), in about 1990. Her daughter, Candace, had been murdered in 1984. Wilma has been for me constant... more
It was my niece, Kristi Fairholm Mader, 1 who suggested, a few years ago, that I read the book under review. I wrote this after that read, and sent it to her. There are founded accusations of plagiarism sometimes in Hari's writings: a... more
I did this book review several years ago. Vernard Eller explains in the book that he was inspired to write it in light of Jacques Ellul's 1 Anarchy and Christianity. 2 Walter Wink 3 did a whole trilogy on biblical "Powers" language. In... more
After I published this review in a local Christian rag in 1998, I received a phone call from a volunteer for the prison visitation program I’d just become Director of in Abbotsford, British Columbia, Canada. The Christian Reformed... more
I first learned of Doug Frank when he was invited to Regent College by friend and professor, Loren Wilkinson, to lecture in the 1980s. The history prof then, Don Lewis — a former fellow student — was quite upset by what Frank had to say,... more
This was published in the Mennonite Brethren Herald, January 1, 2009. Advocates of Restorative Justice seek to reclaim the nonviolence of Jesus. Their cry echoes the refrain of a wonderful Negro spiritual: Ain’t gonna study war no... more
At Regent College, I had been challenged to apply theological understandings to Christian vocation; to broaden my theological horizon to see that the Judeo-Christian Tradition addresses the pressing sociopolitical, indeed the vast... more
This is text of a recorded lecture I did for "The Jim Forest Institute for Religion, Peace and Justice." 1 It was significantly revised and greatly extended in Chapter 3 of this book. You may wish to skip this, therefore, and read that... more
It’s an obvious truism that criminal lawmaking and enforcement are functions not of innate universal moral principles — kinds of Kantian moral categorical imperatives — but as the late Norwegian criminologist Nils Christie argues, they... more
The Judeo-Christian tradition arguably most impacted contemporary Western jurisprudence, leaving mainly a retributive, non-restorative, stamp. The essay discusses three representative points of revision of the tradition: the biblical... more
The doctrine of hell necessarily arises in the context of a Christian consideration of violence. For a theological discussion of violence inevitably brings one to the most extreme instance of violence in God, if the traditional, most... more
This article is dedicated to the historical overview, political development, and philosophy of transformative justice, with a primary focus on the United States. Core principles of tranformative justice are synthesized from various... more
When I received this book for review, I immediately realised it was a book of monumental proportions dealing with a comparatively new and previously much-neglected field of study and knowledge in South Africa. I also realised that doing... more
Using restorative practices as an interventionfor youth who commit violence and other crimes: A healing mechanism for perpetrators and their victims
Gema Varona The Right to Accompaniment by a Person of the Victim's Choice as a Key Right to Avoid Secondary Victimisation: Exploratory Qualitative Research in Spain 72 concludes that, even if relevant, the specific legal inclusion of this... more
Sobre a questão dos paradigmas, da crise destes, e da revolução científica, com a afirmação de uma ciência extraordinária que rompe, total ou parcialmente, com a ciência normal, far-se-á uma abordagem com lastro na obra traduzida de... more
O presente artigo relata uma experiencia vivenciada em meio educacional, cujo objetivo foi apresentar aos participantes o Circulo de Paz e conhecer a opiniao dos mesmos sobre a possibilidade de utilizar a tecnica como um instrumento de... more
This article delves into the evolving landscape of teacher education within the context of truth and reconciliation, acknowledging the profound role education has played in perpetuating colonial violence against Indigenous peoples. To... more
Introduction: Conventional criminal justice systems are often dominated by punitive approaches, which focus more on punishing offenders as a form of revenge and their separation from society. However, this approach has drawbacks in... more
In restorative justice (RJ), forgiveness is usually eschewed because it is narrowly defined as a bilateral process. However, this conceptualisation neglects the multi-dimensionality of forgiveness in RJ because forgiveness can take place... more
ABSTRAK Manisha Dwi Putri (2020) : Penanganan Kasus Kekerasan Berbasis Gender Terhadap Perempuan Oleh UPT PPA Kota Pekanbaru Berdasarkan Perwako Pekanbaru Nomor 142 Tahun 2019 dalam Perspektif Fiqh Siyasah Penelitian ini di latarbelakangi... more
This 2010 Paper addresses the question, " What will enable the South African State to Drive and Enforce a More Integrated and Sustainable Approach to Development and Cooperative Governance? A key argument is that government should... more
Resumo: Este trabalho pretende refletir sobre o dispositivo mediação vítima-ofensor, forjado de acordo com os princípios da Justiça Restaurativa, a partir das teorias psicanalíticas de grupo. Busca-se refletir sobre os processos que se... more
United Kingdom. His research interests include restorative justice, youth offending, desistance, victimology, comparative criminology, and elder crime. As an early career researcher, he has more than 30 publications in reputable journals... more
Resumo: O objetivo da presente pesquisa foi verificar como a Justiça Restaurativa pode auxiliar na desjudicialização de conflitos escolares, bem como aferir a possibilidade de utilizar práticas restaurativas no enfrentamento da evasão... more
C'est un truisme que les rencontres « en face-à-face » proposées par la justice restaurative soient basées sur certaines valeurs (par exemple, le respect, la responsabilité active, la vérité, etc.) et principes (par exemple, la... more
Child protection is a constitutional right to realize human rights even though it is aimed at child offenders. The problem of saving culture (deviant culture) is still a major consideration as a cause of the emergence of bad behavior by... more
O presente trabalho objetiva analisar o papel dos sujeitos em círculos restaurativos aplicados a casos cíveis judicializados, contrapondo-seasubstituição, característica da jurisdição, ao protagonismo, fundamento das... more
La justicia restaurativa se aplica en España de manera llamativamente desigual. A pesar de que nuestra regulación admitiría un sistema más amplio y flexible, el vigente en la práctica en la jurisdicción de adultos obedece a un modelo de... more