Resting State, Default Mode Networks
Recent papers in Resting State, Default Mode Networks
This study examined the effect of mood states on mind wandering. Positive, neutral, and negative moods were induced in participants prior to them completing a sustained attention task. Mind wandering was measured by using the frequencies... more
TO READ THE PREVIEW SCROLL DOWN TO READ THE PREVIEW SCROLL DOWN A great American psychologist summarizes one of the most difficult of subjects--the nature of dreaming--after decades of lifting matters out of the morass of Freudianism.... more
Dreams are often believed to be “symbolic” and thus categorically distinct from the “ordinary” thoughts of waking cognition. But to the contrary, emerging evidence suggests that dreams and waking cognition share a common origin at the... more
Networks have become an increasingly central theme within the field of neuroscience as research takes a more global approach as opposed to a localised one (Fair et al., 2009; Menon, 2015). Converging data in systems neuroscience suggest a... more
The neurobiological mechanisms underlying the maintenance of the conscious state have been extensively investigated with functional brain imaging techniques, in particular in relation to the alterations to consciousness associated with... more
Initially described as task-induced deactivations during goal-directed paradigms of high attentional load, the unresolved functionality of default mode regions has long been assumed to interfere with task performance. However, recent... more
Humans readily adopt an intentional stance to other people, comprehending their behavior as guided by unobservable mental states such as belief, desire, and intention.We used fMRI in healthy adults to test the hypothesis that this stance... more
Il fenomeno del mind-wandering indica la tendenza della mente a vagare e a spostare l'attenzione su altro e questo ha dei costi ma anche dei vantaggi. Il mind-wandering riflette la nostra tendenza e capacità di sganciare l’attenzione... more
Although mind-wandering occupies up to half of our waking thoughts, it is seldom discussed in philosophy. My paper brings these neglected thoughts into focus. I propose that mind-wandering is unguided attention. Guidance in my sense... more
What does it mean to be an aesthetic beholder? Is it different than simply being a perceiver? Most theories of aesthetic perception focus on 1) features of the perceived object and its presentation or 2) on psychological evaluative or... more
Neste texto, que serve de leitura complementar de apoio a um curso de psicopatologia, é discutido o modo de funcionamento cerebral de repouso, ou espontâneo, atualmente denominado modo "default", bem como de que forma alterações de... more
An emerging field of human brain imaging deals with the characterization of the connectome, a comprehensive global description of structural and functional connectivity within the human brain. However, the question of how functional and... more
Previous research suggests overlap between brain regions that show task-induced deactivations and those activated during the performance of social-cognitive tasks. Here, we present results of quantitative meta-analyses of neuroimaging... more
Scientists have only recently begun to explore spontaneous thinking. It might appear that as elusive a phenomenon as it is in the laboratory, it would be impossible to detect in the historical record. This essay argues that it is possible... more
An emerging field of research focused on fluctuations in brain signals has provided evidence that the complexity of those signals, as measured by entropy, conveys important information about network dynamics (e.g., local and distributed... more
Adult attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a serious and frequent psychiatric disorder of multifactorial pathogenesis. Several lines of evidence support the idea that ADHD is, in its core, a disorder of dysfunctional brain... more
Electroencephalographic (EEG) oscillations predominantly appear with periods between 1 s (1 Hz) and 20 ms (50 Hz), and are subdivided into distinct frequency bands which appear to correspond to distinct cognitive processes. A variety of... more
Abstract: The degree of correlation of resting state activity within the brain is a measure of the functional connectivity (FC) of those regions. One such resting state network is the default mode network (DMN). The DMN consist of the... more
Von Economo’s neurons (VENs) are large, bipolar or corkscrew-shaped neurons located in layers III and V of the frontoinsular and the anterior cingulate cortices. VENs are reported to be altered in pathologies such as frontotemporal... more
Background: The spontaneous component of neuropathic pain (NP) has not been explored sufficiently with neuroimaging techniques, given the difficulty to coax out the brain components that sustain background ongoing pain. Here, we address... more
Understanding ourselves has been a fundamental topic for psychologists and philosophers alike. In this paper we review the evidence linking specific brain structures to self-reflection. The brain regions most associated with... more
Background Intracortical electrode arrays that can record extracellular action potentials from small, targeted groups of neurons are critical for basic neuroscience research and emerging clinical applications. In general, these electrode... more
Objetivos: discutir a relação entre alterações de conectividade entre estruturas da rede default observadas em estudos de neuroimagem e o aparecimento de sintomas psicopatológicos com viés cognitivo social na depressão, ansiedade e... more
This is an open access article licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial License ( ative which permits unrestricted, non commercial use, distribution and... more
Different imaging modalities capture different aspects of brain activity. Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) reveals intrinsic networks whose BOLD signals have periods from 100 s (0.01 Hz) to about 10s (0.1 Hz).... more
Age-related effects on the default mode network (DMN) connectivity as measured at rest using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) are now well described. Little is known however about the relationships between these changes and... more
The default mode network (DMN) is assumed as a set of brain regions that show increased activity during the resting-state condition and suppressed activity during the demanding task condition. Accumulating evidence from functional imaging... more
Background: Impaired awareness of the self and others (i.e., metacognitive evaluations) are seen in schizophrenia. We compared patterns of activation in schizophrenia (SZ) and nonclinical subjects during a functional magnetic resonance... more
The human insula is hidden in the depth of the cerebral hemisphere by the overlying frontal and temporal opercula, and consists of three cytoarchitectonically distinct regions: the anterior agranular area, posterior granular area, and the... more
Converging theories and data suggest that atypical patterns of functional and structural connectivity are a hallmark neurobiological feature of autism. However, empirical studies of functional connectivity, or, the correlation of MRI... more
Fractionating the anterior temporal lobe: MVPA reveals differential responses to input and conceptual modality, NeuroImage,
When the sensory cortex is stimulated and directly receiving afferent input, modulations can also be observed in the activity of other brain regions comprising spatially distributed, yet intrinsically connected networks, suggesting that... more
Schizophrenia and depression are prevalent psychiatric disorders, but their underlying neural bases remains poorly understood. Neuroimaging evidence has pointed towards the relevance of functional connectivity aberrations in default mode... more
Human minds often wander away from their immediate sensory environment. It remains unknown whether such mind wandering is unsystematic or whether it lawfully relates to an individual's tendency to attend to salient stimuli such as pain... more
Two hypotheses of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) propose that this condition is characterized by deficits in Theory of Mind and by hypoconnectivity between remote cortical regions with hyperconnectivity locally. The default mode network... more
Metacognition is usually construed as a conscious, intentional process whereby people reflect upon their own mental activity. Here, we instead suggest that metacognition is but an instance of a larger class of representational... more