Recent papers in Resiliency
Jordan, Mandy M. Building Resiliency: The Role of Faith-Based Organizations in the Trauma-Affected Community of Santa Fe, Texas. Master of Science (Applied Anthropology), August 2021, 205 pp., 2 tables, 15 figures, 8 appendices,... more
Over the past several years, increased interest in preventing youth problems and promoting healthy youth development has led youth and family practitioners, policy makers, and researchers to develop a wide range of approaches based on... more
The flood is devastating and destructive which may cause damages in urban areas. Resiliency to greater vulnerability emphasizes positive aspects, and today governments are working to improve life in the areas at risk by promoting... more
Climate change will increase the frequency and magnitude of extreme weather events and create risks that will impact health care facilities. Health care facilities will need to assess climate change risks and adopt adaptive management... more
This study described Lady M"s life dedicated to teaching, vis-à-vis, a portrait of Rizal"s 4R attributes, in a certain state university in Cebu City, Philippines. Specifically, it aimed: to compare Lady M" experiences that... more
The purpose of this paper is to exemplify the outstanding potential of literary narrations, and particularly the fairy tales, to foster resilience among primary school students. The starting point of these reflections is the... more
Objective: Exposure to violence threatens the health and well-being of American Indian and Alaska Native (AI/AN) women and children. In the first part of the commentary, we provide a brief overview of research, policies, and programs... more
Mentoring programs hold great promise for fostering competency in disadvantaged youth. Although considerable theoretical work has been conducted to explain the role of mentoring relationships in promoting positive youth outcomes, very... more
The paper is a review of related literature about children and adolescent's resiliency. It includes an integration of past studies on the factors that foster resilience, the process undergone from childhood to adulthood and the cultural... more
This paper will describe the wellness and resiliency model used by mental health counselors that will promote wellness and community resilience over the life span for individual, couples, and families in the targeted population described.... more
Resumen: En este estudio se describe el constructo de capital psicológico positivo (Luthans y Youssef, 2004) y la validación en España de un instrumento para medirlo: el PCQ (Psychological Capital Questionnaire). Este cuestionario mide... more
On April 16, 2007, a gunman attacked the Virginia Tech (VT) campus killing 32 people, wounding 17 others, and tearing at the social fabric of the community. The deadliest school shooting in American history quickly attracted the media. As... more
This paper identifies the knowledge development and knowledge gaps in business and management research on resilience, based on a systematic review of influential publications among 339 papers, books and book chapters published between... more
Aim To describe nursing research that has been conducted to understand the phenomenon of resilience in nurses. Background Resilience is the ability to bounce back or cope successfully despite adverse circumstances. Nurses deal with... more
The purpose of this qualitative research guided by resilience theory was to investigate the experiences of four Black women senior student affairs administrators at predominantly White institutions in order to understand the strategies... more
Kapwa arkipelagong bansa ang Pilipinas at ang Indonesia na nasa kontinente ng Asya. Binubuo ng mga isla sa Luzon, Visaya, at Mindanao ang una; at binubuo naman ng mga isla sa Sunda (greater at lesser islands), Maluku, at New Guinea ang... more
BAAGA'AD OW EW I N (ANI S H I N AB E)-TH AKÁPS I ČAPI (DAKOTA)-TEWARRATON (HAUD EN OS AU N EE)-CAABNĄI KI I S I K (HO-CH U N K)-PÁKAH ATW AN-(MENOMI N EE) Our vision is to foster a lifelong sustainable appreciation of lacrosse in Native... more
This study of over 36000 7 th -12 th grade students focused on protective factors against the quietly disturbed and acting out behaviours, which together represent the major social morbidities of adolescence. ...
Resiliency is the ability to survive, or even thrive, during adversity. It is a key construct within both humanistic and positive psychology, but each sees it from a contrasting vantage. Positive psychology decontextualizes resilience... more
The aim of this integrative review was to identify the protective factors that contribute to family resiliency. Families are comprised of individuals who interact across levels in a socio-ecological system. Family resiliency does not... more
Mindfulness is defined as a non-judgemental awareness and accepting of present-moment experience. With intentional attendance to one's ongoing stream of thoughts, sensations and emotions as they arise, it allows the individual to react... more
This study tested gender differences in a model positing relationships between work and family demands, overload, 4 coping mechanisms, and stress. The coping mechanisms were hypothesized to moderate the relationship between overload and... more
The Coca-Cola Company’s worldwide volumes have declined around 25% during Coronavirus lockdown, with almost all that decline coming from away-from-home channels. “The ultimate impact of coronavirus on 2020 is unknown at this time,” says... more
In recent years there has been an increased interest in understanding the cultivation of effective pastoral ministry. While much has been written on the dynamics of short-tenure, less attention has been devoted to the dynamics of... more
Ambiguous loss is an uncommon kind of loss that creates conflict in relationships, complicates grief, and defies closure. Created by Pauline Boss in the mid-1970s, the concept of ambiguous loss is the most stressful and traumatic loss a... more
Built environment students commonly experience stress due to the unique learning environment designed to meet the employability needs of the construction industry. However, perceptions and responses to this learning experience differ for... more
From New Clear Vision (Sept. 21, 2015). A reflection on the recent Katrina commemoration events, on the true legacy of the Katrina disaster, and on what has been silenced in the name of resilience and redevelopment.
Malnutrition across the world is a global issue but in the developing countries it is catastrophic. Poverty affects nutrition and nutrition affects poverty, while income poverty is important to nutrition it is not strongly correlated, it... more
In this paper, a C++ class for analising Vector Boolean Functions from a cryptographic perspective is presented. This implementation uses the NTL library from Victor Shoup, replacing some of the general purpose modules of this library by... more
This article explores gay and bisexual male adolescents’ positive perceptions of their sexual orientation identity. In-depth qualitative interviews were conducted with an ethnically diverse sample of 63 gay/bisexual male adolescents in... more
The ability of beaches and dunes to recover following an extreme storm is a primary control of barrier island response to sea-level rise and changes in the frequency and/or magnitude of storm surges. Whereas erosion of the beach and dune... more
Landscapes rebuild themselves repeatedly because they are living systems. The changes in the landscape leave traces over time. These traces are a vital record of our comprehensive history; nonetheless, these records are not written... more
Collective action issues arise…because of the…failure of atomistic maximizing behavior to yield aggregate outcomes that are…socially redeeming. Humans act with an eye to the future…by the desire to alter future states we might occupy.... more
The study explore the relationship between the students' knowledge of Disaster Readiness and Risk Reduction (DRRR) and its relationship on their levels of resilience. A 30-item locally made test was utilized to determine students'... more
In this paper, a C++ class for analising Vector Boolean Functions from a cryptographic perspective is presented. This implementation uses the NTL library from Victor Shoup, replacing some of the general purpose modules of this library by... more
This study examines how cohesion and parent-adolescent conflict relate to alcohol use among Mexican-heritage adolescents. The sample consists of 120 adolescents (14 to 18) participants from the Southwest sub-sample of the Latino... more
This article presents a preliminary effort to capture the dialogue at the Environmental Law Collaborative’s inaugural Workshop. Attendees engaged in the re-conceptualization of sustainability in the age of climate change, premised on... more
This Pan-Canadian Study Examines the most costly impact of climate change affecting Canadians; residential flooding. The study examines the property value impact from flooding across Canada. The study finds that the more known the flood... more
A wireless sensor network consist distributed sensors which are used to monitor physical or environmental conditions like temperature, sound, pressure and so on. Wireless sensor network are used in future in many applications like... more