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Amid the emergence of the 21st century, a new era of modern business has set in India. Liberalization and globalization of Indian economy have provided challenges and opportunities to our new business and which has necessitated... more
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      EntrepreneurshipManagementQuality ManagementHigher Education
In the present paper, it is attempted to empirically verify the impact of economic liberalization on the R&D behaviour of Indian pharmaceutical firms controlling for the effects of several firm specific characteristics including firm... more
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      BusinessBiotechnologyForeign Direct InvestmentPharmaceutical industry
Diseñada para el bienio 2000-2002, la estrategia persigue incluir, con pleno crédito y derecho, el trabajo investigativo de alumnos y tesantes, en programas y proyectos de investigación conducidos y coordinados por profesores de... more
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      SociologyDevelopment EconomicsSocial Research Methods and MethodologySocial Sciences
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      Technology ManagementPhilippinesTechnology transferOdm
This study presents the concept of innovation pedagogy, which is a pedagogical approach developed for the universities of applied sciences. Innovation pedagogy emphasises efficient learning and the institution's external impact on... more
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      Innovation statisticsHigher EducationPedagogyResearch and Development Management
Conferencia impartida como Secretario de Joves Investigadors, Octubre de 2013
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      Early career academicsResearch and DevelopmentSpanish scienceAcademic careers
One of the challenges for the Big Pharma is finding the golden line in the tradeoff between innovation and pricing. This paper investigates the relationship between R&D expenditures, patents and gross profits, based on US pharmaceutical... more
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      PharmacyEconomics of InnovationPatentsPublic Health
This Impact Report identifies and summarises the diverse impacts, resulting from the £500m of UK funding of Science and Technology in 2013, using numerous quantitative metrics and short case study extracts. It shows how the varied... more
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      EntrepreneurshipManagementEngineeringElectrical Engineering
How is going to be professionalism for RMAs in a post-pandemic era? Which skills are expected to be in demand? Following these questions, this presentation aims to define what professionalism for today’s RMAs is – consisting of... more
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      ProfessionalismHigher EducationSkills DevelopmentProfessional Development
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Increasingly researchers are emphasizing the role of consumer experiences in marketing of luxury brands. Experiential marketing essentially describes marketing initiatives that give consumers in-depth, tangible experiences in order to... more
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    • Research and Development Management
In the era of the 21st century, the best higher education institutions have more than one role. Not only do they educate and train students but they also create new ideas and knowledge for the short-term contemporary issues as well as... more
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      Creative WritingEntrepreneurshipInformation TechnologyEconomics
Kingfisher Airlines Ltd. was owned by biggest liquor tycoon of India with an ambition to become an industry leader. Growing share in aviation market, wide number of destinations and numerous awards, depicted a very attractive and... more
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    • Research and Development Management
Higher Education is under attack following a period of transformation and identity crisis; staff in the sector is not exempt from this crucial juncture which, following Barnett, involves re-setting a discourse as modern professionals in... more
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      Higher EducationHigher Education ManagementHigher Education StudiesResearch Management
Nisur nga objektivi strategjik kombëtar, ku duhet të ndryshohet modeli i rritjes i drejtuar vetëm për konsumin e brendshëm tashmë nevojitet të përshtatet rritja e konkurrencës bazuar te paga e ulët për ta vënë në funksion të novatorizmit... more
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      Development StudiesResearch MethodologyDesign ResearchResearch and Development
Today, countries as well as companies face high competition conditions at the global level. In order to increase the level of competition for both firms and countries, it is vital to implement technological changes and innovations based... more
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      Higher EducationEducational ResearchHigher Education StudiesUniversity-Industry Linkages
The impact of foreign collaborations or international technology transfers in developing host countries has been a major bone of contention. Literature on this subject has varied views and the role of MNCs in and the sharing of the net... more
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      GlobalizationInternational BusinessR&D ManagementEmerging Economies Multinational Enterprises
This research was funded by, and implemented within, a UK national research organisation, while the author was the KE and Impact Evaluation Manager responsible for assessing impact on a £15m UK government-funded research programme. This... more
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      ManagementBusiness AdministrationEngineeringElectrical Engineering
The trend construction industry have move from project based to product based in term of long term investment. Industrialized building system (IBS) in Malaysia is defined as a construction system where components are manufactured at... more
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      Structural EngineeringAppropriate TechnologyReviewsResearch and Development Management
The aim of this session is to present the results of a three-fold case study that was performed in Italy (University of Bologna), the United Kingdom (London School of Economics) and The Netherlands (University of Tilburg). The case... more
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      Higher Education ManagementResearch Organization & ManagementResearch in Higher EducationResearch Management
For India, Rural improvement has been a basic piece of rural financial advancement. Provincial improvement can at no time in the future be related to insignificant increment in Gross National Product or even per capita national income. An... more
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    • Research and Development Management
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      R&D ManagementDatabase Management SystemsElectronic laboratory notebooksLaboratory Information Systems
Why should we do research into the profession? What is professionalism in today's research management and administration? How can we envisage professionalism for RMAs in a post-pandemic age? How can research into RMA help the build-up of... more
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      ProfessionalismResearch Organization & ManagementResearch ManagementResearch project management
Husso, Kai & Pauliina Raento (2002). Science policy and research in Finland. Fennia 180: 1–2, 261–274 (Special Issue with CD-Rom). ABSTRACT We investigate the evolution of Finnish science policy and its impact on universities and... more
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      Science PolicyRegional policyPublic UniversitiesOECD
In welchen Einsatzbereichen, mit welchen Inhalten und für welchen Zeithorizont kommen Roadmaps in Unternehmen zum Einsatz? Welche Unternehmensbereiche sind für die Konsolidierung verantwortlich und welche Prozesse sind definiert? Welche... more
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      R&D ManagementManagement of InnovationManagement of TechnologyTechnology roadmapping
A cyclist from Tarvastu with his "own factory" bicycle. 1912. Photo: Johannes Pääsuke. A cyclist from Tarvastu with his "own factory" bicycle. 1912. Photo: Johannes Pääsuke. during which this report was reviewed and commented upon in... more
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      Future StudiesPublic EconomicsRegional competitivenessCompetitiveness (Economics)
At research-intensive universities, building human resources management (HRM) capacity has become a key approach to enhancing a university’s research performance. However, despite aspiring to become a research-intensive university, many... more
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      Higher EducationStrategic Human Resource ManagementCapacity BuildingHigher Education Management
While building innovation capabilities is now clearly understood as a key element in the inclusive growth and sustainable development. Amongst the components of innovation dynamics, the issue of design Engineering (D&E) is drawing more... more
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      EngineeringDesignEconomics of InnovationResearch and Development Management
Over the past two decades, the Republic of Somaliland was struggling to maintain peace and stability. The reconstruction and implementation of a functioning government was one of the major concerns of the country. Although this remarkable... more
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      Development EconomicsInstitutional EconomicsSustainable DevelopmentInstitutional Change
Se presenta la base de datos, conteniendo información recolectada a través de entrevistas estructuradas, de estudiantes a cargo de proyectos de investigación, en la División de Ciencias Sociales, Economicas y Administrativas de la UQROO... more
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      Organizational BehaviorTeaching and LearningPublic ManagementSocial Sciences
To facilitate recycling, not only R&D but also the creation of efficient recycling systems—collection and processing of recyclates as well as finding appropriate end- uses—is essentially important. PVC has a particular advantage in... more
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      Recycled Construction MaterialsRecycling PlasticsIndustryResearch and Development Management
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      Case Study ResearchR&D ManagementCase StudiesCase Study
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      Social SciencesDeveloping CountriesMozambiqueSouthern Africa
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      R&D ManagementBoxingResearch Proposal DevelopmentResearch and Development Management
Cases such as Japanese and Chinese show the role that Delphi method may have in formulating prospective policies and plans of science and technology, reason that currently initiatives are driven to maximize its profits. Thus, this work... more
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      Science PolicyStrategic ForesightForesightScience and Technology
While building innovation capabilities is now clearly understood as a key element in the inclusive growth and sustainable development. Amongst the components of innovation dynamics, the issue of design Engineering (D&E) is drawing more... more
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      EngineeringDesignEconomics of InnovationResearch and Development Management
Six public agencies conduct agricultural research in Togo. The Togolese Agricultural Research Institute (ITRA) is the largest by far, accounting for more than 70 percent of Togo’s fulltime equivalent (FTE) agricultural researchers in... more
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      AgronomyAgricultureResearch and DevelopmentResearch development and Analysis
This presentation was delivered in May 2021 to a group of students at NOVA University in Lisbon learning about research management and administration within the foRMAtion project. It was particularly interesting to explain what my... more
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      Operations ResearchEducational ResearchResearchResearch Management
The trend construction industry have move from project based to product based in term of long term investment. Industrialized building system (IBS) in Malaysia is defined as a construction system where components are manufactured at... more
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      Structural EngineeringAppropriate TechnologyReviewsResearch and Development Management
This presentation points to the importance of doing research on the profession, and consequently on all those who work in it, in today’s research management and administration (RMA). Institutions, directors of divisions, heads of office,... more
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      Continuing Professional DevelopmentProfessionalismResearch & DevelopmentProfessional Development
The challenges of managing radical innovation in hypercompetitive environments require a critical re-evaluation of R&D practices. Among these R&D practices, the management of technical staff (i.e. researchers, scientists and engineers) is... more
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      Design TheoryHuman Resource ManagementRadical InnovationResearch and Development Management
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      Case Study ResearchR&D ManagementCase StudiesPhilippines
The trend construction industry have move from project based to product based in term of long term investment. Industrialized building system (IBS) in Malaysia is defined as a construction system where components are manufactured at... more
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      Structural EngineeringAppropriate TechnologyReviewsResearch and Development Management
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      R&D ManagementBoxingResearch Proposal DevelopmentResearch and Development Management
This presentation was delivered as a workshop at the NARMA conference in Stavanger (Norway) in Feb 2020. Its aim is to shed light on some of the main concepts in use to describe today's RMAs and discussing them in the light of three... more
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      Creative thinkingResearch ManagementResearch project managementCritical Thinking Skills
This study examined the implication of land conflicts on food security in the Dorimon Traditional Area of the Wa West District of Northern Ghana. The study used a phenomenological research design approach, employing both qualitative and... more
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      CommunicationDevelopment StudiesGovernanceConflict Resolution
La investigación doctoral de la aquí se da cuenta y razón, que tuvo como contexto el macrosistema al que pertenece el sistema nacional de ciencia, tecnología e innovación venezolano y cuyo acometimiento fue motivado por graves... more
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      Social NetworksScience PolicySocial CapitalScientometrics
This research aims at (1) generating a prototype design aid tools that can be used to swing in swinging training for beginner and advanced level of woodball male athletes, (2) testing the design of swinging training aid tools whether or... more
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      Sociology of SportResearch Methods in Physical Education and SportSports ManagementSports Performance
Industries with a focus on custom-built products are facing constantly changing requirements for product and process specifications with regard to the development and production of each single product. These changing requirements... more
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      Management of TechnologyTechnology ScoutingResearch and Development ManagementTechnology Monitoring
Africa is a youthful continent: nearly 41% of its population is under the age of 18. To address the unique challenges of this demographic structure, the African Union (AU) has adopted a 50-year Agenda 2063 to help guide the socioeconomic... more
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      Science EducationHigher EducationEducational ResearchInnovation Studies