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Work in progress,
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      ReligionPhilosophy Of ReligionTrinity and CommunityTrinity
****PLEASE NOTE THE FULLY REVISED AND EXTENDED CHAPTER FROM THE 9TH (2023) EDITION IS ALSO AVAILABLE ON ACADEMIA.EDU**** Learning outcomes: By the end of this chapter you should be able to: • define ontology, epistemology and... more
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      PhilosophyOntologyEpistemologySocial Research Methods and Methodology
Terdapat tiga pendekatan atau paradigma yang sangat berpengaruh dalam ilmu komunikasi: positivistik, interpertif, dan kritis. Ketiganya menghasilkan banyak cabang yang juga digunakan dalam penelitian ilmu komunikasi dan ilmu sosial... more
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      Philosophy of ScienceCommunicationParadigm ShiftsResearch Paradigms
Research Paradigms: Researchers’ Worldviews, Theoretical Frameworks and Study Designs Sayyed Rashid Shah Faculty of Engineering King Abdul-Aziz University, Saudi Arabia Abdullah Al-Bargi English Language Institute King Abdul-Aziz... more
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      Design MethodsMethodologyWorldviewsResearch Paradigms
In: Szűcs Teri (szerk.) Bevésett nevek: Az Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem holokauszt és második világháborús emlékművének felavatásához kapcsolódó konferencia. 417 p. Budapest: ELTE Bölcsészettudományi Kar, 2015. pp. 364-375. (Bevésett... more
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      Holocaust StudiesResearch Paradigms
This empirical investigation addresses four paradigmatically framed research questions to illuminate the epistemological status of the field of health communication, systematically addressing the limitations of existing disciplinary... more
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      CommunicationHealth CommunicationCommunication TheoryEpistemology of the Social Sciences
This paper will compare the four models of Islamic scholarship studyparadigm that has been designed in Indonesia. This paper will try toexplain the differences and equations of models of the scientific paradigm and its advantages and... more
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      EpistemologyResearch ParadigmsIslamization of Knowledge
The mainstream response to the Covid-19 pandemic can be understood as a paradigm in which distancing, masking and vaccination are central. Alternative perspectives, including boosting natural immunity and addressing adverse reactions, are... more
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      Research ParadigmsAdverse Events Following Vaccines
O artigo faz uma discussão sobre a crise da ciência, compreendida enquanto conhecimento sistematizado construído através da sistematização de conhecimento. Nesse sentido destaca-se a construção e evolução da cientificidade do conhecimento... more
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Knowledge about the surrounding world, social reality, its functioning consists of many different theories, laws, notions and concepts of the surrounding world. In this respect, the security paradigm as a toll of knowledge has many... more
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      Political TheorySecurityResearch Paradigms
To what degree does criminology demonstrate the genuine presence or lack of a paradigm (i.e. theoretical-methodological consensus) to help structure its research enterprise? There are trade-offs to consider when pressing the question,... more
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      Oral historyResearch ParadigmsHistory of Criminology
The article deals with the question “Where should Czech geography go?”. Its main objective is to challenge the fragmented postmodern alternative. Instead of following postmodern Anglo-Saxon geography with its fragmentation and political... more
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      Social GeographySociology Of Scientific KnowledgeResearch Paradigms
no se trata de religión, filosofía, ateísmo, materialismo o espiritualismo, puede inclusive añadir científico. Es una cuestión estaba listo a ser convencido por los experimentos de que la generación espontánea existía, tanto como ahora... more
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1981. A note on categoricity and completeness, History and Philosophy of Logic 2, 113–19. Current study of axiomatic method presupposes concepts and results of string theory and set theory. But axiomatic method was vigorously pursued in... more
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      MathematicsLogic And Foundations Of MathematicsSet TheoryLogic
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      EducationQualitative Research MethodsNaturalism (Philosophy)Research Methods in Physical Education and Sport
Este trabajo aborda un episodio muy polémico e ilustrativo que ha tenido lugar en el complejo ciencia y tecnología propio de las sociedades occidentales contemporáneas. Se muestra así que en el debate general sobre las posibles... more
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      Social ChangeFood SafetyKnowledge ManagementScience Communication
THIS PAPER RECEIVED THE 2020 ARTICLE AWARD FROM THE ORAL HISTORY ASSOCIATION. Engaging Holocaust survivors primarily as "witnesses" who provide "testimony"--which has long been the prevailing paradigm of practice with survivors--radically... more
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      PsychologyTestimonyNarrativeDigital Media
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      RhetoricComposition and RhetoricSocial SciencesNarrative
The philosopher Thomas Kuhn discussed the notion of a paradigm, a distinct concept or thought pattern, and how scientific research progresses through paradigms in leaps and bounds, not linearly--the mathematical modeling we use to predict... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsHistorical LinguisticsSign LanguagesPlains Indian material culture
In the book, questions of Earth's craters exploration and origin of tektites on our planet are brought up. It is shown that our knowledge in this field remains limited so far and demand revision of the data interpretation. In the context... more
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      VolcanologyClimate ChangePlanetary ScienceMeteoritics
Argumentations and Logic: Argumentace a logika Czech translation draft by Daniel Novotný PLEASE POST SUGGESTIONS FOR IMPROVEMENTS. “Argumentations and Logic” has been used in courses at University of Barcelona, Bryn Mawr College,... more
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      Cognitive PsychologyCognitive SciencePhilosophyPhilosophy of Mind
Парадигм ба социологи
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      SociologySocial SciencesResearch Paradigms
Both a process and a set of products, influenced by policy as well as people, and incorporating objective agendas at the same time as subjective experiences, script development is a core practice within the screen industry – yet one that... more
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      ScreenwritingWicked ProblemsCreative PracticeScreenwriting Studies
In this study, scientific research paradigms that lead social sciences research were inquired. Definitions, sorts and classifications (positivist, constructivist, critical) of paradigms were discussed. As the theories and epistemologies... more
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      Philosophy of ScienceConstructivismThomas S. KuhnPositivism
The phenomenon of rape has been studied from a myriad of different scientific standpoints, in turn yielding numerous theoretical perspectives, interpretations, and findings. Evolutionary psychologists (e.g., Buss, 1989; Thornhill &... more
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      Sexual AssaultResearch ParadigmsScientific paradigms
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      Social SciencesTheoretical SociologySociological theory/analysis, qualitative research methods, social anthropology, political sociology, social movements, democratization, State-society relations, civil society role in developing countriesResearch Paradigms
The manual therapy professions have almost exclusively focused on the use of quantitative research to help inform their practices. This paper argues that a greater use of qualitative research will help develop a more robust and... more
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      PhilosophyOntologyEpistemologyResearch Methodology
La ciencia como actividad humana que amalgama el conocimiento o estado del arte en determinadas disciplinas se enmarca en modelo, visión o perspectivas que le son propias. Ellas se conocen como paradigmas que son medio por el cual una... more
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      PositivismoInvestigaciónInvestigación Cualitativa Y CuantitativaMetodologia De La Investigacion
Dewasa ini, akal dan agama menjadi istilah yang berkaitan dengan akal dan wahyu. Semuanya terdapat dalam berbagai karya pemikir Timur maupun Barat, namun adapula sekelompok pemikir yang keberatan menggunakan istilah ini dalam beberapa... more
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      Kalam (Islamic Theology)IslamIslamic Thought & PhilosophyIslamic Theology
Paulino, Fernando; Kaplún, Gabriel; Vicente Mariño, Miguel; y Custodio, Leonardo (Editores) (2020). Research Traditions in Dialogue. Communication Studies in Latin America and Europe. Porto: Media XXI. ISBN: 978-989-729-214-9. e-ISBN:... more
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      Critical TheoryCultural StudiesEuropean StudiesLatin American Studies
Thee slides introduce students to the work of Kuhn, Lakatos, and Feyerabend;  while none is defensible, Haack argues, each can teach us something important as we move forward.
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      PhilosophyPhilosophy of ScienceLogicResearch Methodology
Dass eines der Hauptziele Benjamins in seinem dem Trauerspiel gewidmeten Werk im Versuch liege, der barocken dramatischen Form eine autonome Bedeutung zu verleihen und daher Trauerspiel und Tragödie radikal zu unterscheiden, darauf ist... more
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      Greek TragedyWalter BenjaminGiorgio AgambenPostmodernism
La noción de paradigma ha jugado un papel importante en la historia y filosofía de la ciencia a partir de la obra de Thomas Samuel Kuhn, "The Structure of Scientific Revoluctions (Estructura de la Revoluciones Científicas) de 1969. T. S.... more
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    • Research Paradigms
Los paradigmas de investigación científica. Artículo redactado para el
Módulo " La Investigación en salud"
Autor: Lic. Guillermo Díaz Llanes. Profesor de la ENSAP.
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      Metodología y Teoría de la Investigación SocialResearch Paradigms
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    • Research Paradigms
****PLEASE NOTE THE FULLY REVISED AND EXTENDED CHAPTER FROM THE 9TH (2023) EDITION IS ALSO AVAILABLE ON ACADEMIA.EDU**** This is the proof copy for Chapter 4 from the 7th edition, which was published in 2015. It is uploaded with... more
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      PragmatismSocial Research Methods and MethodologyResearch MethodologyCritical Realism
207 Περίληψη Στο κεφάλαιο αυτό αναπτύσσεται η προβληματική της διαλεκτικής μεθοδολογίας του οργανι- κού όλου, η γνωστική ισχύς της οποίας (περιγραφική, εξηγητική, θεωρητική, αποδεικτική, ευ- ρετική, προγνωστική κ.ο.κ.) έχει δοκιμαστεί... more
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      PhilosophyPhilosophy of ScienceLogicSocial Sciences
The preferences of customers are rapidly changing with the changes in trends. Similar situation is also faced by restaurant sector which forces them to stay in the process of adaptation in relation with the changes in customers’ demands... more
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      LeadershipBusiness Process ManagementProduct DesignRadical Innovation
In the mid-90s, Lebanon’s Hezbollah movement and the Iranian Ayatollah Khamene’i both banned bloody forms of self-flagellation such as tatbir (cutting the forehead with a sword), calling them backward and un-Islamic. They argued that... more
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      Critical TheoryReligionSociology of ReligionAnthropology
This book is about the relation between philosophy and organization in so far as it concerns organization studies. The book, then, revolves round the interplay between philosophy, organization and organization studies. The purpose is both... more
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      Continental PhilosophyCritical Management StudiesOrganization StudiesGilles Deleuze
學 」(uni fied science) 運 動。 在 這 個 運 動 的 影 響 下, 施 拉 姆 認 為, 既 然 communication 是政治學(如民意)、社會學(如社會結構)、心理學(如群眾 心理與認知)、經濟學(如資訊經濟)等等學科的匯點和中心,何不建立一套獨 特的 communication science,以居高臨下的角度俯瞰,足以統攝或整合社會科學 各領域的視野?這個 communication(溝通)的定義顯然是廣之又廣的。事實上, 在... more
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      Media StudiesCommunication ResearchResearch Paradigms
This paper provides clarification on the use of the terms ‘hard’ and ‘soft’ in the context of project and program management, by exploring what it means for a project to be hard or soft. This paper draws on the authors’ practice based... more
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      Project ManagementResearch Paradigms
Citation: Buck, Christopher. “Ninian Smart (1927–2001).” British Writers, Supplement XXIV. Ed. Jay Parini. Farmington Hills, MI: Charles Scribner’s Sons/The Gale Group, 2018. Pp. 269–283. ISBN-13: 978-0684325156. (Release date: September... more
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      ReligionComparative ReligionHistoryIntellectual History
The Lean Construction Institute's (LCI) goal is to develop and deploy a new way of thinking about and practicing project management. Projects are conceived as temporary production systems, to be designed in light of the relevant 'physics'... more
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      Project ManagementConstruction ManagementLean ConstructionConstruction Project Management
Статията се спира на въпроса как миметичният обрат изменя модусите, през които функционира паметта. Отношението на изкуство и памет е въведено чрез паралел между Омир и Платон, между епическия и философският опит да се противостои на... more
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      PlatoMimesisMnemonicsMemory Studies
A publicação de A Estrutura das Revoluções Científicas (1962) é considerada um ponto de inflexão na história da filosofia da ciência anglófona. Com essa obra, original e sugestiva, Thomas Kuhn (1922-1996) tornou-se um dos mais influentes... more
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      Philosophy of ScienceThomas S. KuhnPhilosophy of Thomas KuhnEpistemologia
Tesis de licenciatura en sociología que desarrolla las principales discusiones que han girado en torno a la sociología como su cientificidad, el uso de paradigmas como entes teóricos, la dinámica de la comunidad científica de sociología... more
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      SociologySocial SciencesInterdisciplinarityMultidisciplinary
Politicians frequently make use of mythologized understandings of the past to mobilize memory as an instrument of politics in the present. Despite the postwar “memory boom”, collective remembrance remains a slippery concept. In politics,... more
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      Jurgen HabermasResearch ParadigmPhilosophy of Social ScienceSocial and Collective Memory