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      Health PromotionSocial Research Methods and MethodologyEvidence Based PracticeSocial Justice
This review of the literature on Black women's mental health has three goals: 1) to describe the mental health issues, needs, and adaptive behaviors of Black women; 2) to discuss the research, intervention, and public policy efforts of... more
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      PsychologyApplied PsychologyCommunity PsychologyPoverty
Research focusing on perceptual-cognitive skill in sport is abundant. However, the existing qualitative syntheses of this research lack the quantitative detail necessary to determine the magnitude of differences between groups of varying... more
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      PerceptionEducationDecision MakingCognition
During the last 30 years, Higher Education (HE) has changed a lot. In the Northern part of Europe, until the 1960s, the traditional universities dominated with the ideal of an elitist university with freedom of academic research, which... more
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      Higher EducationResearch ParadigmProblem Based LearningPeer learning
The highest ranked U.S. business schools value, almost exclusively, publications in academic journals deemed to be "A-level" and high quantities of SSCI citations. But the so-called A-level journals, which typically are said to be five in... more
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      SociologyManagement AccountingResearch ParadigmApplied Economics
The globalization of the marketplace and how this process is shaping the cultural characteristics of people around the world is arguably the most critical issue facing international marketing managers today. Powerful forces such as... more
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      BusinessGlobalizationMultidimensional ScalingResearch Paradigm
Due to the heritage and history of operations management, its research methodologies have been confined mainly to that of quantitative modeling and, on occasion, statistical analysis. The field has been changing dramatically in recent... more
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      EngineeringOperations ManagementResearch ParadigmMathematical Sciences
Research methodology has recently been reduced to using research methods and techniques that are perceived only as ready-to-use tools. Paradigmatic issues become of secondary importance and left unsaid in research work or replaced by a... more
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      Research ParadigmSocial Constructionism
The aim of this research is to consider an analysis through case studies on how knowledge sharing may be successfully implemented. The study will clarify a conceptualisation that provides a new understanding of the relationship between... more
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      Information SystemsDistributed ComputingKnowledge ManagementInformation Management
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      PsychologyMental HealthResearch ParadigmGender Identity
As a research paradigm, pattern analysis has been shown to be an effective tool for analyzing complex game situations in both chess and go. We extend the prior pattern analysis research in chess to the domain of shogi. Shogi is... more
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      Pattern RecognitionResearch Paradigm
INTRODUCTION education as his starting point. But he then goes on to argue forcefully that the methods of the sciences and the humanities cannot be seen as everywhere separate and complementary. In fact, at a deeper level, Keeves argues,... more
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      Educational ResearchResearch ParadigmQualitative ResearchScientific methodology
Pezdek and Lam . What research paradigms have cognitive psychologists used to study ''False memory,'' and what are the implications of these choices? Consciousness and Cognition] claim that the majority of research into false memories has... more
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      PsychologyCognitive SciencePhilosophyResearch Paradigm
The current debate about quantitative and quahtative methods focuses on whether there is a necessary connection between method-type and research paradigm that makes the &fferent approaches mcompahble. This paper argues that part of the ~i... more
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      EducationRhetoricResearch MethodologyLeadership
Since initially writing on thematic analysis in 2006, the popularity of the method we outlined has exploded, the variety of TA approaches have expanded, and, not least, our thinking has developed and shifted. In this reflexive commentary,... more
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      OntologyEpistemologyResearch MethodologyQualitative Methods
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      Research ParadigmResearch productivitySocial RelationDisability and Society
Qualitative research aims to address questions concerned with developing an understanding of the meaning and experience dimensions of humans' lives and social worlds. Central to good qualitative research is whether the research... more
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Descriptive models of social response attempt to identify the conceptual dimensions necessary to define and distinguish various types of influence. Building on previous approaches, the authors propose a new response model and demonstrate... more
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      MarketingPsychologyCognitive ScienceSocial Psychology
There have always been theoretical frameworks or paradigmatic changes in education over the centuries. Some have been advantageous, others detrimental and some merely served their temporary social and cultural change, limiting their... more
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      Human EvolutionResearch ParadigmParadigm Shifts
Article reprinted in: Madill, A., & Gough, B. (2016). Qualitative research and its place in psychological science. In A. E. Kazdin (Ed.), Methodological issues and strategies in clinical research (4th ed., pp. 437–458). American... more
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      Discourse AnalysisHistory of Science and TechnologyPsychologyClinical Psychology
Menurut Tom Jachos SJ, kehadiran sekularisme itu sendiri muncul bersamaan dengan postmodernisme, dan karenanya dalam konteks ini dipahami bahwa sekularisme pertama-tama adalah masalah politik. Banyak sejarawan barat yang berpendapat bahwa... more
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    • Research Paradigm
****PLEASE NOTE THE FULLY REVISED AND EXTENDED CHAPTER FROM THE 9TH (2023) EDITION IS ALSO AVAILABLE ON ACADEMIA.EDU**** This is the proof copy for Chapter 4 from the 7th edition, which was published in 2015. It is uploaded with... more
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      PragmatismSocial Research Methods and MethodologyResearch MethodologyCritical Realism
In the mid-90s, Lebanon’s Hezbollah movement and the Iranian Ayatollah Khamene’i both banned bloody forms of self-flagellation such as tatbir (cutting the forehead with a sword), calling them backward and un-Islamic. They argued that... more
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      Critical TheoryReligionSociology of ReligionAnthropology
This introductory primer explores the arts-based research paradigm and its potential to intersect with and augment traditional social science and educational research methods. The arts-based research paradigm may be broadly understood as... more
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      PhilosophyImprovisationSocial SciencesArt Theory
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      EducationResearch ParadigmQuantitative ResearchQualitative Research
Politicians frequently make use of mythologized understandings of the past to mobilize memory as an instrument of politics in the present. Despite the postwar “memory boom”, collective remembrance remains a slippery concept. In politics,... more
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      Jurgen HabermasResearch ParadigmPhilosophy of Social ScienceSocial and Collective Memory
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      Positive PsychologyCultural PsychologyResearch ParadigmElephants
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      Higher EducationResearch ParadigmProblem Based LearningPeer learning
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      Environmental ScienceResearch MethodologyStatistical AnalysisEnvironmental Management
Masyithoh, dkk Sebuah penelitian yang benar dan bisa mencapai tujuan penelitiannya akan tergantung dari pendekatan yang digunakannya karena pendekatan sangat menentukan keseluruhan langkah penelitian tersebut. Setidaknya ada tiga jenis... more
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      Educational ResearchResearch ParadigmResearch ParadigmsParadigmas
Being a research scholar myself, I have faced great confusion understanding the philosophical underpinning of research. The available abundant resource only multiplied my owes. It is mainly due to the fact that finding one general... more
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      Research MethodologyResearch ParadigmResearch ParadigmsPhilosophy of Social Science Research
Each of us has a vast network of belief systems that act as a sort of template to help us interpret and organize new information and experiences. Included in this belief system is what we think is true in regards to the nature of... more
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      MetaphysicsEducationSocial Research Methods and MethodologyTeacher Education
This study is aimed at to contribute a detailed systematic review on research paradigms, sampling and instrument development issues in the field of business research. This study has reconnoitered the levels of theory and their... more
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      Research ParadigmSamplingBusiness Research Methods
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      Intellectual HistoryLanguages and LinguisticsHistoriographyResearch Paradigm
Resumo O objetivo artigo é discutir as influências de Aristóteles e Galileu na crise de paradigma oriunda da revolução copernicana, ou seja, discutir a mudança da ciência aristotélica, predominante nas universidades europeias, para uma... more
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      Research ParadigmEarly Modern Science and PhilosophyUniversityHistória da Idade Média
Apstrakt: U ovom radu želimo da razmotrimo temeljne pretpostavke na kojima se istraživački rad u oblasti obrazovanja i učenja odraslih zasniva: naša uverenja o stvarnosti (ontologija) i naša uverenja o saznavanju unutar te stvarnosti... more
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      Adult EducationQualitative methodologyResearch ParadigmPostmodernism
This chapter provides an overview of recent qualitative research in classrooms examining English language learners (ELLs). I first present common features of qualitative research and review debates regarding research paradigms in the... more
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      Research EthicsEnglish languageInformed ConsentResearch Paradigm
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      Environmental ScienceResearch MethodologyStatistical AnalysisEnvironmental Management
Kuhn wanted to install a new research agenda in philosophy of science. I argue that the tools are now available to better articulate his paradigm and let it guide philosophical research instead of itself remaining the object of... more
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      Philosophy of ScienceComplex Systems ScienceComplexity TheoryBibliometrics
This article chronicles the rapid expansion since 1990 of research within archival science and characterizes contemporary archival research culture. It examines the role and state of key factors that have led to the development of the... more
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      Research DesignArchival scienceResearch ParadigmLibrary and Information Studies
Marc Champagne argues that the supposedly ‘professional’ style of the analytic
tradition does not ensure professionalism, nor indeed, clear-mindedness.
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      Creative WritingCritical TheoryAmerican LiteratureDiscourse Analysis
Οι περιπέτειες της αντιδιαλεκτικής μεθοδολογίας. Κριτικές επισημάνσεις.
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      PhilosophyPhilosophy of ScienceHistory of ScienceResearch Paradigm
While paradigm-bound research has generated powerful insights in international relations, it has fostered a tunnel vision that hinders progress and widens the chasm between theory and policy. In this important new book, Sil and... more
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      International RelationsEpistemologyPragmatismInternational Relations Theory
D o members of different cultures express (or ''encode'') emotions in the same fashion? How well can members of distinct cultures recognize (or ''decode'') each other's emotion expressions? The question of cultural universality versus... more
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceCommunicationTheory of Mind
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      ObesityParentingResearch ParadigmMultidisciplinary
This article distils the core principles of a phenomenological researc h design and, by means of a specific study, ilustrates the phenomenological methodology. After a brief overview of the developments of phenomenology, the research... more
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      Research DesignQualitative MethodsFocus GroupsResearch Paradigm
The long-term historical development and broad geographical variation of Chinese character (Hanzi/Kanji) has made it a crosscultural information sharing platform in East Asia. However, due to the lack of proper research framework, the... more
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      East AsiaResearch ParadigmKnowledge RepresentationLanguage Processing
This chapter surveys a range of methodological, descriptive, and prescriptive issues con- cerning the implications of cognitive psychology for law. Included are (a) a general intro- duction to the subject of heuristics in decision theory,... more
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      PsychologyCognitive PsychologyDecision MakingResearch Paradigm
In this essay, we take a fresh look at the IS academic community's enduring concern with the management implications of its research. We examine in particular what we call the "variables-centered" research paradigm, which focuses its... more
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      Research ParadigmIronInformation Systems Research
Abstract Many definitions of urban space have been putforward. At the same time projects relating to the city may not always aim at tackling a city and its users in all their aspects from an objective point of view. In this study the... more
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      PerceptionSpatial AnalysisArchitectureEnvironmental Psychology